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2018-10-03 01:37:35 UTC

Sometimes he just has to be replaced, very carefully.

2018-10-03 01:37:57 UTC

He thinks that basically if you need the shock of the experience of force (example used is a flick on the hand) then it should be available, but used sparingly

2018-10-03 01:37:58 UTC

If you have a kid who is into arson, you'll be warm for the rest of your life.

2018-10-03 01:38:20 UTC

Ahh, you're talking about corporal punishment.

2018-10-03 01:38:23 UTC

He places a lot of emphasis on proper socialization in the early years

2018-10-03 01:38:59 UTC

People need to emphasize the power of SHAKING

2018-10-03 01:39:03 UTC

Have you ever shaken someone

2018-10-03 01:39:15 UTC

Shaking babies is my hobby.

2018-10-03 01:39:40 UTC

Corporal punishment is also going down the shitter btw

2018-10-03 01:39:47 UTC

Hand in hand with actual child abuse

2018-10-03 01:39:58 UTC

By the way, bad advice is worse than no advice.

2018-10-03 01:40:01 UTC

Suck a dick.

2018-10-03 01:40:12 UTC


2018-10-03 01:40:16 UTC

I don't think corporal punishment is real. We had a corporal who got away with all kinds of shit. He was never punished for anything.

2018-10-03 01:40:37 UTC

G-good joke dad.

2018-10-03 01:40:37 UTC

So never hit a women but it's ok to throw a little acid into her face now and again?

2018-10-03 01:41:07 UTC

That seems to be the word from the top, in Sweden and Britain.

2018-10-03 01:41:42 UTC

A little acid here, a little there. Spare the acid, spoil the bare-ankled whore, so they say.

2018-10-03 01:42:07 UTC

What's that stuff they wanted to do Tommy in with? Boiling sugar water, I think they called it napalm or something like that.

2018-10-03 01:42:08 UTC

What I do with my puppy right now

2018-10-03 01:42:17 UTC

Is if I don't want to cage her, I pin her to the ground.

2018-10-03 01:42:18 UTC

Translation error. New migrants just want to drop acid

2018-10-03 01:42:29 UTC

No beatings, just sick wrestling moves.

2018-10-03 01:42:40 UTC

I can defeat any dog.

2018-10-03 01:42:49 UTC

Just melt the sugar itself, no need to add water.

2018-10-03 01:43:06 UTC

The pimp will switch from slapping his hoes to piledrivers and suplexs.

2018-10-03 01:43:23 UTC

@Beemann Sometimes it drops up, or sideways.

2018-10-03 01:43:41 UTC

They're still getting used to it

2018-10-03 01:43:44 UTC

Gotta give em time

2018-10-03 01:44:12 UTC

"Acid thrown among surging demand for plastic surgery." โ€” The Guardian, probably.

2018-10-03 01:44:40 UTC

You know what makes me proud to live in Canada though? The fact that we deport those cunts

2018-10-03 01:44:50 UTC

Honour killing? Out you fucking go m8

2018-10-03 01:45:12 UTC

"You know, two women with bare ankles entered the square, and suddenly acid began to be thrown!" โ€” Bystander, probably

2018-10-03 01:45:48 UTC

They tried to accuse Linus of rape.

2018-10-03 01:45:54 UTC

Speaking of violence, anyone here into combat sports?

2018-10-03 01:45:57 UTC

Oh, already?

2018-10-03 01:45:59 UTC
2018-10-03 01:45:59 UTC

One of my friends was also accused by a tranny, in CA>

2018-10-03 01:46:02 UTC


2018-10-03 01:46:03 UTC

Holy fuck.

2018-10-03 01:46:06 UTC

Holy fucking shit.

2018-10-03 01:46:11 UTC

Somebody just posted this.

2018-10-03 01:46:21 UTC

Somebody just fucking stick my head in a toilet and give me a swirly to get my mind off this.

2018-10-03 01:46:27 UTC

It angers me immensely.

2018-10-03 01:46:28 UTC

The ones who pushed throough the code of conduct BS. He/she is a tranny.

2018-10-03 01:46:29 UTC

If im not mistaken it absolutly wont stick. He will have a solid alibi

2018-10-03 01:46:34 UTC

Serious mode right now.

2018-10-03 01:46:42 UTC

wait, really?

2018-10-03 01:46:47 UTC

this is actually happening?

