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2018-12-13 10:03:39 UTC

....okay maybe not him then

2018-12-13 10:03:42 UTC


2018-12-13 10:03:42 UTC

supports israel and the US unconditionally

2018-12-13 10:03:46 UTC

he looks gay

2018-12-13 10:03:48 UTC

dude what

2018-12-13 10:03:49 UTC

he is

2018-12-13 10:03:52 UTC


2018-12-13 10:03:52 UTC


2018-12-13 10:03:54 UTC

supports US unconditionally

2018-12-13 10:03:57 UTC

Israel too

2018-12-13 10:03:57 UTC


2018-12-13 10:03:58 UTC


2018-12-13 10:03:59 UTC


2018-12-13 10:04:00 UTC

they suck

2018-12-13 10:04:05 UTC

he even reached point Godwin when talking about the yellow vests

2018-12-13 10:04:10 UTC

> "perhaps the most prominent intellectual in France today".[3] His opinions, political activism and publications have also been the subject of several controversies over the years.[4][5][

2018-12-13 10:04:29 UTC


2018-12-13 10:04:32 UTC

*Le Contrร rian*

2018-12-13 10:04:38 UTC

he even said he'd leave the country if the yeelow vests kept on

I thought of joining them in the streets at that moment

2018-12-13 10:04:43 UTC

ehh is it that contrarian tho?

2018-12-13 10:04:56 UTC

@Res Publica dude join them

2018-12-13 10:04:59 UTC

kill Macron

2018-12-13 10:05:06 UTC

s'il vous plait โค

2018-12-13 10:05:10 UTC

He's the author of *Barbarism with a human face*, a book condemning all progressivism as totalitarian and fascist

2018-12-13 10:05:11 UTC

The Yellow Vests had some good shit going on tbh. Seems like there could be some revolutionary potential there.

2018-12-13 10:05:22 UTC

omg i would actually join them

2018-12-13 10:05:23 UTC

violence is good

2018-12-13 10:05:26 UTC

but i'm here in l'espagne

2018-12-13 10:05:27 UTC

although they need to get a lot, lot more organised

2018-12-13 10:05:27 UTC


2018-12-13 10:05:29 UTC

the Yv are based

2018-12-13 10:05:30 UTC


2018-12-13 10:05:32 UTC


2018-12-13 10:05:32 UTC


2018-12-13 10:05:34 UTC


2018-12-13 10:05:37 UTC

@Xinyue it was meant 4 u

2018-12-13 10:05:43 UTC

Ik bud โค

2018-12-13 10:05:45 UTC


2018-12-13 10:05:54 UTC

@Xinyue well thankfully, the CGT has started getting thei hands in it

2018-12-13 10:06:03 UTC

they hesitated because thy thought it was a far right mvr

2018-12-13 10:06:07 UTC

idc what happens, i just want them to keep on and to try to do something

2018-12-13 10:06:21 UTC

they need to kill a nigga

2018-12-13 10:06:24 UTC

did you guys see macron's 13 minute speech monday evening?

2018-12-13 10:06:29 UTC

what a load of empty bs

2018-12-13 10:06:49 UTC

>did you guys see macron's 13 minute speech

I don't listen to people with a 14% approval rating by the whole nation of France+

2018-12-13 10:06:49 UTC

Yeah, they've gotten my support as well. Macron is a fucking abomination and the sooner he's out, the better. To be honest, the state of his presidency should trigger some kind of automatic impeachment in an ideal society, he's that fucking atrocious

2018-12-13 10:07:01 UTC

also, his claim to increase the minimum wage by 100 euros doesn't change anything

2018-12-13 10:07:16 UTC

what i find incredible is the fact that the media has pretended he was some kind of saviour

2018-12-13 10:07:23 UTC

and constantly talked about Trump's approval ratings

2018-12-13 10:07:25 UTC

when Merkel

2018-12-13 10:07:27 UTC

and Macron

2018-12-13 10:07:31 UTC

have abysmal approval ratings

2018-12-13 10:07:39 UTC

with Macron's being way way way lower than Trump's

2018-12-13 10:07:46 UTC

@aymem well, he'd be the media's pet dog for sure

2018-12-13 10:08:12 UTC

he's the perfect incarnation of today's pro-EU liberal thought box that dominates european media

