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2019-10-20 05:27:31 UTC

so Jesus was born of a virgin

2019-10-20 05:27:37 UTC

I haven't really met many asian girls, there aren't a lot around here

2019-10-20 05:27:39 UTC

then later Jesus did some thing or other

2019-10-20 05:27:50 UTC

White girls are usually so fucking full of themselves

2019-10-20 05:27:56 UTC

then the next one something happened to Jesus when he was going to die etc etc

2019-10-20 05:27:57 UTC

Most of the girls who had crushes on me were asian unfortunately

2019-10-20 05:28:11 UTC

basically just adding to the myth of a guy that was either not real

2019-10-20 05:28:14 UTC

you have to learn how to read Japanese...
and what better way than by watching Death Note?

2019-10-20 05:28:17 UTC

or based on some other less important guy

2019-10-20 05:28:24 UTC


2019-10-20 05:28:25 UTC

well a lot of these literal events of jesus are actually symbolic. like jesus walking on water is symbolic for ruling over the gentiles, the sea is a metaphor for gentiles in the OT apocalyptic language

2019-10-20 05:28:28 UTC

I love death note

2019-10-20 05:28:47 UTC

yes that is the problem with Jesus

2019-10-20 05:28:52 UTC

the OT prophecy is literal

2019-10-20 05:28:58 UTC

I like Asian girl personality. It's their faces that are the problem.

2019-10-20 05:29:00 UTC

and Christians say, well Jesus did it metaphorically

2019-10-20 05:29:05 UTC

the Messiah is LITERALLY

2019-10-20 05:29:09 UTC

a King of Judah

2019-10-20 05:29:17 UTC

who will defeat Assyria and rebuild the temple

2019-10-20 05:29:26 UTC

not a desert wanderer who claims to be God

2019-10-20 05:29:41 UTC

Average white girl faces are better than 90% of Asian girls.

2019-10-20 05:29:44 UTC

I have one cousin who has like 8 kids from three guys, and her sister is thirty and as far as I know a virgin, unmarried, only one boyfriend that I can remember

2019-10-20 05:29:47 UTC

well no a messiah doesn't have to be a king of judah, all of the maccabean high priests were messiahs. messiah just means annointed with oil

2019-10-20 05:29:49 UTC

but she has a great personality

2019-10-20 05:29:56 UTC

they were Messiahs

2019-10-20 05:29:56 UTC

2019-10-20 05:30:03 UTC

but not the prophecied Messiah

2019-10-20 05:30:04 UTC

also she can do horse archery

2019-10-20 05:30:21 UTC

which is specifically meant to defeat Assyria and restore the Jewish kingdom

2019-10-20 05:30:23 UTC

@TheUserNameofPeace she has a 4 face. Most white girls have a better face than that.

2019-10-20 05:30:27 UTC

yes the judas maccabees was the prophesied messiah of daniel that conquers antiochus IV and restores israel

2019-10-20 05:30:39 UTC

@Trommm better than 4

2019-10-20 05:30:50 UTC

Not structurally.

2019-10-20 05:30:55 UTC

10 point system is bs

2019-10-20 05:31:10 UTC

@Nerthulas you want to use 20?

2019-10-20 05:31:12 UTC

Good skin is nice. But the bone structure and nose structure is not good. Below average

2019-10-20 05:31:14 UTC


2019-10-20 05:31:20 UTC

there aren't ten full points

2019-10-20 05:31:25 UTC

you were wrong earlier nerth

2019-10-20 05:31:30 UTC

what is the difference between an eight and a nine

2019-10-20 05:31:36 UTC


2019-10-20 05:31:48 UTC

what jesus is actually significant for is prophesying the end of the levitical order, and allegedly replacing it with the priesthood of the firstborn sons

2019-10-20 05:31:51 UTC

1-3 is consistently opposed to 8-10

2019-10-20 05:31:57 UTC

Isn't there an info graphic explaining the the 10 point system?

2019-10-20 05:32:03 UTC

9s have no flaws.

2019-10-20 05:32:13 UTC

yes Daniel is referring to the Greek kingdoms

2019-10-20 05:32:24 UTC

You could use the 30 point patrice oneal system

2019-10-20 05:32:25 UTC

It's a continuum Nerth. Yes. And 10 is no flaws ++

2019-10-20 05:32:29 UTC

people like small flaws a lot of the time

2019-10-20 05:32:35 UTC

10 is sublimity

2019-10-20 05:32:41 UTC

Haha thatโ€™s the pic I posted earlier wwm you saved it

2019-10-20 05:32:43 UTC

That would be like an 8

2019-10-20 05:32:47 UTC


2019-10-20 05:32:49 UTC


2019-10-20 05:32:51 UTC

she's hot

2019-10-20 05:32:58 UTC

Her boss is perfect

2019-10-20 05:33:00 UTC

Asian folder

2019-10-20 05:33:05 UTC


2019-10-20 05:33:06 UTC

the only 10 in the world is the woman you Love.

