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2018-10-03 18:21:42 UTC

and if you make every mundane task done by robots

2018-10-03 18:21:49 UTC

unemployment is going to shoot through the roof

2018-10-03 18:22:01 UTC

AI and robots are meant to be used as tools

2018-10-03 18:22:05 UTC

not do the entire job for you

2018-10-03 18:22:35 UTC

Didn't Elon say a while back that robot only factories were a mistake and that he needed to hire more humans?

2018-10-03 18:22:37 UTC

i wouldn't want AI being the only thing standing between a murder and a conviction just as much as i wouldn't want it doing every part of a surgery

2018-10-03 18:22:59 UTC

Humans are special creatures, sure we make mistakes, but we also have intuition

2018-10-03 18:23:24 UTC

and if you make an AI that is capable of human level intellect, then you get into the moral argument

2018-10-03 18:23:47 UTC

Do you enslave them to do your every will and hope to god they don't turn on you with the power they have

2018-10-03 18:23:57 UTC

or do you acccept that you've officially played god

2018-10-03 18:24:11 UTC

luckily, strong AI is a long time off, at least

2018-10-03 18:26:11 UTC

You know what's ironic about this conversation

2018-10-03 18:26:18 UTC

I wanna learn AI and make an AI companion

2018-10-03 18:26:20 UTC


2018-10-03 18:26:40 UTC

Ofc I'm on the latter choice already

2018-10-03 18:26:55 UTC

If i make an AI, i'm going to treat it like a friend, not a slave

2018-10-03 18:27:06 UTC

Kurzweil is off on his calculations, Roger Penrose and some biophysics believe he is off by 10 to the 10th, that's a big miss

2018-10-03 18:27:07 UTC

*has no friends*

2018-10-03 18:27:09 UTC


2018-10-03 18:27:14 UTC


2018-10-03 18:27:20 UTC

*builds his own*

2018-10-03 18:27:25 UTC


2018-10-03 18:30:17 UTC

@Holo what state are you in?

2018-10-03 18:31:09 UTC


2018-10-03 18:31:48 UTC

@Holo dude. AL

2018-10-03 18:31:58 UTC


2018-10-03 18:32:06 UTC

oh look at that, howdy neighbors

2018-10-03 18:32:13 UTC

Lol. Awesome.

2018-10-03 18:33:25 UTC


2018-10-03 19:01:23 UTC

so how many of you guys think ford is lying? how many think kavanaugh is lying?

2018-10-03 19:02:01 UTC

ill be honest i don't know if anything happened for sure, but it really feels in my gut that ford is lying.

2018-10-03 19:03:03 UTC

Ford is lying. Zero evidence, negative witnesses, inconsistent narrative. You name it all crap.

2018-10-03 19:05:22 UTC

it doesn't matter if she is lying or not, nothing she has said can be proving. and we don't punish those without evidence (or that is what's meant to happen).

2018-10-03 19:41:54 UTC

Thatโ€™s true, but I still donโ€™t believe her.

2018-10-03 19:48:49 UTC

you not believing her is different than saying she is a liar. Before I can determine if she is a liar or Brett is a Rapist, I need to have tangible, indictable proof. That is the standard I will not move off of

2018-10-03 19:51:37 UTC

I agree with shadows

2018-10-03 19:51:45 UTC

i don't know if she's lying

2018-10-03 19:51:54 UTC

but it doesn't matter if she is lying or not

2018-10-03 19:51:58 UTC

no proof means no charge

2018-10-03 19:52:58 UTC

My gut tells me she's lying, as well

2018-10-03 19:53:32 UTC

my gut says that she's not lying of her own volition

2018-10-03 19:53:53 UTC

my guess is that someone influenced her to say it was kavanaugh

2018-10-03 19:54:00 UTC

but i don't believe she was never raped

2018-10-03 19:54:44 UTC

I think her story could have truth to it. I just think she is attaching Kavanaugh to it

2018-10-03 19:55:01 UTC

i place about 90% of the blame on the democratic party

2018-10-03 19:55:11 UTC

The problem is we'll never know

2018-10-03 19:55:16 UTC

i guarantee you they had their fingers all over her, insisting it was kavanaugh

2018-10-03 19:55:23 UTC

oh we can know very easily

2018-10-03 19:55:25 UTC

tell me how many of the Moore accusers were lying

2018-10-03 19:55:32 UTC

if the democrats stopped being turds

2018-10-03 19:55:37 UTC

and just admitted it

2018-10-03 20:01:45 UTC

There were two Moore accusations right? There was far more evidence to support those claims, questionable as they are. A mall banned him at one point, I think.

2018-10-03 20:01:58 UTC

Nothing like that for Brett.

