
Discord ID: 583448865881980929

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2019-06-16 12:59:54 UTC

Because the majority of Jewish people aren't Zionist

2019-06-16 13:00:23 UTC

Also I'm surprised you're against people who want an ethnostate

2019-06-16 13:00:31 UTC

Are you against enthostates?

Jews can live peacefully

2019-06-16 13:01:47 UTC

Then why are you against zionists?

Just stop messing with Arab lands

Leave the Palestinians alone

2019-06-16 13:02:15 UTC

They wanna establish a traditional racially homogeneous religious ethnostate

They gotta rebuild Palestine or die

2019-06-16 13:02:32 UTC

Sounds like something you'd like

They have two ways

2019-06-16 13:02:57 UTC

You don't actually give a fuck about Palestinians

Give back palestine

2019-06-16 13:03:07 UTC

You're just a fucking Jew hating Nazi

2019-06-16 13:03:26 UTC


2019-06-16 13:03:28 UTC


2019-06-16 13:03:40 UTC

Do you think Jews all over the world are responsible for the actions of Israel?

Is that a problem to hatrle

Jews are responsible for europe

The corrupt of Europe

2019-06-16 13:04:06 UTC


Christians are better

2019-06-16 13:04:44 UTC


2019-06-16 13:05:13 UTC


I respect others opinions

U can't call me a nazi

2019-06-16 13:06:16 UTC

Discord can censure me? ๐Ÿค”

2019-06-16 13:06:53 UTC


2019-06-16 13:07:08 UTC

It's their right as an independent platform

Jews never had a state

2019-06-16 13:07:27 UTC

I agree

I'm not calling for genocide

2019-06-16 13:07:47 UTC

The majority of refugees aren't Israelis <:PepeChill:552613722502332416>

2019-06-16 13:07:56 UTC

It's mostly Palestinians and Syrians

Eliminate gays and trans

2019-06-16 13:08:12 UTC

The right wing fascist Israeli government is destroying Palestine

Lol they ain't humans

2019-06-16 13:08:47 UTC

Why not?

2019-06-16 13:08:50 UTC


2019-06-16 13:08:57 UTC

They're just as human as you or I

How dumb are jews

They call anti Israeli anti Semitic

2019-06-16 13:09:30 UTC

You people are fucking toxic

2019-06-16 13:09:35 UTC

@Danny Sullivan "they're just as human as you and i"


2019-06-16 13:09:51 UTC


Proud that nazis killed gays

2019-06-16 13:10:08 UTC

He's talking about trans and gay people

If I'm going to kill someone

2019-06-16 13:10:23 UTC

Nazis aren't human

2019-06-16 13:10:25 UTC

neo nazis are cringe

The first target would be gays

2019-06-16 13:10:34 UTC

@Danny Sullivan they're just as human as you and i

2019-06-16 13:10:35 UTC

I would unironically kill every last one of them if I could

2019-06-16 13:10:46 UTC

No they're not

2019-06-16 13:10:49 UTC

well danny since you are a skinny pale kid you couldnt

2019-06-16 13:11:10 UTC

Nazis have demonstrated the inability to feel human emotions such as empathy and understanding

2019-06-16 13:11:13 UTC

sorry danny nazis are homo sapiens

2019-06-16 13:11:18 UTC

They are a vile cancer on this world

2019-06-16 13:11:20 UTC

so they are human

2019-06-16 13:11:43 UTC

This world will not be safe until every last fascist and nazi roach is wiped from the face of the earth

2019-06-16 13:11:45 UTC

never change danny

Leftists be like

2019-06-16 13:12:04 UTC

danny you have severe anger issues

2019-06-16 13:12:14 UTC

you and kultro

He is a jew probably

2019-06-16 13:12:31 UTC

are like both edgy angry bois on the opposite side of the spectrum

2019-06-16 13:12:35 UTC

Why are you calling me pale?

2019-06-16 13:12:43 UTC

dud i've seen your face back in wardaddys

2019-06-16 13:12:49 UTC

you are pale as fuck

2019-06-16 13:12:51 UTC

and skinny

2019-06-16 13:12:52 UTC

I thought you fuckers we're all about white purity lol

2019-06-16 13:13:10 UTC

no danny says the soviet union did nothing wrong

2019-06-16 13:13:14 UTC

Let's see your face you fascist bitch

2019-06-16 13:13:28 UTC

hmmm sorry thats against the rules

This is a fascist server

You can't tune this place leftist lol

2019-06-16 13:14:07 UTC

danny you are just as angry whiny and incoherent as you were a year ago

2019-06-16 13:14:14 UTC

Lol pussy

2019-06-16 13:14:43 UTC

lefties dont think in long term

2019-06-16 13:14:54 UTC

and they think with emotions

2019-06-16 13:15:07 UTC

thats why they use the empathy argument so much

they don't use brain

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