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2017-03-14 06:05:21 UTC


2017-03-14 06:05:25 UTC


2017-03-14 06:05:25 UTC
2017-03-14 06:05:27 UTC

it still hurts @Wangataro

2017-03-14 06:05:30 UTC

So I had a BMX bike that had a manual break and a trick assist think that only stopped the back wheel to help you do tricks, and when I was a kid, I hit the trick one by acident durring a race and busted my head open on the horrible road

2017-03-14 06:05:37 UTC

I saw that in the skate park when I was a kid

2017-03-14 06:05:45 UTC

Fucking bone was sticking out of his leg

2017-03-14 06:05:54 UTC

I was saying it was gross

2017-03-14 06:06:01 UTC


2017-03-14 06:06:02 UTC

Because your knee bent backwards

2017-03-14 06:06:06 UTC

@Repzion U NO U WANT 2

2017-03-14 06:06:09 UTC

I'm screaming

2017-03-14 06:06:19 UTC

Oh man, I can't tell you how many times I've hit the front brake and gone over the fucking handlebars _INTO TRAFFIC._

2017-03-14 06:06:19 UTC

man I'm like semi-crippled for life

2017-03-14 06:06:23 UTC

mfw i was barely concious

2017-03-14 06:06:26 UTC

like a Skyrim city guard

2017-03-14 06:06:32 UTC

Could you kick yourself in the face

2017-03-14 06:06:35 UTC

Arrow to the knee

2017-03-14 06:06:35 UTC

mfw i went to sleep after hitting my head once

2017-03-14 06:06:41 UTC

I used to work at a hospital so injuries don't bother me too much. I was at the ER waiting for the fresh patients lol

2017-03-14 06:06:45 UTC

fuk metal peddles

2017-03-14 06:06:47 UTC

I remember when I could use my knees

2017-03-14 06:06:50 UTC

See, Daniel probably ran away

2017-03-14 06:06:55 UTC

But then I took an arrow to the knee

2017-03-14 06:07:01 UTC

@Thresh yes. I had to hold my knee in place with my hands while I took another bus home

2017-03-14 06:07:12 UTC

mfw my brother tried to jump over the medal poles infront of walmart and fractured his elbow

2017-03-14 06:07:18 UTC


2017-03-14 06:07:19 UTC

only on my porch the adrenaline let me go and the pain set in

2017-03-14 06:07:24 UTC

A buddy of mine at school ran as fast as he could toward a table under a canopy. He fucking rammed his head into one of the metal bars at full speed and knocked himself out for a solid 15 seconds.

2017-03-14 06:07:26 UTC

@Thresh Midgets can

2017-03-14 06:07:33 UTC
2017-03-14 06:07:40 UTC

There was this one lady that had a heart attack right in front of me and I stopped whatever I was doing to do cpr. It was a stressful 2 years

2017-03-14 06:07:53 UTC

this conversation keeps taking 180 turns

2017-03-14 06:07:54 UTC

2 years of cpr

2017-03-14 06:07:54 UTC


2017-03-14 06:07:59 UTC


2017-03-14 06:08:00 UTC

Damn son

2017-03-14 06:08:02 UTC

That's like the slowest response time ever

2017-03-14 06:08:10 UTC

I mean I worked at the ER for 2 years lol

2017-03-14 06:08:16 UTC

Oh lol

2017-03-14 06:08:18 UTC

Oh, nice.

2017-03-14 06:08:34 UTC

I graduated early from HS at 16 and went to college right after

2017-03-14 06:09:00 UTC

Got my certificate and starting working where I was interning

2017-03-14 06:09:05 UTC

I'm a dropout cause of bullying lol

2017-03-14 06:09:16 UTC

Furball, get back in the trunk.

2017-03-14 06:09:22 UTC

I didn't go to public school until I was 18.

2017-03-14 06:09:22 UTC


2017-03-14 06:09:25 UTC

I've missed out on so many good educational chances because I don't feel like puting in the extra work

2017-03-14 06:09:28 UTC

@๐Ÿ’งHisoMachi๐Ÿ’– did the lady live though?

