
Discord ID: 554191468747816962

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2019-09-25 05:03:40 UTC

Lol. I don't get on the server very much anymore

2019-09-25 05:03:53 UTC

Too busy working and trying to survive

2019-09-25 05:04:08 UTC

I feel ya

2019-09-25 05:04:23 UTC

Plus most of y'all are not on the west coast so when I'm awake or working y'all are asleep

2019-09-25 05:05:19 UTC

Yeah, cause im on extreme east compared to yall

2019-09-25 05:05:55 UTC


2019-09-25 05:06:06 UTC

I hate typing on the phone

2019-09-25 07:50:32 UTC

Boys, and @merc today i watched a guy bang his girl in the parking lot

2019-09-25 07:50:54 UTC

Downside was they finished before i could

2019-09-25 08:48:44 UTC


2019-09-25 11:31:10 UTC

@queefburgler rookie excuse should have fucked her and asserted dominance

2019-09-25 12:41:05 UTC

Sker sker hows everyone this morning

2019-09-25 13:01:10 UTC

Pretty good how about you

2019-09-25 13:02:39 UTC


2019-09-25 13:02:43 UTC


2019-09-25 13:03:47 UTC

Yall see the rise of occultism blantantly in our faces ?

2019-09-25 13:04:18 UTC

Nah canโ€™t say I have

2019-09-25 13:06:32 UTC

Oh man it's wild

2019-09-25 13:16:35 UTC

Thatโ€™s whack

2019-09-25 13:30:03 UTC

I saw a large freemasons gathering yesterday at the shrine club

2019-09-25 13:31:15 UTC

Shit like that is a meme

2019-09-25 13:31:26 UTC

Unless they're at the top

2019-09-25 13:31:45 UTC

I knew a couple of masons. Looking at it from the outside they seem like nice, community orientated people. Blood drives, highway cleanups, ect

2019-09-25 13:37:55 UTC

Yeah my granfather was one for like 20 years and ive been to one meeting, it looked to me like just a mens club that raised money for stuff

2019-09-25 13:55:08 UTC

That's what a lot are

2019-09-25 13:59:50 UTC

Bring me to an idea

2019-09-25 14:00:17 UTC

The big igloo mens club. Where do the same

2019-09-25 14:00:26 UTC

But.. more

2019-09-25 14:02:39 UTC

Like a gun club, where we drink heartily, take care of each other, and improve our community

2019-09-25 14:15:31 UTC


2019-09-25 14:16:00 UTC


2019-09-25 14:16:58 UTC

/k/olony when

2019-09-25 14:47:00 UTC


2019-09-25 14:47:12 UTC


2019-09-25 14:50:23 UTC

So for the club I propose the Luau League. Any other suggestions?

2019-09-25 14:53:52 UTC

Eh i think it needs new words and random words

2019-09-25 15:14:07 UTC

What sources do yall get your info from? MSM is obviously untrustworthy

2019-09-25 15:15:05 UTC

All over

2019-09-25 15:15:30 UTC


2019-09-25 15:15:35 UTC

Facebook, msm, alt

2019-09-25 15:15:55 UTC

Best to see what they're attempting to push

2019-09-25 15:18:26 UTC

I stopped watching MSM when they refused to cover anything not Trump for the last 3 years

2019-09-25 15:19:01 UTC

Yea that shits retarted but seeing both sides is real important. Zee what theyre feeding the public.

2019-09-25 15:19:21 UTC

The fortunate part of being the underdog rn is them being "justified" they display more

2019-09-25 15:44:30 UTC

Anyone notice an increase in "law enforcement" opportunities?

