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2017-08-24 07:22:11 UTC

@IdentityIndiana Nice interview

2017-08-24 10:02:49 UTC

Hail Victory boys. Fuck the media

2017-08-24 11:07:24 UTC

2017-08-24 11:07:35 UTC

I'm Fucking dying how hard can it be to know what fasces are

2017-08-24 11:29:29 UTC

2017-08-24 11:29:46 UTC

It would take time but we could make it work. Opinions?

2017-08-24 11:31:40 UTC

We need the sight back and this isnโ€™t to degrading

2017-08-24 12:06:08 UTC

I would say moving away from the Nazi symbolism may actually be a good thing

2017-08-24 12:06:16 UTC

We're not krauts we're Midwestern

2017-08-24 12:07:05 UTC

Whatever the party that preceded Vlaams Belang would be a good example, they're ethno nationalists but they weren't larping as Nazis

2017-08-24 12:08:14 UTC

We still need fashy imagery tho

2017-08-24 12:10:39 UTC

There's nothing wrong with fashy imagery if we don't look like faggots

2017-08-24 12:22:21 UTC

Keep giving it to them boys don't back down.

2017-08-24 12:27:13 UTC

@IdentityIndiana Fuck 'em. Let's move the site over to Squarespace. NPI has their website hosted on that. We shouldn't make anything less inflammatory. We are who we are and we can't let censorship change that. I say we just move the site and buy the domain off Squarespace for $20/year. Hell I'll even pay for the first year.

2017-08-24 12:33:18 UTC

I'll have to look into it more. It is a good excuse to move away from the nazi larp.

2017-08-24 14:47:48 UTC

Liquid Web Host a site hee. it is only $6 a month

2017-08-24 14:48:08 UTC

Sorry $15 a month

2017-08-24 14:48:12 UTC

and it is free speech

2017-08-24 14:49:08 UTC

it is a webhosting service

2017-08-24 14:49:28 UTC

I would recomend going there instead of (((Webnode))

2017-08-24 14:57:20 UTC

I think I will start migrating to Vidme

2017-08-24 16:28:27 UTC

That's not too bad. Honestly guys I don't have a ton of cash right now with the semester starting and until yesterday I was helping pay for my grandfathers medical bills. If we can make the current site that I've already paid for work for now that's my first option.

2017-08-24 17:24:08 UTC

I will pay for the first two months.

2017-08-24 17:52:35 UTC

We'll see how the site looks once I get t cleaned up. I want to get away from the larp and make something more like I.E. has

2017-08-24 19:04:21 UTC

if anyone has time could use a bump

2017-08-24 23:03:18 UTC


2017-08-24 23:03:35 UTC

this will give you a few keks

2017-08-24 23:28:52 UTC

2017-08-24 23:33:19 UTC

2017-08-24 23:33:57 UTC

One shitlord with some flyers can cause an awful lot of trouble. Makes me happy

2017-08-24 23:58:21 UTC


2017-08-25 00:02:57 UTC

oooo nooooo soopk

2017-08-25 00:03:18 UTC

We're on tv lol

2017-08-25 00:05:26 UTC

@IdentityIndiana "NIGGA THEY GOT BLACK N WHITE PRINT OUTS" I'm fucking dying ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

2017-08-25 00:05:37 UTC

Hell yeah we're on TV

2017-08-25 00:05:46 UTC

We wuz famous n sheit

2017-08-25 00:08:57 UTC


2017-08-25 00:09:22 UTC


2017-08-25 00:09:48 UTC

I know right

2017-08-25 00:10:21 UTC

Can someone give me a copy, I think I might just print some of these out

2017-08-25 00:10:41 UTC

They were honestly pretty fair. Didn't know it was a big brain nigga I was talking to

2017-08-25 00:11:33 UTC


2017-08-25 00:11:37 UTC


2017-08-25 00:12:08 UTC

It's in the link I posted

2017-08-25 00:24:02 UTC

I think we should change the Twitter from @midwest1488 to @themidwesternalliance or @midwesteralliance

2017-08-25 00:24:11 UTC

If we're moving away from LARP

2017-08-25 00:24:19 UTC


2017-08-25 00:49:20 UTC

Only the blue states will be majority white in 2050

2017-08-25 00:50:14 UTC


2017-08-25 00:50:40 UTC

Fucking hell sieg heil we finally got media attention

2017-08-25 00:50:53 UTC

Fuck yeah buds

2017-08-25 00:51:13 UTC

I'm gonna print some off my school computer

2017-08-25 00:51:35 UTC

College or HS?

