
Discord ID: 578350904403689480

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2019-06-08 00:24:14 UTC

What's up

2019-06-08 00:25:07 UTC


2019-06-08 00:27:35 UTC

Nothing how have you gentlemen been?

2019-06-08 01:17:31 UTC


2019-06-08 01:17:56 UTC

I've been good ๐Ÿคก

2019-06-08 01:52:23 UTC

That dude can't leave..I won't waste a welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

2019-06-08 04:33:13 UTC


does it offend you ;-;

2019-06-08 05:22:30 UTC

No, why would it?

2019-06-08 05:22:36 UTC

It's just stupid.

2019-06-08 05:34:50 UTC

Fuck, I missed Ebba's birthday

2019-06-08 07:35:56 UTC


2019-06-08 07:35:59 UTC

anyone hear?

2019-06-08 07:37:26 UTC


2019-06-08 07:37:35 UTC


2019-06-08 07:37:45 UTC

What's up

2019-06-08 07:37:58 UTC


2019-06-08 07:38:10 UTC


2019-06-08 07:38:20 UTC

My English is shit with greetings like this.

2019-06-08 07:39:00 UTC

What's ur philosophy

2019-06-08 07:39:05 UTC

U wanna talk about anything?

2019-06-08 07:39:21 UTC

I'm a nihilist

2019-06-08 07:39:28 UTC

I don't know. I can't pull topics out of my ass

2019-06-08 07:39:29 UTC


2019-06-08 07:39:47 UTC

What made you a nihilist?

2019-06-08 07:39:53 UTC

Do you have any topics you'd like to discuss?

2019-06-08 07:39:59 UTC

Well, I'm a moral nihilist.

2019-06-08 07:40:07 UTC


2019-06-08 07:40:08 UTC


2019-06-08 07:40:12 UTC

I have morals

2019-06-08 07:40:28 UTC

My views are my morals, if that makes sense

2019-06-08 07:40:36 UTC

I don't think it's possible to be a pure nihilist.

2019-06-08 07:40:45 UTC

What are your views then

2019-06-08 07:40:48 UTC

Not having any morals is a moral in itself.

2019-06-08 07:40:50 UTC

On what exactly?

2019-06-08 07:40:59 UTC


2019-06-08 07:41:12 UTC

Do you think abortion is good or bad according to your moral framework

2019-06-08 07:41:16 UTC

Better to just give a example

2019-06-08 07:41:24 UTC

I'm pro-choice.

2019-06-08 07:41:40 UTC

I'm for women's rights.

2019-06-08 07:41:53 UTC

I'm not a religious nutjob that thinks a clump of cells is a human.

2019-06-08 07:41:57 UTC

Ay I'll be back in 10 minutes I have to go eat but explain in the meantime

2019-06-08 07:42:04 UTC

Well. I'm not completely for abortion.

2019-06-08 07:42:08 UTC

What makes abortion good or bad

2019-06-08 07:42:10 UTC

Ok. Cya

2019-06-08 07:42:25 UTC

I'm for abortion unless the birth rates reach terrible lows.

2019-06-08 07:42:36 UTC

Abortion should only be made illegal in times of low birthrates.

2019-06-08 07:42:47 UTC

The population is too high currently though for that to be a problem.

2019-06-08 07:42:55 UTC

even if the birth rates get low

2019-06-08 07:43:19 UTC

The woman's rights trump the fetus/embryo/zygote's "rights."

2019-06-08 07:43:53 UTC

Even if it were considered a human, it's still a parasite in a woman's body.

2019-06-08 07:44:08 UTC

It's inside her body, therefore she should be able to decide to have an abortion.

2019-06-08 07:44:24 UTC

Right if abortion is allowed there should be a compromise to not let a fetus be aborted above 20 weeks.

2019-06-08 07:44:31 UTC


2019-06-08 07:44:41 UTC

20 weeks is when it starts feeling pain

2019-06-08 07:44:46 UTC

I'm for abortion up until birth.

2019-06-08 07:44:48 UTC


2019-06-08 07:44:53 UTC

Are you mental

2019-06-08 07:44:57 UTC

So? Animals feel pain and people have no problem slaughtering them.

2019-06-08 07:45:02 UTC

That's beyond messed up

2019-06-08 07:45:12 UTC

Ah comparing animals to humans

2019-06-08 07:45:42 UTC

Imagine being an anthropocentric.

2019-06-08 07:46:01 UTC

At the end of the day, I don't care about a fetus/embryo. It's inside the woman's body, so it's her choice what to do with it.

2019-06-08 07:46:27 UTC

I'm not for infant killings because it is no longer in the mother's body.

2019-06-08 07:46:49 UTC

I'm against abortion fullheartedly. If a case of a pedophile or rape happens or even incest then the one who did it should be sentenced to death.

2019-06-08 07:46:58 UTC


2019-06-08 07:47:16 UTC

The abortion up to birth is messed up to me

2019-06-08 07:47:20 UTC

It seems wrong

2019-06-08 07:47:22 UTC


2019-06-08 07:47:45 UTC

Just to make sure I'm not misunderstanding, you're for abortions up to 20 weeks?

2019-06-08 07:48:14 UTC

If the anti abortion law didn't pass

2019-06-08 07:48:15 UTC


2019-06-08 07:48:24 UTC

Nothing above 20

2019-06-08 07:48:35 UTC

If the only reason you think abortion is wrong because a fetus can feel pain, then would you consider numbing a human being and killing them not wrong?

2019-06-08 07:48:41 UTC

I'm sorry if my English was shit in that sentence.

2019-06-08 07:48:54 UTC

Nah it's fine I understand what you're saying

2019-06-08 07:49:02 UTC

Of course I would

2019-06-08 07:49:11 UTC

What's the difference to you?

2019-06-08 07:49:29 UTC

I'm not saying a fetus at 20 is a fully fledged baby

2019-06-08 07:49:30 UTC

(The difference to me is that the human isn't inside of a woman.)

2019-06-08 07:49:42 UTC

Why are you against abortion then? I'm confused.

2019-06-08 07:49:50 UTC

The arguement for when a fetus is a baby is hard to determine

2019-06-08 07:50:05 UTC

I don't care if it's a baby or not, it's still in the woman's body.

2019-06-08 07:50:07 UTC

Because a lot of women tend to sleep around like whores

2019-06-08 07:50:17 UTC

And then abort because its not convenient

2019-06-08 07:50:17 UTC


2019-06-08 07:50:22 UTC


2019-06-08 07:50:27 UTC

It's still the woman's choice.

2019-06-08 07:51:06 UTC

Even looking at stats for rape, incest at least for the US its very small in comparison to women sleeping around.

2019-06-08 07:51:24 UTC

I'm not going to ask for a source. That sounds reasonable.

2019-06-08 07:51:29 UTC

It has nothing to do with my point though

2019-06-08 07:51:39 UTC

Fair enough yeah

2019-06-08 07:51:43 UTC

I'm not for abortion because of that.

2019-06-08 07:51:53 UTC

Im not saying you are

2019-06-08 07:52:00 UTC

Ok. Why bring it up?

2019-06-08 07:52:12 UTC

Thats why Im against it

2019-06-08 07:52:24 UTC


2019-06-08 07:52:27 UTC

Because most of these women make it about the small stats

2019-06-08 07:52:32 UTC

And not the larger picture

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