2019-09-25 15:44:44 UTC

@Hellhound6 im more of a watcher

2019-09-25 15:44:53 UTC

Big oof

2019-09-25 15:46:05 UTC

@Hellhound6 yeah. Usa jobs has a whole bunch. Im trying out for a few, but yeah. Seems every department sea to shining sea needs more badges

2019-09-25 15:46:19 UTC

I wonder why

2019-09-25 15:46:57 UTC

I wondered the same back when I applied for CBP, obviously I didn't make it. Almost got through the whole process

2019-09-25 15:48:33 UTC

Mixture of actual needs and probably fear

2019-09-25 15:49:57 UTC

We wouldn't need so many if they did actual work and public safety, not out there generating revenue for the State and their retirement or making arrests for victimless crimes

2019-09-25 15:52:00 UTC

Like I understand the need for some form of law enforcement and I'm a bit back the blue, but now its less I need their protection, and more checking for back plates

2019-09-25 15:52:30 UTC

*"For legal reasons, that was a joke"*

2019-09-25 15:55:28 UTC


2019-09-25 16:10:37 UTC

Because theyve forced all the good cops out and need to fill them with new recruits who are moldable.

2019-09-25 16:10:55 UTC

But they becane public enemies and negligent

2019-09-25 16:12:11 UTC

I think theres a case somewhere around me where they wouldnt let a 120iq recruit join the force "because he would get bored and leave shortly" he became a CO and is fighting it

2019-09-25 17:28:20 UTC

2019-09-25 17:30:28 UTC


2019-09-25 17:43:37 UTC

2019-09-25 17:49:04 UTC

Any of you guys play star wars battlefront

2019-09-25 18:46:27 UTC

Someone wanna explain whybthere was the name "tacticaltrap" on the side of a crate in my dream?

2019-09-25 18:46:38 UTC

On a warship at that

2019-09-25 18:49:15 UTC

2019-09-25 18:55:38 UTC

2019-09-25 18:56:08 UTC

@VI/K/INGinnaTRENCH/K/OAT that just seem slike some pretty <:blackbeard:554423076373397555> projection of one of out mascots lmao

2019-09-25 19:35:08 UTC

WHY the fuck facebook group is shit show ?

2019-09-25 19:36:06 UTC

lmao zucc gona yeet it anyway doh

2019-09-25 19:39:21 UTC

like lmao

2019-09-25 19:39:47 UTC

zucc is just waitin for proper moment

2019-09-25 19:40:47 UTC

Im scared

2019-09-25 19:41:28 UTC

Yeah guys, the FB has way more autists then this here discord. REEEEEE

2019-09-25 19:41:32 UTC

but it is bad though

2019-09-25 19:41:45 UTC

like one slightly Terroristical meme and ...Yeet
*For legal reasones that was a joke*~~The Dar/k/ness

2019-09-25 19:43:11 UTC

They're low functioning

2019-09-25 19:43:34 UTC

While me, I'm high functioning. All the benefits, none of the downsides

2019-09-25 19:47:44 UTC

Actually id say weve been infiltrated. Low level most likelu

2019-09-25 19:47:45 UTC

We have groups. So do they

2019-09-25 19:50:25 UTC

may be im just atf super agent just waiting for ya ol to made one fatal misstake<:gunpepe:554422111830278154> #votefor๐Ÿ…ฑ eto
For legal reasones that was a joke~~The Dar/k/ness

2019-09-25 19:50:59 UTC

Well I am the resident super spook

2019-09-25 19:51:32 UTC

*Stares infingingly*

2019-09-25 19:52:48 UTC

@Degenerate Furry yee but there is staby stick road or sum weird turtle

2019-09-25 19:53:25 UTC

For legal reasones that was a joke~~The Dar/k/ness

2019-09-25 19:53:55 UTC


2019-09-25 19:54:35 UTC

im gona get one from non existing big lou big igloo emporium

2019-09-25 19:54:52 UTC


2019-09-25 19:55:41 UTC

And fill some taxidermy dogs with the binary compound of justice. Those Cammpbell's soup bois cant resist shooting a good boy

2019-09-25 19:56:07 UTC

For legal reasones that was a pubg reference not invitation for foreign superpowers

2019-09-25 20:18:53 UTC

@Degenerate Furry hey you're a fucking glowboi

2019-09-25 20:19:35 UTC

Fuck off with this extreme nonsense

2019-09-25 20:19:52 UTC

Stop trying to get people to say shit

2019-09-25 20:19:58 UTC
2019-09-25 20:20:04 UTC

Get rid of this asshole

2019-09-25 20:20:37 UTC

God damn furry

165,010 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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