
Discord ID: 228313705669066752

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2018-11-13 00:19:04 UTC

@SteelandSouls If that was the case would the general public see them as a crazy or buy their story?

2018-11-13 00:19:25 UTC

The normies? They would call them crazy

2018-11-13 00:31:59 UTC

Sounds like a good christmas prank. That's I have nothing to do with.

2018-11-13 00:33:05 UTC

I...don't know. 15 bucks a pop and 220 some odd reps

2018-11-13 00:33:30 UTC

You're looking at 3500 some odd bucks

2018-11-13 00:36:04 UTC

@SteelandSouls does your dream wife show her ankles

2018-11-13 00:36:21 UTC

Like a proper whore she does

2018-11-13 00:40:31 UTC

My dream wife shows her horse teeth and googly eyes

2018-11-13 00:41:14 UTC

Don't worry. Most bronies want the same thing

2018-11-13 00:44:51 UTC

I donโ€™t think most bronies find Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez to be their ideal wife though

2018-11-13 00:45:23 UTC

She is a sickly sized horse

2018-11-13 00:47:48 UTC

Sickened by socialism

2018-11-13 00:48:17 UTC

brain damaged by college.

2018-11-13 00:48:57 UTC

I'm not sure what i walked in on. But that whorse faced fool could probably make enough off blowjobs to get to DC.

2018-11-13 00:48:58 UTC

She's playing it smart. If she's skinny, she wont' be eaten by the masses her policies would starve

2018-11-13 00:49:01 UTC

Play it safe

2018-11-13 00:51:52 UTC

You never know, some people like to nibble on bones

2018-11-13 00:52:03 UTC

The dogs maybe

2018-11-13 00:53:48 UTC

Donโ€™t call other people dogs, thatโ€™s mean >:

2018-11-13 00:56:03 UTC

Socialists aren't people though

2018-11-13 00:56:36 UTC

Socialist don't believe they have rights.

2018-11-13 00:59:51 UTC

How many demoracts are getting trumpy bears for xmas?

2018-11-13 01:03:09 UTC

Oh god that's an amazing idea.

2018-11-13 01:53:53 UTC

@grant sending them coal wouldnโ€™t be an actual threat, but the Democrat senators and the media would spin it that way. It would make them look insane.

2018-11-13 02:01:49 UTC

I'm not sure you can make the far left dems look more insane to the people who already know it.

2018-11-13 02:03:41 UTC

Nancy Pelosi: Hold my beer.

2018-11-13 02:05:33 UTC

Well, Iโ€™d rather make the environmental groups look a little crazy.

2018-11-13 02:05:43 UTC

That's a good meme, but every time people keep saying: It can't get worst then this. The next thing isn't really worst if they understand all of the stuff before heh

2018-11-13 02:06:40 UTC


2018-11-13 02:08:13 UTC

Did people see that Antifa video i posted.

2018-11-13 02:08:46 UTC

The Chris ray gun one?

2018-11-13 02:08:54 UTC

hah no

2018-11-13 02:09:16 UTC

i posted the chris ray gun because you said you wanted to add all the emojis!

2018-11-13 02:11:02 UTC

The antifa video from We the Internet.

2018-11-13 02:13:13 UTC

Lol. Oh. I saw it. Itโ€™s pretty funny

2018-11-13 02:18:24 UTC

They make good videos, tho one time they had a normal chat with a few comedians that annoyed me.

2018-11-13 02:21:50 UTC


2018-11-13 02:31:42 UTC

Does anyone else get bothered by the fact that the server recommendations tab always appears as if a new message is there but one really isnโ€™t there?

2018-11-13 02:32:04 UTC


2018-11-13 02:32:20 UTC

Glad someone else agrees.

2018-11-13 02:33:06 UTC

If someone writes a message there, will it stop? Nobody has ever written a message there. It bothers the crap out of me.

2018-11-13 02:33:38 UTC

I think it's a reserved channel for Patreon dudes. I think

2018-11-13 02:33:50 UTC

I muted that channel to stop that.

