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2018-08-15 01:24:57 UTC

to cringe

2018-08-15 01:26:42 UTC

The point is, if theres one thing Hollywood is good at, it's pushing away it's audience

2018-08-15 01:26:51 UTC

Also, sexual deviance

2018-08-15 01:26:55 UTC

Very good at that

2018-08-15 01:27:54 UTC

One thing I wish Alex Jones would shaddap about

2018-08-15 01:27:58 UTC

With Hollywood and such

2018-08-15 01:28:07 UTC

Is the whole "normalization" thing

2018-08-15 01:28:34 UTC

Y'know, how dark humor is supposedly preparing us to accept the worst of the worst happening. Black Mirror and such.

2018-08-15 01:28:54 UTC

That's a Jack Thompson argument, and I never liked those.

2018-08-15 01:33:35 UTC


2018-08-15 01:33:41 UTC

I see now why Tim is not in the server right now

2018-08-15 01:34:12 UTC


2018-08-15 01:34:23 UTC


2018-08-15 01:35:52 UTC

just kidding.. about the part where he talks about some of us here laughing at trump

2018-08-15 01:36:10 UTC

don't mind me I'm still half asleep

2018-08-15 01:36:18 UTC

@Senny Tim sed we sed trump is a real life troll on his ocasio vid

2018-08-15 01:36:24 UTC


2018-08-15 01:36:30 UTC


2018-08-15 01:36:37 UTC

2018-08-15 01:36:44 UTC


2018-08-15 01:36:56 UTC

yes @Tohob thats the gif i was looking for

2018-08-15 01:36:58 UTC


2018-08-15 01:37:05 UTC

This is an outrage!!

2018-08-15 01:37:19 UTC

i have very few reaction images saved, but i try and keep the best ones

2018-08-15 01:37:30 UTC


2018-08-15 01:37:40 UTC

i have a ton on my private phone .... but i dont have discord on my private phone

2018-08-15 01:38:01 UTC

the video did kind of give me some perspective on where tim is on the political spectrum tho

2018-08-15 01:38:04 UTC

2018-08-15 01:38:20 UTC

@Tohob I can't believe tim considered ocasio perex

2018-08-15 01:38:25 UTC


2018-08-15 01:38:31 UTC


2018-08-15 01:39:44 UTC


2018-08-15 01:39:48 UTC


2018-08-15 01:40:11 UTC

@Timcast hes slepping

2018-08-15 01:40:33 UTC

Unacceptable .. should we lynch Reactor instead ?

2018-08-15 01:40:34 UTC


2018-08-15 01:40:39 UTC

`The radical centrists rise up to lynch their first victim: which is Tim Pool for some reason?`

2018-08-15 01:40:52 UTC

that shit was funny as fuck ^

2018-08-15 01:41:01 UTC

even the anarchist reddit vid lol

2018-08-15 01:41:42 UTC

>tim unironically being a former anarchist

2018-08-15 01:41:43 UTC


2018-08-15 01:41:59 UTC

i was kinda commie in my teens

2018-08-15 01:42:02 UTC

even i wasn't that edgy in my early teens

2018-08-15 01:42:15 UTC

my cousin was anrchist

2018-08-15 01:42:16 UTC

not like political or anything but I was into some socialist memes

2018-08-15 01:42:20 UTC

i was definitely further left than i am now, possibly bordering on commie

2018-08-15 01:42:23 UTC

but not actually commie

2018-08-15 01:42:24 UTC

he got me into it but he was more into it than me

2018-08-15 01:42:37 UTC

now my cuzzo is righty

2018-08-15 01:42:41 UTC


2018-08-15 01:42:57 UTC

my whole family basically is on the right

2018-08-15 01:43:27 UTC

my cousin who is younger than me owns a house its amazing how fast you become ceonservative and right when you own shit

2018-08-15 01:43:34 UTC

My dad was right

2018-08-15 01:43:39 UTC

i'm one of the leftmost people in my extended family lol

2018-08-15 01:43:47 UTC

I was raised conservative right but Im more center

2018-08-15 01:44:03 UTC

i'll never be left

2018-08-15 01:44:07 UTC

too extreme

2018-08-15 01:44:20 UTC

No one should be surprised there's so much communism when all the economic libido was been removed.

