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2019-10-24 18:07:44 UTC

<:impotentrage:552803856535257090> <:wojack:396042478530330624> @Str3tch

2019-10-24 18:07:49 UTC

But it probably smells bad and it's probably really cold

2019-10-24 18:07:53 UTC

i was relieved of my chainlink by a group of urban youths

2019-10-24 18:08:03 UTC


2019-10-24 18:08:09 UTC

might have been

2019-10-24 18:08:16 UTC

med gang gang

2019-10-24 18:08:39 UTC

2019-10-24 18:08:43 UTC

meds commit less than 0% of crimes

2019-10-24 18:08:44 UTC

look it up

2019-10-24 18:09:07 UTC

not true

2019-10-24 18:09:15 UTC

meds are degen mafiosos

2019-10-24 18:09:31 UTC

2019-10-24 18:09:33 UTC

mafias are orderly

2019-10-24 18:09:41 UTC

2019-10-24 18:09:51 UTC

Who is dee?

2019-10-24 18:10:03 UTC


2019-10-24 18:10:08 UTC

Haha, got me.

2019-10-24 18:10:09 UTC


2019-10-24 18:10:30 UTC

Didnโ€™t see that coming. Haha, I was totally confused.

2019-10-24 18:10:35 UTC

Some dirty bum walked up to me and asked me for a smoke

2019-10-24 18:10:43 UTC

2019-10-24 18:10:47 UTC

that was you in the mirror

2019-10-24 18:10:47 UTC
2019-10-24 18:10:54 UTC

>not liking Stefan Molyneux for his tweets

Like, seriously, a blue tick saying this. It's incredible.

2019-10-24 18:11:16 UTC

stefan is becomin based

2019-10-24 18:11:21 UTC

he's still dumb asf

2019-10-24 18:11:40 UTC

he will still tweet stuff then get btfo on it by libtards

2019-10-24 18:11:53 UTC

when one of the smartest philosophers to ever live is called dumb you should panic

2019-10-24 18:11:54 UTC

stefan's no boomer that's for sure

2019-10-24 18:11:59 UTC

Bet I'm gonna get lime disease and fucking die

2019-10-24 18:12:12 UTC


2019-10-24 18:12:13 UTC

From walking around in the brush all the time

2019-10-24 18:12:17 UTC

Yeah that's true

2019-10-24 18:12:43 UTC

ok time to go c ya

2019-10-24 18:12:50 UTC

It's one thing to make a good take, another to substantiate it. Many Liberals are good at getting right wing personalities flustered.

2019-10-24 18:12:53 UTC

@ALternativeToLife ligma balls

2019-10-24 18:13:10 UTC

They often self-own because they're literal autists, of just kind of dumb.

2019-10-24 18:13:23 UTC

@Billy Ray sell or buy

2019-10-24 18:13:37 UTC

2019-10-24 18:13:54 UTC

I'll get Modern Warfare when it's cheaper but for now I'm playing Far Cry 2.

2019-10-24 18:14:55 UTC

A friend got it for ps4.. which I guess is cool since he has a honeymoon with his new ps4.. but this means I can't play it with him if I end up buying it for PC (i don't have ps4)

2019-10-24 18:15:49 UTC

get pc

2019-10-24 18:15:53 UTC

play fortnite with him

2019-10-24 18:16:00 UTC

lol no fortnite

2019-10-24 18:16:02 UTC

always buy

2019-10-24 18:16:11 UTC

Never stop buying chainlink

2019-10-24 18:16:42 UTC


2019-10-24 18:16:43 UTC

Billy ray is secretly an employee for chainlink's public relations department and he doesn't even actually own any because he knows it's a scam

2019-10-24 18:16:43 UTC

2019-10-24 18:16:47 UTC

2019-10-24 18:16:55 UTC

I got Homefront: The Revolution for cheap thinking it'd be a dumb repetitious shooter with a somewhat decent story like Mafia 3, but it wasn't even that. The gunplay is atrocious and the enemies mindlessly bumrush you.

2019-10-24 18:17:12 UTC

so its better than you thought

2019-10-24 18:17:12 UTC

billy is fully aware of it being a "scam"

2019-10-24 18:17:17 UTC

he just knows exactly when to pull out

2019-10-24 18:17:21 UTC

with the biggest load

2019-10-24 18:17:24 UTC

like a big spoon

2019-10-24 18:17:26 UTC

Just a few decent ideas with extremely half-baked execution.

2019-10-24 18:17:39 UTC

they dont call him spooner street for a reason

2019-10-24 18:17:59 UTC

Why are you called angry when you are always calm?

2019-10-24 18:18:00 UTC

if you see this you can say hi

2019-10-24 18:18:02 UTC

favorite MGS game?

2019-10-24 18:18:05 UTC

That Labmo paint job is 2/10

2019-10-24 18:18:07 UTC


2019-10-24 18:18:18 UTC

No contest.

2019-10-24 18:18:20 UTC

That should be Scrooge McDuck on it, not Donald

2019-10-24 18:18:23 UTC

5, 3 is my 2nd favorite

2019-10-24 18:18:28 UTC

I should call myself calm because I am always angry

2019-10-24 18:18:42 UTC

have sex

2019-10-24 18:18:50 UTC

Odd choice. Most hardcore MGS fans hate 5. I like it for the gameplay. Story is pretty meh.

2019-10-24 18:18:53 UTC

Gross. 3 is worst MSG

2019-10-24 18:18:53 UTC

who is Joe Slovo?

2019-10-24 18:19:06 UTC

I can't remember why I hate the story tbh.

2019-10-24 18:19:08 UTC

why is Stefan freaking out all of a sudden?

2019-10-24 18:19:15 UTC

the gameplay is too cool

2019-10-24 18:19:19 UTC

is he having a midlife crisis?

2019-10-24 18:19:20 UTC

Stefan is probably having a cancer relapse

2019-10-24 18:19:22 UTC

and I like the music as well

2019-10-24 18:19:22 UTC

Stop kvetching just cause he's calling out your kin smh

2019-10-24 18:19:23 UTC


2019-10-24 18:19:26 UTC

3 is probably better

2019-10-24 18:19:29 UTC

or does he feel safe in his new found position?

2019-10-24 18:19:29 UTC

He's always been this based actually.

2019-10-24 18:19:37 UTC

hides power level

2019-10-24 18:19:48 UTC

What position>?

2019-10-24 18:19:48 UTC

I considered that Stef has Cancer 2.0

2019-10-24 18:20:01 UTC

and this is his way of atoning

2019-10-24 18:20:11 UTC

Big Boss created an NRx seastead.

2019-10-24 18:20:24 UTC

true Stef has always been kind of inflammatory

2019-10-24 18:20:38 UTC

but in the past 4 years or so maybe he was hiding his power level?

2019-10-24 18:20:49 UTC

I'd say

2019-10-24 18:21:07 UTC

Yeah JF was trying to drag this out of of him for 2 years

2019-10-24 18:21:19 UTC

did Stef even beat cancer?

2019-10-24 18:21:20 UTC

Damn the Spanish government exhumed Franco

2019-10-24 18:21:23 UTC

I don't think anyone beats cancer

2019-10-24 18:21:35 UTC


2019-10-24 18:21:37 UTC

pretty sure it just slows down for a while

2019-10-24 18:21:44 UTC

I feel pretty much totally ambivalent about Franco

2019-10-24 18:21:45 UTC

he used to try and ignore JF, but now he blew straight past that and is in full red-pill mode

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