
Discord ID: 405907440861970434

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2018-11-02 02:02:00 UTC

ciggys are pretty addictive even, but coke is a lot worse dumb bitch @Aleksander *blushing*

2018-11-02 02:02:05 UTC

watch the daily braap

2018-11-02 02:02:08 UTC


2018-11-02 02:02:10 UTC

like right now i want a cigarette

2018-11-02 02:02:11 UTC

hey hey Abel

2018-11-02 02:02:13 UTC

but i just wont have one

2018-11-02 02:02:19 UTC

Suck my cock

2018-11-02 02:02:28 UTC

u a homie?

2018-11-02 02:02:34 UTC

ok i'll bite, how old are you @Aleksander *blushing*

2018-11-02 02:02:38 UTC


2018-11-02 02:02:39 UTC

fucking hell an egirl added me on snapchat

2018-11-02 02:02:46 UTC

nobody gives a shit

2018-11-02 02:02:48 UTC

no you arenโ€™t

2018-11-02 02:02:53 UTC

Youโ€™re like 17

2018-11-02 02:02:56 UTC


2018-11-02 02:02:58 UTC


2018-11-02 02:03:01 UTC

this is the line of thinking i had when i was 14

2018-11-02 02:03:05 UTC

you have no excuse

2018-11-02 02:03:19 UTC


2018-11-02 02:03:23 UTC


2018-11-02 02:03:26 UTC

No one cares

2018-11-02 02:03:35 UTC

"well clearly you do care enough to say that you dont care"

2018-11-02 02:03:41 UTC

do you honest to God think anybody is interested in hearing about this

2018-11-02 02:03:49 UTC

i dont care if you dont care lol

2018-11-02 02:03:53 UTC

i want attention and im getting it

2018-11-02 02:03:53 UTC


2018-11-02 02:03:58 UTC

Iโ€™ll beat you up (in Minecraft) if we ever cross paths because of this shit @Aleksander *blushing*

2018-11-02 02:04:09 UTC

why is everybody a histrionic wanker online these days

2018-11-02 02:04:09 UTC

post server ip faggot i'll ruin your house

2018-11-02 02:04:30 UTC

you're the type of faggot who would post with a tripcode on 4chan if it weren't for the associated stigma

2018-11-02 02:07:03 UTC

whats a tripcode

2018-11-02 02:11:47 UTC

a lot of drugs aren't addictive at first

2018-11-02 02:11:55 UTC

but become a lot more addictive after some sustained use

2018-11-02 02:12:10 UTC

Yeah but

2018-11-02 02:12:15 UTC

You donโ€™t just do coke once

2018-11-02 02:12:19 UTC

so y'know

2018-11-02 02:12:24 UTC

consider that before you say "see not addictive"

2018-11-02 02:12:31 UTC

i used coke recreationally for years

2018-11-02 02:12:33 UTC

its fine

2018-11-02 02:12:37 UTC

me too

2018-11-02 02:12:40 UTC

i can't stop snorting coke

2018-11-02 02:12:49 UTC

idk if ur being ironic im not

2018-11-02 02:12:56 UTC

i prefer meth

2018-11-02 02:13:26 UTC

post teeth

2018-11-02 02:13:30 UTC

thing make you feel good -> make you want to do more -> thing start to feel less good -> body develops dependency on thing

2018-11-02 02:13:40 UTC

you ever like "damn i want to do some coke and play michael jackson experience for the nintendo wii"

2018-11-02 02:13:46 UTC

shut up nerd @a dim goon

2018-11-02 02:13:57 UTC


2018-11-02 02:14:27 UTC

biologically you can probably get away with trying things once however if you're depressed or sad it probably isn't a good idea lol

2018-11-02 02:14:39 UTC

the virgin "smokes cigs for aesthetics" vs the chad "shoots dope to enhance content"

2018-11-02 02:14:47 UTC

(the latter is moi)

2018-11-02 02:14:48 UTC

can you get away with trying bleach once?

