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2018-08-02 16:16:25 UTC

not dumbshit we know today

2018-08-02 16:16:34 UTC

Bill just got a blowjob

2018-08-02 16:16:39 UTC

yeah I mean

2018-08-02 16:16:45 UTC

It was consensual

2018-08-02 16:16:47 UTC

I dn't really hvea problem with that

2018-08-02 16:16:56 UTC


2018-08-02 16:16:57 UTC

I mean hillary was his wife

2018-08-02 16:17:16 UTC

just like I dont' care about trumps transgressions

2018-08-02 16:17:30 UTC

I mean kennedy is reverered and he probably puts both of them to shame

2018-08-02 16:18:21 UTC

Bill bombed Sudan on basically no intel when news broke of his affair

2018-08-02 16:18:22 UTC

and who knows what past presidents did before mass media

2018-08-02 16:18:40 UTC

yeah and he was inept in the whole USS Cole situation

2018-08-02 16:18:44 UTC

and Yugoslavia

2018-08-02 16:18:45 UTC


2018-08-02 16:19:14 UTC

sarah jeong is super racist

2018-08-02 16:19:21 UTC

Hitchens was fucking brutal when he wrote about the Clintons

2018-08-02 16:19:29 UTC

im not going all out in my main video because I want it to be more about the concerns of others

2018-08-02 16:19:39 UTC

but koreans are known to be racial supremacists

2018-08-02 16:19:48 UTC

imo, her parents raised her to really hate non koreans

2018-08-02 16:19:52 UTC

oh hell yeah

2018-08-02 16:20:03 UTC

i believe this becuase Im korean and know full well just how racist they can be

2018-08-02 16:20:10 UTC

also, asians are probably smarter on average than the average american so yeah she might have a point ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-08-02 16:20:38 UTC

why you gotta bring race into this?

2018-08-02 16:20:39 UTC


2018-08-02 16:21:21 UTC

those are pretty damning tweets though

2018-08-02 16:21:45 UTC

question, are people this stupid to tweet these things? did they not think that perhaps SOMEDAY someone whould have a problem with it and drudge them up

2018-08-02 16:22:24 UTC

Asians from Asia have a really weird thing where they all hate each other.

2018-08-02 16:22:29 UTC

They changed to match the culture

2018-08-02 16:22:41 UTC

But the culture believes in retroactive punishment

2018-08-02 16:22:43 UTC

I mean, I never post on social media because 1) no one gives a fuck and 2) I don't really want a public profile / history eithr

2018-08-02 16:23:07 UTC

yeah it is weird how asians from different countries generally dislike each other

2018-08-02 16:23:12 UTC

it would be like if we hated canada

2018-08-02 16:23:22 UTC

or the UK or france, etc

2018-08-02 16:23:43 UTC

There is a little bit of neighbour hatred tbh

2018-08-02 16:23:46 UTC

and it's not like asians probably dont' have shared ancestry likr the US

2018-08-02 16:23:52 UTC

I think it's dumb but it does exist

2018-08-02 16:24:06 UTC

yoiu mean US/canada or asian?

2018-08-02 16:24:14 UTC


2018-08-02 16:24:27 UTC

it can't be that high can it?

2018-08-02 16:24:36 UTC

or is super troopers 2 more of a documentary? ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-08-02 16:25:08 UTC

Well like apparently my grandmother was told to take the little Canadian flag off her car if she wanted to avoid trouble more recently

2018-08-02 16:25:12 UTC

At the border, no less

2018-08-02 16:25:23 UTC

And there's some smug fucks here

2018-08-02 16:25:35 UTC

here beign canada or us?

2018-08-02 16:25:43 UTC

Here in Canada

2018-08-02 16:25:55 UTC

so beign canadian and taking canada flag off your car?

2018-08-02 16:25:56 UTC

That's weird and dumb.

2018-08-02 16:25:57 UTC

in canada?

2018-08-02 16:25:59 UTC

"At least we don't have Drumpf" snooty types

2018-08-02 16:26:09 UTC

Oh, at the border going to the states I meant

2018-08-02 16:26:13 UTC


2018-08-02 16:26:14 UTC

Meanwhile in NY they fly Canadian flags everywhere.

2018-08-02 16:26:15 UTC

She's here, went down to the states

2018-08-02 16:26:24 UTC


2018-08-02 16:26:25 UTC

Told she shouldn't have a Canadian flag on her vehicle in WA

2018-08-02 16:26:30 UTC

I'm sure that's a tad hyperbolic

2018-08-02 16:26:37 UTC

I see Canadian flags often

2018-08-02 16:26:39 UTC

no one cares

2018-08-02 16:26:55 UTC

my wifes friend is swedish with sweden flag

2018-08-02 16:26:55 UTC

Yeah I don't know what the deal was

2018-08-02 16:26:56 UTC

no one cares

2018-08-02 16:27:08 UTC

and this is in Texas

2018-08-02 16:27:15 UTC

But the constant trade warring is getting people pissy

2018-08-02 16:27:16 UTC

which you think would be worse, maybe, dunno

2018-08-02 16:27:25 UTC

people without a clue

2018-08-02 16:27:33 UTC

Tbh everyone from the south that I've talked to who isn't a psycho is super friendly

2018-08-02 16:27:33 UTC

that don't realize its all blowharding

2018-08-02 16:27:47 UTC

from the south? you mena the US?

2018-08-02 16:27:47 UTC

Whereas in the north it's more varied

2018-08-02 16:27:50 UTC


2018-08-02 16:27:56 UTC

oh yeah

2018-08-02 16:28:00 UTC

Southern US is best US

2018-08-02 16:28:16 UTC

from a friendly perspective

2018-08-02 16:28:24 UTC

its not a fake friendly either, usually

2018-08-02 16:28:26 UTC

So I wouldn't be surprised if people in the north were more butthurt about policy and trade stuff

2018-08-02 16:28:28 UTC

I get the checkered past

2018-08-02 16:28:42 UTC

but its generally a nicer (and cheaper ) palce to live

2018-08-02 16:28:50 UTC

schools be damned of course

2018-08-02 16:28:56 UTC


2018-08-02 16:28:57 UTC

well in the north you have factories and shit

2018-08-02 16:29:09 UTC

so yeah those trade practrices affect them more

2018-08-02 16:29:13 UTC

old factories

2018-08-02 16:29:21 UTC

Having lived in both, everything the North accuses the South of, is a better descriptor of the North.

2018-08-02 16:29:30 UTC


2018-08-02 16:29:35 UTC

projection is a fickle bitch

2018-08-02 16:30:38 UTC

So as a gud Texas boi, how ready are you for the expulsion of the Commiefornians? :^)

2018-08-02 16:30:50 UTC

Unfortunately, I don't see it happening.

2018-08-02 16:31:15 UTC

its not going to happen

2018-08-02 16:31:53 UTC

the only thing I can hope for is that they change their tune and undo their long term conditioning

2018-08-02 16:32:06 UTC

and their children grow up "normal"

2018-08-02 16:32:09 UTC

Which I don't think is going to really happen without some degree of force.

2018-08-02 16:32:28 UTC

By any means, they've got a generation with which to do lots of damage.

2018-08-02 16:32:42 UTC


2018-08-02 16:32:57 UTC

>ruin your state
>flee the policies you voted in
>enter a better state

2018-08-02 16:33:06 UTC

especially since they're the ones that seem to be the most vocal and enter politics in positions of power

2018-08-02 16:33:07 UTC

Yeah, basically.

2018-08-02 16:33:07 UTC

and yes

2018-08-02 16:33:11 UTC


2018-08-02 16:33:13 UTC

sos tupid

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