2018-10-03 20:02:44 UTC

I stand for all Bretts that have been falsely accused

2018-10-03 20:02:54 UTC


2018-10-03 20:03:00 UTC

lmao I forgot about the mall banning

2018-10-03 20:03:21 UTC

there were like 6

2018-10-03 20:03:47 UTC

Oh. 6?

2018-10-03 20:03:53 UTC

but...there was no justice for any of them

2018-10-03 20:04:03 UTC

it all disappeared the day after that election

2018-10-03 20:04:15 UTC

Lol. I remember that.

2018-10-03 20:04:46 UTC

That's why I've been so insistent from the Day Diane said she had something. give me an indictment and a trial.

2018-10-03 20:05:17 UTC

don't let another person with questionable allegations get tried in the court of public opinion...that's not how the constitution designed it

2018-10-03 20:05:31 UTC

christ, I spoke for over 20 minutes on just that on Sunday

2018-10-03 20:06:27 UTC

I never thought for a second that voting to protect my first and second amendment rights would lead me into a position where I had to defend the 4th and 5th even harder

2018-10-03 20:07:13 UTC

I think we can all agree at this point that the far left is literally trying to take our rights away.

2018-10-03 20:07:32 UTC

Can't say for sure I would have voted in that election, that was a pretty shitty scenario

2018-10-03 20:08:00 UTC

I'd be leaning towards just voting Moore anyway

2018-10-03 20:08:03 UTC

but idk

2018-10-03 20:09:04 UTC

Moore wasnโ€™t the best choice anyways. Heโ€™s kind of an idiot.

2018-10-03 20:09:06 UTC

When they let Doug Jones win, they sent a message that it's ok to make a shady allegation, try a person in the court of Public Opinion, and destroy his life that way, since there is no channel to do it the constitutional way

2018-10-03 20:09:16 UTC

your opinions on Moore aside

2018-10-03 20:09:36 UTC

True that.

2018-10-03 20:10:34 UTC

Back then I was a different kind of voter

2018-10-03 20:11:06 UTC

@Salacious Swanky Cat both sides of our politics try to take away some rights from us at different times. but as of right now (and for a good while now), the left has been pushing harder with that.

2018-10-03 20:11:33 UTC

Luckily Jones isn't going to remain there

2018-10-03 20:13:18 UTC

@Shadows thatโ€™s true. The right was ridiculous about video games. Now itโ€™s the left. Donโ€™t tread on my cartridge. Lol

2018-10-03 20:16:01 UTC

@Shadows Iโ€™m not trying to downplay an important issue. The internet just brings out my inner troll. I promise Iโ€™m different irl.

2018-10-03 20:39:43 UTC

Man, I hope Trump puts some pressure on South Africa to straighten the fuck up.

2018-10-03 20:39:56 UTC

That country pisses me off more and more by the day.

2018-10-03 20:41:13 UTC

@Mongo Jongo I donโ€™t really understand whatโ€™s going on there. Iโ€™ve seen what Lauren southern put out, but I still take it with a grain of salt.

2018-10-03 20:41:30 UTC

trolling is fun

2018-10-03 20:41:44 UTC

I didn't see what she said, was it just about the 'genocide'?

2018-10-03 20:42:15 UTC

@Mongo Jongo pretty much.

2018-10-03 20:44:53 UTC

Yeah, people who don't live in South Africa are way overselling it.

2018-10-03 20:45:14 UTC

It's not a full blown genocide when people still go to work school and church on a regular basis.

2018-10-03 20:45:22 UTC

Not to say there's not a problem.

2018-10-03 20:45:56 UTC

@Mongo Jongo I thought so. There is crap going on, but itโ€™s a long shot from calling it a genocide. I think the fear is that this is the beginning of one.

2018-10-03 20:46:33 UTC

It could be. I lived there for a few years and it's a fucking garbage heap.

2018-10-03 20:47:56 UTC

I only know Lauren's side of the story

2018-10-03 20:48:12 UTC

And even that is probably limited in scope

2018-10-03 20:48:29 UTC

@Mongo Jongo Well, itโ€™s another variation of the sorties paradox. At what point does it become a genocide?

2018-10-03 20:49:00 UTC

Whereโ€™s the line? When does it begin?

2018-10-03 20:49:54 UTC

I think once you can't go to work or live a normal life that's a good indicator.

2018-10-03 20:50:14 UTC


2018-10-03 20:50:21 UTC

Fair point

2018-10-03 20:50:25 UTC

But I have plenty of friends who are white and black that live there, and both are more concerned with all the riots and shit.

2018-10-03 20:50:42 UTC

People going crazy burning down hospitals and destroying trams, and rivers of shit.

2018-10-03 20:50:52 UTC

Oh crap.

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