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2018-10-14 01:28:27 UTC

i bet

2018-10-14 01:28:29 UTC


2018-10-14 01:28:50 UTC

dude what's your problem

2018-10-14 01:30:35 UTC


2018-10-14 01:30:36 UTC


2018-10-14 01:30:36 UTC

This is a ***CHRISTIAN*** server! :PraiseGod:

2018-10-14 01:30:38 UTC

i have a bone to pick

2018-10-14 01:32:03 UTC

@Deleted User society took a down wards spiral right after ww2

2018-10-14 01:32:39 UTC

true but, in the midst of chaos, there are some oases

2018-10-14 01:34:27 UTC

hatian baby

2018-10-14 01:51:30 UTC

What about Taiwan true China?

2018-10-14 01:58:12 UTC


2018-10-14 01:58:33 UTC


2018-10-14 02:03:00 UTC


2018-10-14 02:06:08 UTC

if you're REALLY serious about this "real china" shit then call it Republic of China, by its formal name

2018-10-14 02:06:13 UTC

Tiawan is its location

2018-10-14 02:06:17 UTC

ROC is its name

2018-10-14 02:06:23 UTC

same deal as the Koreas

2018-10-14 02:06:34 UTC

one is a Republic the other is a Democratic Republic

2018-10-14 02:06:38 UTC

but in China

2018-10-14 02:06:44 UTC

it's a Republic and People's Republic

2018-10-14 02:06:58 UTC

Every china a china

2018-10-14 02:07:18 UTC

Not really a democracy either

2018-10-14 02:07:27 UTC

not saying it's a democracy

2018-10-14 02:07:28 UTC

Corrupt wanna be commie democracy

2018-10-14 02:07:35 UTC

thats its name though

2018-10-14 02:07:58 UTC

any person with a little bit of brains in their fat head can agree North Korea is no democracy

2018-10-14 02:07:58 UTC

China is baste

2018-10-14 02:08:23 UTC

North Korea is indeed a democracy

2018-10-14 02:08:34 UTC


2018-10-14 02:08:35 UTC

There is a yearly vote with 100% turnout

2018-10-14 02:08:46 UTC

And only one candidate on the ballot

2018-10-14 02:08:48 UTC

There is just only one candidate and you have to vote

2018-10-14 02:09:01 UTC

yes or no

2018-10-14 02:09:03 UTC

alright thanks for twisting my words

2018-10-14 02:09:56 UTC

Oh boy my joke caused a big discussion

2018-10-14 02:10:07 UTC


2018-10-14 02:10:59 UTC

America is a dictatorship, and the dictators vote on dictators who have to follow the rules the first dictatorships chose whilst making new ones

2018-10-14 02:11:10 UTC


2018-10-14 02:11:13 UTC

that is

2018-10-14 02:11:14 UTC

so epic

2018-10-14 02:11:20 UTC

we live in a society

2018-10-14 02:11:22 UTC


2018-10-14 02:11:52 UTC

We live in a society

2018-10-14 02:12:16 UTC

2018-10-14 02:12:28 UTC

oh no

2018-10-14 02:12:38 UTC

imagine the pedophiles

2018-10-14 02:12:43 UTC

That is a reality

2018-10-14 02:12:51 UTC

female fortnite outfits are so fucking revealing aniugbwbebgab

2018-10-14 02:12:52 UTC

Boys this is the reality we're living in

2018-10-14 02:13:03 UTC

There **WILL** be fortnite costumes

2018-10-14 02:13:12 UTC

we live in a society where our fashion sense is ruled by fortnite

2018-10-14 02:13:18 UTC

this is not epic.

2018-10-14 02:13:24 UTC

if anything was epic

2018-10-14 02:13:26 UTC

this is not it

2018-10-14 02:13:27 UTC


2018-10-14 02:13:29 UTC

According to imperator deliโ€™s logic Everyone is a pedophile, just most of us donโ€™t fuck children

2018-10-14 02:13:40 UTC


2018-10-14 02:13:42 UTC

Let us all work together to give pretzels and only pretzels to fortnite kids

2018-10-14 02:13:45 UTC

I'm calling the police

2018-10-14 02:13:45 UTC

like if you agree

2018-10-14 02:14:02 UTC

you know some Jewish kid will feast on that shit like it's nothing

2018-10-14 02:14:07 UTC

give them a bible and a fruit

2018-10-14 02:14:15 UTC

Everyone is Jewish just some of us are goys

2018-10-14 02:14:18 UTC

haha we shall give them water

2018-10-14 02:14:26 UTC

give them a glass of water LMAO

2018-10-14 02:15:03 UTC

@Doctor Anon Halo is gr8

2018-10-14 02:15:15 UTC

Everyone is a glass of water but some of us are humans

2018-10-14 02:15:23 UTC

why tag him @Deleted User

2018-10-14 02:15:40 UTC


2018-10-14 06:06:39 UTC
2018-10-15 00:07:54 UTC

Wowo give bible and fruit thats a good idea. Destroy the atheists epic style.

2018-10-16 00:34:01 UTC

what do you think about the Saudi journalist that got clapped by the Saudis

2018-10-16 00:34:21 UTC

to be fair he called the government illegitimate, they have the full right to give him the middle finger back

2018-10-16 00:34:33 UTC

though it's a bit too far to straight up kill him

2018-10-16 00:34:34 UTC

but hey

2018-10-16 00:34:36 UTC


2018-10-16 00:37:22 UTC

Whoever say they killed him, obviously heโ€™s enjoying a Saudi payed vacation in the pacific ~~corpse and plastic piles~~

2018-10-16 10:02:38 UTC

2018-10-16 18:24:04 UTC

lol wut

2018-10-16 18:24:11 UTC

if this is legit gotta start using it

2018-10-16 18:56:38 UTC


2018-10-16 19:09:59 UTC

#upvote the post above

2018-10-16 22:01:16 UTC

Who let the furry in ? ^

2018-10-16 22:34:59 UTC

@Khat Emperor It's a public server

2018-10-16 22:35:15 UTC

tons of faggots come in

2018-10-17 02:48:45 UTC

to be fair, I have no problem with gays

2018-10-17 02:48:55 UTC

not only do they leave more females for us, they take another dude with them

2018-10-17 02:49:09 UTC

it's like a +4 card on uno, except it's a -2

2018-10-17 08:07:26 UTC

Sodomite apologists begone

2018-10-17 08:14:11 UTC

@Deleted User There are also Lezzos. But then most lezzos can also be Bisexual (i.e. they like Girls + Guys).

2018-10-17 08:14:38 UTC

It's the Alpha Butch Lezzos we really need to watch out for.

2018-10-17 08:14:52 UTC

Not apologizing just sayin'.

2018-10-17 08:15:00 UTC

Homosexuality is just bad.

2018-10-17 09:55:23 UTC

I dont think bisexuality is a thing as far as it is simply a psychological disorder. Homosexuality well... has yet to be determined. Lots of conflicting evidence and the conclusions are regularly unclear

2018-10-17 11:06:14 UTC


2018-10-17 17:52:44 UTC

ALRIGHT, so Transgenderism is a mental illness nothing more

2018-10-17 17:52:51 UTC

they need psychiatric help

2018-10-17 17:53:12 UTC


2018-10-17 17:53:31 UTC

it falls under all definitions of mental illness and the only reason they arent considered mentally ill is because sexual revolution freedom

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