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2019-10-25 08:06:27 UTC

i've already seen it

2019-10-25 08:06:50 UTC

the problem with genes = income is that it breeds greed

2019-10-25 08:07:16 UTC

we are literally on the verge of destroying ourselves. the jordan petersons of the world is right about that

2019-10-25 08:07:21 UTC

we need to breed the right people

2019-10-25 08:07:22 UTC

Money is only a proxy for fitness. If that's all we use, we breed Jews.

2019-10-25 08:07:28 UTC

@Trommm the video I posted draws from a few books. I would suggest reading the video I posted and a book I can post if you want it. A few studies on monkeys found that tongue breathing deforms the faces of monkeys.

2019-10-25 08:07:36 UTC

the banjods of the world need to START MAKING BABIES

2019-10-25 08:07:42 UTC

the true reason why late 19th century nobility desired to be jewish so much they fabricated family trees connecting them to the 12 tribes

2019-10-25 08:07:54 UTC

Orthotropics is le meme not one of these case studies account for genetics or natural growth

2019-10-25 08:07:58 UTC

@Hector correlation seems way more likely than causation.

2019-10-25 08:08:18 UTC

Plus, even though we will always have an elite and a populi
You don't want a huge disparity within the populi
It leads to dysgenic behaviors

2019-10-25 08:08:21 UTC

@Trommm Once you get to the adult stage, there isn't much you can do. Most of the development is done when puberty is over.

2019-10-25 08:08:35 UTC

plastic surgery

2019-10-25 08:08:50 UTC

i'd rather have ugly goldpillers who does it for the right reasons have children than some idiot chad

2019-10-25 08:08:52 UTC

But that's probably just genetics and nutrition. I think the posture is a side effect of good or bad bone growth.

2019-10-25 08:08:54 UTC

Like your face is only going to get worse after 16ish 17.

2019-10-25 08:09:22 UTC

Let me check what AL said. He makes good points.

2019-10-25 08:09:30 UTC

Yea I don't like the Chad meme because many attractive men are completely worthless
Just shit

2019-10-25 08:09:50 UTC

my younger brother is kinda overgrown

2019-10-25 08:09:53 UTC

he has extra size

2019-10-25 08:09:59 UTC

but his proportions are not correct

2019-10-25 08:10:16 UTC

the distance between his shoulders and head is too long

2019-10-25 08:10:17 UTC

for example

2019-10-25 08:10:43 UTC

he's very muscular, probably very high t

2019-10-25 08:10:54 UTC

impossible person too tho

2019-10-25 08:11:04 UTC

Look you can have effects on how the face grows but pushing the tongue to the roof won't extend the lower jaw like Dr mew claims its a joke there is no forward pressure on the tmj doing this

2019-10-25 08:11:23 UTC

>Dr mew
Holy shit, I forgot about this meme

2019-10-25 08:11:25 UTC

Yeah, fuck younger brothers. They always get more food and end up bigger.

2019-10-25 08:11:40 UTC

i'm the second youngest

2019-10-25 08:11:41 UTC


2019-10-25 08:11:44 UTC

I'm the middle brother and the biggest

2019-10-25 08:11:48 UTC

Tromm, I would say that if the environment is the same, genes make the biggest difference.

One study started with monkeys. They plugged the noses of monkeys. These monkeys had to breathe through their mouths. After a few months, the monkeys were ugly as possible.

2019-10-25 08:11:54 UTC

I am the shortest male in my whole family

2019-10-25 08:12:02 UTC

like my fathers brothers, etc.

2019-10-25 08:12:11 UTC


2019-10-25 08:12:30 UTC

Nords average height is still pretty tall though.

2019-10-25 08:12:41 UTC

I am still above average

2019-10-25 08:12:54 UTC

I think Dr. Mew is over emphasized. It is largely a meme. But he has a point. You need to chew your food and stand up straight.

2019-10-25 08:13:24 UTC

My dad is 178cm
My older brother is 180
My younger brother is 186
And somehow I am 190

2019-10-25 08:13:31 UTC

If you slouch, you will look ugly.

2019-10-25 08:14:15 UTC

Your teeth and how your jaw rests has more of an impact then pushing your tongue to your roof, orthodontics works tongue based orthotropics never accounts for natural growth and the changes are within line of normal changes

2019-10-25 08:14:22 UTC

I don't mew. That is a lot to ask for. Especially, since the people who naturally mew, they start as kids.

