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2019-10-20 18:30:48 UTC


2019-10-20 18:30:53 UTC

its stupid whitenational shit

2019-10-20 18:31:01 UTC

Fucking snowflakes

chill issa joke

2019-10-20 18:31:25 UTC


2019-10-20 18:31:46 UTC

chill guys your getting to heated!

2019-10-20 18:32:00 UTC

fucking trash

2019-10-20 18:32:21 UTC


psh, grammatical national socialist๐Ÿ˜

2019-10-20 18:32:38 UTC


the only type of national socialist not welcome here lol

2019-10-20 18:33:18 UTC

2019-10-20 18:34:09 UTC

We must secure the existence of our language and a future for coherent literacy

2019-10-20 18:35:04 UTC

incorrect as english langauge is not like french that is highly regulated, it grows with the culture

2019-10-20 18:35:08 UTC

B-but, peoplekind!

2019-10-20 18:35:46 UTC

Language and more generally semiotics is prone to political subversion

2019-10-20 18:36:15 UTC

Starts at 0:02:15
And goes for about 30-40 minutes

2019-10-20 18:36:27 UTC

but thats a frenchman

2019-10-20 18:36:29 UTC

A great interview/discussion on how the left applies semiotics and linguistics to induce cultural changes in societies

2019-10-20 18:36:37 UTC

No, the guest is American

2019-10-20 18:36:55 UTC

Host is Canadian-French

2019-10-20 18:37:10 UTC

yea cant do it frog legs get in the way

2019-10-20 18:38:23 UTC

A few examples in recent history would be redefining racism as "prejudice plus power", separating gender and sexuality, mansplaining, manspreading etc.

2019-10-20 18:39:14 UTC

Also, "womyn" instead of "women", "peoplekind" instead of "mankind"

2019-10-20 18:39:33 UTC

The human race

2019-10-20 18:41:14 UTC

Canadian-French is just another word for "Pussy who migrated"

2019-10-20 18:42:25 UTC

most of those are academic attempts of redefining english and oft failed to catch mainstream appeal

2019-10-20 18:42:44 UTC

they are not solving a problem they are a solution in search of a problem

2019-10-20 18:45:59 UTC

And then you realize that they become the mainstream after a few years

2019-10-20 18:46:24 UTC

Just take the blackface scandal of Trudeau

2019-10-20 18:46:35 UTC

What he did was mainstream during his time

2019-10-20 18:46:38 UTC

oh yeah, has be been hung yet or wot

2019-10-20 18:46:46 UTC

While it is socially shunned today

2019-10-20 18:47:13 UTC

The Overton Window will keep being moved by those who have the political will

2019-10-20 18:47:25 UTC

so he's basically on death row, then

2019-10-20 18:48:08 UTC

So yeah, while locally it might seem that they are a "vocal minority", they will eventually force their way into the mainstream, in your lifetime

2019-10-20 18:48:28 UTC

Bernie's ideas were unpopular just last election, even with the Dems

2019-10-20 18:48:34 UTC

But not this time

2019-10-20 18:48:36 UTC

so blackface will be a capitol offense, and he'll be executed as a traitor to the martiarchy

2019-10-20 18:49:18 UTC

Even Clinton admitted it herself

2019-10-20 18:49:27 UTC

How far left the Overton Window has moved

2019-10-20 18:49:45 UTC

imagine "back in my day" being an admission of guilt

2019-10-20 18:49:54 UTC

> This [Northern conservatism] is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution; to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition.

2019-10-20 18:49:55 UTC

- Robert Lewis Dabney Chaplain, Confederate Army; Chief of Staff, Stonewall Jackson

2019-10-20 18:51:56 UTC

2019-10-20 18:52:19 UTC

give this man a green power ring

2019-10-20 18:56:36 UTC

@SkeF think they were Styxhexenhammer666 fans?

2019-10-20 18:57:17 UTC

where can i buy giant spoons?

2019-10-20 18:57:31 UTC


2019-10-20 18:57:35 UTC

Giant spoon shop

2019-10-20 18:58:10 UTC

immagine storming a location with a militia of giant spoon wielding spergs

2019-10-20 18:59:23 UTC

Bulletproof spoons!