2017-08-25 00:51:46 UTC


2017-08-25 00:51:58 UTC

Nice, senior this year

2017-08-25 00:52:04 UTC

Oh nice

2017-08-25 00:52:35 UTC

Gonna probably go navy

2017-08-25 00:52:52 UTC

I'm thinking about Marines

2017-08-25 00:53:11 UTC

ICE might be a nice option

2017-08-25 00:53:21 UTC

Oh yeah true

2017-08-25 00:53:46 UTC

Maybe I could bag some beaners

2017-08-25 00:54:12 UTC

Round up a restaurants cooks

2017-08-25 00:54:31 UTC

ICE would be fun

2017-08-25 00:54:36 UTC


2017-08-25 00:54:41 UTC

I'm probably going to go into accounting though

2017-08-25 00:54:47 UTC

Don't join the military goyim I don't want you to die for Israel

2017-08-25 00:55:03 UTC


2017-08-25 00:57:04 UTC

Where are some good places to put these? Should we start a chain reaction and put them everywhere?

2017-08-25 00:58:33 UTC

That would be awesome. When i go down to visit my brother at college I'll put a bunch up

2017-08-25 00:59:12 UTC

IDK where to put them

2017-08-25 00:59:49 UTC

I was planning to put them at my local college but I dont have a car yet

2017-08-25 01:05:02 UTC

Yea all this is a great night for us. honestly in regard to the 2050 white states I wouldnt mind making this an "amerikaner" movement at some point. let us have the white parts, they can have the rest

2017-08-25 01:06:17 UTC

I was thinking about putting some up on the organization bulletin boards at my schools

2017-08-25 01:06:30 UTC

Right next to the ones for Mexican Culture Club and the Gay/Straight Alliance

2017-08-25 01:06:54 UTC

@HoosierShitposter Make sure its hard for them to find you if you go through with it

2017-08-25 01:10:24 UTC

Would putting some out in public be ok?

2017-08-25 01:11:08 UTC

yes. never do it where you are a student, never do it where you can get caught

2017-08-25 01:12:44 UTC

Fucking smug liberals. Also wtf we told them we are identitarian!

2017-08-25 01:13:18 UTC

I don't go to college yet (HS anon) so its ok. Just don't have a car and license yet.

2017-08-25 01:13:49 UTC

HS can still fuck you up tho

2017-08-25 01:15:48 UTC

I went to college. It is a waste of time and money. buying a car and starting your credit is the way to go.

2017-08-25 01:15:58 UTC

Where's a good place to put the posters up?

2017-08-25 01:16:18 UTC

I owe arund 4K in college and 8K for my new car.

2017-08-25 01:17:00 UTC

Grocery stores

2017-08-25 01:17:05 UTC

@Rhalitra-WI I did, Its the only way to keep them from saying LITERAL NAZIZKKKFAZIZT

2017-08-25 01:17:34 UTC

Ok grocery stores it is

2017-08-25 01:17:48 UTC

they dont know what it means so just keeps the naritive in our court as well

2017-08-25 01:18:34 UTC

"Ay yo, oooga booga itz be impossible for teh whities in the midwest to seceede and make their own nation." .(((intilectual))) sheeboon

2017-08-25 01:19:25 UTC

Oh but it's ok for them to have black only African countries. Such hypocrisy. Asia for asians, Africa for africans but white countries for everyone?

2017-08-25 01:20:05 UTC

*"Ooga booga bix nood n shiiet", The black man said to me as he stole my shoes and raped my wife*

2017-08-25 01:27:47 UTC

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