
Discord ID: 587028275918929925

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2019-09-09 23:54:05 UTC

Ive debunked that quote

2019-09-09 23:54:07 UTC

twice now

2019-09-09 23:54:08 UTC

scroll up

2019-09-09 23:54:16 UTC

That quote cannot be proven to be true

2019-09-09 23:54:22 UTC

It has infact been proven false

2019-09-09 23:54:24 UTC

@Maksim I said a very wise person. Not Benny Frank.

2019-09-09 23:54:29 UTC

though it could be more yes
But just because weโ€™re 13% doesnโ€™t mean 100% of us do the crime

2019-09-09 23:54:41 UTC

@DrRisen i didnt say anything about ben

2019-09-09 23:54:44 UTC

I said that quote

2019-09-09 23:54:47 UTC

now scroll up

2019-09-09 23:54:56 UTC

@DrRisen *sigh* even when Islam converts and destroys entire countries? Throwing them into shitholes?

2019-09-09 23:55:07 UTC

Destroying culture? We should just let it happen?

2019-09-09 23:55:09 UTC

Islam is still better than lgbt

2019-09-09 23:55:19 UTC

Lesser of two evils?

2019-09-09 23:55:21 UTC


2019-09-09 23:55:26 UTC

I could maybe go with that.

2019-09-09 23:55:34 UTC

I'd fight with a muslim side-by-side against a common enemy

2019-09-09 23:55:43 UTC

Enemy of my enemy is my friend

2019-09-09 23:55:44 UTC

Islam shares many of the social values we also hold

2019-09-09 23:55:55 UTC

White sharia when?

2019-09-09 23:56:00 UTC

Wait, hold on, so youโ€™re saying that the information quoted is bullshit, or that nobody important said it? @Maksim

2019-09-09 23:56:01 UTC

Personally id fight with them against judaism but thats just me

2019-09-09 23:56:02 UTC

Itโ€™s just they hate us and are trying to destroy our culture.

2019-09-09 23:56:10 UTC

@DrRisen information quoted is bullshit

2019-09-09 23:56:13 UTC

islam is just cucking yourself to arabic culture tbh

2019-09-09 23:56:38 UTC

@Maksim depends on the Jews. I could maybe go with long as you arenโ€™t counting me and my group of โ€œHebraic Jews.โ€ ๐Ÿ˜‚

2019-09-09 23:56:50 UTC

Awesome, guess that means I can ctrl+alt+DELETE the 2nd amendment. @Maksim

2019-09-09 23:57:00 UTC
2019-09-09 23:57:15 UTC

2nd amendment should never...ever...ever be infringed.

2019-09-09 23:57:18 UTC

2nd amendment can be removed legally

2019-09-09 23:57:22 UTC


2019-09-09 23:57:24 UTC


2019-09-09 23:57:27 UTC

Yes it can

2019-09-09 23:57:28 UTC

It cannot.

2019-09-09 23:57:37 UTC

Yes it can bruh do u know basic law

2019-09-09 23:57:38 UTC

Maybe legally.

2019-09-09 23:57:39 UTC

allah is just the arab word for god
why do swedish muslims still use allah instead of the swedish word for god?
its because islam is basically arabic cultural nationalism

2019-09-09 23:57:41 UTC

2019-09-09 23:57:43 UTC

But not morally.

2019-09-09 23:57:50 UTC

@Attika Your morals

2019-09-09 23:58:07 UTC

I want 2nd amendment if im going to start a revolution, if i am the one in charge i want it gone

2019-09-09 23:58:07 UTC

He literally said "can be removed legally"

2019-09-09 23:58:09 UTC


2019-09-09 23:58:14 UTC

wth is that cring meme?
and why are we all still in serious?

2019-09-09 23:58:15 UTC

You realize if people give up their guns any leverage against hyper powerful states disappears.

I'd compromise and get rid of the 14th amendment if the we could get rid of the 2nd.

2019-09-09 23:58:32 UTC

@Maksim Well at least youโ€™re honest.

2019-09-09 23:58:37 UTC
2019-09-09 23:58:52 UTC

Erm why?

2019-09-09 23:59:04 UTC

@Attika What leverage?

