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2018-06-23 00:25:52 UTC

oh no doubt

2018-06-23 00:36:40 UTC

The most intense was my first. When I became super hippie. Reading Derrick Jensen and Daniel Quinn

2018-06-23 00:37:02 UTC

Books about the collapse of Babylon and going back to nature

2018-06-23 00:37:24 UTC

That only led me to fear and anger

2018-06-23 00:38:36 UTC

Then I realized I had to work for a living so I just did what I was supposed to do. When I went back to my old friends I saw the gear and anger I had and it led me to my red pill moment

2018-06-23 00:38:42 UTC


2018-06-23 00:39:16 UTC

it wasn't my first, but i went through a similar thing

2018-06-23 00:39:39 UTC

the most intense rabbit hole experience I've had was when I first started looking into the illuminati and secret societies, conspiracy theories, bohemian grove, etc when I was 14

2018-06-23 00:39:41 UTC

i'll always fight against working for a living though

2018-06-23 00:39:53 UTC

that was a biiiig one for me too, ppf

2018-06-23 00:40:01 UTC

it's easy to get locked into though

2018-06-23 00:40:02 UTC

Yea same

2018-06-23 00:40:04 UTC

i consider myself lucky i didn't

2018-06-23 00:40:14 UTC

yea you gotta be careful with that stuff

2018-06-23 00:40:26 UTC

it can poison you

2018-06-23 00:40:30 UTC

if you're sincere in your quest for insight and understanding or whatever it may be, you won't allow yourself to get locked in

2018-06-23 00:40:41 UTC

yes it can

2018-06-23 00:40:45 UTC

i grew up that way, heh

2018-06-23 00:41:04 UTC

This soros stuff is in the same vein, so thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m not diving too deep. But I like to be aware of world governing bodies vying for globalization

2018-06-23 00:41:15 UTC

Because Iโ€™m really really against globalization

2018-06-23 00:41:45 UTC


2018-06-23 00:43:26 UTC

There are many reasons. Let me get to my computer so I can type better

2018-06-23 00:43:51 UTC

take your time. we're in no rush and i can always scroll up if i miss it

2018-06-23 00:43:57 UTC

but i'm here til daylight at least!

2018-06-23 00:43:59 UTC

You done went deep I was only away for a minute

2018-06-23 00:44:07 UTC


2018-06-23 00:44:07 UTC


2018-06-23 00:44:08 UTC

Agenda 21 ish

2018-06-23 00:44:27 UTC

guys im in voice chat rn btw

2018-06-23 00:44:57 UTC

globalist agenda = satanism agenda imo

2018-06-23 00:45:06 UTC

i'll get in there if everyone else does but for now i'm enjoying some music i haven't heard since i was a little yoot

2018-06-23 00:45:50 UTC

Is a yoot the same thing as a neet?

2018-06-23 00:46:10 UTC


2018-06-23 00:46:16 UTC


2018-06-23 00:46:23 UTC

fuck knows man. it's slang for youth here

2018-06-23 00:47:20 UTC

what was your biggest rabbit hole experience csquare? or whatever you wanna call it, your wake up moment, when you found yourself etc. etc. etc.

2018-06-23 00:50:23 UTC

When my best bud shot himself

2018-06-23 00:50:31 UTC

Okay I'm back. Was picking up some wings and beer.

2018-06-23 00:50:37 UTC

He was taking ssris

2018-06-23 00:50:39 UTC

dang, sorry to hear that csquare

2018-06-23 00:50:59 UTC

Yikes. Sorry to hear that.

2018-06-23 00:51:35 UTC

harsh times

2018-06-23 00:51:37 UTC

All good thanks, I lost a lot of time

2018-06-23 00:51:38 UTC

what happened to you?

2018-06-23 00:52:16 UTC

I started drinking and what not, this caused family issues

2018-06-23 00:52:26 UTC

Almost lost everything

2018-06-23 00:52:46 UTC

Had to remember how to suck it up

2018-06-23 00:52:49 UTC


2018-06-23 00:53:01 UTC

how are you doing now?

2018-06-23 00:53:37 UTC

Ya wife was about to leave.

2018-06-23 00:53:46 UTC

That was 2016

2018-06-23 00:53:55 UTC

I'm good now

2018-06-23 00:54:13 UTC

glad to hear it

2018-06-23 00:54:18 UTC

no more drink?

