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2020-02-22 16:22:41 UTC

@Uksio post ussr your countries biggest export is strippers and domestic violence

2020-02-22 16:22:43 UTC

The best thing about this chat is that I have loads of options on who to shit on today.

2020-02-22 16:22:46 UTC

It's very nice to have all your factories, roads and railways intact ๐Ÿ˜„

2020-02-22 16:22:55 UTC

can confirm from another country infected by red plague

2020-02-22 16:22:59 UTC

it doesnt work

2020-02-22 16:23:04 UTC

@Seven Proxies yeah leave the fighting to the real men

2020-02-22 16:23:14 UTC

@BabaBooey Your biggest export is cheap russian hookers

2020-02-22 16:23:25 UTC

It's like that scam with infinite energy from nothing

2020-02-22 16:23:34 UTC

@Goddess Tyche If it's shit you want, check out Dankula's server

2020-02-22 16:23:41 UTC

@Tato compare before and after ussr

2020-02-22 16:23:48 UTC

i do and its shit now

2020-02-22 16:24:15 UTC

it was better off by almost every metric objectively under the ussr,

2020-02-22 16:24:22 UTC

@Redxl nope ... I am told it is an eldritch abomination

2020-02-22 16:24:31 UTC

@BabaBooey You don't even know what is my country... But keep shitting on Russia. Amuse me.

2020-02-22 16:24:42 UTC

which is why most ex soviet citizens prefer the ussr

2020-02-22 16:24:48 UTC

@Uksio most russians miss the ussr

2020-02-22 16:24:54 UTC

2020-02-22 16:24:56 UTC


2020-02-22 16:25:05 UTC

2020-02-22 16:25:21 UTC

@BabaBooey You are woefully misinformed.

2020-02-22 16:25:25 UTC

i love capitalism ! its helping me lose weight and live faster!

2020-02-22 16:25:47 UTC

@Uksio tell me

2020-02-22 16:25:50 UTC

by how many years

2020-02-22 16:25:56 UTC
2020-02-22 16:25:59 UTC

did russian life expectancy fall after ussr

2020-02-22 16:26:00 UTC

live your life on the edge ||of famine|| with capitalism

2020-02-22 16:26:26 UTC

But then again, what should I expect from some autist that is living in an echochamber in commiefornia and never even been to actual Russia...

2020-02-22 16:26:26 UTC
2020-02-22 16:26:32 UTC


2020-02-22 16:26:46 UTC

just open the link its not a virus

2020-02-22 16:26:48 UTC

"russi is so much better post ussr! which is why i couldnt run away fast enough" - @Uksio

2020-02-22 16:27:03 UTC


2020-02-22 16:27:05 UTC

russia was way worse under the tsars lmao

2020-02-22 16:27:16 UTC

soviets improved things

2020-02-22 16:27:18 UTC

@BabaBooey He didn't run to a communist country though, did he? ๐Ÿ˜›

2020-02-22 16:27:19 UTC

Do you realise that you are not psychic and can't peer through time and distance.
Keep eating your CNN bait, bootlicker.

2020-02-22 16:27:30 UTC

^ mad?

2020-02-22 16:27:33 UTC

i struck a nerve

2020-02-22 16:27:36 UTC

@BabaBooey Nobody in the history of mankind has ever fled TO a communist country. Only from them. ๐Ÿ˜„

2020-02-22 16:27:49 UTC

Well well, USSR never lied or gave any mis information for cituation in their country and all.

2020-02-22 16:28:02 UTC

he ran out of russia with lightning speed

2020-02-22 16:28:10 UTC

No, you merely assumed something about a place you don't know anything and just parrot media bs you were fed...

2020-02-22 16:28:16 UTC

@Tato good?

2020-02-22 16:28:29 UTC

whats good that shit is disgusting

2020-02-22 16:28:29 UTC

Nothing to be mad about, merely losing the last bits of respect for you

2020-02-22 16:28:36 UTC

oh no they tore down my expensive christ cuck churches and built housing for my people!"

2020-02-22 16:28:53 UTC


2020-02-22 16:29:01 UTC

@BabaBooey Not all people deserve housing. Like socialists.

