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2016-12-19 19:18:46 UTC

A 100% logical person cannot understand a baby, they're illogical creatures

2016-12-19 19:19:02 UTC

you need someone who isn't logical to figure them out

2016-12-19 19:19:08 UTC


2016-12-19 19:19:21 UTC

so what, women are emotionally driven and what they say they want isnt. ok

2016-12-19 19:19:25 UTC

it's not hard to figure out if the baby needs food/changed

2016-12-19 19:19:26 UTC


2016-12-19 19:19:42 UTC

i don't think this means that politics are driven by a deep seated urge to get hatefcked by mud immigrants

2016-12-19 19:19:49 UTC


2016-12-19 19:19:58 UTC

I explained it yesterday

2016-12-19 19:19:59 UTC

You know a woman is lying when she's telling you what she wants.

2016-12-19 19:20:09 UTC

If you can't stand up to a woman then you can't stand up to another man

2016-12-19 19:20:15 UTC

the globalists just want to keep touching little boys.

2016-12-19 19:20:18 UTC

A woman has no need for a man who can't protect her

2016-12-19 19:20:28 UTC

The sure fire way to turn a woman off from you is to give her what she thinks she wants.

2016-12-19 19:20:30 UTC

So they will force you to stand up to her bullshit to prove you can protect her

2016-12-19 19:20:52 UTC

lol yea you cant give her something that you dont know she surely will like or want etc that'll end bad

2016-12-19 19:21:24 UTC

Then you just caused problems for yourself @TGnome

2016-12-19 19:21:26 UTC


2016-12-19 19:21:27 UTC

or just realize that women are constrained by unspoken rules, it's straightforward from there

2016-12-19 19:21:29 UTC


2016-12-19 19:21:39 UTC

they say as much of what they want as possible

2016-12-19 19:21:39 UTC

something like that

2016-12-19 19:21:44 UTC


2016-12-19 19:21:48 UTC

its not fucking rocket science

2016-12-19 19:21:51 UTC

lots of them are not outspoken

2016-12-19 19:21:56 UTC

and some are just plain sociopaths

2016-12-19 19:21:59 UTC

that too

2016-12-19 19:22:05 UTC


2016-12-19 19:22:06 UTC

All women are sociopaths

2016-12-19 19:22:07 UTC

if you're into that, you have only yourself to blame

2016-12-19 19:22:11 UTC


2016-12-19 19:22:18 UTC

Women do not care for anything but themselves and their off spring

2016-12-19 19:22:18 UTC

that just means you are one too

2016-12-19 19:22:25 UTC


2016-12-19 19:22:29 UTC

they care about their families.

2016-12-19 19:22:32 UTC


2016-12-19 19:22:33 UTC

2016-12-19 19:22:42 UTC

Men are disposable tools to women

2016-12-19 19:22:50 UTC

depends on the man

2016-12-19 19:22:51 UTC

men are disposable tools, period

2016-12-19 19:22:54 UTC

They will never love you for who you are, only what you can offer them

2016-12-19 19:22:56 UTC


2016-12-19 19:22:56 UTC

some men are disposable period.

2016-12-19 19:23:04 UTC

it's our lot

2016-12-19 19:23:08 UTC

just own it

2016-12-19 19:23:13 UTC


2016-12-19 19:23:18 UTC


2016-12-19 19:23:18 UTC


2016-12-19 19:23:20 UTC

don't blame muh women dont value us

2016-12-19 19:23:24 UTC

so lame

2016-12-19 19:23:26 UTC


2016-12-19 19:23:32 UTC


2016-12-19 19:23:35 UTC

juvenile as fuck

2016-12-19 19:23:36 UTC

heavy breathing

2016-12-19 19:23:38 UTC

Could you white knight harder faggot?

2016-12-19 19:23:52 UTC

Can you speak without the dick in your mouth?

2016-12-19 19:23:55 UTC


2016-12-19 19:23:59 UTC

Discussing biological drives and you're going "but muh men are bad too"

2016-12-19 19:24:01 UTC

Hard to understand.

2016-12-19 19:24:03 UTC

what im not

2016-12-19 19:24:14 UTC

im saying men are disposable, which is true

2016-12-19 19:24:15 UTC

_stirs hotchocolate, sips._

2016-12-19 19:24:23 UTC

Tis fun to watch

2016-12-19 19:24:27 UTC

auru got confused

2016-12-19 19:24:34 UTC


2016-12-19 19:24:48 UTC

just saying

2016-12-19 19:24:50 UTC

Men aren't dispodable to other men always

2016-12-19 19:24:53 UTC

jewish fucks who touch boys

2016-12-19 19:24:56 UTC

are dudes

2016-12-19 19:24:57 UTC

For example army units

2016-12-19 19:24:58 UTC

and can rot

2016-12-19 19:25:10 UTC

Those men love each other like family, a bond forged in battle

2016-12-19 19:25:17 UTC

so touching

2016-12-19 19:25:23 UTC

they can faggot elsewhere.

2016-12-19 19:25:24 UTC


2016-12-19 19:25:28 UTC

Women cannot ever create that bond, it's impossible for them

2016-12-19 19:25:28 UTC


2016-12-19 19:25:32 UTC


2016-12-19 19:25:35 UTC


2016-12-19 19:25:48 UTC

As such men can not be disposable to other men in some situations

2016-12-19 19:26:00 UTC

But men will always be disposable to women.

2016-12-19 19:26:03 UTC


2016-12-19 19:26:12 UTC
2016-12-19 19:26:16 UTC


2016-12-19 19:26:19 UTC


2016-12-19 19:26:36 UTC

but can women really not experience camreraderie?

2016-12-19 19:26:39 UTC

sounds like you are defending mens cos you like the D ๐Ÿ˜„

2016-12-19 19:26:48 UTC

what about the YPG (or whatever) fighters?

2016-12-19 19:26:48 UTC

i think anyone can

2016-12-19 19:26:54 UTC

seem pretty tightly knit to me

2016-12-19 19:27:04 UTC

Funny thing about Discord

2016-12-19 19:27:08 UTC

Maybe the sort of women you have in the UK @TGnome - I know women in my life that aren't like that. They're not easy to understand, but they are nearly as evil and empty as you suggest.

2016-12-19 19:27:18 UTC

You're a faggot Slavic

2016-12-19 19:27:19 UTC

not nearly*

2016-12-19 19:27:22 UTC

Biology is biology

2016-12-19 19:27:30 UTC


2016-12-19 19:27:31 UTC


2016-12-19 19:27:35 UTC

Women's biological drives do not change

2016-12-19 19:27:39 UTC


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