
Discord ID: 228754920050786315

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2016-11-09 06:17:29 UTC

We have a special person here?

2016-11-09 06:17:29 UTC

donny d

2016-11-09 06:17:29 UTC

@Beans probably still will

2016-11-09 06:17:31 UTC


2016-11-09 06:17:38 UTC

Creationist cat is that you?

2016-11-09 06:17:40 UTC

even if he wins

2016-11-09 06:17:45 UTC

planning on next weekend

2016-11-09 06:17:48 UTC

yup its me

2016-11-09 06:18:00 UTC

but you can do whatever you want, man

2016-11-09 06:18:02 UTC


2016-11-09 06:18:12 UTC


2016-11-09 06:18:14 UTC

be free

2016-11-09 06:18:18 UTC

@Beans yeah i wanna die whole heartedly

2016-11-09 06:18:19 UTC

#freedom #Murrica

2016-11-09 06:18:35 UTC


2016-11-09 06:18:56 UTC


2016-11-09 06:19:13 UTC


2016-11-09 06:19:32 UTC


2016-11-09 06:19:48 UTC

Trudeau will be pissed. I love it!

2016-11-09 06:20:23 UTC

Can't wait to see Hillary cry.

2016-11-09 06:20:34 UTC

In which I have already had friends have ridiculous panic attacks over the election.

2016-11-09 06:20:47 UTC

And I live in Britain.

2016-11-09 06:20:51 UTC

@Sebastian Lawe So will a LOT of my friends, too

2016-11-09 06:20:53 UTC

And I fucking love it

2016-11-09 06:20:57 UTC

The pure salt

2016-11-09 06:21:07 UTC

Can make a new Dead Sea

2016-11-09 06:21:08 UTC

there's no way hill is winning michigan and wisconsin

2016-11-09 06:21:09 UTC

This is just like Brexit.

2016-11-09 06:21:24 UTC

Meme magic is real, my dudes.

2016-11-09 06:22:04 UTC


2016-11-09 06:22:17 UTC

Just woke up, what have I missed?

2016-11-09 06:22:28 UTC

vermin supreme lost

2016-11-09 06:22:36 UTC

Poor Vermin Supreme.

2016-11-09 06:22:37 UTC

Proof of meme magic's existance/

2016-11-09 06:22:57 UTC

Rip mexicans

2016-11-09 06:23:01 UTC

And snow mexicans

2016-11-09 06:23:18 UTC

and the sand ni๐Ÿ…ฑ๐Ÿ…ฑas

2016-11-09 06:23:22 UTC


2016-11-09 06:23:33 UTC

Well, bye bye illegals

2016-11-09 06:23:35 UTC

*chocolate comrades

2016-11-09 06:24:04 UTC

Back to the shitting streets you go, you fucking Jawas.

2016-11-09 06:24:44 UTC

Clean toilet, or designated shitting street

2016-11-09 06:24:48 UTC

The choice is obvious

2016-11-09 06:25:02 UTC

the street

2016-11-09 06:25:03 UTC


2016-11-09 06:25:05 UTC

No shit

2016-11-09 06:25:13 UTC

Gotta take a shit with loads of other people

2016-11-09 06:25:14 UTC

lots of shit

2016-11-09 06:25:30 UTC

And no toilet paper

2016-11-09 06:25:32 UTC

Where's the election at?

2016-11-09 06:25:38 UTC

Scrape the shit off your hands onto the neighboring shit sitter

2016-11-09 06:26:18 UTC

Trump leading

2016-11-09 06:26:26 UTC

you can also fling the shit at Parjeet because he stole your cow

2016-11-09 06:26:58 UTC

"Jo steel cow, me fling shit"

2016-11-09 06:28:07 UTC

Is that Baljeet from Phineas and Ferb

2016-11-09 06:28:47 UTC

From what now?

2016-11-09 06:28:51 UTC

penises and pervs?

2016-11-09 06:28:55 UTC

The hell is a "Phineas"?

2016-11-09 06:29:11 UTC

its a crtoon

2016-11-09 06:29:16 UTC


2016-11-09 06:29:20 UTC

But Jesus, I like both

2016-11-09 06:29:27 UTC


2016-11-09 06:29:29 UTC


2016-11-09 06:29:45 UTC


2016-11-09 06:30:33 UTC

Hey what's up JesusCat?

2016-11-09 06:30:50 UTC

still at 244

2016-11-09 06:31:15 UTC

2016-11-09 06:31:24 UTC

Seems the stats are locked

2016-11-09 06:31:34 UTC

Inb4 Hillary steals the election through fraud

2016-11-09 06:31:48 UTC


2016-11-09 06:31:57 UTC


2016-11-09 06:32:10 UTC

But I doubt she will win

2016-11-09 06:32:10 UTC

We just need 26!!!

2016-11-09 06:32:13 UTC

inb4 trump is assassinated

2016-11-09 06:32:16 UTC

I wanna see Hillary get fucked by every single one of her black male voters

2016-11-09 06:32:22 UTC

Not with the total amount of States

2016-11-09 06:32:34 UTC

Now that's some kinky shit

2016-11-09 06:32:42 UTC

"Old woman does black dudes"

2016-11-09 06:32:42 UTC


2016-11-09 06:32:46 UTC

Inb4 As a result of Trump's assassination, Hillary will be assassinated as well

2016-11-09 06:32:55 UTC

jesus is right

2016-11-09 06:33:05 UTC


2016-11-09 06:33:12 UTC

millions of giant black cocks smack up against Hillary's wrinkly fucking face

2016-11-09 06:33:27 UTC


2016-11-09 06:33:38 UTC

Drown her in cream

2016-11-09 06:33:44 UTC

Thanks for the mental image

2016-11-09 06:33:49 UTC

Chocolate pudding

2016-11-09 06:33:56 UTC

With cream fillings

2016-11-09 06:34:49 UTC

How are black people born if cum is white?

2016-11-09 06:35:05 UTC

is it all white?

2016-11-09 06:35:21 UTC

if so, does that mean cum is racist?

2016-11-09 06:35:31 UTC


2016-11-09 06:35:32 UTC

If I died my jizz blue would my kid be a fucking Smurf?

2016-11-09 06:35:38 UTC

It's because they choose to be black after birth, duhhh!

2016-11-09 06:35:38 UTC


2016-11-09 06:35:42 UTC

I wanna kill myself

2016-11-09 06:38:31 UTC

Ladies and Gentlemen, President Elect Donald J. Trump!

2016-11-09 06:38:38 UTC

PA is called

2016-11-09 06:39:08 UTC


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