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2019-10-02 16:46:57 UTC

Okay wait, youโ€™re going to need to rephrase that. Iโ€™m not sure I follow

2019-10-02 16:49:06 UTC

i dont have problem in relation ship im trying to help sb and you give me enough advices

2019-10-02 16:49:32 UTC

that all kings

2019-10-02 16:50:00 UTC

Ah, yeah, of course.

2019-10-02 16:50:17 UTC

And itโ€™s fair, but dude! Itโ€™s out of your power

2019-10-02 16:50:41 UTC

I know itโ€™s sad, but at some point you need to learn to let go of it will swallow you whole

2019-10-02 16:51:10 UTC

Iโ€™m not going to tell you something thatโ€™s false, you canโ€™t change the past.

2019-10-02 16:52:11 UTC

We all need to learn that lesson at some point, thatโ€™s why stoicism is so important. There is only two choices, stoicism or insanity and sadness

2019-10-02 16:52:14 UTC

dude i know im like doing it to the point where i can do it efortlessly(minor normal human student things like chat or help in math or science) if i need to get emotional im out

2019-10-02 16:52:49 UTC

Time heals what reason cannot @jaruspk remember that

2019-10-02 16:52:58 UTC

that waht kings adviced it helped to day

2019-10-02 16:53:04 UTC

end of the story

2019-10-02 16:53:48 UTC

man you are geting too emotionaly right now xD

2019-10-02 16:54:18 UTC

True, and @jaruspk hang in there. Just remember the tenants of stoic teachings, because they will help you

2019-10-02 16:54:51 UTC

tried this shiet once and didnt work

2019-10-02 16:55:03 UTC

I get it, itโ€™s fucked, Iโ€™ve lost people I loved too. But time fixes this shit. It absolutely does work.

2019-10-02 16:55:30 UTC

You gotta get out of the house too. Hit the gym, go to the range, have some fun man

2019-10-02 16:55:37 UTC

See the sunlight

2019-10-02 16:55:41 UTC

tha fuck i just try to help A friend

2019-10-02 16:55:59 UTC

nibba ya too emotional

2019-10-02 16:56:30 UTC

Yeah man, you cannot let emotions become an obstacle to growth. There is a limit you know?

2019-10-02 19:49:32 UTC

The language barrier here is beautiful.

I hope you guys are feeling/doing better, @jaruspk @Thomatorr, King of Ohio

2019-10-02 19:53:18 UTC

oi im ok

2019-10-02 19:53:46 UTC

i know my english grammary suck but my polish grama suck too xD

2019-10-02 19:56:26 UTC

I understand most of the time xD I just had a chuckle

2019-10-02 19:56:36 UTC

Glad to hear though, my dude ๐Ÿ™Œ

2019-10-02 19:58:41 UTC

@jaruspk yeah man. I understand, my GF speaks polish and itโ€™s sometimes hard to understand her family. But Iโ€™m learning just to help accommodate that

2019-10-02 19:59:35 UTC

I gotta ask, how hard is it to get an AK/AR in Poland?

2019-10-02 20:00:48 UTC

Iโ€™m a gun guy, I have both and AK and an AR, Iโ€™ve owned several, I also work for a legal tactical Gun dealer/trainer here in the US. But Iโ€™m always curious about other nations.

2019-10-02 20:02:29 UTC

only one word u need is KURWA trust me xD

2019-10-02 20:03:24 UTC

And what is that?

2019-10-02 20:04:05 UTC

its like multi multi purpose vulgarism

2019-10-02 20:04:14 UTC


2019-10-02 20:05:49 UTC


2019-10-02 20:06:50 UTC

it can be comma ex: No i ja wtedy go uderzyล‚em kurwa czaisz?
EN:And then I hit him, you know man?

2019-10-02 20:07:24 UTC

Switzerland has swiss army knife

2019-10-02 20:07:30 UTC

Poland has kurwa

2019-10-02 20:08:26 UTC

The Swiss probably use a Frenchie version of SchieรŸe

2019-10-02 20:08:49 UTC

(pardon my PigDeutsch)

2019-10-02 20:09:04 UTC

we have many words on one phrase like you have get the fuck out
poland have:

2019-10-02 20:09:08 UTC


2019-10-02 20:09:19 UTC


2019-10-02 20:09:24 UTC


2019-10-02 20:10:14 UTC


2019-10-02 20:11:19 UTC

and many more

2019-10-02 20:11:44 UTC

but we have a lot words to tell sb nice things

2019-10-02 20:14:04 UTC

@Kalki-1776 immposible

2019-10-02 20:14:20 UTC

like our gun laws are fucked

2019-10-02 20:14:42 UTC

if you want ar15 or ak to carry it you need sport permit

2019-10-02 20:15:57 UTC

so you need to join shooting club and pay contribution

2019-10-02 20:16:31 UTC

then u need to end shooting courses those are easy like how to shoot how is the gun built so on so on

2019-10-02 20:17:32 UTC

then you need to get some papers done by club go with them to the police and they will exmine you if you are not felon got to pay "extra tax"

2019-10-02 20:18:01 UTC

Spierdalaj ive heard

2019-10-02 20:18:16 UTC

then you need to pass medical and psychological test and in the end get police permition bu it is only one way you can get it with other permitions

2019-10-02 20:18:16 UTC

Kurwa je spierdalaj

2019-10-02 20:18:24 UTC

Zajebaฤ‡ ci ?