2018-11-02 02:14:59 UTC

buddy, you can't get away with it twice!

2018-11-02 02:15:00 UTC

does coke to be better in social situations

2018-11-02 02:15:22 UTC

no!!! they meant COCA COLA!

2018-11-02 02:15:28 UTC

The internet kept raving about bleach (idk why) so I tried it

2018-11-02 02:15:30 UTC

not a good experience!

2018-11-02 02:15:47 UTC

tasted yucky

2018-11-02 02:16:04 UTC

bleach is a powerful antioxidant

2018-11-02 02:16:05 UTC

Aaron that doesnโ€™t justify @Aleksander *blushing* (huge homo) trying coke with his rich fwends

2018-11-02 02:16:22 UTC

Read my full sentence lol

2018-11-02 02:16:28 UTC

specifically the end part

2018-11-02 02:16:29 UTC

it's literally just upper class homos giving their circus monkey drugs for entertainment

2018-11-02 02:16:45 UTC

Being wealthy is doing drugs because you're bored

2018-11-02 02:16:51 UTC

and then pushing it on everyone you socialize with

2018-11-02 02:16:53 UTC

Oh yeah he does seem pretty sad

2018-11-02 02:17:09 UTC

Heโ€™s talking to women after all

2018-11-02 02:17:39 UTC

literally no reason to talk to women online

2018-11-02 02:18:05 UTC


2018-11-02 02:19:02 UTC

this only applies to white!

2018-11-02 02:19:09 UTC

That ainโ€™t white

2018-11-02 02:19:17 UTC

eyes are literally blue in the image

2018-11-02 02:19:38 UTC

blue eyes arenโ€™t white

2018-11-02 02:19:43 UTC

very true

2018-11-02 02:20:05 UTC

when you do coke with your black friends


2018-11-02 02:22:12 UTC

me after my 3rd syringe of the day


2018-11-02 02:30:20 UTC

Thing is I am diagnosed. Combat PTSD. Goon is just an undiagnosed cocksucker.

2018-11-02 02:32:03 UTC

does excessive heroin usage make you horribly shit at banter or are you just american

2018-11-02 02:32:22 UTC

*durrr not nutting increases your risk of prostate cancer*

2018-11-02 02:32:27 UTC

*me likey the flickering images*

2018-11-02 02:33:32 UTC

Why does it fucking matter faggot.

2018-11-02 02:33:33 UTC

mmmhmmm..........sexy anjme ass and tummy on my tl ๐Ÿคค, u'm cum...

2018-11-02 02:33:55 UTC

you've singlehandedly shot more dope than every rocker from the 70s combined

2018-11-02 02:34:07 UTC

i need top

2018-11-02 02:34:12 UTC

coomers get shot

2018-11-02 02:34:16 UTC

on day of the rope

2018-11-02 02:34:30 UTC

If shooting dope for 3 months equals that....

2018-11-02 02:35:28 UTC


2018-11-02 02:35:49 UTC

you've had enough coom blasted in your ass to fill several sperm banks and you're calling random pepo online faggot

2018-11-02 02:35:57 UTC


2018-11-02 02:36:14 UTC

Fuck off

2018-11-02 02:36:19 UTC


2018-11-02 02:36:39 UTC

pfft kid....if you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen

2018-11-02 02:36:58 UTC

don't fuck with bugs gang ever again or it'll cost you your life

2018-11-02 02:37:12 UTC

If I couldn't handle it why am I still here?

2018-11-02 02:37:21 UTC

dont mess with a nigga when you in voring distance

2018-11-02 02:38:02 UTC

the best you can come up with is the same "fuck off" over and over again

2018-11-02 02:38:07 UTC

And you changed my fucking name

2018-11-02 02:38:13 UTC

What a bitch

2018-11-02 02:38:23 UTC

you leave for several weeks to months every time you throw a fit

381,759 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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