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2019-11-24 17:14:14 UTC

culture does not magically develop in a vacuum

2019-11-24 17:14:17 UTC

it comes from people

2019-11-24 17:14:20 UTC

people are genes

2019-11-24 17:14:26 UTC

I'm trying to give you a helping hand in your restaurant, I'm one of your best workers but all this degenerate can see if my skin color I think that's retarded.

2019-11-24 17:14:37 UTC

it comes from genes, I agree. But so does language. And you wouldn't say that a black guy can't learn English? English having emerged from white genes

2019-11-24 17:15:13 UTC

black people in america, some of them with roots that trace back 400 years, struggle mightily to speak proper english

2019-11-24 17:15:52 UTC

i've seen teenage european basketball players come to play in the nba, speak better english than their middle-aged african american coaches

2019-11-24 17:16:08 UTC

@Str3tch I wouldn't say they struggle. It's a different dialect with a different grammar. Struggle to speak Standard English? I will grant you that. But that means we should be integrated

2019-11-24 17:16:15 UTC

And the guy doesn't have the balls to fire me and hire an asian worker. If he hated white people and wanted to fire me and hire an asian I'd actually be ok with it, but this shit of going to a majority white country, hiring white workers and hating them just seems degenerate as fuck like wtf are you doing with your life. lol

2019-11-24 17:16:16 UTC


2019-11-24 17:16:20 UTC

not integrated

2019-11-24 17:16:27 UTC

their poor english is poor

2019-11-24 17:16:40 UTC

lowering standards is horrible

2019-11-24 17:17:00 UTC

What about other minorities? Askhenazi Jews speak better English than Whites

2019-11-24 17:17:06 UTC

Much better

2019-11-24 17:17:19 UTC

accepting substandard results as a way to be inclusive is having a deleterious effect on my society already

2019-11-24 17:17:38 UTC

ashkenazi jews have a high verbal IQ

2019-11-24 17:18:12 UTC

but they are also trying to destroy the national character of my country, and change it's fundamental values

2019-11-24 17:18:19 UTC

some trade-off, eh?

2019-11-24 17:18:41 UTC

So if Askhenazi Jews didn't do those things, would you be fine with their immigration?

2019-11-24 17:18:53 UTC

but they do do those things

2019-11-24 17:19:00 UTC

they've done it everywhere they've gone

2019-11-24 17:19:07 UTC

patterns have emerged ๐Ÿ˜„

2019-11-24 17:19:14 UTC

I know, but hypothetically speaking

2019-11-24 17:19:24 UTC

there's no point in this hypothetical

2019-11-24 17:19:28 UTC

I am just curious as to whether you care more about values or ethnicity

2019-11-24 17:19:39 UTC

values come from ethnicity

2019-11-24 17:19:40 UTC

maybe white people are weak to manipulation. lol

2019-11-24 17:19:49 UTC

Hypotheticals test your belief system

2019-11-24 17:20:00 UTC

everything you do, requires genes

2019-11-24 17:20:19 UTC

how your environment is shaped around you - that's genes

2019-11-24 17:20:58 UTC

would you say that history is predetermined by genes then?

2019-11-24 17:21:15 UTC

in certain respects, yes

2019-11-24 17:21:20 UTC

people are going to behave the way they are going to behave no matter what

2019-11-24 17:21:38 UTC

so I guess its over

2019-11-24 17:21:39 UTC


2019-11-24 17:21:39 UTC

Sure, and language does too. There are specific areas of the brain we can point to that are involved with language, the left hemisphere, Broca's area and Wernicke's area etc. But a genetically non-english person can learn English really well, Askhenazi Jews being an example....

2019-11-24 17:21:57 UTC

predetermined insofar as we should expect different results from different populations

2019-11-24 17:22:03 UTC

there's no reason to believe in "equality"

2019-11-24 17:22:08 UTC

it does not exist in nature

2019-11-24 17:22:08 UTC

If the ethnostate was in our genes it would be here by now

2019-11-24 17:22:54 UTC

So let's say there was an ethnic group of black people with a verbal and overall IQ as high as Askhenazi Jews, and they adopted the values and culture of whites, so they were not subversive. In this hypothetical world, would you be fine with these people immigrating?

2019-11-24 17:22:55 UTC

who knows what the future holds? western civilization is on a downward trajectory

2019-11-24 17:23:22 UTC

who are these hypothetical people?

2019-11-24 17:24:14 UTC

It doesn't really matter, but let's call them Wakandans lol. This hypotypical is just for me to get a better understanding of what you value the most

2019-11-24 17:24:41 UTC

i value a civilization which i think is best

2019-11-24 17:24:46 UTC

well, if we say that we know how jews will behave in the future because of their genes, and we know how white people will be have in the future because of their genes and we know how black people will behave in the future because of their genes then I guess we do know what the future holds, the future holds the present.

