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2019-08-26 23:30:59 UTC

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
Died 2 September 1973 (aged 81)
Bournemouth, England

2019-08-26 23:31:15 UTC

but he at least died writing something he loved with all his heart

2019-08-26 23:31:19 UTC

i know hsi sonw as his chief critic and collaborator

2019-08-26 23:31:22 UTC

even if he couldn't finish it

2019-08-26 23:31:23 UTC

JRRT's own words

2019-08-26 23:31:34 UTC

The Two Towers
Publication date
11 November 1954

2019-08-26 23:31:48 UTC

We are over that @Thundermark

2019-08-26 23:31:58 UTC

but thanks?

2019-08-26 23:32:36 UTC


2019-08-26 23:32:53 UTC

The sylmarillions (especially the old larger version) is on of the best book(s) I have read still

2019-08-26 23:33:00 UTC

and it wasn't even finished

2019-08-26 23:33:12 UTC

but it beats the lotr books by miles

2019-08-26 23:33:32 UTC

id say that about GRRMs Fire and Blood history book

2019-08-26 23:33:34 UTC

Wasn't there gonna be a Tolkien movie?

2019-08-26 23:33:39 UTC

hope so

2019-08-26 23:33:48 UTC

but the fat faggoty bastard couldnt even write all that in one go. it stops at aegon the third

2019-08-26 23:33:59 UTC

like, not another movie based on his books, but a movie *about* Tolkien ?

2019-08-26 23:34:04 UTC

i was so roasted over that when i got to the end

2019-08-26 23:34:19 UTC

There was a documentary OF him while he was still alive

2019-08-26 23:34:32 UTC

I think it's somewhere on youtube

2019-08-26 23:34:40 UTC

toliens son fucking hates what hollyweird has done

2019-08-26 23:34:51 UTC


2019-08-26 23:34:53 UTC

when no

2019-08-26 23:34:59 UTC

nordic mythology

2019-08-26 23:35:11 UTC

elaborate on that?

2019-08-26 23:35:23 UTC

hollywood is doing a docudrama on JRRT

2019-08-26 23:35:29 UTC
2019-08-26 23:35:37 UTC

its all about how LotR is base don hsi service in the army during the great war

2019-08-26 23:35:38 UTC

when no

2019-08-26 23:35:45 UTC

all of hsi shit was inspired by nordic mythology

2019-08-26 23:35:59 UTC

wasn't he only like

2019-08-26 23:36:06 UTC

2 years in the army

2019-08-26 23:36:10 UTC

US Release Date: May 10, 2019

huh. I guess I missed it in theaters

2019-08-26 23:36:16 UTC

thats a hell of a lot for the great war but yes

2019-08-26 23:36:25 UTC

you want to miss it

2019-08-26 23:36:28 UTC

in the army

2019-08-26 23:36:29 UTC

his son had nothing to do with it

2019-08-26 23:36:31 UTC

and cut ties

2019-08-26 23:36:32 UTC

not on the front

2019-08-26 23:36:44 UTC

his familly has no control over his legacy anymore thanks for fuck tards in hollywood

2019-08-26 23:36:55 UTC

2019-08-26 23:37:15 UTC
51% ~~critic~~ shill score, 78% real people score

2019-08-26 23:37:24 UTC


2019-08-26 23:37:29 UTC


2019-08-26 23:37:54 UTC

How did it come out

2019-08-26 23:38:05 UTC

IDK, I haven't seen it

2019-08-26 23:38:08 UTC

I never even heard it was being released

2019-08-26 23:38:39 UTC

i did

2019-08-26 23:38:41 UTC

I just recall seeing the trailer for it a while back & thought "hey", this looks like it *could* be neat... or it could be a total turd