2018-11-13 02:34:05 UTC

You are a wizard

2018-11-13 02:34:10 UTC

Oh. Iโ€™m doing that right now.

2018-11-13 02:34:15 UTC


2018-11-13 02:34:34 UTC

Your welcome :)

2018-11-13 02:35:12 UTC

Done. My life has regained some amount of sanity.

2018-11-13 02:36:22 UTC

AP Just declared that Sinema won AZ Senate

2018-11-13 02:37:00 UTC


2018-11-13 02:38:00 UTC

Also in the news: Migrant Caravan up and running toward CA

2018-11-13 02:40:03 UTC


2018-11-13 03:00:55 UTC

The <#268917628532162560> does accept messages, but immediately hides them. I'm not sure what the point is because no one actually maintains the server.

2018-11-13 03:03:44 UTC

@grant nor does Matt take recommendations. Lol

2018-11-13 03:04:17 UTC

Matt and I once made love. I made a recommendation in his server and he hid my message. If you know what I mean

2018-11-13 03:07:51 UTC

No. Matt and I once made love on discord. I hid my messages in his server. If you know what I mean.

2018-11-13 03:08:25 UTC

Sinema won?

2018-11-13 03:08:32 UTC

Yes. Enema won

2018-11-13 03:08:35 UTC

Lol where are all the fraud investigations

2018-11-13 03:08:39 UTC

This shit is retarded

2018-11-13 03:12:52 UTC


2018-11-13 03:13:02 UTC

It went from McCain to Flake and now to Sinema

2018-11-13 03:13:14 UTC

Anyone arguing that AZ isnโ€™t going to shit?

2018-11-13 03:14:17 UTC

mmmmmmmmmmmm nope

2018-11-13 03:27:11 UTC

The and I live in Az...โ˜น๏ธ

2018-11-13 03:27:32 UTC

Forget the โ€œtheโ€

2018-11-13 04:21:43 UTC

What's going on in Florida. Have they found enough votes yet?

2018-11-13 04:33:28 UTC

They may still be digging bodies up.

2018-11-13 04:39:46 UTC

People don't need to be dug up to vote.

2018-11-13 04:40:01 UTC

You can vote while your buried.

2018-11-13 04:54:33 UTC


2018-11-13 04:54:43 UTC

Ya, but those dead people don't need to be THAT lazy, the least they can do is get up to vote......

2018-11-13 05:00:34 UTC

With all this nationalism vs globalism talk, can't help but wonder if it came down to that in future presidential elections what everyone would choose

2018-11-13 05:01:09 UTC

2020 aside, I'm particularly thinking about 2024 after Trump can't be on the ballot

2018-11-13 05:07:37 UTC

You mean if Trump doesn't follow China's lead?

2018-11-13 05:19:40 UTC

I forget the study, but the implications (not the writers conclusion) showed that liberals would help a foreigner over helping a fellow american..

2018-11-13 05:27:20 UTC

It may be because they believe the american can help themselves. People like to think if someone is "worst off", they would attend to that person first.

2018-11-13 05:37:41 UTC

I know its not good to put motivations on people, but I get the feeling that a many lefties do hate america.

2018-11-13 05:42:28 UTC

Lots do for different reasons, lots on the left of course hate america, because they want to change it. And that is a kind of a right they have. We just have to show others what they want is not better (or sometimes even far worst).

2018-11-13 06:55:30 UTC

If they didn't want to force that change on everyone, it would probably be fine. (They can make NY, San Fran, and LA how they want) However, they want to control people everywhere, even places they haven't been to and will never go to. The whole point of states is to be able to make different choice in different places. example: why would each state having different healthcare law be bad? Why is a federal single payer the only way it can be done?

2018-11-13 07:15:05 UTC

Aaaaaand here we go with the UN telling people (but only meaning the West in particular) to โ€œexercise restraintโ€

2018-11-13 07:15:40 UTC

Why the fuck donโ€™t we just turn the UN buildings into the Trump New York Grand Diplomat Hotel?

