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2018-03-29 15:27:40 UTC

When Trump shouts "Fake News" all the time and doesn't give specific examples of it, it looks bad

2018-03-29 15:27:41 UTC

So did Reagan, and behold he carries 48 states

2018-03-29 15:28:03 UTC

We're not going to change Trump! Focus on things we can be productive with!

2018-03-29 15:28:23 UTC

Issue is, Trump's not going to change, we've got to work with what we've got.

2018-03-29 15:28:23 UTC

I'm not saying we will,

2018-03-29 15:28:43 UTC

I'm saying it's unrealistic to expect Independents to go with Trump unless his rhetoric changes

2018-03-29 15:28:51 UTC


2018-03-29 15:28:59 UTC

extraordinary circumstances

2018-03-29 15:29:06 UTC

like a denuclearized NK

2018-03-29 15:29:44 UTC

seemingly extraordinary

2018-03-29 15:30:01 UTC

but I'm not convinced it will happen

2018-03-29 15:30:08 UTC

nothing is 100%

2018-03-29 15:30:10 UTC

I don't see why Kim would just give up power like that

2018-03-29 15:30:16 UTC

for safety

2018-03-29 15:30:18 UTC

His economy is tanking

2018-03-29 15:30:25 UTC

look up the "madman theory"

2018-03-29 15:30:27 UTC

But Kim is well-off

2018-03-29 15:30:31 UTC

He's well-fed

2018-03-29 15:30:32 UTC

His can't feed his own officers or fund his military

2018-03-29 15:30:39 UTC

he has a comfortable lifestyle

2018-03-29 15:30:45 UTC

Yeah but when you have no toys it sucks

2018-03-29 15:30:51 UTC

do you think a man like Kim has sympathy for others?

2018-03-29 15:30:56 UTC

He can't fund his WMD's

2018-03-29 15:30:58 UTC


2018-03-29 15:30:59 UTC

Not anyone's point

2018-03-29 15:31:04 UTC

Yeah lpl

2018-03-29 15:31:07 UTC

Look it up, "madman theory"

2018-03-29 15:31:20 UTC

The problem is that this countryโ€™s children has been brainwashed since kindergarten, even since theyโ€™re born if their family is atheist because they teach โ€œRepublicans are evil since they defend Christianity and theyโ€™re bigotedโ€

2018-03-29 15:31:35 UTC

The point is he had nothing to play with, or build, so he's willing to talk to relieve sanctions

2018-03-29 15:31:45 UTC

Kim probably doesn't give a fuck anything other than his own well being

2018-03-29 15:31:57 UTC

Most likely yes

2018-03-29 15:32:26 UTC

This was a strategy used in foreign policy during the Nixon days

2018-03-29 15:32:38 UTC

If you are unpredictable, people will tread cautiously.

2018-03-29 15:32:46 UTC

Lol yep

2018-03-29 15:32:50 UTC


2018-03-29 15:32:58 UTC

That was what did it

2018-03-29 15:33:14 UTC

Kim isn't doing this over a change of heart

2018-03-29 15:33:14 UTC

And Kim seeing Trump's cabinet turn over pressed

2018-03-29 15:33:23 UTC

He's doing it because he's fucking terrified

2018-03-29 15:33:49 UTC

I heard his diplomat called the White House after Cohen resigned asking "What's going on, can't you control that guy (the president).

2018-03-29 15:34:02 UTC

And he was like nope we have no control over hom

2018-03-29 15:34:13 UTC

The point is the only man a crazy person fears

2018-03-29 15:34:15 UTC

He doesn't want to die in a thermonuclear blast, because Obama wasn't going to do it, Bush wasn't, Clinton wasn't, but Trump seemed like he might.

2018-03-29 15:34:17 UTC

Is a more crazy man

2018-03-29 15:34:40 UTC

So now Kim is the one taking orders.

