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2018-05-22 20:31:10 UTC

Pope says "God made you this way" to a gay and suddenly everyone that hated the pope, Catholics, and Christians loves him

2018-05-22 20:32:06 UTC

Wasnt that always their position tho? That its only a sin if they actually fuck a guy.

2018-05-22 20:32:17 UTC


2018-05-22 20:32:40 UTC

I mean, I guess you could see it that way, but I still see being gay as a sin

2018-05-22 20:33:11 UTC

Honestly, it's just funny how you can throw a bone to some people and they take it almost immediately

2018-05-22 20:33:19 UTC

that is the position. it's only a sin if you act on it. however, God doesn't make people gay

2018-05-22 20:33:56 UTC

In my opinion, being gay is just lust on overdrive

2018-05-22 20:34:15 UTC

But that's just like a guess

2018-05-22 20:34:21 UTC

I'm no expert

2018-05-22 20:34:54 UTC

i have no idea what the cause of it is tbh. just saying the Catholic position.

2018-05-22 20:35:11 UTC

"God made you that way" in the modern sense means "you do you booboo ๐Ÿ’…"

2018-05-22 20:35:25 UTC


2018-05-22 20:35:30 UTC

Didn't the pope say that we should ban all weapons

2018-05-22 20:36:48 UTC

I mean, I don't like weapons and killing just as much as the next guy, but sometimes you need protection from the less kind

2018-05-22 20:38:41 UTC

the current Pope isn't the greatest. but just cause he says something, doesn't mean it's doctrine

2018-05-22 20:38:57 UTC

Is the Pope ordained by God? Or is he elected? I'm not Catholic, so I wouldn't know

2018-05-22 20:39:50 UTC

y'all mind if I bless this chat real quick

2018-05-22 20:39:51 UTC

It is not like this is a new trend, catholic has been weak since almost its begining. Did you know the idea that all sins can be absolved started with pope callixtus? Before him murder, adultery, ext. were sins that could not be forgiven. There were many weak popes before the current one.

2018-05-22 20:40:21 UTC

Aren't Catholics losing members

2018-05-22 20:40:59 UTC

(almost) all sins could always be forgiven. Christ specifically says this in the Bible. including murder and adultery

2018-05-22 20:41:16 UTC

@Kage elected by the cardinals

2018-05-22 20:41:36 UTC

@Kage also they are about even on numbers

2018-05-22 20:42:36 UTC

I don't know much about Catholics, but I will say they have pretty churches and rosaries look cool

2018-05-22 20:43:33 UTC

@Kage first we win you over with the aesthetics, then the theology

2018-05-22 20:43:55 UTC

protestant still exist? I thought they all converted to judaism

2018-05-22 20:44:01 UTC


2018-05-22 20:44:35 UTC

I've never actually met a Jew in real life

2018-05-22 20:44:56 UTC

That I know of..
Then again, I live in south Georgia

2018-05-22 20:45:14 UTC

So most people are Christians

2018-05-22 20:45:38 UTC

protestantism is just soft judaism

2018-05-22 20:50:32 UTC

Nah. Protestantism is just watered down Christianity.

2018-05-22 20:50:49 UTC

To the point where a lot of the meaning is lost

2018-05-22 20:51:06 UTC

Prots? Get lost!

2018-05-22 20:55:33 UTC

Why have the illusion of religion at that point when its been so changed. It is more of a social club then a honest belief

2018-05-22 20:56:09 UTC

I will give it to muslims, at least many of then try to follow what they believe.

2018-05-22 20:56:31 UTC

Well..because they are killed if they don't

2018-05-22 20:57:07 UTC

that's why there are traditionalist Catholics. most traditionalists don't stay protestant for long

2018-05-22 21:22:41 UTC

>god makes you gay

2018-05-22 21:22:47 UTC

lmao literally blasphemy

2018-05-22 21:22:51 UTC

>god makes you want to sin

2018-05-22 21:23:13 UTC

>god makes you a serial killer

2018-05-22 21:26:39 UTC

Human fallen state can account for > god makes you want to sin/gay/a serial killer

2018-05-22 21:26:47 UTC

because no, He doesn't

2018-05-22 21:27:35 UTC

that's on us

2018-05-22 21:29:35 UTC

Humans were given free will - the choice between good and bad.

