
Discord ID: 301107308618842113

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2017-04-18 21:42:43 UTC

we need to party

2017-04-18 21:42:48 UTC


2017-04-18 21:43:14 UTC


2017-04-18 21:43:37 UTC


2017-04-18 21:43:49 UTC

Ure slacking man, stop slacking @NiggerLyncher

2017-04-18 21:44:02 UTC

2017-04-18 21:44:20 UTC

Id shag tbh

2017-04-18 21:44:26 UTC


2017-04-18 21:44:28 UTC

If that pussy still warm

2017-04-18 21:44:31 UTC


2017-04-18 21:44:32 UTC


2017-04-18 21:44:50 UTC

if cold, throw in microwave to warm up real quick

2017-04-18 21:45:04 UTC


2017-04-18 21:45:16 UTC

2017-04-18 21:46:51 UTC

@NiggerLyncher can @TheBoat be gasser

2017-04-18 21:47:05 UTC

one sec

2017-04-18 21:49:19 UTC


2017-04-18 21:49:20 UTC


2017-04-18 21:49:21 UTC

2017-04-18 21:49:32 UTC

demoted to citizen actually

2017-04-18 21:49:43 UTC

So when i was in a ool discord i posted a pic that got me banned because it was triggering a nig will you guys do the same?

2017-04-18 21:49:49 UTC

Pol discord

2017-04-18 21:49:52 UTC


2017-04-18 21:49:55 UTC

we want nig gore

2017-04-18 21:50:00 UTC

check out <#298243428829888513>

2017-04-18 21:50:01 UTC


2017-04-18 21:50:05 UTC

Already did

2017-04-18 21:51:02 UTC

It was really lame in that place because they just randomly posted lib stuff or trump stuff not really a pol place to begin woth if triggering niggers gets you banned

2017-04-18 21:51:28 UTC

this is supposed to be mostly wildwest, free of shills

2017-04-18 21:51:36 UTC

we ban blatant shills but thats about it

2017-04-18 21:52:57 UTC


2017-04-18 21:53:05 UTC

calling trump a zionist shill

2017-04-18 21:53:07 UTC

hello shareblue

2017-04-18 21:53:20 UTC

u done gooffed fam @TheBoat

2017-04-18 21:54:43 UTC


2017-04-18 21:55:29 UTC

Just doesn't help taking out Syria y'know. Helps Israel

2017-04-18 21:55:48 UTC

implying a missile strike on one airbase = "taking out syria"

2017-04-18 21:56:04 UTC

Attacking the Regime fighting IS tho

2017-04-18 21:56:28 UTC

MOAB on ISIS in afganistan tho

2017-04-18 21:57:06 UTC

what part of "I'm israels greatest ally, and I'm gonna bomb the shit out of ISIS" did u miss pre election

2017-04-18 21:57:14 UTC

cuz i voted for him because of those things

2017-04-18 21:57:44 UTC

why would you wanna ally with Israel

2017-04-18 21:57:59 UTC

to have a single non muslim ally in middle east

2017-04-18 21:58:22 UTC

First you have to take out the Muslims, THEN you take out the Jews.

2017-04-18 21:58:28 UTC


2017-04-18 21:58:29 UTC

Thought you were against Zionism tho

2017-04-18 21:58:29 UTC

Simple as that

2017-04-18 21:58:53 UTC

Cept the Jews are making sure Israel is protected by the West

2017-04-18 21:59:05 UTC

and sending Muslims to change the demographic in European nations

2017-04-18 21:59:09 UTC

im against globalist kikery, i have no problem with jews having a place to stay thats not my country

2017-04-18 21:59:23 UTC

thats the work of people like soros

2017-04-18 21:59:25 UTC

not israel

2017-04-18 21:59:36 UTC

and politicians in eu

2017-04-18 22:00:01 UTC
2017-04-18 22:01:14 UTC

Okay so lemme get this straight

2017-04-18 22:01:30 UTC

better to help Zionists

2017-04-18 22:01:39 UTC


2017-04-18 22:01:40 UTC


2017-04-18 22:02:10 UTC
2017-04-18 22:02:14 UTC

its better to help israel stay alive from the muslims around them

2017-04-18 22:02:15 UTC

Zionism "a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann."

2017-04-18 22:02:18 UTC

2017-04-18 22:02:23 UTC

he not shill

2017-04-18 22:02:35 UTC

hes a shill against trump

2017-04-18 22:02:38 UTC

If we ally the Jews and the sand niggers go crazy like they always do we then have a reason to bomb the shit out of them

2017-04-18 22:02:47 UTC

look at pic i put

2017-04-18 22:02:55 UTC

no fam he against israel shilling

2017-04-18 22:02:57 UTC

Im not

2017-04-18 22:03:02 UTC

trump is israel shilling

2017-04-18 22:03:03 UTC

Listen listen

2017-04-18 22:03:10 UTC

I Like trump

2017-04-18 22:03:10 UTC

so hes against trump

2017-04-18 22:03:15 UTC

I like Trump

2017-04-18 22:03:16 UTC


2017-04-18 22:03:26 UTC

I just disagree with this one thing he's doing

2017-04-18 22:03:35 UTC

which he isnt doing

2017-04-18 22:03:36 UTC

so you are against trump?

2017-04-18 22:03:54 UTC

Disagreeing =/= against

2017-04-18 22:03:56 UTC

Realistically; how long do you think until Europe goes under?

2017-04-18 22:04:02 UTC

6 years

2017-04-18 22:04:07 UTC

15 years max

2017-04-18 22:04:14 UTC

Not the Union, but the continent itself.

2017-04-18 22:04:23 UTC

It depends on how quickly the union falls

2017-04-18 22:04:38 UTC

i think peopel are already beginning to wake up

2017-04-18 22:04:43 UTC

"far right parties

2017-04-18 22:04:44 UTC

Greece will off themselves and Spain will be screeching like an autistic kid

2017-04-18 22:04:48 UTC

"far right"

2017-04-18 22:04:53 UTC

are gaing popularity

2017-04-18 22:04:56 UTC

@NiggerLyncher that pic you sent is shit

2017-04-18 22:05:13 UTC

east europe is fine for now

2017-04-18 22:05:16 UTC

Do you think it can be prevented then?

2017-04-18 22:05:19 UTC

west europe is already fucked

2017-04-18 22:05:24 UTC

Is Western Europe going to go under?

2017-04-18 22:05:34 UTC

it will be a shit skin infested shithole

2017-04-18 22:05:45 UTC

theyve taken in so many migrants theyre most likely going to let them stay

2017-04-18 22:05:52 UTC

unless they force deport them

2017-04-18 22:06:00 UTC

Which is unlikely.

2017-04-18 22:06:04 UTC


2017-04-18 22:06:10 UTC

that would be like an extreme circumstance

2017-04-18 22:06:11 UTC

So how long are we giving Western Europe until it goes under?

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