2017-03-14 06:09:30 UTC

Then I passed within a year.

2017-03-14 06:09:30 UTC

I saw a lot of things that went behind the scenes

2017-03-14 06:09:43 UTC


2017-03-14 06:09:44 UTC

Some nurses are pieces of shit

2017-03-14 06:09:49 UTC

I want to be a DJ

2017-03-14 06:09:56 UTC

You and me both.

2017-03-14 06:09:59 UTC

So before I make the drop

2017-03-14 06:09:59 UTC

@Sarcastro yeah she did

2017-03-14 06:10:06 UTC

I just change it to spongebob

2017-03-14 06:10:09 UTC

Idk what I wanna do in life

2017-03-14 06:10:14 UTC

I wanna be that one guy that purposly hurts himself in public places so he can sue the place

2017-03-14 06:10:19 UTC


2017-03-14 06:10:21 UTC

@Wangataro @Kojach Limeryn I tried to be a DJ once. Ended up becoming a failure though

2017-03-14 06:10:21 UTC

A lot of people I took care of didn't make it and I was just so scarred from it

2017-03-14 06:10:25 UTC

I've looked into radio stations online and into local stations, but everyone's all booked up.

2017-03-14 06:10:26 UTC

@new account Jesse 1767 so a piece of shit?

2017-03-14 06:10:26 UTC

Nothing really interests me that much

2017-03-14 06:10:36 UTC

lmao sure

2017-03-14 06:10:36 UTC
2017-03-14 06:10:42 UTC


2017-03-14 06:10:51 UTC

nah but honestly I'm setting my self up to be a lawyer atm

2017-03-14 06:10:55 UTC

Becaue I have no motivation or musical talent

2017-03-14 06:10:56 UTC

Now I work at an airport and loving every minute of it. At least the patients I had really loved me

2017-03-14 06:11:10 UTC

@Sarcastro oh, now that's just quitter talk๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค

2017-03-14 06:11:21 UTC

I have four quarters

2017-03-14 06:11:29 UTC

I can hold them in my belly

2017-03-14 06:11:34 UTC

It's dope

2017-03-14 06:11:35 UTC

I just used Traktor 2 and large heaphones to impress that grill and ditched the whole idea after one night

2017-03-14 06:11:41 UTC

Music, cars, people. If I could get a job driving a wrecker truck and listening to music on the clock I'd be all good.

2017-03-14 06:11:56 UTC

I've tried to learn the violin but failed and now I wanna learn the piano just so I can play rag time

2017-03-14 06:12:02 UTC

Become a russian bus driver?

2017-03-14 06:12:04 UTC


2017-03-14 06:12:06 UTC

2 out of the 3 people i live with dropped out of highschool <:feels:280645240572870656> they set really good examples tbh

2017-03-14 06:12:10 UTC

Didn't you hear?

2017-03-14 06:12:15 UTC

Rag time is too classic not to learn to play

2017-03-14 06:12:16 UTC

I can fit

2017-03-14 06:12:18 UTC


2017-03-14 06:12:19 UTC


2017-03-14 06:12:20 UTC


2017-03-14 06:12:21 UTC

you can drive people around while blasting the shitiest music you could think of

2017-03-14 06:12:21 UTC


2017-03-14 06:12:22 UTC


2017-03-14 06:12:35 UTC


2017-03-14 06:12:36 UTC

four quarters of what?

2017-03-14 06:12:37 UTC


2017-03-14 06:12:38 UTC


2017-03-14 06:12:41 UTC

Learn polka

2017-03-14 06:12:45 UTC

Four quarters

2017-03-14 06:12:53 UTC

Alright guys I'm off to bed. NightB

2017-03-14 06:12:58 UTC

I have a polka Playlist in my spotify lol

2017-03-14 06:12:58 UTC

bye bye bro

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