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2019-09-20 19:12:07 UTC

trump could win, depends on whether the israelis drag us into another war or the economy crashes

2019-09-20 19:12:13 UTC

@Berkutschi You seem to be under the impression that the republican candidate is any different.

2019-09-20 19:12:15 UTC

I hope he loses

2019-09-20 19:12:20 UTC

yeah but do you think Americans actually care about what presidents do?

2019-09-20 19:12:24 UTC

i doubt it

2019-09-20 19:12:28 UTC

My guess is there will be a false flag, like 9/11 to drag us into another jewish war

2019-09-20 19:12:35 UTC
2019-09-20 19:12:36 UTC


2019-09-20 19:12:44 UTC

im just saying he will get reelected

2019-09-20 19:12:55 UTC

he is still a pedo kike faggot in my opinion

2019-09-20 19:12:56 UTC

They had a couple of false flags already. See Syria gassings and Iran tanker @Pirate Headcrab

2019-09-20 19:13:00 UTC


2019-09-20 19:13:18 UTC

I hope the US will leave the Middle East

2019-09-20 19:13:25 UTC

Iโ€™m tired of war

2019-09-20 19:13:26 UTC

Just driving up the anti-iran support until they attack america to start the war

2019-09-20 19:13:31 UTC

i hope iran gets nuclear weapons

2019-09-20 19:13:34 UTC

a small amount of people actually care or think about politics
the rest just follow whoever has the most similar prior beliefs to them

2019-09-20 19:13:39 UTC

@Berkutschi Personally I doubt it. Heโ€™s alienated too many of the margins in an attempt to keep his core voting block solid.

2019-09-20 19:13:43 UTC

Who do you think will be the Democrat candidate? @Berkutschi

2019-09-20 19:14:00 UTC


2019-09-20 19:14:02 UTC

maybe biden?

2019-09-20 19:14:09 UTC

Me too

2019-09-20 19:14:10 UTC

idk tbh

2019-09-20 19:14:24 UTC

hes been appealing to blacks as if they would ever vote for a republican
especially against someone of their own race

2019-09-20 19:14:28 UTC

Biden or Warren. Pete is a potential but a long shot.

2019-09-20 19:14:58 UTC

No Bernie?

2019-09-20 19:15:16 UTC

>yang gets asked a question
>"excuse me"
>they just mute him for being a faggot

2019-09-20 19:15:20 UTC

warren could compete
he'll probs embarrass her in the debates like he did to hillary tho

2019-09-20 19:15:36 UTC

@Deleted User Heโ€™s too socialist. Only reason he had marginal support in the last primary was because Hillary was so unpopular.

2019-09-20 19:15:52 UTC


2019-09-20 19:16:01 UTC

it doesnt matter tbh

2019-09-20 19:16:15 UTC

every candidate will still suck israels cock and be a faggot

2019-09-20 19:16:17 UTC

Biden is going full antiracist though

2019-09-20 19:16:19 UTC

that irishman larping as a spic cost them a lot of votes with his gun grabber rhetoric

2019-09-20 19:17:19 UTC

I think everyone needs to take into account that even with Hillary being as ridiculously unpopular as she was she still managed to win the popular vote. A democratic candidate with any sort of popularity will likely blow trump out of the water.

2019-09-20 19:17:45 UTC

im sorry for biden
hes falling apart, democrats gang up on him

2019-09-20 19:17:58 UTC

Heโ€™ll survive.

2019-09-20 19:18:01 UTC


2019-09-20 19:18:04 UTC


2019-09-20 19:18:21 UTC

i still dont take actions because of my emotions tho

2019-09-20 19:18:30 UTC

that would make me do a bunch of hella gay shit

2019-09-20 19:18:47 UTC

The fact that heโ€™s so inoffensive is one of his best defenses. Itโ€™s really hard to outright hate him from a democratic perspective.

2019-09-20 19:19:30 UTC

>biden gets president
>dies in office
>falls on big red button

2019-09-20 19:19:37 UTC


2019-09-20 19:19:52 UTC

Have you seen his blood eye?

2019-09-20 19:20:19 UTC


2019-09-20 19:20:39 UTC

thats just his cloaking device failing

2019-09-20 19:20:57 UTC

Has Hillary as a Vice President. Hillary pulls a Teddy Roosevelt and institutes massive reforms and repopularizes the US on an international scale.