2018-03-29 15:34:44 UTC

Which Trump is one crazy SOB <3

2018-03-29 15:34:47 UTC

hm, Trump wouldn't strike first

2018-03-29 15:34:54 UTC

and I think Kim might know that

2018-03-29 15:34:59 UTC

Kim doesn't know that

2018-03-29 15:35:04 UTC


2018-03-29 15:35:08 UTC

It sure looks like Trump would though

2018-03-29 15:35:15 UTC

This is the point of the strategy

2018-03-29 15:35:17 UTC

Trump actually could and it looks like it

2018-03-29 15:35:26 UTC

You have no clue what someone is up to.

2018-03-29 15:35:48 UTC

think of the political blowback if Trump pre-emptively strikes NK

2018-03-29 15:35:56 UTC

2 more carrier groups deployed to the Korean Pennisula, the American forces there have been mobilized and the Air Force has flown bombers closer to NK than ever before

2018-03-29 15:36:10 UTC

Kim is on the defensive

2018-03-29 15:36:13 UTC

He probably won't

2018-03-29 15:36:17 UTC

Plus economic Sanctions

2018-03-29 15:36:18 UTC

It's the fear that counts.

2018-03-29 15:36:30 UTC

He probably won't, but that's not what is important

2018-03-29 15:36:44 UTC

All Kim sees, is a madman commanding the most powerful military in history

2018-03-29 15:36:52 UTC

And has threatened to level his country already

2018-03-29 15:37:03 UTC

We want Kim to believe that some crazy fuck can blow him to shreds at any moment

2018-03-29 15:37:19 UTC

So he would want tensions to cool real quickly.

2018-03-29 15:37:56 UTC

The sanctions + Reagan's peace through strength
It is entirely likely Kim is serious about these talks

2018-03-29 15:37:59 UTC

When you know you're going to get away with something, you're going to keep doing it

2018-03-29 15:38:07 UTC

Exactly lol

2018-03-29 15:38:17 UTC

Kim's not so sure he can do that with Trump.

2018-03-29 15:38:23 UTC

We could use the Arab spring as arguments against the democrats and show their hypocrisy.

2018-03-29 15:38:35 UTC

Trump already made an example out of Syria

2018-03-29 15:38:36 UTC

With Obama, of course.
With Bush, of course.
With Clinton, of course.

2018-03-29 15:38:39 UTC

He will strike first

2018-03-29 15:38:40 UTC

I want everyone to remember something

2018-03-29 15:38:41 UTC

If he has too

2018-03-29 15:38:49 UTC

ISIS has been eradicated under Trump

2018-03-29 15:38:53 UTC

But Trump is something much different.

2018-03-29 15:38:54 UTC

almost no talk about it

2018-03-29 15:39:06 UTC

no effect on his approval

2018-03-29 15:39:12 UTC

ISIS hasn't been around as long as NK you dumb shit

2018-03-29 15:39:13 UTC

ISIS is an easy problem.

2018-03-29 15:39:16 UTC

Blow it up

2018-03-29 15:39:20 UTC

The media doesnโ€™t care

2018-03-29 15:39:25 UTC

And Kim has talked about signing a treaty for the Korean War

2018-03-29 15:39:40 UTC

There's no diplomacy, no nuclear warheads

2018-03-29 15:39:41 UTC

We've been on an armistice for 50 years

2018-03-29 15:39:52 UTC

Good point

2018-03-29 15:39:56 UTC

knowing the media,

2018-03-29 15:39:59 UTC

No diplomacy no huge warfare

2018-03-29 15:40:03 UTC

they'll find a way to downplay it

2018-03-29 15:40:05 UTC

It's just air strikes

2018-03-29 15:40:16 UTC

They know they can't.

2018-03-29 15:40:21 UTC

Of course, but it gets to a point where it'll still sork

2018-03-29 15:40:23 UTC

I _hope_ they can't

2018-03-29 15:40:27 UTC

When something is so vig

2018-03-29 15:40:30 UTC


2018-03-29 15:40:35 UTC

They'll try to credit someone else

2018-03-29 15:40:38 UTC

like the Chinese premier

2018-03-29 15:40:46 UTC

or even Obama

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