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2018-05-02 09:40:21 UTC

i dunno but kayne is a beast dude

2018-05-02 09:40:35 UTC

he has created so many people's shit

2018-05-02 09:40:57 UTC

The msm shit on him , but he woke up , i mean everyone does

2018-05-02 09:41:24 UTC

and now they shit on him even more

2018-05-02 09:41:44 UTC

yea dude TMZ are such racist assclowns

2018-05-02 09:41:49 UTC

they need to be exposed

2018-05-02 09:42:00 UTC

just go into the video logs

2018-05-02 09:42:12 UTC

like the biggest race baiters in media

2018-05-02 09:42:29 UTC

same with pbs news hour

2018-05-02 09:42:47 UTC

every 3rd word is fuck white peope lol

2018-05-02 09:42:48 UTC

well, he's fair game now

2018-05-02 09:43:57 UTC

2:04 they spew bullshit about how kanye should shut up and not say anything

2018-05-02 09:44:42 UTC

See that is typical MSM tactic. You get someone on the show, then you bait them into race.. Quite old school i must say. like MSBC 2016 style

2018-05-02 09:45:01 UTC

it's sad they're giving him shit about that slavery remark, when it's clear that he misspoke

2018-05-02 09:45:06 UTC

yeah, and then you spin the fuck out of it

2018-05-02 09:45:11 UTC


2018-05-02 09:45:23 UTC

they are mad their buddies are going to be fired

2018-05-02 09:45:26 UTC

just ike TECHTV

2018-05-02 09:45:38 UTC

all these cable corp nimrods will just be jobless

2018-05-02 09:46:01 UTC

thats why they hate kayne. he has like what 35 mil followers

2018-05-02 09:46:07 UTC

trump has that many plus some..

2018-05-02 09:46:10 UTC

yup, their stuff is just so out of date

2018-05-02 09:46:15 UTC

cant fuckin stand it lmao. he has bigger reach

2018-05-02 09:46:17 UTC

I rarely actually watch the news on TV anymore

2018-05-02 09:46:28 UTC

it is hilarous you know this is why they are mad

2018-05-02 09:46:34 UTC

Kayne connects to people

2018-05-02 09:46:40 UTC

TMZ is vapid bullshit

2018-05-02 09:46:44 UTC

Tim pool connects with people

2018-05-02 09:46:49 UTC

CNN is vapid bullshit

2018-05-02 09:46:59 UTC

CNN is freaking terrible

2018-05-02 09:47:04 UTC

probably the worst of the bunch

2018-05-02 09:47:08 UTC

CNN is worse than terribe

2018-05-02 09:47:24 UTC

like i remember when i was a kid

2018-05-02 09:47:40 UTC

i went to CNN in atlanta. they actually had shit together with actual news and jouranlists n stuff like that

2018-05-02 09:47:55 UTC

i guess all those people died. or the colleges changed or something i dunno. bceause all of a sudden

2018-05-02 09:48:01 UTC

im an asshole cuz im white

2018-05-02 09:48:02 UTC

and nowadays it just doesn't pay off anymore

2018-05-02 09:48:17 UTC

tim i remember one video

2018-05-02 09:48:23 UTC

guy shit on him for being white h was like

2018-05-02 09:48:27 UTC

But im mixed u retard lmao

2018-05-02 09:48:37 UTC


2018-05-02 09:48:53 UTC

it's weird how race became such a big issue again for you Americans

2018-05-02 09:48:54 UTC

that's how stupid people are tho in real life

2018-05-02 09:49:01 UTC

oh it's bad dude

2018-05-02 09:49:08 UTC

it was a NON issue. we were unified

2018-05-02 09:49:26 UTC

obama came got elected

2018-05-02 09:49:38 UTC

then, Ya. melt down.. obama even shit on white people

2018-05-02 09:49:39 UTC


2018-05-02 09:50:07 UTC

just ruin race relations for the entire world obama. thx.. Nobel peace prize

2018-05-02 09:50:21 UTC

it'll be hilarious if Trump gets the prize as well

2018-05-02 09:50:28 UTC

ya it already is

2018-05-02 09:50:32 UTC

did you see bearing's video

2018-05-02 09:50:36 UTC

golden af

2018-05-02 09:50:39 UTC

not yet, but it popped up on my feed

2018-05-02 09:50:56 UTC

oh god it is so fuckin funny

2018-05-02 09:51:05 UTC

he got kyle from secular talk good

2018-05-02 09:52:11 UTC

def can see bias of the channels tho. kyle try to hide his.. with his political group saying "oh ya we are ok with your guys views on guns".. then goes on to be like "ban GUNZ" lol

2018-05-02 09:53:30 UTC

love it to see people actually whineing about nuclear peace

2018-05-02 09:53:34 UTC

yeah, although Kyle is reasonable compared to other left-wing outlets like Vice and Vox

2018-05-02 09:53:36 UTC

smart af tho

2018-05-02 09:53:51 UTC

he seems like it but deep into the issue he is a wimp

2018-05-02 09:53:56 UTC

did you watch him vs razor?

2018-05-02 09:54:00 UTC


2018-05-02 09:54:06 UTC

thats what made me go wow

2018-05-02 09:54:42 UTC

virtually the whole thing is gun control and how kyle wants to take err guns

2018-05-02 09:55:37 UTC

it's literally every neo con lib talking point the guy has

2018-05-02 09:55:39 UTC


2018-05-02 09:56:06 UTC

I'll check that clip out in a sec, still on Bearing's vid

2018-05-02 09:56:23 UTC

ya that one u may want to save for a day u can get into something deep

2018-05-02 09:56:30 UTC

that video is really long and super heated

2018-05-02 09:56:31 UTC


2018-05-02 09:56:32 UTC

that kid

2018-05-02 09:56:36 UTC

"Trump is a loser"

2018-05-02 09:56:37 UTC


2018-05-02 09:56:42 UTC

hhaha ya

2018-05-02 09:56:49 UTC

Dude bearing is a beat with edits

2018-05-02 09:57:08 UTC

Trump = cyber bully

2018-05-02 09:57:10 UTC

haha ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-05-02 09:57:24 UTC

i mean fuck do you see this MSM

2018-05-02 09:57:24 UTC

"who he screwed to make it happen"

2018-05-02 09:57:27 UTC


2018-05-02 09:58:02 UTC

i love bearing because i can still see their bullshit but laugh. instead of just be piseed lol

2018-05-02 16:45:57 UTC

Stay in school kids. Should have sit in during the antigun walkouts.

2018-05-02 16:46:45 UTC

get this, google really didn't want me sharing that link from my phone

2018-05-02 20:19:29 UTC


2018-05-02 20:26:57 UTC

see <#399204742846349312>

2018-05-02 20:27:10 UTC

and scroll up a bit

2018-05-02 20:28:43 UTC

ditch Google Chrome, lol

2018-05-02 20:41:38 UTC

i mean, on my personal computer i don't use it

2018-05-02 20:46:36 UTC

Brave is probably the best Android browser out there atm

2018-05-02 20:46:41 UTC

and it's Chromium based

2018-05-02 20:47:42 UTC

but you see, it wasn't chrome where i original found the link. it was in their news feed. a built in feature

2018-05-02 20:49:12 UTC

and it was in chrome in which the google/amp link worked correctly on my phone.but didn't work for others

2018-05-02 20:49:23 UTC

is very strange and interesting

2018-05-02 20:49:30 UTC

not sure if intentional or a glitch

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