2018-11-13 07:19:08 UTC

The UN is a joke, but i'm not sure i want Trump to just pay to put up foolish diplomats in a hotel heh

2018-11-13 07:21:55 UTC

Annoying have the link for the murdoch link That's why I'm a democrat

2018-11-13 07:22:13 UTC


2018-11-13 07:22:25 UTC

@grant My opinion on them having the right to want things to change (even for everyone). Is that's how are nation was founded, they wanted to change the whole system so we could all be free from Britain and won. So my point is they have a right to fight for what they believe in changing, we just have to make sure they lose (if they aren't being reasonable with what they want to change it to, creating a system that does not work).

2018-11-13 07:32:09 UTC

They don't even follow the rules. We have an amendment process. They try to cheat around it.

2018-11-13 07:32:44 UTC

@discord_42485 What are you even trying to say?

2018-11-13 07:37:30 UTC

@grant the videos saying "that's why I'm a democrat" by murdoch

2018-11-13 07:37:59 UTC

@grant No doubt, but i don't like taking away peoples freedom to fight for what they believe. Even if they are wrong and will lose, that just means people need to show them why they are wrong (again if their idea's don't work).

2018-11-13 07:48:51 UTC

That's why going back to @RoadtoDawn question 2024, its not something i worry about. Because i believe our system even when it has low points, if we have enough people fighting for the right things. We will persevere.

2018-11-13 12:04:35 UTC


2018-11-13 12:05:02 UTC

I sure agree with @Shadows for once lol

2018-11-13 15:38:10 UTC

I don't worry about 2024 since thats a few political lifetimes away

2018-11-13 15:41:47 UTC

Ben Shapiro should run then.

2018-11-13 15:42:00 UTC

Heโ€™ll be old enough.

2018-11-13 15:46:12 UTC

The anti-semitism would be glorious.

2018-11-13 15:49:18 UTC

Oh goodness. It would be bad. We would see how bad it is on the left.

2018-11-13 16:00:04 UTC

What are people's thoughts on this European army thing? I think its a bad idea. Its first use will be internal against those evil nationalists. Or it will invade a neighbor that refuses an invitation to the union.

2018-11-13 16:00:33 UTC

Wait , what?

2018-11-13 16:03:46 UTC

EU army bad idea

2018-11-13 16:05:04 UTC

You got so many countries having MAJOR issues over the Euro and Immigration.....Giving Bruessels military power to enforce their directives.....could go to real bad place

2018-11-13 16:06:16 UTC

It is a terrible idea.

2018-11-13 17:27:48 UTC

Sargon has done a video talking about how SJWs have already completely spit on Stan Lee right after he passed away. Itโ€™s awful.

They all hated Stan because he wouldnโ€™t arbitrarily change characters to what they wanted him to. So, in response, we should completely ruin one of their intersectionality comic heros with satire. I nominate black panther.

I dub the parody character โ€˜white panzerโ€™.

2018-11-13 17:28:12 UTC

Have fun. Lol

2018-11-13 17:38:34 UTC

>creators: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby

2018-11-13 17:39:30 UTC

Discord is determined to break the hyperlink

2018-11-13 17:40:08 UTC

@Beemann I know. The problem is that SJWs will crap over everything he did because he didnโ€™t cuck to them.

2018-11-13 17:40:50 UTC

Sure, it's just funny

2018-11-13 17:41:11 UTC

"We hate you for not being progressive, incredibly progressive 95 year old comic book man"

2018-11-13 17:46:29 UTC

@Beemann it kills me. They are so hateful.

2018-11-13 17:49:37 UTC

Heck, I may not agree with everything he did or everything he believed, but Iโ€™m not going to hate or spite him for it.

2018-11-13 18:16:52 UTC

The idea of an EU army is a big joke, considering these countries can't be bothered to pay the commitments they agreed to regarding things like NATO.

2018-11-13 18:18:07 UTC

And I'm suddenly expected to believe that they will all be willing and able to provide their commitments to the glorious army of the Reich?

2018-11-13 18:19:36 UTC

<@&240896444590981131> Oi, bossman. Where are you?

2018-11-13 19:23:31 UTC

Was Dane Cooke really ever that funny?

