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2018-12-19 23:35:14 UTC

This is ridiculous

2018-12-20 00:45:40 UTC

does this mean you can get half the female feminist population in that college expelled for "resting bitch face"?

2018-12-20 00:55:10 UTC

Ban ugly feminist women from college

2018-12-20 00:55:12 UTC


2018-12-20 01:18:32 UTC

But what if you were born with a resting bitch face? Can you then sue for discrimination?

2018-12-20 01:35:41 UTC

Feminists are exempt from the rules they pass.

2018-12-20 02:40:11 UTC

It was really hard getting through this hot garbage

2018-12-20 05:13:31 UTC

^^ real article, btw

2018-12-20 09:53:01 UTC

@RoadtoDawn That's one incoherent article about Peterson/Zizek. I made it till they translated "Backpfeifengesicht" and didn't properly write out what it sounds like when spoken out loud. Can't they just use phonetic spelling?

2018-12-20 09:56:43 UTC


2018-12-20 09:57:19 UTC

Peterson is also a worship object, I liked that lol

2018-12-20 09:59:57 UTC

As I said I didn't get far but at least they came up with a new way to slander Peterson. He didn't address somebody by their proper title... Horrible!

2018-12-20 10:03:58 UTC

Makes you wonder who their audience is

2018-12-20 20:39:55 UTC

I can't even...I mean....what....?

2018-12-20 21:11:07 UTC

He just gave 10 billion to south America and didn't get a penny for the wall. Don't fall fot it.

2018-12-21 16:14:29 UTC

I like how the responses try to spin it
"Trump is an evil megalomaniac. He's such a narcissist. He's dumb"
*video of Trump being a goofball and having fun basically at his own expense*
"Omg distraction. 4D chess. Liar in chief. Why are you making this about youuuuu"

2018-12-21 16:14:49 UTC

To paraphrase:

2018-12-21 16:22:03 UTC

And Michael Rapaport's tweet reply right below. Can you imagine if a Hollywood celebrity made an appearance shaming comment about Obama years ago?

2018-12-21 16:22:33 UTC

Speaking of which. If I had Michael's mug, I'd ONLY use child pictures of myself too

2018-12-21 16:38:02 UTC

I suspect California's gain is all from immigrants from outside the coutry

2018-12-21 16:39:46 UTC

Most likely.

2018-12-21 16:40:29 UTC

Seems like it is largely blue states loosing population. Guess all those people are following the wealth of less restrictive governments...

2018-12-21 16:41:22 UTC

And unfortunately bringing their political leanings with them in some cases.

2018-12-21 16:42:06 UTC

Funny how that vicious cycle keeps turning and nobody seems to be able to connect the dots...

2018-12-21 18:47:34 UTC

Why. Why canโ€™t women just be beautiful and mysterious.

2018-12-21 20:25:42 UTC

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

2018-12-22 14:20:23 UTC

Remember when Noam was known for being against US invovlement in other countries....good times good times...

2018-12-22 14:20:56 UTC

What was that he went on about

2018-12-22 14:21:06 UTC

The Devilโ€™s Triangle eh

2018-12-22 18:56:26 UTC

The egregious conversation transcript Matt had with Patreon:

2018-12-22 20:47:38 UTC


2018-12-22 20:48:49 UTC

I do agree with Matt. She's got a shit job and I do feel some degree of sympathy. It doesn't sound terribly like she believes in the company line either

2018-12-22 21:40:57 UTC

Well, the problem with that attitude is that if she doesn't believe in the policy, but it's her job to defend the policy, why isn't she looking for a new job?

2018-12-22 21:48:16 UTC

She may very well be
She may also be hoping to change the system from within. Who knows

2018-12-23 04:13:19 UTC

Id definitely ditch pateron

2018-12-23 04:13:36 UTC

Never donated before, but I would gladly support him on another platform

2018-12-23 04:14:02 UTC

Id prefer a decentralized solution

2018-12-23 04:38:56 UTC

Does anyone think the transcript is gonna backfire on matt

2018-12-23 04:39:10 UTC


2018-12-23 04:39:48 UTC

Possibility exists

2018-12-23 04:39:53 UTC

I appreciate the fact that he did it but part of me thinks it m8ght

2018-12-23 04:39:54 UTC

If patreon reacts negatively, it would show patreon being more agressive digging themself deeper