2019-10-25 08:14:52 UTC

bone can be affected through time

2019-10-25 08:14:56 UTC

that's all I can say

2019-10-25 08:15:24 UTC

they can literally change shape

2019-10-25 08:15:53 UTC

Dr. Mew thinks that 1. it is important for swallowing and 2. adds more support to the face, sculpting your cheeks bones or something like that. This is all for mewing of course.

2019-10-25 08:16:05 UTC

but, again, when I was younger, I was better looking than my brothers at the same age

2019-10-25 08:16:10 UTC

it's mostly genetic

2019-10-25 08:16:28 UTC

(no, they aren't twins, just by pictures)

2019-10-25 08:16:37 UTC

Know what really makes you chad?

2019-10-25 08:16:54 UTC

@Banjod he has twin examples in his book. I just pulled a few pictures from gooogle.

2019-10-25 08:17:08 UTC

Neck exercises make you chad <:CHAD:396569198404435969>

2019-10-25 08:17:15 UTC

I don't know how you want me to rate him

2019-10-25 08:17:23 UTC

Got to have that yoked neck.

2019-10-25 08:17:31 UTC

looks like the type of guy who balds

2019-10-25 08:17:32 UTC

Too much hair to see what's going on

2019-10-25 08:17:55 UTC

He looks nasty and low IQ. >_> 6 out of 10

2019-10-25 08:18:28 UTC

Is he mixed

2019-10-25 08:18:32 UTC

I don't know what this trait is, the nose, but I think it's middle eastern

2019-10-25 08:19:03 UTC

Actually, does anyone do any neck exercises. I have not do any in a few months. Is there any you can do in a gym? I just use my backpack.

2019-10-25 08:19:08 UTC


2019-10-25 08:19:24 UTC

somalis have part of this nose

2019-10-25 08:19:51 UTC

Is that a bad word?

2019-10-25 08:19:53 UTC

Neck machine at the gym
Otherwise you don't really need equipment for neck exercises

2019-10-25 08:19:57 UTC

I will reserve my judgement of him

2019-10-25 08:19:58 UTC


2019-10-25 08:20:03 UTC

Yeah fg is banned

2019-10-25 08:20:10 UTC

oh, did not know that.

2019-10-25 08:20:18 UTC

>neck machine

2019-10-25 08:20:23 UTC

How does this work?

2019-10-25 08:20:27 UTC

๐Ÿ™‡ won't happen again

2019-10-25 08:21:02 UTC

Found the ultimate neck machine:

2019-10-25 08:21:05 UTC

2019-10-25 08:21:05 UTC

I'm happy we don't have neck machines at my gym, so I don't have to see that..

2019-10-25 08:21:51 UTC

@The Eternal Swede you put a plate on the end and swivel your neck. Looks retarded but it works really well

2019-10-25 08:22:00 UTC

I want a neck workout that doesn't fuck up your spine.

2019-10-25 08:22:12 UTC

He does not look as homosexual in these photos you posted.

2019-10-25 08:22:15 UTC

What's the name of the machine?

2019-10-25 08:22:29 UTC

I just call it neck machine lol
That's what I googled

2019-10-25 08:22:56 UTC

There are some straps you can buy that hold weight. >_> They look sus though.

2019-10-25 08:23:00 UTC

Holy shit, they're just called "neck machines"

2019-10-25 08:23:03 UTC


2019-10-25 08:23:10 UTC

Yeah lol <:steflol:561214382181318656>

2019-10-25 08:23:58 UTC

this is looking like the most cucked workout equipment I have ever seen.

2019-10-25 08:24:53 UTC

the only reason you'd need to train your neck would be if you were gonna use it extensively at some other activity

2019-10-25 08:24:56 UTC

that's a joke, but

2019-10-25 08:25:16 UTC

I think the machines that focus on neck development are called "Cable machines" or "Neck harnesses"

2019-10-25 08:25:37 UTC

We trained neck a lot when I played football and I just maintain it now

2019-10-25 08:25:37 UTC


2019-10-25 08:25:42 UTC

Do you even necktwist bro?

2019-10-25 08:25:51 UTC


2019-10-25 08:25:58 UTC

Babyneck identified

2019-10-25 08:26:08 UTC

Do you even get somebody to break your spine, bro?

2019-10-25 08:26:10 UTC

2019-10-25 08:26:13 UTC

Here are some photo shopped of neck changes.

2019-10-25 08:26:19 UTC

just sit with bad posture every day

2019-10-25 08:26:22 UTC

and you won't need it

2019-10-25 08:26:33 UTC

On it

2019-10-25 08:26:34 UTC

The one on the right sounds more masculine and attractive imo.

2019-10-25 08:26:53 UTC

Yeah, to be fair the broader neck looks more masculine

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