2018-11-13 20:00:44 UTC

I never found him that funny

2018-11-13 20:15:06 UTC

@I Know a Fat Guy neither have I. Most of the stuff I heard was just meh.

2018-11-13 20:27:46 UTC

I don't know why he became that big.

2018-11-13 20:28:02 UTC

Unless he had friends in the business.

2018-11-13 20:28:11 UTC

I thought he was funny when I was 13, and when he clued in on the type of humor popular with 13 year olds at that time

2018-11-13 20:28:17 UTC

I don't know how he survived

2018-11-13 20:28:31 UTC

With like 00's child humor

2018-11-13 20:43:04 UTC

WH budget for 2019 Spending at least 4.4 trill expected revenue 3.4 trill......Dec 8 possible shutdown can you say continuing resolution?

2018-11-13 20:51:57 UTC

Actually got an interesting idea...Pass a continuing resolution to early next year. The new Congress has to do something or shut down.....If they shut down then all those investigation stop.....would be funny and entertaining

2018-11-13 23:24:08 UTC

Has anyone watched those Middle Ground episodes where they have 2 opposing sides sit and have a conversation on various topics?

2018-11-13 23:24:11 UTC

We should record the random goings-on in the voice chats

2018-11-13 23:24:22 UTC

lol nice

2018-11-13 23:24:25 UTC

Would make for interesting discussion upon the discussion

2018-11-13 23:24:42 UTC

Like, weโ€™ll listen to segments later on and talk about what changed since then

2018-11-13 23:25:10 UTC

Start up our own Youtube channel on it or just for posterity?

2018-11-13 23:25:41 UTC

Say.... use the midterm discussion for example, it went from people being disappointed in Minnesota, to vaginas, to pedophiles, to an actual corpse being elected to the state representatives in Nevada

2018-11-13 23:25:52 UTC

Then see how things changed six months from then

2018-11-13 23:25:59 UTC

to talking about squirters

2018-11-13 23:26:23 UTC

Oh, just thought it would be interesting to see what shit we talked in the past and how things changed

2018-11-13 23:26:39 UTC

And I dunno, maybe it could be an interesting channel idea

2018-11-13 23:26:51 UTC

It's not a bad idea. It'd be interesting to me at least

2018-11-13 23:26:59 UTC

Be like this is our position now, but who knows, maybe in six months our views on it has changed

2018-11-13 23:28:06 UTC


2018-11-13 23:28:14 UTC

Can't wait to see how @Shire! sounds drunk 6 months from now

2018-11-13 23:28:40 UTC

To be fair he _is_ @Shire!

2018-11-13 23:28:49 UTC

Can always count on him to be up to something

2018-11-13 23:28:51 UTC

Someone has to be

2018-11-13 23:28:56 UTC


2018-11-13 23:30:16 UTC


2018-11-13 23:34:12 UTC

In high school, I went on a construction-based mission trip in Kentucky. On the way, I saw a dry cleaning store called ku klux kleaners in rural eastern Kentucky. No lie.

2018-11-13 23:34:34 UTC

There are 3 KKK headquarters in KY

2018-11-13 23:35:25 UTC

All three?

2018-11-13 23:35:59 UTC

No. There are quarters all over the U.S.

2018-11-13 23:36:09 UTC

There just happen to be 3 in KY

2018-11-13 23:37:27 UTC

Seriously? The membership is like less than 5,000 or something

2018-11-13 23:37:55 UTC

Yup. There's even some in California and New York

2018-11-13 23:42:22 UTC

Thereโ€™s probably more there than in Kentucky. Lol

2018-11-13 23:53:20 UTC

Ku Klux Kleaners

2018-11-13 23:53:21 UTC


2018-11-13 23:56:22 UTC


2018-11-13 23:57:08 UTC

Iโ€™m at the grocery store and some lady has the California smoky eye.

2018-11-13 23:57:21 UTC

The what now?

2018-11-14 00:03:08 UTC

Itโ€™s a Smoky eye so intense that it covers the entire eye structures on the face.