2018-10-03 01:47:00 UTC

xorgy, are you saying that you don't beleive the wahammens 1000%?

2018-10-03 01:47:01 UTC

They tried to accuse Linus Torvalds of rape and then blackmailed him into accepting the CoC.

2018-10-03 01:47:03 UTC

I think, i may be wrong but i think it was linus who allways travelled with company constantly with him.

2018-10-03 01:47:12 UTC

I think it was him, heard that years ago

2018-10-03 01:47:14 UTC

One of the people who forced their CoC into the Linux Foundation are claiming that Linus forced his CoC upon them?

2018-10-03 01:47:15 UTC

That's exactly what this bunch of trannies did to a friend of mine in CA!

2018-10-03 01:47:23 UTC

And i hear in Seattle people are doing the same shit.

2018-10-03 01:47:32 UTC

There is this sexual assault hotline that is going crazy.

2018-10-03 01:47:39 UTC


2018-10-03 01:47:46 UTC

And there is a Republican candidate right now who was accused of rape.

2018-10-03 01:47:57 UTC

Can you give some links for this Torvalds situation?

2018-10-03 01:48:04 UTC

Also, the allegations against Ed Murray, the ex mayor of Seattle, might have been BS.

2018-10-03 01:48:06 UTC

I am interested in actually working to solve this problem.

2018-10-03 01:48:11 UTC

THey are doing this shit EVERYWHERE now.

2018-10-03 01:48:12 UTC

It is of great personal interest to me.

2018-10-03 01:48:20 UTC

Show me the links, please.

2018-10-03 01:48:22 UTC

There are men going to prison for DECADES for this bullshit.

2018-10-03 01:48:30 UTC

@xorgy solving this is easy

2018-10-03 01:48:36 UTC

The links specifically regarding Torvalds.

2018-10-03 01:48:42 UTC

more than HALF of all exonerations of the Innocence Project have been for false convictions of rape.

2018-10-03 01:48:48 UTC

This is really, really getting bad.

2018-10-03 01:48:54 UTC

legalise rape. Most accusations are false anyways, is it really worth the effort to go through them and sieve the few legitimate ones out?

2018-10-03 01:49:02 UTC

I was looking for this earlier.

2018-10-03 01:49:04 UTC

And i see from various channels that the Daniel Holtzclaw train wreck was set up by BLM and feminists.

2018-10-03 01:49:18 UTC

This is really, REALLY becoming EVIL.

2018-10-03 01:49:29 UTC

This is pure, fucking EVIL.

2018-10-03 01:49:38 UTC

Never be alone in a room with a woman.

2018-10-03 01:49:39 UTC


2018-10-03 01:49:55 UTC

Woman don't know honor.

2018-10-03 01:50:00 UTC

you gave me the impression that there was new information, Mockingbird

2018-10-03 01:50:08 UTC

Can you calm the fuck down? You're being very confusing.

2018-10-03 01:50:10 UTC

Get those fucking judges and prosecutors who let this shit go to trial removed.


2018-10-03 01:50:17 UTC


2018-10-03 01:50:22 UTC

Nigga don't tell him to calm down.

2018-10-03 01:50:32 UTC

He's annoyed by something terrible.

2018-10-03 01:50:35 UTC


2018-10-03 01:50:37 UTC

Don't tell me not to tell him to calm down.

2018-10-03 01:50:46 UTC

The fuck's goin on

2018-10-03 01:50:48 UTC

@xorgy LOL, why are you so irked now? It was news to me.

2018-10-03 01:51:01 UTC

@Undead Mockingbird There is no pending accusation right now, is all I'm saying.

2018-10-03 01:51:04 UTC

And plenty of people didn't seem to know any of this, so don't shit on me, please.

2018-10-03 01:51:16 UTC

I don't know your views on Breitbart as a reliable source but I found that one.

2018-10-03 01:51:20 UTC

You gave me the impression that there was a direct connection between an accusation of sexual misconduct and the introduction of the CoC.

2018-10-03 01:51:26 UTC

Which would be huge

2018-10-03 01:51:33 UTC

and I can find nothing to this effect.

2018-10-03 01:51:37 UTC

The point of what I am writing is that there are apparently IRC logs that show that there HAD been a blackmail attempt/success.

2018-10-03 01:51:44 UTC

So, as far as I know that IS new.

2018-10-03 01:51:51 UTC

Alright, where did you read that?

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