2019-09-20 19:21:05 UTC

Fella's been beaten by his wife

2019-09-20 19:21:26 UTC

he was attacked by the highly aggressive non whites

2019-09-20 19:21:32 UTC

Trump is unironically garbage at foreign diplomacy.

2019-09-20 19:21:43 UTC

Btw how can you say Hillary wasnt popular when she won more votes than Trump? @DrRisen

2019-09-20 19:22:02 UTC

grrr why dont you sell me greenland stupid eurofags

2019-09-20 19:22:47 UTC

greenland has a lot of good shit tho doesnt it? oil etc

2019-09-20 19:22:53 UTC


2019-09-20 19:23:06 UTC

what a coincidence iran, syria, irak, etc. also have oil

2019-09-20 19:23:14 UTC

they managed to get the russians to sell them Alaska

2019-09-20 19:23:24 UTC

what a coincidence the golan heights have a huge amount of oil

2019-09-20 19:23:25 UTC

@Deleted User Were you living under a rock during the last election? Quite a lot of people thought it was a choice between a rock and a hard place. She was the worst candidate for the job. Even with that in mind she managed to scrape up the popular vote because the Democratic Party is such a massive voting block at this point.

2019-09-20 19:23:48 UTC

A less controversial candidate than her will be nigh unstoppable.

2019-09-20 19:23:51 UTC

@Berkutschi also all enemies of israel
the zionists and the capitalist shake hands

2019-09-20 19:24:03 UTC

whats the difference?

2019-09-20 19:24:18 UTC

the capitalists arent all jewish

2019-09-20 19:24:32 UTC

capitalism is a jewish ideology itself

2019-09-20 19:24:52 UTC

in the sense that it is dominated by jews, yes

2019-09-20 19:25:07 UTC

no. the concept of capitalism is jewish

2019-09-20 19:25:17 UTC

idk about that

2019-09-20 19:25:47 UTC

Yes, reelected

2019-09-20 19:25:51 UTC

Iโ€™m a capitalist and Iโ€™m not Jewish. In fact I think religion in general is outdated superstition.

2019-09-20 19:25:52 UTC

the concept of free market allows for degeneracy

2019-09-20 19:26:10 UTC

thinking that jews are merely a religion

2019-09-20 19:26:11 UTC

yes goy spend money on your pornhub subcription

2019-09-20 19:26:29 UTC


2019-09-20 19:26:30 UTC

@Deleted User Not merely, but mostly.

2019-09-20 19:26:33 UTC

How is religion outdated? @DrRisen

2019-09-20 19:27:04 UTC

Itโ€™s becoming more of a drag on society than a benefit at this point.

2019-09-20 19:27:07 UTC

religion only offers excuses in my opinion

2019-09-20 19:27:19 UTC

Itโ€™s time to unplug the nightlight and grow up.

2019-09-20 19:27:26 UTC

but still respect christians, pagans and muslims

2019-09-20 19:27:35 UTC

fighting over religion is silly in my opinion

2019-09-20 19:27:35 UTC

You sound like an atheist

2019-09-20 19:27:41 UTC
2019-09-20 19:27:52 UTC

Secular Humanist, which is pretty much the same thing.

2019-09-20 19:27:58 UTC


2019-09-20 19:28:04 UTC

just say you are an atheist

2019-09-20 19:28:11 UTC

i am one too

2019-09-20 19:28:20 UTC

Ok, Iโ€™m an atheist. Happy?

2019-09-20 19:28:28 UTC


2019-09-20 19:28:30 UTC

no you owe me 300 dollars

2019-09-20 19:28:41 UTC

No u

2019-09-20 19:28:49 UTC


2019-09-20 19:29:03 UTC

nah theyre an ethnicity so distinct that they even have different prevalence's for genetic diseases but its ok

2019-09-20 19:29:11 UTC

you are a big kike, trying to get me to send you money @DrRisen

2019-09-20 19:29:33 UTC


2019-09-20 19:30:14 UTC

im gonna go to <#587015719141507102>

2019-09-21 20:06:32 UTC

@everyone Daily Question ๐Ÿ”–

- What is the best energy source both short and long term? Explain why your pick is superior to the alternatives.

2019-09-21 20:07:02 UTC

Human sacrifice

2019-09-21 20:07:35 UTC


2019-09-21 20:07:43 UTC


2019-09-21 20:07:51 UTC

Amphetamines @Maksim

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