2018-12-13 10:08:12 UTC

I just hope this means that France will never vote for a neo-liberal globalist ever again

2018-12-13 10:08:18 UTC

that is pretty funny. I think that might be related to the kind of capital interests that are vested in EU markets, which French exit would devastate. remember, Frexit has been floated prominently by the yellow vest crowd, and media is in capitalist hands

2018-12-13 10:08:26 UTC

honestly, I'm voting for VOX here in Spain

2018-12-13 10:08:28 UTC

they're not far right

2018-12-13 10:08:36 UTC

they're more left wing than the conservative party in america

2018-12-13 10:08:37 UTC


2018-12-13 10:08:40 UTC

it's something

2018-12-13 10:08:46 UTC

what do you guys think of Asselineau and the UPR?

2018-12-13 10:08:53 UTC

Europe is fucked anyways, because of the demographics change.

2018-12-13 10:08:54 UTC

no idea who that is, sounds gay

2018-12-13 10:08:57 UTC

I don't think any party in Finland that I could realistically vote. they are all fucked. I want SKDL/FDPL back

2018-12-13 10:09:00 UTC

@Nikitis it's over exagerrated

2018-12-13 10:09:04 UTC


2018-12-13 10:09:08 UTC

Muh potatoes

2018-12-13 10:09:12 UTC

Finland is doing okay no?

2018-12-13 10:09:27 UTC

well, its doing better than most. in fact, most of the West's problem are somewhat immaterial to us

2018-12-13 10:09:28 UTC


2018-12-13 10:09:48 UTC

what you do have is just complete destruction of the traditional left-wing in Finland following the collapse of USSR with which it maintained a symbiotic relationship

2018-12-13 10:09:53 UTC

@Nikitis obviously immigration is a huge huge problem in Europe, but it is exagerrated, but I like the anti-immigration swing occuring

2018-12-13 10:10:03 UTC

It's too late

2018-12-13 10:10:11 UTC

They will outbreed us

2018-12-13 10:10:17 UTC


2018-12-13 10:10:17 UTC


2018-12-13 10:10:22 UTC

stop with the <:bait:520002653439262721>

2018-12-13 10:10:23 UTC

come on

2018-12-13 10:10:24 UTC


2018-12-13 10:10:27 UTC

I can't deal with this Templar

2018-12-13 10:10:30 UTC

@Xinyue it's not so much the left wing here in Spain, mostly the center that is being destroyed

2018-12-13 10:10:35 UTC

the left is going further left

2018-12-13 10:10:38 UTC

and the right is going further right

2018-12-13 10:10:43 UTC

the center is becoming obsolete

2018-12-13 10:10:43 UTC


2018-12-13 10:10:48 UTC

and nobody is buying their bs anymore

2018-12-13 10:10:49 UTC

yes this is a common phenomenon

2018-12-13 10:10:59 UTC

good phenomenon

2018-12-13 10:11:08 UTC

they should stop calling them far right

2018-12-13 10:11:18 UTC

it's a good phenonomenon until you realise it's still inside the sphere of liberalism and won't mean anything

2018-12-13 10:11:27 UTC


2018-12-13 10:11:37 UTC

calling them far right is what's fueling them

2018-12-13 10:11:38 UTC

it's good

2018-12-13 10:11:53 UTC

yeah no solutions are going to come of politics

2018-12-13 10:11:55 UTC

but in Finland, its the other way around. the centre and the ultra-right has been gaining ground almost with no input from the left. the old left, the kind of left I think is *actual left,* has evaporated from what once was a pretty eminent place in Finnish politics. SKDL/FDPL was one of the largest communist alliances outside Soviet bloc in Europe, which was a force in government pretty much nonstop 1945-1991 and now its totally gone

2018-12-13 10:11:59 UTC

nothing's going to happen with voting

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