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2019-04-04 04:20:18 UTC

@Human Sheeple does a fireman have trouble holding onto a firehose b/c the water is pushing off teh AIR?

2019-04-04 04:20:21 UTC

you would need to ask one yourself

2019-04-04 04:21:16 UTC

Again, the shape of the nozzle at the end of rocket's propulsion chamber is shaped like a cup so that it can "catch" the force of the gas leaving the rocket's body.

2019-04-04 04:21:36 UTC

@Human Sheeple you live in the usa right if you want to test it take some ammunition with a less dense projectile with the same muzzle velocity and compare it to ammunition that is more dense but has the same muzzle velocity

2019-04-04 04:21:46 UTC

it will debunk that pseudoscience rather fast

2019-04-04 04:22:15 UTC

3. APPLICATION OF PRESSURE VECTORS https://imgur.com/a/g6eAkG6

2019-04-04 04:22:26 UTC


2019-04-04 04:22:36 UTC

@Human Sheeple go test what i just said and tell me what you find

2019-04-04 04:22:45 UTC

the problem with normal tires is the sealant, not the psi different

2019-04-04 04:22:53 UTC

thats the same principle that rockets work on

2019-04-04 04:23:05 UTC

@^Kevin^ how about a balloon then

2019-04-04 04:23:11 UTC

What does @Vortex do

2019-04-04 04:23:18 UTC

where you put the air in the tire is where its weakest, and a tire in space would blow up

2019-04-04 04:23:27 UTC

why woudl it blow up

2019-04-04 04:23:35 UTC

just like a rocket and a space suit

2019-04-04 04:23:39 UTC

i mean it can handle a pressure difference of 5 psi

2019-04-04 04:23:47 UTC

you need better sealant and higher tech than what they are using

2019-04-04 04:23:49 UTC

so 5 psi inside and complete vacuum on outside would be fine

2019-04-04 04:23:57 UTC

Not if you designed the tire to absorb the force being applied by the pressure inside of it.

2019-04-04 04:23:59 UTC

what sealant do they use?

2019-04-04 04:24:05 UTC

you need like forcefield tech or something to survive that powerful of a vacuum

2019-04-04 04:24:13 UTC

^based on what/

2019-04-04 04:24:33 UTC

Or atmosphere

2019-04-04 04:24:38 UTC

you cannot put 6 to 8 foot concrete and steel reinforced walls in space, too much mass

2019-04-04 04:24:38 UTC

Because that's what we have it for

2019-04-04 04:24:39 UTC

@^Kevin^ its not the vacuum thats pulling inwards its the atmosphere pushing inwards you can test this if you get 2 vacuum chambers and put a vacuum in the first smaller one and put that inside the larger one and drain the air

2019-04-04 04:24:42 UTC

even if space existed

2019-04-04 04:24:58 UTC

and it still wouldn't work in the vacuum of space, because the vacuum of space is said to be 100,000 times stronger

2019-04-04 04:25:22 UTC

Gravitational pull of the sun helps us stay in rotation

2019-04-04 04:25:31 UTC

ITS NOT THE VACUUM thats pulling inwards

2019-04-04 04:25:39 UTC

its the point where your putting a plastic screw on the tire inflation area isn't going to hold the air in from exploding to fill the vacuum

2019-04-04 04:25:46 UTC

the nozzle

2019-04-04 04:25:54 UTC

Hello fellow flat earthers

2019-04-04 04:26:07 UTC

why would something with nothing in it pull inwards for no reason

2019-04-04 04:26:09 UTC

@Abe Lover what's a gravitational pull?

2019-04-04 04:26:11 UTC

gravity isn't real

2019-04-04 04:26:19 UTC


2019-04-04 04:26:23 UTC

unless there is a pressure differential

2019-04-04 04:26:48 UTC

@^Kevin^ How dare you! You missed out drag and viscosity!

2019-04-04 04:26:55 UTC


2019-04-04 04:26:59 UTC

Do you understand what causes bouyancy? You literally can't have bouyancy without gravity.

2019-04-04 04:26:59 UTC

lets keep it simple

2019-04-04 04:27:01 UTC

5. APPLICATION OF DRAG ON THE BODY: https://imgur.com/a/wzaen55

2019-04-04 04:27:08 UTC

No let's be specific

2019-04-04 04:27:16 UTC

Drag and viscosity also debunk gravity

2019-04-04 04:27:17 UTC

@^Kevin^ so a ball in water goes towards lower density, but a ball in air tries to go towards HIGHER density?