2018-08-15 01:44:30 UTC

the only person i can think of who might be further left than me is my crazy cousin who smokes weed all day and goes on about government conspiracies and unironically falls for get rich quick schemes

2018-08-15 01:44:41 UTC

@Scribblehatch GIBS ME UR MONEY

2018-08-15 01:45:00 UTC

@Tohob sounds more alex jonesy

2018-08-15 01:45:06 UTC

than lefty

2018-08-15 01:45:34 UTC

mm that is possible

2018-08-15 01:45:40 UTC

idk really, don't talk to him much

2018-08-15 01:46:00 UTC

`and neither do his kids lmao`

2018-08-15 01:46:28 UTC

oh man thats tough ^

2018-08-15 01:46:56 UTC


2018-08-15 01:47:06 UTC

voluntarily. he used to be their favorite parent but as they grew up they stopped seeing him as the fun parent and started to realize that he's just a crazy person

2018-08-15 01:48:07 UTC

(his kids are in their twenties now)

2018-08-15 01:51:51 UTC

damn thats tough

2018-08-15 01:55:40 UTC

i don't think Black Mirror is here to normalize or condition us, it's here to *warn* us

2018-08-15 01:55:51 UTC

Charlie Brooker knows what the fuck is up

2018-08-15 01:56:02 UTC

he has always been anti establishment

2018-08-15 01:57:18 UTC

the latest season of black mirror was a sjw propaganda tool the first season were the bets '

2018-08-15 01:57:39 UTC

yeah and i am wondering how much Netflix had to do with it

2018-08-15 01:58:04 UTC

i have a feeling charlie brooker did nothing wrong and netflix did

2018-08-15 01:58:21 UTC

but really what kinda SJW shit was in the last season? the first ep? about 'toxic masculinity' ? anything else?

2018-08-15 01:58:54 UTC

yeah i mean if you have seen Brooker's earlier work you know he is a smart cookie and i am positive he hates PC culture, he is a gamer boi

2018-08-15 01:58:57 UTC
2018-08-15 01:59:04 UTC

yeah she is smoking

2018-08-15 01:59:05 UTC


2018-08-15 01:59:21 UTC

I'm not into indian chicks but she can convert me

2018-08-15 01:59:49 UTC

i love Indian girls, great skin and big eyes

2018-08-15 02:00:06 UTC

plus indian food is my fav

2018-08-15 02:00:59 UTC

I know an Indian guy who got into an arranged marriage

2018-08-15 02:01:03 UTC

She's amazing

2018-08-15 02:01:13 UTC

Good cook, hardworking, and cute as fuck.

2018-08-15 02:01:20 UTC

love the dark hair too

2018-08-15 02:01:23 UTC

@GingaBomber Indian people call that winning the lottery

2018-08-15 02:01:25 UTC


2018-08-15 02:01:26 UTC


2018-08-15 02:01:44 UTC

We had an Indian chick here. Not active anymore, but she had some interesting tidbits about her country

2018-08-15 02:01:45 UTC

yeah i bet it doesn't always come out so rosy

2018-08-15 02:01:52 UTC

I used to work with this indian chick at my last job she was fucking cute as fuck

2018-08-15 02:01:59 UTC

```i don't think Black Mirror is here to normalize or condition us, it's here to warn us```
I brought it up because Alex Jones did

2018-08-15 02:02:02 UTC

and she was chill as fuck to talk to

2018-08-15 02:02:07 UTC

i was never into asian chicks until i moved to nyc

2018-08-15 02:02:11 UTC

I think ALL normaliztion is nonsense.

2018-08-15 02:02:11 UTC

then like whoa

2018-08-15 02:02:11 UTC

she is getting married to a white guy

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