2018-06-23 00:54:20 UTC

occasional drink?

2018-06-23 00:54:23 UTC

Got back on the right side

2018-06-23 00:54:40 UTC

(This is just me answering @Anomie, pardon the placement in the conversation.) Okay so globalization. Imagine for a moment, 1 world government, 1 currency, 1 language, no nations, no borders, 1 set of laws. To me it would not be a good thing for one governing body to rule the whole world. No one would oppose them if they committed crimes. Even further, cover-ups of crimes against humanity would be much easier. Its like an Orwellian dystopia any way you look at it.

2018-06-23 00:55:04 UTC

Occasional but not really, the taste is gone

2018-06-23 00:55:34 UTC

why would no one oppose them? 1 governing body up against the rest of the world? almost seems like an unfair fight

2018-06-23 00:55:40 UTC

respect, csquare

2018-06-23 00:56:09 UTC

I'm saying... if the world government wanted to start gassing people, no one could stop them

2018-06-23 00:56:26 UTC

It hasn't worked yet, but it is inching

2018-06-23 00:56:34 UTC

for sure

2018-06-23 00:56:41 UTC

well i don't know

2018-06-23 00:56:42 UTC

Or any number of atrocities people have committed throughout history... there have always been people there to stop them.

2018-06-23 00:56:45 UTC

the identity cards never kicked in

2018-06-23 00:56:51 UTC

i was paranoid as fuck about those way back when

2018-06-23 00:56:55 UTC

Ya with global control no where to run

2018-06-23 00:56:56 UTC

Obama is a globalist

2018-06-23 00:57:03 UTC

and wanted those RFID chips implated in people

2018-06-23 00:57:12 UTC

Exactly, csquare

2018-06-23 00:57:38 UTC

U remember the clips of ppl getting them

2018-06-23 00:57:48 UTC

Lol they were degenerates

2018-06-23 00:57:50 UTC

you ever know someone to get one?

2018-06-23 00:58:02 UTC

chips are for pets

2018-06-23 00:58:02 UTC

thats another thing.. the democrats are pushing globalization.. subtly. But if you watch, all these politics are for that agenda. Especially the identity politics. Jordan Peterson talks about this too.

2018-06-23 00:58:15 UTC

Theres a reason they are pushing identity politics so hard. To homogenize the species

2018-06-23 00:58:23 UTC

Rinos too bru

2018-06-23 00:58:32 UTC

The bushes

2018-06-23 00:59:05 UTC

Did you guys see the Crowder Change My Mind on no open borders?

2018-06-23 00:59:14 UTC

Lol yes!

2018-06-23 00:59:27 UTC

An actual hispanic person came and proposed to chip all the migrants so we can track them.. so we can just let them in

2018-06-23 00:59:31 UTC

i probably saw it. problem is i went on a binge of crowder stuff so i can't recall one from the other

2018-06-23 00:59:36 UTC

Its new

2018-06-23 00:59:36 UTC

That guy wanted to Id every border hopper

2018-06-23 00:59:39 UTC


2018-06-23 00:59:44 UTC


2018-06-23 00:59:57 UTC

Yea... thats the mentality of the left. Whether they know it or not... once you break down the arguments.

2018-06-23 01:00:04 UTC

well people advocate police states from time to time without being aware wtf they're talking about

2018-06-23 01:00:16 UTC

Ole boy said he wants to be mayor

2018-06-23 01:00:31 UTC

I argued with my leftist friends about open borders. And they say the same.. "Well we have to process them.. but let them in in the meantime" and I'm like "but how to we track them? what if they commit crimes?"

2018-06-23 01:00:46 UTC

"Oh well we can find a way to track them during processing"

2018-06-23 01:00:57 UTC

Have friends not been to the dmv?

2018-06-23 01:01:14 UTC

Government facilities are jokes

2018-06-23 01:01:18 UTC


2018-06-23 01:01:24 UTC

No lie

2018-06-23 01:01:26 UTC

you guys don't want open borders?

2018-06-23 01:01:45 UTC

No sir

2018-06-23 01:01:54 UTC

They gotta go back

2018-06-23 01:01:58 UTC

Absolutely not.

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