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vaccines are p cheap afaik

they dont make too much money of them

flu shots are even free sometimes

2019-11-06 02:33:54 UTC

I didn't know much about them before coming into this server myself

2019-11-06 02:34:01 UTC

I don't like people injecting random shit into me, but it's better than catching measels or some shit.

2019-11-06 02:34:27 UTC

You won't catch it unless you're around an area where it is rapid

thats caleed herd immunity

it exsists bec most people get vaccinated

place sin the US are having measle outbreaks latly, its not for no reason afaik

2019-11-06 02:36:06 UTC

And it's more than that, it's about the big medical system in general and how they push these things without people looking into them @*แถœสณแต’โฟแถœสฐ*

2019-11-06 02:36:15 UTC

Money does come along side the road

i cant see why figureing vaccines arent too expenisve iirc and flu shots are even free


not alwasy free

2019-11-06 02:36:59 UTC

I know of that

2019-11-06 02:37:40 UTC

But even then, some would say that it is to make populations dumber or give them disabilities like autism

2019-11-06 02:37:56 UTC

It might be making people dumber with how this generation acts though

2019-11-06 02:37:58 UTC

The elite have already seen to that.

2019-11-06 02:38:00 UTC


2019-11-06 02:38:11 UTC

We have already been dumbed down severely.

2019-11-06 02:38:23 UTC

With blindness comes faith.

2019-11-06 02:38:51 UTC

And we'll continue to be dumbed down at least the ones who are too blue pilled to see

2019-11-06 02:40:14 UTC

I thin you should do research on vaccines as I've been doing for the last few weeks now and form an intelligent opinion on it @๐ŸŽƒOakheart๐ŸŽƒ

2019-11-06 02:40:29 UTC

Yeah, I hope attack helicopter cat isn't mad at me or something.

2019-11-06 02:40:34 UTC

But it feels like it...

2019-11-06 02:40:43 UTC

Otherwise you'll be looked down upon I'm sure even I question your level of truther if you won't do that much

2019-11-06 02:40:46 UTC

I have hardly done much research on it.

2019-11-06 02:41:05 UTC

I would say I am a truther, although I do accept a few mainstream things.

2019-11-06 02:41:16 UTC

The government suppresses spirituality a lot.

2019-11-06 02:41:23 UTC

They don't want people to be awake.

2019-11-06 02:41:30 UTC

So they distract you.

2019-11-06 02:42:15 UTC

And that could be true but I just highly suggest looking into it before debating or discussing the topic or you know

2019-11-06 02:42:20 UTC


2019-11-06 02:42:26 UTC

You're no better than "globers"

2019-11-06 02:42:30 UTC

And I asked the question to learn more and was met with a bit of a cold reply.

2019-11-06 02:42:33 UTC

Well not necessarily.

2019-11-06 02:42:35 UTC

In this topic, yes.

2019-11-06 02:42:41 UTC

But I have researched the FE topic heavily.

2019-11-06 02:43:03 UTC

Unlike them, I don't parade around thinking I know shit on topics I don't have a clue about.

2019-11-06 02:45:37 UTC

The question asked is what could be the gain from giving out vaccines right?

2019-11-06 02:46:06 UTC

What does the government gain from giving people diseases?

2019-11-06 02:47:21 UTC

That was my original question.

2019-11-06 02:47:27 UTC

Not meant to be seen as condescending.

2019-11-06 02:49:27 UTC

Look into the subject and you'll find your answer

2019-11-06 02:52:28 UTC

I'm guessing it could be for some type of economic gain but it's mostly likely to be some type of way of keeping people on a certain level of consciousness/intelligence or to give them disabilities/diseases/allergies which I have found to be the case with allergies after people get vaccinated comapred to beforehand

2019-11-06 03:22:28 UTC

That's innaptopriate. The earth is flat. Face the facts

2019-11-06 03:49:12 UTC

i have a question for flat earthers, you guys say planets dont exist and its just light but we can see the moon orbiting the planets and you can notice this with your telescope on a planet that has a black dot on it that is its moon.

2019-11-06 03:50:02 UTC

nobody sees the moon orbiting planets

2019-11-06 03:51:54 UTC

there are black dots on planets that you can see move and thats the moons shadow @Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids

2019-11-06 03:54:50 UTC

you said "we can see the moon orbiting the planets" which is false

2019-11-06 03:56:45 UTC

the moon shadow goes in a clockwise direction that is orbiting. what is false that you are saying?