2018-11-14 00:03:24 UTC


2018-11-14 00:04:21 UTC

Lol. Bad attempt at edgy humor

2018-11-14 00:04:39 UTC

lol nah I got it.

2018-11-14 00:14:02 UTC

I'll probably still be an asshole and drink but it should be warmer outside in Minnesota lol.

2018-11-14 00:14:18 UTC

No. Better. Itโ€™s what happens when a woman poorly manages the application of powder around her eyes.

2018-11-14 00:14:46 UTC

@Shire! Never change, you incorrigible punk ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-11-14 00:15:30 UTC

But if they are gonna get recorded it would be fun to remember what the hell we talked about lol.

2018-11-14 00:15:43 UTC

Iโ€™m kinda afraid of what will happen if Dems just continue to steal elections like they did in AZ

2018-11-14 00:16:06 UTC

The most worrisome factor is about half of the country just donโ€™t give a fuck

2018-11-14 00:16:48 UTC

To be fair, we expect Arizona to be the "Meth Lab of Democracy" Her election just confirmed her accusation

2018-11-14 00:28:55 UTC

If you want the country to care, you need to get the normies to stop listening to the MSM and break the education monopoly.

2018-11-14 00:29:18 UTC

Normies didn't see any of that stuff and haven't heard about any of it.

2018-11-14 00:31:01 UTC

Thatโ€™s gonna be the problem, really

2018-11-14 00:31:16 UTC

Even the alt media is getting its ass censored now, too

2018-11-14 00:31:45 UTC

Really need an internet bill of rights (made more difficult by Obama surrendering that shit to the UN) or to break up the near-monopolies of social media companies

2018-11-14 00:31:51 UTC

Not to change the subject folks but does anybody know when Crowder is gonna put up his CMM? Or is everyone else just like me with their thumbs up their butt waiting for it?

2018-11-14 00:32:12 UTC

^ pretty much the same as you

2018-11-14 00:32:15 UTC

Thumb firmly placed in sphincter

2018-11-14 00:32:26 UTC

Off topic but fuck me I hate Melbourne weather

2018-11-14 00:32:41 UTC


2018-11-14 00:32:48 UTC

have you checked his twitter?

2018-11-14 00:32:52 UTC


2018-11-14 00:33:09 UTC

Sweet I didn't want to be the only one that has a thumb up there.

2018-11-14 00:33:30 UTC

Itโ€™s about 13C outside because of the rain (55 degrees of Freedom for you Murcans) and inside itโ€™s 40C (104) because of the deep fryers

2018-11-14 00:33:39 UTC

Jesus Christ

2018-11-14 00:33:58 UTC

I have not checked his Twitter but I figured that crtv would've had something more on it.

2018-11-14 00:34:16 UTC

I want to go running but it's 35 out (1 degree in Commie units)

2018-11-14 00:34:46 UTC

It's 21 here in MN

2018-11-14 00:35:03 UTC

PA is blessed

2018-11-14 00:35:30 UTC

Yesterday it was roughly 90F

2018-11-14 00:35:31 UTC

Florida doesnt' have this cold problem you are talking about

2018-11-14 00:35:35 UTC

Now itโ€™s... yeah

2018-11-14 00:35:39 UTC

We have summer and off-summer

2018-11-14 00:35:51 UTC

Christ this shit is just as bipolar as the fucking lefties that run it

2018-11-14 00:36:47 UTC

Haha yeah we didn't even have a fall here it went from construction season to Winter construction season.

2018-11-14 00:37:40 UTC

Sounds perfect if it wasnโ€™t overrun with retards

2018-11-14 00:37:51 UTC

As the recent Minnesota elections just proved

2018-11-14 00:38:03 UTC

Although thatโ€™s pretty much most of the US nowadays unfortunately

2018-11-14 00:38:46 UTC

Yeah it wasn't a good go around for the elections here in MN at all.

2018-11-14 00:38:52 UTC

Also how the fuck do you guys still have _Keith Ellison_ as a valid politician

2018-11-14 00:39:10 UTC

Oh look! Someone opened Pandora's Box

2018-11-14 00:39:11 UTC

...... He didn't get my vote

2018-11-14 00:39:14 UTC

I mean Iโ€™m hardly directly affected but Christ Almighty

2018-11-14 00:39:47 UTC

Yeah I'm not proud of all the dead votes going to him.