2019-08-26 23:38:45 UTC

because his fam bad a curfuffel

2019-08-26 23:39:01 UTC


2019-08-26 23:39:06 UTC

i wqill never give anything past the hobbit trilogy of movies money

2019-08-26 23:39:21 UTC

normal fags ruin everything they touch

2019-08-26 23:39:55 UTC

i don't know how they degraded the hobbit to the point where they missed key components from the book

2019-08-26 23:40:09 UTC

its sucha short book too

2019-08-26 23:40:11 UTC

while also having a 10+ hours of playtime

2019-08-26 23:40:23 UTC

dragun cumberbitch

2019-08-26 23:40:28 UTC

and 5 armies guys

2019-08-26 23:40:30 UTC

hur dur

2019-08-26 23:40:57 UTC

Martin was good in it

2019-08-26 23:41:08 UTC


2019-08-26 23:41:09 UTC

the execution was just mediocre

2019-08-26 23:41:15 UTC

Martin Freeman

2019-08-26 23:41:21 UTC

guy playing the hobbit

2019-08-26 23:41:26 UTC

in The Hobbit

2019-08-26 23:41:28 UTC

oh bilbo?

2019-08-26 23:41:30 UTC

i liekd that actor

2019-08-26 23:41:40 UTC

he reminds me fo Dr Houses best friend in House face wise

2019-08-26 23:41:49 UTC

Like Mirkwood

2019-08-26 23:42:06 UTC

My god it was ridiculously short

2019-08-26 23:42:18 UTC

in the books it was like weeks

2019-08-26 23:42:23 UTC

@CatVanViver No, you see, the thing about Muhammad only allowing 4 wives, but in practice getting **MOAR** makes a weird sort of sense if you think about it like a towelhead...

See, Muhammad is the the perfect man, *therefore* he gets extra ~~little girls to rape~~ wives

And how do you *know* he's the the perfect man? Look at all the extra wives he has!

By Allah, be amazed at how the prophet's logic forms a *perfect circle* <:hyperthink:462282519883284480>

2019-08-26 23:42:36 UTC

while they went trough in half a day in the movie

2019-08-26 23:43:00 UTC

yeah bilbo spent like a fortnight sneaking around the elves palace

2019-08-26 23:43:05 UTC

and bringing the drawves information

2019-08-26 23:43:14 UTC

Beor also was a bit disappointing

2019-08-26 23:43:19 UTC

omg yes

2019-08-26 23:43:20 UTC

he was

2019-08-26 23:43:26 UTC

Beron was so awesome in the books

2019-08-26 23:43:28 UTC

I really liked the kobolds tho

2019-08-26 23:43:37 UTC


2019-08-26 23:44:04 UTC

They were called kobolds instead of orcs in the books weren't they

2019-08-26 23:44:16 UTC

@CatVanViver It's like how the fat kid gets to claim *more cake* ...
b/c he "needs" it *because* he's bigger...
And he's bigger b/c he eats more cake.


2019-08-26 23:44:36 UTC

(i read it in Hungarian so i don't know about that one)

2019-08-26 23:44:37 UTC

pretty sure it was a goblin army

2019-08-26 23:44:38 UTC

round & round the logic circle goes

2019-08-26 23:44:48 UTC


2019-08-26 23:44:49 UTC


2019-08-26 23:44:50 UTC


2019-08-26 23:44:51 UTC


2019-08-26 23:44:54 UTC


2019-08-26 23:45:05 UTC

and the bys from laketown

2019-08-26 23:45:08 UTC

the 5 armies

2019-08-26 23:45:18 UTC

@Thundermark Ah yes, I understand the prophet now, peace and blessings be upon him

2019-08-26 23:45:23 UTC

I am pretty sure they are described as lesser and greater goblins tho

2019-08-26 23:45:38 UTC

as Tolkien states at the beginning of the book

2019-08-26 23:45:39 UTC

@CatVanViver in'shallah, brother ๐Ÿ™

2019-08-26 23:45:51 UTC


2019-08-26 23:46:19 UTC

Isn't it Eagles, Orcs, Humans, Dwarves, Elves?

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