2019-11-06 03:57:04 UTC

youre just pretending to not understand

2019-11-06 03:59:31 UTC

i dont understand what is false in what im saying. you can see the shadows and the shadows move in a clockwise direction always its a very accurate clock that people can use to know the time

2019-11-06 03:59:42 UTC

we can see the moon orbiting the planets

2019-11-06 04:00:06 UTC

how many planets does the moon orbit in your reality?

2019-11-06 04:02:05 UTC

every planet. jupiter is huge and its moons are also huge so you can see the shadow more definitely with your telescope. are you suggesting that the shadow isnt the moon?

2019-11-06 04:02:44 UTC

idk which universe you live in, but according to science, the moon orbits the earth and thats it

2019-11-06 04:03:23 UTC

i appologise if what im saying sounds rude

2019-11-06 04:03:40 UTC

i've been taught by science that every planet has moons that orbit them. is that wrong?

2019-11-06 04:04:02 UTC

the moon orbits the earth according to science

2019-11-06 04:04:36 UTC

im not talking about OUR moon, buts moons in general

2019-11-06 04:04:51 UTC

well you said "we can see the moon orbiting the planets"

2019-11-06 04:05:05 UTC

the moon is the name of the moon that orbits earth but moon can be a general term that just means natural satellites

2019-11-06 04:05:15 UTC


2019-11-06 04:05:26 UTC

youre splitting hairs, its obvious he didnt mean earths moon when he talked about jupiter

2019-11-06 04:05:39 UTC

one curious thing though, does the earths moon have a name? if not, then why not?

2019-11-06 04:05:48 UTC

youre only playing a gotcha dude

2019-11-06 04:05:55 UTC

the moons name is The Moon

2019-11-06 04:05:59 UTC


2019-11-06 04:06:02 UTC

and probably because we saw that first

2019-11-06 04:06:17 UTC

look at these other planets, their moons are named

2019-11-06 04:06:22 UTC


2019-11-06 04:06:30 UTC

like how earth is earth but the surface is mostly water

2019-11-06 04:06:35 UTC

luna means moon so moon

2019-11-06 04:06:49 UTC

you dont know either. i see

2019-11-06 04:07:00 UTC

it literally doesnt matter if we know

2019-11-06 04:07:10 UTC


2019-11-06 04:07:15 UTC

unless its trivia night it would like never matter dude

2019-11-06 04:10:05 UTC

Gonna be over 2000 members again soon...thanks for helping me build it back up. (THEY deleted over 1300 members and censor the group like they do its owner, Flat Earth SubGenius, terrible nickname that needs to be changed btw)

Please join and invite your friends!


2019-11-06 04:13:03 UTC

facebook is deleting organized disinformation campaigns so maybe thats why they did it. Russians have genuinley confessed to be paid to do this stuff, or have been paid to have their accounts be used for this stuff

2019-11-06 04:14:45 UTC

so youre accusing him of being a professional paid disinfo agent then?

2019-11-06 04:15:46 UTC


2019-11-06 04:15:59 UTC

looks like thats what you said

2019-11-06 04:16:30 UTC

i mean i dont think hes russian, because i have no evidence of that so i cant really be accusing him of that

2019-11-06 04:16:55 UTC

i dont think its cool to censor anyone, fox news has said fake news why haven't they been censored? its facebook that can decide who is misinformation and thats really bad

2019-11-06 04:17:39 UTC

yeah fox news gets on my nerves with their bs propaganda

2019-11-06 04:17:42 UTC

its organized disinformation that is state backed

2019-11-06 04:18:20 UTC

you can say fake stuff but if it cant be proven that you have governmental power backing you up, youll be tagged at worst

2019-11-06 04:18:50 UTC

the state propaganda which is obviously fake news never gets hit but the other alternative media gets hit, we give too much power for facebook to just censor anyone they want and label it as misinformation

2019-11-06 04:19:27 UTC

how do you give facebook power to censor?

2019-11-06 04:19:51 UTC

i dont see that at all, i think they just do it on behalf of government

2019-11-06 04:19:59 UTC

they have it themselves, they are a private company with their own real estate

2019-11-06 04:20:21 UTC

i mean, they censor false stuff about the government too

2019-11-06 04:20:41 UTC

basically blew up during th e2016 campaign

2019-11-06 04:20:47 UTC

i remember

2019-11-06 04:21:34 UTC

and state backed organized disinformation campaigns. So like china saying that communism is good or something

2019-11-06 04:21:41 UTC

or that clinton is bad

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