2019-11-24 17:25:00 UTC

i have an understanding of who is responsible for such civilization, and who is not

2019-11-24 17:25:28 UTC

i don't see a point in taking some sort of leap of faith just to satisfy the emotional desires of white liberals and outsiders

2019-11-24 17:26:01 UTC

what is this obsession with inviting outgroups to be with you?

2019-11-24 17:26:06 UTC

Right, so I guess you wouldn't be fine with them immigrating in this hypo because you value the existence of your people the most?

2019-11-24 17:26:15 UTC

it's an obsession that is not reciprocated

2019-11-24 17:27:28 UTC

To me, I don't have an in-group preference. So I don't have this view of there being 'insiders' and 'outsiders.'

2019-11-24 17:27:35 UTC

Maybe I am defective lol

2019-11-24 17:27:40 UTC

But that's that

2019-11-24 17:27:59 UTC

To me, there are only people

2019-11-24 17:28:43 UTC

you're ill if you don't have in-group preference

2019-11-24 17:28:50 UTC

you're on a path to extinction

2019-11-24 17:29:22 UTC

It might be due to being mixed

2019-11-24 17:29:39 UTC

There is no ethnic group I belong to

2019-11-24 17:29:40 UTC

surveys show, across races, the only demographic that shares your view are white, self-identified liberals

2019-11-24 17:30:00 UTC

yes, muttery is a heck of an existence

2019-11-24 17:31:15 UTC

wait a minute

2019-11-24 17:31:24 UTC

on one hand

2019-11-24 17:31:36 UTC

genes determine culture and ethics

2019-11-24 17:31:49 UTC

on the other hand, culture and ethics varies with the same genes

2019-11-24 17:31:53 UTC


2019-11-24 17:32:08 UTC

2019-11-24 17:32:10 UTC

nothing is neatly defined into tidy categories

2019-11-24 17:32:35 UTC

but you can be sure white liberals carry ethics and culture that do not survive

2019-11-24 17:32:50 UTC

they're ultimately disposable

2019-11-24 17:32:57 UTC

Genes have a "norm of reaction." For example, the same genes for height can vary in terms of their expression with environmental exposure(nutrition)

2019-11-24 17:33:14 UTC

But there is a limit in the range

2019-11-24 17:35:15 UTC

yeah but str3tch said "how your environment is shaped around you - that's genes"

2019-11-24 17:35:28 UTC

yes, other people's genes

2019-11-24 17:35:42 UTC

the building your sitting in right now is the output of other peoples genes

2019-11-24 17:35:52 UTC


2019-11-24 17:35:55 UTC


2019-11-24 17:36:29 UTC

so the variance in terms of their expression is still determined by genes

2019-11-24 17:36:37 UTC


2019-11-24 17:37:12 UTC

so they have the same genes, the same environment, but some have liberal ethics and some have conservative ethics

2019-11-24 17:37:41 UTC

they don't have carbon copies of the same genes

2019-11-24 17:38:01 UTC

and the liberal ethics would be less likely to survive, in more "eugenic" times

2019-11-24 17:38:09 UTC

less technological times

2019-11-24 17:38:17 UTC

we live in dysgenic times

2019-11-24 17:38:22 UTC

due to technology

2019-11-24 17:39:17 UTC

there's no "punishment" for being stupid or unhealthy.

2019-11-24 17:39:30 UTC

you don't even need survival skills to......survive

2019-11-24 17:42:20 UTC

I mean, if the aspiration for an ideal ethno state is one where you starve to death if you don't have basic survival skills I don't want to live in it. lol

2019-11-24 17:42:51 UTC

Its kind of like literal degeneracy if we go back to living like cavemen

2019-11-24 17:43:06 UTC

i'm not suggesting that

2019-11-24 17:43:21 UTC

Id rather live in a muslim country with smartphones than rely on basic survival skills in day to day life

2019-11-24 17:43:35 UTC

but harmful ideas are not punished by nature, the way they used to be

2019-11-24 17:43:50 UTC

not in the immediate sort of way

2019-11-24 17:44:00 UTC


2019-11-24 17:44:11 UTC

but our descendants will pay the price

2019-11-24 17:44:44 UTC

personally I'm hoping for a technological solution

2019-11-24 17:45:58 UTC

that technological solution might mean the permanent enslavement of humanity

2019-11-24 17:46:02 UTC

"the end of history"

2019-11-24 17:46:14 UTC

no real revolution will ever be feasible ever again

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