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2018-09-21 17:50:29 UTC

the only ones who build anything are powerful men who command the rest of us

2018-09-21 17:50:39 UTC

they're not workers

2018-09-21 17:50:49 UTC


2018-09-21 17:50:52 UTC

the inheritors? no

2018-09-21 17:51:03 UTC

they don't want to help the working class

2018-09-21 17:51:04 UTC

theyre maintainors, a working class version of rich people

2018-09-21 17:51:42 UTC

nobody wants to help the working class, the working class helps themselves

2018-09-21 17:52:01 UTC

someone who gets wealth without exploitation? sure. someone who gets wealth through labor? no.

2018-09-21 17:52:19 UTC

they arent workers, theyre builders

2018-09-21 17:52:24 UTC

they direct the work of the workers

2018-09-21 17:52:45 UTC


2018-09-21 17:52:57 UTC

lol bosses lol

2018-09-21 17:53:09 UTC


2018-09-21 17:53:36 UTC

hierarchy is natural

2018-09-21 17:53:40 UTC


2018-09-21 17:53:50 UTC


2018-09-21 17:54:04 UTC

so is being a fucking retard

2018-09-21 17:54:24 UTC

i never claimed to be smart, or a leader

2018-09-21 17:54:31 UTC

i know my place, and it makes me happy

2018-09-21 17:54:45 UTC

can you not control yourself

2018-09-21 17:54:51 UTC

i can

2018-09-21 17:55:20 UTC

apparently not

2018-09-21 17:55:47 UTC

How do

2018-09-21 17:56:50 UTC

Itโ€™s not like I canโ€™t form thoughts without direction

2018-09-21 17:56:52 UTC

you need the state to enforce, with violence, things that can be handled at a community and personal level

2018-09-21 17:56:52 UTC

๐Ÿ†™ | **dave leveled up!**

2018-09-21 17:57:18 UTC

I donโ€™t need the state for that

2018-09-21 17:57:35 UTC

that's the purpose of cops

2018-09-21 17:57:38 UTC

I desire the rule of powerful people

2018-09-21 17:58:05 UTC

to make decisions for you?

2018-09-21 17:58:09 UTC

To direct my work

2018-09-21 17:58:21 UTC

you could of said "^"

2018-09-21 17:58:33 UTC

or "yeah"

2018-09-21 17:58:49 UTC

do you do your own dishes

2018-09-21 17:58:53 UTC


2018-09-21 17:59:07 UTC

that's a surprising amount of initiative

2018-09-21 17:59:11 UTC

Why wouldnโ€™t I do them

2018-09-21 17:59:16 UTC

No it isnโ€™t

2018-09-21 17:59:22 UTC

because you need people to hold your hand

2018-09-21 17:59:35 UTC

Thatโ€™s a basic level of responsibility

2018-09-21 17:59:45 UTC

so is working

2018-09-21 17:59:52 UTC

or living

2018-09-21 18:00:17 UTC

Yea, hence why Iโ€™m ok with doing work and living

2018-09-21 18:00:23 UTC

But I donโ€™t do work and live only for myself

2018-09-21 18:00:49 UTC


2018-09-21 18:01:38 UTC

the Sirens are going off

2018-09-21 18:02:04 UTC

ok they stopped maybe it was just a test

2018-09-21 18:02:29 UTC

yeah work for society and also work for the betterment of society

2018-09-21 18:02:48 UTC

That labor needs to be directed

2018-09-21 18:02:49 UTC

I guess society is a broad term

2018-09-21 18:02:58 UTC

I canโ€™t build a skyscraper alone

2018-09-21 18:03:02 UTC

by workers councils ;)

2018-09-21 18:03:15 UTC

How are they any different from bosses

2018-09-21 18:03:18 UTC

not by bosses who steal ur shit

2018-09-21 18:04:04 UTC

coming together as workers and coming to decisions isn't similar to a boss

2018-09-21 18:04:20 UTC

How is it different

2018-09-21 18:04:29 UTC

self management

2018-09-21 18:04:39 UTC

not hierarchical

2018-09-21 18:04:50 UTC

non exploitive

2018-09-21 18:04:53 UTC

Do they have the vision and ambition that a powerful man has

2018-09-21 18:05:00 UTC

And that an ordinary person doesnt

2018-09-21 18:05:22 UTC

maybe if people weren't working jobs they fucking hated

2018-09-21 18:05:54 UTC

If they do

2018-09-21 18:06:01 UTC

Itโ€™s the same as having a boss

2018-09-21 18:06:12 UTC

And Iโ€™m fine with having a workers council

2018-09-21 18:06:20 UTC

Because itโ€™s a natural hierarchy again

2018-09-21 18:06:57 UTC

how would that be hierarchical

2018-09-21 18:07:27 UTC

some people making decisions on their own? sounds like a state to me :/

2018-09-21 18:07:28 UTC

Because the strong willed and best able direct the work of the weak

2018-09-21 18:07:38 UTC

And build society

2018-09-21 18:07:53 UTC

Because it is

2018-09-21 18:08:42 UTC

ok well im going to eat soon because I need to eat and not debate

2018-09-21 18:08:42 UTC

The only difference is the people making the decisions

2018-09-21 18:08:51 UTC

I am walking to eat as well

2018-09-21 18:09:01 UTC

What are you having

2018-09-21 18:09:09 UTC


2018-09-21 18:09:15 UTC


2018-09-21 18:09:21 UTC

im kidding

2018-09-21 18:09:33 UTC

but im smokalokin rn and then I'm gonna eat

2018-09-21 18:09:40 UTC

it helps me eat more :)

2018-09-21 18:09:41 UTC


2018-09-21 18:09:51 UTC

I am having chili I made 5 days ago

2018-09-21 18:09:58 UTC


2018-09-21 18:10:21 UTC

I'm probably going to make a DiGiorno

2018-09-21 18:10:58 UTC

๐Ÿ‘pizza is good

2018-09-21 18:11:15 UTC

๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘Œ

2018-09-21 19:06:49 UTC

woah new layout

2018-09-21 19:26:55 UTC

this new layout is SO WOKE and LIT

2018-09-21 20:51:56 UTC

<:ApuF:492120932744167438> <:ApuR:492120934078087179> <:ApuI:492120933650268161> <:ApuE:492120930936553472> <:ApuN:492120934258573322> <:ApuD:492120930894610446>

2018-09-21 21:16:25 UTC

2018-09-21 21:29:52 UTC

why are there crab claws coming out of her head

2018-09-21 21:31:26 UTC

they are antennas

2018-09-21 21:33:05 UTC

no theyre mr krabs arms but grey

2018-09-21 21:35:58 UTC

chicken wing bones

2018-09-21 21:54:06 UTC

2018-09-21 21:56:34 UTC

when she sees a penny on the floor she mends down to pick it up with her crab arms

2018-09-21 21:59:28 UTC

It was picture day today.
This one Swedish guy in my class who I really like wore a suit

2018-09-21 21:59:31 UTC


2018-09-21 22:00:09 UTC

is he tall?

2018-09-21 22:00:10 UTC

๐Ÿ†™ | **name leveled up!**

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