2018-12-23 04:40:09 UTC

But either way, heโ€™s shown heโ€™s got some serious balls

2018-12-23 04:40:13 UTC

Perfect bait ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-12-23 04:40:15 UTC

Mad respect

2018-12-23 04:40:35 UTC

He totally recorded it

2018-12-23 04:40:39 UTC

True did anyone think the bitch seemed a little flirtatious

2018-12-23 04:40:44 UTC

Yeah probably lmao

2018-12-23 04:40:54 UTC

Quite possibly

2018-12-23 04:41:02 UTC

She seemed to be a little too friendly with Matt

2018-12-23 04:41:10 UTC

Damage control

2018-12-23 04:41:25 UTC

Although the fact that everything was read through Vee and Sargonโ€™s voices were more than a little off-putting

2018-12-23 04:41:42 UTC

wait its narrarated?

2018-12-23 04:41:43 UTC

I read it before listening

2018-12-23 04:41:44 UTC

Trying to imagine Vee as a chick lmfao

2018-12-23 04:42:00 UTC

Yeah Vee and Sargon did a video where theyโ€™re reading it

2018-12-23 04:42:04 UTC

And she seemed flirtatious in reading it

2018-12-23 04:42:35 UTC

Ah yeah? I thought so too despite Veeโ€™s voice

2018-12-23 04:42:42 UTC

Made for some great laughs over coffee though

2018-12-23 04:42:51 UTC

Id be skeptical of flirtation in those situations

2018-12-23 04:42:59 UTC

Similar to how waitresses are overly friendly

2018-12-23 04:43:06 UTC

It serves as persuasion

2018-12-23 04:43:14 UTC


2018-12-23 04:43:17 UTC


2018-12-23 04:43:34 UTC

Like, if you disagreed with everything she said, but still had a warm feeling

2018-12-23 04:43:36 UTC

I was driving and out loud I said this chick is jumping through more hoops then a circus performer

2018-12-23 04:43:42 UTC

You would be less likely to bad mouth the call

2018-12-23 05:56:36 UTC

@Saint Ya, she was just being friendly for customer service, you shouldn't read to much into that.

2018-12-23 05:59:08 UTC

As for as Matt getting in trouble for it, the only way i can see that happening. Is if WAY more people start leaving patron (which could happen) and they take legal action for damages. But i don't think that is likely, and even if it was i don't think that would be much of a legal issue.

2018-12-23 21:28:06 UTC

Damages they caused themselves

2018-12-23 22:10:16 UTC

Ya, but some companies like to sue people to cover their own mistakes lol (but i don't think patron will do that, because it would be very sad).

2018-12-23 22:27:33 UTC

They would only be digging their own grave deeper.

2018-12-23 22:27:53 UTC

I wonder how much patreon has lost

2018-12-23 22:28:02 UTC

if its significant enough for them to be scared

2018-12-23 22:28:14 UTC

Its certainly enough for them to reach out to creators

2018-12-23 22:28:35 UTC

They have lost a lot, but it won't stop (most likely).

2018-12-24 01:41:05 UTC

Yeah, if Patreon dies from this, I doubt that they'd even recognize or admit that it was because of their fascist tendencies.

2018-12-24 01:43:28 UTC

I've debated going on to instagram and asking some of these do nothing models how much they lost

2018-12-24 01:43:41 UTC

I'm sure there's some overlap in audiences

2018-12-24 01:43:52 UTC

Just the incel section ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-12-24 01:44:44 UTC

yes, but I am sure that's a bigger share of the audience than a lot of these women care to admit

2018-12-24 01:45:10 UTC

Or are they so in love that they keep that patreon

2018-12-24 01:46:21 UTC

I mean...that's why I kept it. I needed to make sure Matt gets paid until he finds another stable processor ๐Ÿ˜

2018-12-24 01:46:29 UTC


2018-12-24 01:46:41 UTC

Hey where else am I gonna get tech and titties in the same place

2018-12-24 01:49:03 UTC

I'm sure the STEM wing of the local Tech College will give you a good dose of long as you can look past the stomach that goes with

2018-12-24 01:49:36 UTC

I think we had like 4 girls in my advanced csc classes

2018-12-24 02:08:08 UTC

I kinda wish he was my representative, except that I just looked him up and his district is in houston, so I wish he represented my district instead.

2018-12-24 03:16:58 UTC

Trump probably unfollowed her for this:

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