
Discord ID: 484514023698726912

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2019-03-19 21:38:59 UTC

Hey did you guys see the space x rocket launch a few days ago?

2019-03-19 21:39:02 UTC

@Soldz (CF) flat earth has no facts to it, its magic basically scientists use it to explain everything

2019-03-19 21:39:14 UTC

@Soldz (CF) Because without it the universe doesnt make sense

2019-03-19 21:39:20 UTC

A level line is infinite. It has no end

2019-03-19 21:39:31 UTC

@Ronsheckelson no fact to it? Mass attracting mass demonstrated https://youtu.be/11sLusnVZwM

2019-03-19 21:39:37 UTC

So the Earth has no limit?

2019-03-19 21:39:47 UTC

At what distance does a level line curve???

2019-03-19 21:40:00 UTC

This is so epic

2019-03-19 21:40:12 UTC

@Ronsheckelson A SPHERE holds a large BODY OF CONNECTED WATER (The Ocean) with IT BEING HELD in a downward motion.

2019-03-19 21:40:15 UTC

@Ronsheckelson Yes but you dont know what container the ocean is in, and what forces are acting upon it (Gravity) so you cant say that this must be flat

2019-03-19 21:40:19 UTC

It's not like the Ocean is a solid.

2019-03-19 21:40:27 UTC

Even if It was, Well, *Sphere.*

2019-03-19 21:40:41 UTC

On a Globe, a straight line extended over a long distance eventually isn't level because it doesn't follow the curve of the earth, perpendicular to the center of gravity.

2019-03-19 21:40:42 UTC

besides, the ocean is nowhere near flat

2019-03-19 21:40:51 UTC

there are tides n shite

2019-03-19 21:40:52 UTC

Bruh moment

2019-03-19 21:40:55 UTC

Level and flat are not synonymous

2019-03-19 21:40:58 UTC

The Ocean is level because It's a large body of water connected together, And yeah, It's not perfectly flat.

2019-03-19 21:41:09 UTC

Woah look at these scientists posting links

2019-03-19 21:41:10 UTC

What side of the globe is LEVEL at any given time?

2019-03-19 21:41:35 UTC

@Send Pic of Main Hull @Noodles There is a lot of sense to it, your brains to open up to the possibility that we aren't on a spinning globe in the middle of space

2019-03-19 21:41:48 UTC

theres no sense to it

2019-03-19 21:41:49 UTC


2019-03-19 21:41:53 UTC

It is level by following around the center of the gravitational pull. It is not rocket science, simple

2019-03-19 21:42:04 UTC

a flat earth goes against every known law of astrophysics

2019-03-19 21:42:09 UTC

Stop trying to sound smart

2019-03-19 21:42:19 UTC

Smh my literal actual head

2019-03-19 21:42:21 UTC

@Soldz (CF) There is a lot of sense to it, your brains open up to the possibility that we aren't on a flat plane accelerating upward with a surrounding dome in a region that belongs to us

2019-03-19 21:42:25 UTC


2019-03-19 21:42:32 UTC

Who gave some of you the professor role?

2019-03-19 21:42:38 UTC

Whatโ€™s that

2019-03-19 21:42:51 UTC

@Ronsheckelson The horizon drops at higher altitudes, yes.

2019-03-19 21:42:51 UTC

fun concepts: The earth is a disc spinning wildly through the air and vibrating in horrible motions of twisting turnings

2019-03-19 21:42:53 UTC

@Ronsheckelson it is **literally** impossible to see the curve within our atmosphere due to our size relative to the earth

2019-03-19 21:43:00 UTC

Professor role is essentially "Jerk circle member"

2019-03-19 21:43:07 UTC

when we look up to the sky i'm wondering why we don't see stars wildly swirling as we plummet into the cascading depths of horrific space

2019-03-19 21:43:07 UTC


2019-03-19 21:43:12 UTC
2019-03-19 21:43:13 UTC

Panzerkampfwagen IV#6026 (343915088450813954) is now muted for '**Unspecified.**', alright? <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>