2018-11-14 00:40:03 UTC

Iโ€™m starting to think the 2016 election was an aberration, hardly one which will repeat itself

2018-11-14 00:40:40 UTC

Because Iโ€™ve never seen the left as rabid as they are nowadays โ€” which bears repeating that the tactics are the same as theyโ€™ve always been, just been ramped up an order of magnitude

2018-11-14 00:41:10 UTC

I mean ffs there were _protests and near riots here in MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA_ over Donald Trump being elected

2018-11-14 00:41:19 UTC

Who is president of the _United States_

2018-11-14 00:41:41 UTC

If I needed any more proof the left operates as a fucking hive mind that would have been it

2018-11-14 00:42:13 UTC

Too bad you had to give your guns back.

2018-11-14 00:42:35 UTC

Hey, I was five years old and still in the Philippines when that happened in AU

2018-11-14 00:42:50 UTC

And besides, considering my record, Iโ€™m never gonna be allowed to own a gun here anyway

2018-11-14 00:43:03 UTC

Maybe if I emigrated to the glorious US of A

2018-11-14 00:43:05 UTC

Oh my bad

2018-11-14 00:43:22 UTC

But even thatโ€™s looking like a grim prospect atm

2018-11-14 00:44:10 UTC

Just don't start a caravan and I think you'll be ok to come in.

2018-11-14 00:44:36 UTC

I can probably come in on the caravan!

2018-11-14 00:44:45 UTC

What if it's a caravan of American Patriots?

2018-11-14 00:44:46 UTC

Iโ€™m brown enough I reckon

2018-11-14 00:44:48 UTC


2018-11-14 00:45:09 UTC

They'd believe it until they saw you walking up with a Koala, Digeridoo and Boomerang

2018-11-14 00:45:13 UTC

Good point

2018-11-14 00:45:32 UTC

While riding a kangaroo

2018-11-14 00:45:48 UTC

Eating some Vegamite

2018-11-14 00:46:24 UTC

Let me just say

2018-11-14 00:46:43 UTC

Vegemite is one of the worst things mankindโ€™s imagination has led us as a species to eat

2018-11-14 00:48:03 UTC


2018-11-14 00:48:25 UTC

10 points to whoever can score that reference

2018-11-14 00:49:52 UTC

Lemme see...

2018-11-14 00:49:55 UTC

Vita wheat

2018-11-14 00:49:58 UTC


2018-11-14 00:50:21 UTC


2018-11-14 00:50:29 UTC

Wasn't that from a movie?

2018-11-14 00:50:35 UTC


2018-11-14 00:50:55 UTC

I'm lost then lol

2018-11-14 00:51:21 UTC

I Love Lucy. Vita Meata Vegimin

2018-11-14 00:52:57 UTC

Oh that's right! I miss that show.

2018-11-14 00:53:17 UTC

Back when women were purposefully funny

2018-11-14 00:55:00 UTC

And they had something to do instead of bitching and complaining.

2018-11-14 00:55:26 UTC

They had kids to.

2018-11-14 00:56:02 UTC

And their husbands weren't neutered

2018-11-14 00:56:02 UTC

And a lot less cats around lol.

2018-11-14 01:46:21 UTC

Itโ€™s so cold in Alabama today. Itโ€™s like 51 F.

2018-11-14 01:46:41 UTC

I mean. I actually had to wear a jacket.

2018-11-14 01:46:49 UTC


2018-11-14 01:50:49 UTC

I actually need to turn my heat on now. Dang.

2018-11-14 01:56:13 UTC

All right

2018-11-14 01:56:26 UTC

Lemme propose something, if everyoneโ€™s free during these times

2018-11-14 01:56:57 UTC

Tuesday and Saturday evening round tables around a selected topic, the more controversial the more desirable

2018-11-14 01:57:02 UTC

You guys up for that?

240,419 total messages. Viewing 250 per page.
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