2020-02-22 16:29:07 UTC

we wouldnt have needed housing if they didnt centralise republic in 1 city ffs

2020-02-22 16:29:15 UTC

@Uksio why do most russians miss the ussr? why did life expectancy fall like 10 years after the ussr? why did you run from russsia ? i thought free markey was good?

2020-02-22 16:29:28 UTC

whos missing ussr

2020-02-22 16:29:35 UTC

have u even been to russia?

2020-02-22 16:29:37 UTC

@BabaBooey THe farmers in russia don't miss the USSR.

2020-02-22 16:29:40 UTC

have u talked to russian person?

2020-02-22 16:29:43 UTC

like real one?

2020-02-22 16:29:55 UTC

whos missing ussr those ppl miss their youth

2020-02-22 16:30:03 UTC

@2K ugh those stupid communists destroyed my beautiful money grubbing church !!! and my castles and built public parks housing and transportation! ๐Ÿ˜ญ

2020-02-22 16:30:06 UTC

evil i tell you

2020-02-22 16:30:09 UTC

Commies truly have nothing better to offer for those demolished churches and "imperial architecture"
What they did was a pale immitation of bauhaus glory.
Pathetic minds needed to mooch of ex-nazis to do *anything*

2020-02-22 16:30:14 UTC

everyone knows ussr was corrupt to its core

2020-02-22 16:30:32 UTC

@Tato most russians prefer the ussr according to polls

2020-02-22 16:30:39 UTC

whos polls ffs

2020-02-22 16:30:40 UTC

@BabaBooey Why most communists can't see the reality? Why they keep trying to scam people?

2020-02-22 16:30:52 UTC

those that came up with 140% in elections?

2020-02-22 16:30:55 UTC

@BabaBooey Post-USSR Russia wasn't a free market country either.

It was basically ruled by ex-KGB members who simply appropriated all that "ownerless" property that the state no longer claimed ownership to.

2020-02-22 16:31:05 UTC

Any Russians alive during the USSR have valid reasons to miss their former govt. Russia's economic output plummeted 45% in the decade after the Soviet Union broke up.

2020-02-22 16:31:26 UTC

that doesnt make ussr good tho

2020-02-22 16:31:32 UTC

@Tato why would the anti soviet russian gov allow the release of polls that show favorable ussr opinions

2020-02-22 16:31:34 UTC

it just went from shit to worse

2020-02-22 16:31:37 UTC

no but it makes it better

2020-02-22 16:31:39 UTC

@Mersenne That happens during any regime change though

2020-02-22 16:31:40 UTC


2020-02-22 16:31:42 UTC

whos anti soviet

2020-02-22 16:31:43 UTC


2020-02-22 16:31:44 UTC


2020-02-22 16:31:45 UTC


2020-02-22 16:31:55 UTC

you think putin is pro soviet?

2020-02-22 16:31:57 UTC


2020-02-22 16:32:07 UTC

Putin is the saviour of Russia

2020-02-22 16:32:07 UTC

Kek wot

2020-02-22 16:32:08 UTC


2020-02-22 16:32:19 UTC

Exactly. The market under the USSR would have crashed regardless. I'm just giving the honest answer on why many Russians miss what they consider "the good ol days"

2020-02-22 16:32:28 UTC

putin is pro whatever keeps him in power

2020-02-22 16:32:29 UTC

@2K oh shit!

2020-02-22 16:32:43 UTC

>In the survey, 66 percent of Russians said they regretted the Soviet break-up, a level not seen since 2005 when Levada recorded 65 percent and Putin was on his second term in the Kremlin.

2020-02-22 16:32:52 UTC


2020-02-22 16:33:05 UTC

@Tato thats not being pro soviet , hes talked shit on it as well

2020-02-22 16:33:10 UTC


2020-02-22 16:33:16 UTC


2020-02-22 16:33:24 UTC

inb4 reuters is fake news

2020-02-22 16:33:36 UTC

say what you want but nobody votes for a communist party in russia any more

2020-02-22 16:33:39 UTC

y is he sieging ex soviet countries that dont want to rely on russia then

2020-02-22 16:33:54 UTC

ukraine has open front

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