2019-10-20 05:33:20 UTC

also known as, mom

2019-10-20 05:33:25 UTC


2019-10-20 05:33:36 UTC

Be incel or have this?

2019-10-20 05:33:36 UTC

Isaiah and Jeremiah are referring to the Medes

2019-10-20 05:33:49 UTC

I rather have Christians die for Israel, than the whole of America

2019-10-20 05:33:58 UTC

Butt is too large

2019-10-20 05:34:06 UTC

Otherwise looks good

2019-10-20 05:34:10 UTC


2019-10-20 05:34:30 UTC

i wouldn't die for isreal

2019-10-20 05:34:32 UTC

fuck that shit

2019-10-20 05:34:45 UTC

would you die for khazar milkers?

2019-10-20 05:34:50 UTC


2019-10-20 05:34:50 UTC

but, shouldn't it be the other way around?
shouldn't israel be dying for americans?
you know, to thank us for clearing the way for israel to be founded?

2019-10-20 05:35:02 UTC

imperator you're criticisms are absolutely correct that all of the OT prophesies were fulfilled hundreds of years before Jesus' time. All Jesus did was prophesy the end of the 2nd temple at the hands of the Romans, but then also the restoration of the Kingdom of Jerusalem 1000 years later in a gog magog battle now known as The First Crusade

2019-10-20 05:35:02 UTC

cut a deal. you will fight for them if you get jewish qt

2019-10-20 05:35:09 UTC

I would die for smol nipon milkers

2019-10-20 05:35:12 UTC

i want a hapa with a fat booty

2019-10-20 05:35:29 UTC

@Ranting Patriarch yeah I guess, really though what I am getting at is that Jesus isn't that special

2019-10-20 05:35:47 UTC

and moreover that a lot of what Jesus said isn't useful to us

2019-10-20 05:35:57 UTC

i want redhead with big tiddi

2019-10-20 05:36:05 UTC

well it can be useful, Jesus said to obey the mosaic law, which tells us to throw rocks at thots until they die

2019-10-20 05:36:05 UTC

5 is average. 6 is above average but not special. 7 is unusually attractive. Good body, good face. 8 is almost flawless, but with some minor flaw. 9 is flawless. 10 is flawless + something special that does it for you in particular.

2019-10-20 05:36:10 UTC

also I don't even know that Jesus was real

2019-10-20 05:36:16 UTC

we pretty much have one gospel to go on

2019-10-20 05:36:30 UTC

red-heads are Ok,
but the good thing about them is that they usually also have milky white skin

2019-10-20 05:36:33 UTC

2019-10-20 05:37:01 UTC

pale skin, blue eyes, pretty hair, freckles ๐Ÿ˜

2019-10-20 05:37:02 UTC

not only would I not sell out for a hot gf, I would not pay 100 dollars for a hot gf

2019-10-20 05:37:11 UTC

4 is below average, but not hideous. 3 is bordering on hideous, over weight, and ugly.

2019-10-20 05:37:14 UTC

there are some good things from Jesus, most of it or maybe some, isn't that helpful though

2019-10-20 05:37:17 UTC

imagine if everyone believed jesus we wouldn't be in this discord right now but burning a witch after a trial by ordeal

2019-10-20 05:37:20 UTC

2 makes you puke.

2019-10-20 05:37:28 UTC

I want a girl who's skin is so white, it's translucent..
I want to be able to see her beating heart right through her chest

2019-10-20 05:37:29 UTC

1 makes you kill yourself and them.

2019-10-20 05:37:36 UTC

and I am inherently put off by Jesus and his sort of pacifistic and also fanatical approach

2019-10-20 05:37:40 UTC

like a guppi

2019-10-20 05:37:58 UTC

naw jesus wasn't no hippie, that guy was a genocidal maniac

2019-10-20 05:38:06 UTC


2019-10-20 05:38:19 UTC

@Ranting Patriarch how so? ๐Ÿค”

2019-10-20 05:38:24 UTC

what jesus said can't even be repeated on youtube for hate speech

2019-10-20 05:38:41 UTC

well jesus' bottom line was, accept me as your king or the romans gunna kill 6 million of ya

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