2019-03-19 21:43:18 UTC


2019-03-19 21:43:19 UTC


2019-03-19 21:43:23 UTC

WHO'S A FLAT EARTHER, i got questions

2019-03-19 21:43:25 UTC

like actual

2019-03-19 21:43:27 UTC

genuine questions not trlls

2019-03-19 21:43:28 UTC

i swear

2019-03-19 21:43:29 UTC


2019-03-19 21:43:29 UTC

You can't see a curvature 66.6 ft at 10 miles?

2019-03-19 21:43:29 UTC

not trolls

2019-03-19 21:43:30 UTC

at all.

2019-03-19 21:43:32 UTC

Did you just mute someone?

2019-03-19 21:43:37 UTC


2019-03-19 21:43:49 UTC

@Jacob Hibbler read the pinned msgs in <#484516084846952451>

2019-03-19 21:44:00 UTC

@Ronsheckelson is that within our atmosphere?

2019-03-19 21:44:03 UTC

It's not very noticeable, If at all.

2019-03-19 21:44:22 UTC


2019-03-19 21:44:24 UTC

ok this is not

2019-03-19 21:44:24 UTC


2019-03-19 21:44:28 UTC

that is not a helpful channel

2019-03-19 21:44:34 UTC

They mute everyone

2019-03-19 21:44:38 UTC

@Noodles We aren't accelerating upwards, and there is no proof of the dome as of now

2019-03-19 21:44:45 UTC

@Ronsheckelson Also, At around Thirty Five Thousand feet is where you can see a small curve, That is, In a cloudless zone and a wide field of view.

2019-03-19 21:44:53 UTC

I was being sarcastic?

2019-03-19 21:45:03 UTC

Oh cool, Someone posted that image again.

2019-03-19 21:45:07 UTC


2019-03-19 21:45:09 UTC

Being sarcastic over text

2019-03-19 21:45:10 UTC

So smart

2019-03-19 21:45:10 UTC

Are there any flat earthers i can fully debate with

2019-03-19 21:45:11 UTC


2019-03-19 21:45:12 UTC


2019-03-19 21:45:15 UTC


2019-03-19 21:45:15 UTC

like i actually

2019-03-19 21:45:18 UTC

want to speak to one

2019-03-19 21:45:21 UTC


2019-03-19 21:45:24 UTC


2019-03-19 21:45:24 UTC

@Ronsheckelson So, Since you posted it, Guide me through it what the match exactly means?

2019-03-19 21:45:26 UTC

and see what they're thinking and like why they beleive what they do

2019-03-19 21:45:26 UTC


2019-03-19 21:45:27 UTC


2019-03-19 21:45:28 UTC


2019-03-19 21:45:29 UTC

Literally no one here lmfao @Jacob Hibbler

2019-03-19 21:45:37 UTC

Tin foil technology

2019-03-19 21:45:38 UTC

os what's your claim

2019-03-19 21:45:41 UTC


2019-03-19 21:45:42 UTC

The Horizon stays LEVEL at every elevation???

2019-03-19 21:45:43 UTC

this is good because i cant read too good

2019-03-19 21:45:50 UTC

so i like looking at pictures better

2019-03-19 21:45:51 UTC

are you saying no one here is a flat earther @Prism 926

2019-03-19 21:45:58 UTC


2019-03-19 21:46:02 UTC

It's not Tin Foil.. Also, Metal has a practical use? @Citizen Z

2019-03-19 21:46:04 UTC

hello there

2019-03-19 21:46:04 UTC

@Jacob Hibbler basically

2019-03-19 21:46:10 UTC

@!GPT heh you're an actual flat earther

2019-03-19 21:46:18 UTC

Even if it was, Its got a practical use?

2019-03-19 21:46:19 UTC

The dogcam photo footage has curve, you just gotta sharpen the image

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