2018-05-22 21:32:00 UTC

In amoris laetitia Pope Francis confirms homosexual acts are sinful and condemns same-sex marriage. Even if what the gay said is true this doesn't affect doctrine. Papal infallibility doesn't apply to random conversations.

2018-05-22 21:33:22 UTC

Isn't the accepted view of the Catholic Church that homosexuality is 'fine' because it's not a sin, and that the act of sodomy specifically is a sin and that's what's not allowed?

2018-05-22 21:33:37 UTC

'you can be gay just not externally to any extent'

2018-05-22 21:34:56 UTC

Same-sex attraction is considered disordered but the actual act of sodomy is the sin yes.

2018-05-22 21:38:17 UTC

"Why was there so many monarch gay even if they are the representation of God on earth ummmmmm?"

2018-05-22 21:40:46 UTC

Monarchy bad

2018-05-22 21:42:58 UTC

No Christian monarch claimed to be the representation of God on earth unless you're counting the Pope and I don't think a whole lot of them were gay either.

2018-05-23 02:19:52 UTC

"ooga booga"

2018-05-23 03:10:23 UTC


2018-05-23 04:25:12 UTC



2018-05-23 04:32:51 UTC


2018-05-23 04:33:39 UTC

he's not suspended though

2018-05-23 04:33:46 UTC

i dont think they ever actually suspend leftist harassers

2018-05-23 05:16:03 UTC

they do

2018-05-23 05:16:07 UTC

send me the tweet you reported

2018-05-23 05:16:12 UTC

i can report it too

2018-05-23 05:16:26 UTC

i think you can also get people in trouble for quote tweeting offensive material

2018-05-23 05:16:32 UTC

so it might work on these fag watchdogs

2018-05-23 05:17:03 UTC

@Geist lol i reported all the recent tweets

2018-05-23 05:17:06 UTC

for targeted harassment

2018-05-23 05:17:21 UTC

all 5 of their top tweets, pinned one then the 4 most recent

2018-05-23 05:17:42 UTC

tbh i would be more than cool with using this discord as a reporting/shilling platform for twitter

2018-05-23 05:18:02 UTC

i'd be down, i do this shit in my spare-time/on the toilet

2018-05-23 05:18:07 UTC

i follow leftist accounts

2018-05-23 05:18:09 UTC

then mass report

2018-05-23 05:18:21 UTC

whats even funnier

2018-05-23 05:18:24 UTC

is im suspended right now

2018-05-23 05:18:27 UTC

but i can still make reports

2018-05-23 05:18:30 UTC


2018-05-23 05:18:52 UTC

thinking about just spamming appeals with "fuck u bitch"

2018-05-23 05:23:16 UTC

i think twitters report algorithm takes your behaviour into account as well

2018-05-23 05:23:27 UTC

a guy i knew would never get notifications about his reports on twitter

2018-05-23 05:23:35 UTC

possibly because he gets banned/suspended often

2018-05-23 05:23:39 UTC

keep one account for reports

2018-05-23 05:23:42 UTC

another oen for shit posting

2018-05-23 05:23:42 UTC


2018-05-23 05:24:05 UTC

i have no way of getting back on twitter, no burner numbers

2018-05-23 05:24:14 UTC

dont need one afaik

2018-05-23 05:24:23 UTC

i have an alt account with no # attached to it

2018-05-23 05:24:28 UTC

i get immediate demands for number verification

2018-05-23 05:24:47 UTC

assume its my IP, I should probably use VPN but oh well

2018-05-23 05:25:18 UTC

also as soon as i follow beardson or someone like that i get demands for verification

2018-05-23 05:25:45 UTC


2018-05-23 05:27:05 UTC


2018-05-23 05:32:52 UTC


2018-05-23 05:32:58 UTC

Gamers rise up

2018-05-23 10:31:54 UTC

I am stuck in the same situation

2018-05-23 16:16:46 UTC

Got banned from twitter again guys. Press F

2018-05-23 16:18:37 UTC

I miss the old days of Twitter when you could call a spook a spade

2018-05-23 16:18:56 UTC

Theyve gone so trigger happy with bans since trump

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