2019-10-02 20:18:31 UTC


2019-10-02 20:18:36 UTC

gib me

2019-10-02 20:18:46 UTC


2019-10-02 20:18:50 UTC


2019-10-02 20:19:04 UTC


2019-10-02 20:19:15 UTC


2019-10-02 20:19:23 UTC

like i want to eat good borgar

2019-10-02 20:19:45 UTC

but in polnd it kinda wack

2019-10-02 20:20:13 UTC

like we have got gut resturants with american food but you know its not the same

2019-10-02 20:20:52 UTC

I get it

2019-10-02 20:21:50 UTC

and never mix vodka

2019-10-02 20:21:52 UTC


2019-10-02 20:22:20 UTC

in poland you will be yeeted for that

2019-10-02 20:22:35 UTC

Don't worry

2019-10-02 20:22:45 UTC

I hate when people mix whisky

2019-10-02 20:22:51 UTC

I know the feels

2019-10-02 20:23:31 UTC

no man i saw an italian guy who mixed vodka with tonic

2019-10-02 20:23:47 UTC

he was yeeted as he stood

2019-10-02 20:23:51 UTC

People mix whisky with vodka and energetic drink

2019-10-02 20:24:33 UTC


2019-10-02 23:14:55 UTC

Try me Poland

2019-10-02 23:15:46 UTC

@jaruspk oh man - we sell that shit by the 24 pack my dude. . . Don't cross the pond XD

2019-10-03 00:49:21 UTC

when you thought your day was gonna be shit because you have to cancel on a pending job - but out of nowhere, the job you *really wanted* calls and you have to ALSO dip on them due to circumstance. . . * sigh *

2019-10-03 00:50:01 UTC


2019-10-03 00:50:05 UTC

You good?

2019-10-03 00:54:05 UTC

Yeah. . . It was just ""a lot to begin with"" and I ""had a handle on it"" - that 'out of nowhere' part is just. . . extra icing I guess.

I'll be fine. I just. . . needed a small vent, I guess.

2019-10-03 00:55:07 UTC

Vent away, full on big gey

2019-10-03 01:04:36 UTC

Nah - Death's Head will skin me - and, as a dryer, I have to air my laundry out at home.

2019-10-03 01:14:31 UTC

Well Iโ€™ve got quite a doozy for my issues.

2019-10-03 01:14:44 UTC

What's up meng?

2019-10-03 01:15:56 UTC

Triple canopy fucking no call listed me because I donโ€™t have enough experience with security and combat experience. I just have experience with tactical shooting and automatic firearms.

2019-10-03 01:16:55 UTC

Which sucks for them because Iโ€™ll get my sniper school qualifications and a sweet spot on the army. And they wonโ€™t get me as an employee. Still, it sucks

2019-10-03 01:17:25 UTC

Did they have to go so far as blacklist you??

2019-10-03 01:22:11 UTC

Thatโ€™s whatโ€™s super insulting, sure Iโ€™m younger but I still feel capable to do a quick security job in Kabul

2019-10-03 01:22:41 UTC

I could have been a great employee once o get my qualifications

2019-10-03 01:23:21 UTC

I donโ€™t understand why I got blacklisted for gods sake

2019-10-03 01:26:32 UTC

That is pretty rough

2019-10-03 01:27:06 UTC

I got called in for an interview, I couldnโ€™t make it because I was up at college, I called them back, they said no problem, and the next thing I know theyโ€™ve blacklisted me

2019-10-03 01:33:10 UTC

That's some major bullshit

2019-10-03 01:58:24 UTC

yeah, not happy in the least

2019-10-03 02:00:31 UTC

Yeah - I'd be pissed. . . "no problem. jk." yea nope.

Sorry to hear, my guy

2019-10-03 02:01:28 UTC

you know, they are missing out on a future employee, ill just come back and join G4S with sniper school qualifications.

2019-10-03 02:01:52 UTC

Yeah - you got a solid back up/alternative all the same

2019-10-03 02:02:05 UTC

still a little unnecessary bullshit tho. . .

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