2019-10-20 19:00:19 UTC

And with those spoons, you can literally dine in hell

2019-10-20 19:01:51 UTC

Create a spoon phalanx

2019-10-20 19:02:22 UTC


2019-10-20 19:03:01 UTC

what would be the boomer media take on such an event?

2019-10-20 19:03:25 UTC

Spoons are now racist?

2019-10-20 19:04:49 UTC

well milk is already racist, so draw a trail from that to cereal, then you'll get spoons

2019-10-20 19:05:35 UTC

โ€œTony the Tiger is now an alt-right iconโ€

2019-10-20 19:06:06 UTC

and from spoons that can go to outmeal, mac and cheese, ice cream (although milk could lead there on its own), cookie dough

2019-10-20 19:06:50 UTC

Make soy and avocados an alt-right symbol

2019-10-20 19:06:51 UTC

the trajectory of their madness can easily be plotted using conventional mathemetic thinking

2019-10-20 19:07:18 UTC

That is honestly a scary thought

2019-10-20 19:07:59 UTC

not really, it means their "madness" is in fact a singular coherent guided force

2019-10-20 19:08:11 UTC

they're being led by something

2019-10-20 19:08:34 UTC

How long before the list of things not racist becomes smaller than the racist list?

2019-10-20 19:08:46 UTC


2019-10-20 19:08:47 UTC

or at least driven further and further toward these predictable outcomes by an outside force

2019-10-20 19:09:27 UTC

Damn time dilation

2019-10-20 19:10:30 UTC

this is depressing, Imma go back to writing furry smut

2019-10-20 19:10:55 UTC

technically 2008 was the point of no return
it demarked the point in history where even the collective consciousness of all humanity was unnable to stop a currupt group of people from seizing power

2019-10-20 19:11:21 UTC

You can't. Furry smut is on the list

2019-10-20 19:11:22 UTC

You racist

2019-10-20 19:12:16 UTC

oh baby then I'm not just racist, I'm the biggest racial descrimination machine you've ever seen

2019-10-20 19:12:23 UTC

Their madness is being driven by the forces of Chaos

2019-10-20 19:12:41 UTC

Least he's honest about it

2019-10-20 19:12:46 UTC

There will be a point of return eventually

> The Second Religiousness appears as a harbinger of the decline of mature Civilization into an ahistorical state. The Second Religiousness occurs concurrently with Caesarism, the final political constitution of Late Civilization. Caesarism is the rise of an authoritarian ruler, a new 'emperor' akin to Caesar or Augustus, taking the reins in reaction to a decline in creativity, ideology and energy after a culture has reached its high point and become a civilization. Both the Second Religiousness and Caesarism demonstrate the lack of youthful strength or creativity that the Early Culture once possessed. The Second Religiousness is simply a rehashing of the original religious trend of the Culture.

2019-10-20 19:12:49 UTC

like go back in time and make other genetic variations of humanity not evolve kind of racist

2019-10-20 19:13:41 UTC

though thinking about it smut is too light a term for what I do

2019-10-20 19:14:14 UTC

wank rag?

2019-10-20 19:14:33 UTC


2019-10-20 19:15:05 UTC

***Carnal Geographic***

2019-10-20 19:16:55 UTC

@Jokerfaic Duuuude

2019-10-20 19:17:20 UTC

r 34, but w/ *countries & continents* <:thunk:462282216467333140>

2019-10-20 19:17:38 UTC

like polandball, but, smutty

2019-10-20 19:17:42 UTC


2019-10-20 19:18:26 UTC

Well... no... but there was a furry artist that depicted nations as their national animal. Eagle for america, bear for russia, etc

2019-10-20 19:18:51 UTC

more around cold-war theme pron

2019-10-20 19:18:52 UTC

well, yeah, that's been done since ancient times

2019-10-20 19:27:04 UTC

I hate myself that I understood this reference

2019-10-20 19:27:15 UTC
2019-10-20 19:27:41 UTC


2019-10-20 19:28:00 UTC

it says "Communism Everywhere" down south but I can't post the rest because it's too borderline

2019-10-20 19:28:05 UTC

they both have some mighty-melons under that crop, too

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