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2018-01-27 20:36:43 UTC

re: your announcement in csg about clipboard data sending

the "@fs0c131y" dude is completely retarded and has been proven wrong every time so far

2018-01-27 20:37:53 UTC

@Cole yeah his sensationalism was wrong but it does not change the fact about companies supportting teddymobil and that Oneplus aproves said stuff in their hydrogen os version

2018-01-27 20:38:03 UTC

and yes its blacklist of "what not to send"

2018-01-27 20:38:22 UTC

but question remains "does it send everything else then?"

2018-01-27 20:38:56 UTC

and that its inactive in beta oxygen

2018-01-27 20:39:05 UTC

will it be active in non-beta oxygen ?

2018-01-27 20:40:58 UTC

tbh I dislike the direction OnePlus is moving towards

2018-01-27 20:41:18 UTC

anyone who still says OxygenOS is "stock android/close to stock android" deserves a punch in the face

2018-01-27 20:42:37 UTC

>every fucking ad on Chinese cooking vids are Wish ads

2018-01-27 20:42:43 UTC

reeing pretty hard

2018-01-27 20:42:54 UTC

you ree hard every day

2018-01-27 20:43:19 UTC

Its a gentle ree most times

2018-01-27 20:43:38 UTC

there are no gentle res

2018-01-27 20:43:46 UTC

only small exploding or deep and long ones

2018-01-27 20:44:12 UTC

reee is a common shout in greek btw dunno for other languages

2018-01-27 20:44:24 UTC

like really common

2018-01-27 20:44:25 UTC

mfw greeks are frogs

2018-01-27 20:49:06 UTC

2018-01-27 21:07:02 UTC


2018-01-27 21:37:30 UTC

@Matthew exercise regularly

2018-01-27 21:42:31 UTC

tfw no car will love you back

2018-01-27 21:44:22 UTC

Tfw you went for a quick nap at 2pm and you wake up at 10pm

2018-01-27 21:44:43 UTC

My sleep schedule is completely fucked now

2018-01-27 21:47:11 UTC


2018-01-27 21:51:24 UTC

True story

2018-01-27 21:52:06 UTC

@Lynxoid Just go to sleep again

2018-01-27 21:52:54 UTC


2018-01-27 21:53:09 UTC


2018-01-27 21:53:23 UTC

If it was up to me I'd sleep a whole week

2018-01-27 21:54:11 UTC

You probably could if you space the right drugs around and have a babysitter to make sure you dont mistake a bin for a toilet

2018-01-27 21:56:34 UTC

Unluckily enough, DXM is pretty much the only dissociative which won't safely make you doze off, unlike Ketamine... But with the meds I'm taking I can't have anything without serotonin syndrome

2018-01-27 21:56:40 UTC


2018-01-27 21:56:46 UTC

Just stop taking them

2018-01-27 21:56:54 UTC

whats a week going to hurt?

2018-01-27 21:57:26 UTC

Oh wait, those are perscribed

2018-01-27 21:57:26 UTC


2018-01-27 21:57:29 UTC


2018-01-27 21:57:31 UTC

nvm keep taking then

2018-01-27 21:57:40 UTC

Thought you were self medicating again

2018-01-27 21:57:40 UTC

Do you know what a biological half-life is?

2018-01-27 21:57:49 UTC

Ok good

2018-01-27 22:03:45 UTC
2018-01-27 22:03:48 UTC

Are you on drugs

2018-01-27 22:04:13 UTC


2018-01-27 22:04:23 UTC

On ๐Ÿ’Š medication ๐Ÿ’Š

2018-01-27 22:10:43 UTC

wanna play some rs2?

2018-01-27 22:10:58 UTC


2018-01-27 22:11:06 UTC


2018-01-27 22:11:13 UTC

Do you know how to pilot?

2018-01-27 22:11:32 UTC

not really

2018-01-27 22:11:57 UTC

>every multiplayer game in a nutshell

2018-01-27 22:12:27 UTC

I like to play gunner on the cobra :\

2018-01-27 22:12:55 UTC

oh shit

2018-01-27 22:12:59 UTC

got a reply from supervisor ;D

2018-01-27 22:13:03 UTC

but too scared to read

2018-01-27 22:13:16 UTC


2018-01-27 22:13:28 UTC

Literally me when I got the results of my exam

2018-01-27 22:13:28 UTC

i'll forward it to dad and try to take my mind off

2018-01-27 22:13:45 UTC

38/40 tho ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ˜Ž

2018-01-27 22:14:15 UTC


2018-01-27 22:14:33 UTC

let's warm up

2018-01-27 22:22:36 UTC

anyone up for rocket league tommorow

2018-01-27 22:22:59 UTC

haha i will see

2018-01-27 22:23:06 UTC

maybe it will be suicide league

2018-01-27 22:23:10 UTC

depending on the answer

2018-01-27 22:24:16 UTC


2018-01-27 22:24:23 UTC


2018-01-27 22:24:49 UTC

@BIRDzone helo bribo

2018-01-27 22:24:50 UTC

Don't think about it too much

2018-01-27 22:25:13 UTC

@Lynxoid ๐Ÿ‘‹ henlo

2018-01-27 22:25:44 UTC

pocket birb

2018-01-27 22:25:49 UTC


2018-01-27 22:25:55 UTC

people who think that's comfortable

2018-01-27 22:26:07 UTC

he do big leap

2018-01-27 22:26:19 UTC


2018-01-27 22:26:29 UTC

kiti jomp

2018-01-27 22:26:39 UTC

imagine how rad it would be to be able to jump like that

2018-01-27 22:27:37 UTC

My ex wife used to do that when I wanted something from her.

2018-01-27 22:27:55 UTC

2018-01-27 22:27:57 UTC

him flat and warm

2018-01-27 22:28:14 UTC

2018-01-27 22:29:25 UTC

bird sushi

2018-01-27 22:29:57 UTC

lynx inferior species anyway

2018-01-27 22:30:05 UTC

didnt even manage to land outside of water omegalul

2018-01-27 22:30:22 UTC

nice bait

2018-01-27 22:30:40 UTC

lynxes are only superior to kitties

2018-01-27 22:30:48 UTC

thats it

2018-01-27 22:36:41 UTC


2018-01-27 22:36:44 UTC

wasn't that bad

2018-01-27 22:38:22 UTC

did you wank

2018-01-27 22:38:45 UTC

wyd spaq

2018-01-27 22:38:47 UTC

3rd times the charm

2018-01-27 22:38:48 UTC

did u read the result

2018-01-27 22:38:50 UTC

i want to know!!!!!

2018-01-27 22:39:09 UTC

mostly cosmetics

2018-01-27 22:39:16 UTC

i didn't read

2018-01-27 22:39:18 UTC

dad told me

2018-01-27 22:39:26 UTC


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