2019-09-09 23:59:22 UTC

@President Sanders๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ kill 2 birds w/ one stone get rid of 19th as well

2019-09-09 23:59:35 UTC

i want my friends to have guns
i dont want my enemies to have them

2019-09-09 23:59:42 UTC


2019-09-09 23:59:44 UTC


2019-09-09 23:59:48 UTC

If need to overthrow the government ever happened...guns are our leverage. Maybe not to destroy government but to make life hell.

2019-09-09 23:59:56 UTC

@Attika No theyre not

2019-09-10 00:00:04 UTC

Yes they are

2019-09-10 00:00:19 UTC

How is having the means for revolution not leverage?

2019-09-10 00:00:20 UTC

2nd amendment is vital.

2019-09-10 00:00:23 UTC

U.S Military has tanks, drones, bombers, missles, warthogs, a navy, airforce, secrect services

2019-09-10 00:00:25 UTC

Silly rabbit, guns are for **THE MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX**

2019-09-10 00:00:28 UTC

You wont be able to overthrow for shit

2019-09-10 00:00:32 UTC

not without the military on ur side

2019-09-10 00:00:36 UTC

Tell that to Vietnam

2019-09-10 00:00:55 UTC

they probably help
idk if theyre the main leverage
but they dont harm it either

2019-09-10 00:00:57 UTC

@Deleted User They had a superpower (USSR) supporting them

2019-09-10 00:01:02 UTC

@Maksim the military is trained to protect that right.

2019-09-10 00:01:10 UTC

@Attika Not in practice

2019-09-10 00:01:19 UTC

@Maksim I have spoken with veterans

2019-09-10 00:01:27 UTC

And what makes you think China or Russia wouldn't support a revolution in the US?

2019-09-10 00:01:35 UTC

Many say if the government initiated a gun ban the military would intervene.

2019-09-10 00:01:38 UTC

Military will defend the government depending on what benefits them more, not based on morals @Attika

2019-09-10 00:01:38 UTC

Iโ€™ve always been of the strong belief that if the government tries to go too far the military will push back on itโ€™s bullshit. After all the military is made up of some of the most liberty-loving Americans alive.

2019-09-10 00:01:53 UTC

@Attika This is proven historically

2019-09-10 00:02:04 UTC

@Maksim I disagree. The military hates the government outside of trump.

2019-09-10 00:02:10 UTC

US is a different animal.

2019-09-10 00:02:26 UTC

@Attika The generals call the shots - not the individual solider

2019-09-10 00:02:52 UTC

You cannot say that they will intervene agains the government - you simply cannot there is no evidence for it.

2019-09-10 00:02:54 UTC

The American political system is not very well represented in history. @Maksim Shit could go very differently than expected.

2019-09-10 00:02:59 UTC

military could fracture but we have no idea what the battle lines will be
guns could be useful in a troubles type situation
which is the most likely case for a civil conflict atm

2019-09-10 00:03:03 UTC

I can however say they will not intervene against - because there is historical evidence for it

2019-09-10 00:03:05 UTC

@Maksim true in practice. But youโ€™re forgetting that many generals support the 2nd amendment.

2019-09-10 00:03:23 UTC

If there ever was social collapse.

2019-09-10 00:03:25 UTC

I want my gun.

2019-09-10 00:03:27 UTC

the civil war is unlikely to be a pitched battle

2019-09-10 00:03:29 UTC

More importantly the vast majority of servicemen do too. @Attika

2019-09-10 00:03:41 UTC

Exactly. @DrRisen

2019-09-10 00:03:52 UTC

Most likely the military would split into different factions

2019-09-10 00:04:01 UTC


2019-09-10 00:04:09 UTC

But we all know which faction would be bigger.

2019-09-10 00:04:30 UTC

there would probably be a large domestic faction and a foreign backed smaller faction

2019-09-10 00:04:41 UTC

if the military gets deployed even

2019-09-10 00:04:47 UTC

I'd join the foreign backed one if it's russia

2019-09-10 00:04:52 UTC

*my Russian meddling senses are tingling*

2019-09-10 00:05:08 UTC

Since mostly conservatives make up the military most of the military would probably back the 2nd

2019-09-10 00:05:14 UTC

Proxy war between Isreal and Russia on US soil

2019-09-10 00:05:20 UTC

Doubt they would in a real civil conflict

2019-09-10 00:05:20 UTC


2019-09-10 00:05:26 UTC

Thatโ€™d be messy

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