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2017-03-07 01:25:15 UTC

Well thats my choice

2017-03-07 01:25:18 UTC

not yours

im long distance right now but.. im 24 lol. and im moving closer to him in a week.

2017-03-07 01:25:27 UTC

i wasnt saying it was my choice

2017-03-07 01:25:31 UTC

it was a simple question

2017-03-07 01:25:45 UTC

and hoping he'll get to come down next year if we're still together

no ones attacking you sammy. it was just an odd thing to say thats all.

2017-03-07 01:25:49 UTC

All of my experiences with long distance blew up in my face, but I do hope it's different for you

2017-03-07 01:26:41 UTC

idk lol

i've never really had a serious ldr.

until now so i mean.

2017-03-07 01:26:50 UTC

people take the circumstances of their relationships far too harshly

2017-03-07 01:26:57 UTC

I was in an LDR for 2 years and it was the best relationship I had in terms of feelings of love tbh. Every time we met it was amazing. She ended up moving to a big city near her and got into drugs tho and hung out with a bad crowd so we broke it off

aw dude flashy, that sucks.

2017-03-07 01:27:21 UTC

Ah that does suck

sorry man.

2017-03-07 01:27:36 UTC

I posted my beat up face.

2017-03-07 01:27:50 UTC

wtf happened?

2017-03-07 01:27:54 UTC

That picture is from two weeks ago. In the Selfie chat.

2017-03-07 01:28:05 UTC

Got jumped by four dindus at night.

2017-03-07 01:28:21 UTC

damn wtf for?

2017-03-07 01:28:21 UTC

oh damn

2017-03-07 01:28:27 UTC

Just because.

2017-03-07 01:28:29 UTC

yeah what happened to you man


2017-03-07 01:28:56 UTC

you oaky now?

2017-03-07 01:29:02 UTC


2017-03-07 01:29:03 UTC


2017-03-07 01:29:06 UTC

you were just jumped?

2017-03-07 01:29:12 UTC

they steal anythign?

lol i love the word dingus.

2017-03-07 01:29:15 UTC

is this a slang I am unfamiliar with

2017-03-07 01:29:17 UTC


2017-03-07 01:29:23 UTC


dingus = idiot lol

2017-03-07 01:29:38 UTC

dingus is a favorite of mine too

2017-03-07 01:29:51 UTC

I'm glad it came back

2017-03-07 01:29:54 UTC

I saw dindus

2017-03-07 01:29:55 UTC

its a good word

fuck nugget as well

2017-03-07 01:30:01 UTC

my ex used to say it all the time

2017-03-07 01:30:01 UTC

and i couldn't figure out it was a typo

douche canoe.

2017-03-07 01:30:15 UTC

I'm good now. Posted the updated picture.

2017-03-07 01:30:53 UTC

guys i need someone to talk to pls join cancer vc

2017-03-07 01:30:54 UTC

lowkey I'm kinda nervous about fighting cuz of the possibility of losing one lol I imagine it just feels awful but thankfully I only been in a few. I avoid it as much as possible

i can barely lift a chair

so i'd be fuked.

2017-03-07 01:31:31 UTC

join cancer vc

2017-03-07 01:31:45 UTC

I'd be fucked too, i cant fight to save my life

2017-03-07 01:31:50 UTC

alright then

2017-03-07 01:31:52 UTC

It doesn't feel that bad, actually.

i'm weak as hell

2017-03-07 01:32:00 UTC

Maybe it was just the adrenaline.

2017-03-07 01:32:00 UTC

I got beat up a lot as a kid

2017-03-07 01:32:10 UTC

but by middle school I was bigger than everyone so it stopped

2017-03-07 01:32:29 UTC

I just wanna believe you where born with that beard and thats why

2017-03-07 01:32:32 UTC

Adrenaline saves you from a lot of pain

2017-03-07 01:32:35 UTC

like damn

2017-03-07 01:32:47 UTC

I wish I was born with this beard

2017-03-07 01:32:51 UTC

you imagine a bearded baby

2017-03-07 01:32:54 UTC

fully bearded

2017-03-07 01:33:03 UTC

Dude I was taller than most kids then my sophomore yr I messed up my back lifting and I swear I nvr grew much after that

2017-03-07 01:33:05 UTC

It's fucking hilarious

2017-03-07 01:33:11 UTC

thatwould be amazing

majestic af.

2017-03-07 01:33:24 UTC

Ouch, not the back thing. That sucks >~<

2017-03-07 01:33:38 UTC

yes not that

i slipped a disc in my back a few years ago.

almost hit my spine

i was so lucky it didnt

2017-03-07 01:34:10 UTC

lucky it didn't

2017-03-07 01:34:11 UTC


it was FUCKED.

i couldnt even stand straight. for weeks.

2017-03-07 01:34:33 UTC


2017-03-07 01:34:44 UTC

I did that a few years ago myself

if it hit my spine i would of never walked again.

its so scary!

2017-03-07 01:34:54 UTC

I've had random sciatica flare ups since

2017-03-07 01:35:00 UTC

Worst injury I had was fracturing my foot.

2017-03-07 01:35:22 UTC

worst injury ive had was dropping a crowbar on my toe

2017-03-07 01:35:47 UTC

oh, ow that doesnt sound pleasant

2017-03-07 01:35:51 UTC

Worst injury I've ever had was a dog biting part of my face off

2017-03-07 01:35:55 UTC

I dropped 15 pounds on my big toe like five days ago

2017-03-07 01:36:00 UTC

Oh damn

2017-03-07 01:36:00 UTC


2017-03-07 01:36:08 UTC


2017-03-07 01:36:19 UTC

im opposite of what accident prone is

2017-03-07 01:36:40 UTC

Lucky? ๐Ÿ˜„

2017-03-07 01:36:54 UTC

even though i do dangerous stuff alot

2017-03-07 01:36:58 UTC

It was treated really quickly, I lived close to a hospital, nerve damage was minimal. I was pretty lucky all things considered

2017-03-07 01:37:02 UTC

My back still hurts kinda tbh but I don't feel like getting it checked. Don't feel like getting medical bills or whatever

2017-03-07 01:37:11 UTC

i cant stand foot injuries. I haven't done anything too bad (i cant afford to fuck my feet up, i ride horses lol) but my boyfriend has had a nail go through his foot before

2017-03-07 01:37:33 UTC

I can't imagine a foot injury

2017-03-07 01:37:39 UTC

I'd hate not being able to stand on my feet

2017-03-07 01:37:40 UTC

i do think my right knuckle is fractured

2017-03-07 01:37:50 UTC

even when I fucked my back I could walk to the bathroom

2017-03-07 01:38:11 UTC

knuckles get fractured really easily

2017-03-07 01:38:17 UTC

just very slightly or bruised the bone badly

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