2019-04-04 04:27:20 UTC

flt earth physics at its finest

2019-04-04 04:27:22 UTC

Gravity is a myth

2019-04-04 04:27:27 UTC


2019-04-04 04:27:37 UTC

@Derek Nelson cavendish

2019-04-04 04:27:39 UTC

its quite proven

2019-04-04 04:27:43 UTC

and all those that followed

2019-04-04 04:27:52 UTC

why do things not hover in a vacuum chamber?

2019-04-04 04:28:01 UTC

ifs its just Buoyancy

2019-04-04 04:28:17 UTC


2019-04-04 04:28:21 UTC

Why would someone come into this serious group and start making up lies

2019-04-04 04:28:44 UTC

I always hear people saying that its density and bouyancy, not gravity, but I never hear WHY it is that.

2019-04-04 04:28:52 UTC

show me where gravity is mentioned in the definition


2019-04-04 04:28:57 UTC

you make wild claims with no proof

2019-04-04 04:28:58 UTC

Bum crum

2019-04-04 04:29:02 UTC


2019-04-04 04:29:05 UTC

@noah Archimedes Principle

2019-04-04 04:29:11 UTC


2019-04-04 04:29:12 UTC

you can test that Buoyancy theory put a ball in a vacuum chamber and see what happens

2019-04-04 04:29:19 UTC

its not Buoyancy

2019-04-04 04:29:32 UTC

Earth = flat

2019-04-04 04:29:34 UTC

2. CHANGING THE DENSITY OF THE MEDIUM: https://imgur.com/i0Cww6Y

2019-04-04 04:29:36 UTC

gravity doesn't explain why things rise, only that things fall and doesn't prove that its the cause, its a theory, and a false one at that

2019-04-04 04:29:48 UTC

@tripolarbear Changing the density of the medium is also a cause of acceleration

2019-04-04 04:30:01 UTC

density and bouyancy better describes why things rise or fall

2019-04-04 04:30:03 UTC

@^Kevin^ gravity isn't the cause of things falling, a force is making them fall, and we already know forces make things move

2019-04-04 04:30:19 UTC

if something is lighter than the medium its in, it rises, if its heavier, it falls

2019-04-04 04:30:27 UTC

Things float in water because the force of the water is countering the force of gravity and is able to hold an object in place.

2019-04-04 04:30:33 UTC

@^Kevin^ thats something in an atmosphere

2019-04-04 04:30:38 UTC

@^Kevin^ so why does a helium balloon go forward in an accelerating car?

2019-04-04 04:30:48 UTC

@MrGiggles fuck your force, show me the acceleration, force isn't a fundamental unit, show me the acceleration.

2019-04-04 04:30:49 UTC

assuming that you are talking about baloons

2019-04-04 04:31:02 UTC

an airplane lifts and stays afloat because of its design, if it has too much weight the lift off its wings will not be enough to keep it afloat

2019-04-04 04:31:17 UTC

@Human Sheeple have you ever measured teh weight of something?

2019-04-04 04:31:20 UTC

Gravity is fake

2019-04-04 04:31:21 UTC

show me mass change acceleration please

2019-04-04 04:31:22 UTC

or measured tension? those are forces

2019-04-04 04:31:32 UTC

You can jump upwards because in order to jump you have to apply a force to push yourself upwards to counter the force of gravity.

2019-04-04 04:31:43 UTC

Gravity is fake

2019-04-04 04:31:44 UTC

Its something you literally experience on a daily basis.

2019-04-04 04:31:46 UTC

I can make the force weaker on a set of scales by attaching helium balloons to something

2019-04-04 04:31:49 UTC


2019-04-04 04:31:52 UTC

JUst stand up and try jumping.

2019-04-04 04:31:55 UTC


2019-04-04 04:31:56 UTC

The arth ia not flat

2019-04-04 04:32:00 UTC


2019-04-04 04:32:01 UTC


2019-04-04 04:32:01 UTC

I can make the force weaker by shining lasers on objcets on scales

2019-04-04 04:32:04 UTC

gravity doesn't exist

2019-04-04 04:32:05 UTC


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