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2018-09-24 06:08:19 UTC

and also all the pesticides

2018-09-24 06:09:00 UTC

@Abel <#463059337162653716>

2018-09-24 06:09:13 UTC

the bowl of water under a light doesn't do much

2018-09-24 06:09:34 UTC

That's good to know. What about vinegar?

2018-09-24 06:10:16 UTC

idk, didn't have the fleas here, but visited my parents when they had a problem

2018-09-24 06:10:30 UTC

my sister + outdoor cats

2018-09-24 06:10:47 UTC

it's easier to deal with if the animals are outside

2018-09-24 06:10:57 UTC

Ah, damn. Yea, having outdoor cats bringing back fleas would suck.

2018-09-24 06:11:32 UTC

one thing to know is that the eggs can keep hatching for months, but you can mostly get them with the vacuum

2018-09-24 06:12:16 UTC

isk about all flea types, but the ones that like cats actually need to feed on a cat on order to lay eggs

2018-09-24 06:12:36 UTC

so if they're cut off from their food source, it's easier to get rid of them

2018-09-24 06:13:10 UTC

That's going to be hard. We have, um, 7 cats? I think it's 7 now.

2018-09-24 06:13:25 UTC


2018-09-24 06:14:06 UTC

the flea drops would probably be your best bet, but they're pricy

2018-09-24 06:14:53 UTC

flea baths did help with the outdoor cats, but idk how often you have to do that

2018-09-24 06:14:55 UTC

We put Frontline on all of the cats. Got a bunch of spray cans of Pet Armor for the rugs and furinature. Then there's the washing of all the blankets and stuff.

2018-09-24 06:16:25 UTC

Oh, and combing the fleas off with a flea comb and putting them into soapy water to kill them.

2018-09-24 06:16:28 UTC

I've heard good stuff about diatomaceous earth, but never tried it

2018-09-24 06:17:08 UTC

I read some on that but from what I read you had to leave the room empty for a few days. Not really practical around here.

2018-09-24 06:17:28 UTC

it's possible you can have technically solved the problem, but still have hatching eggs

2018-09-24 06:18:26 UTC

The flea spray claims that it gets eggs, too.

2018-09-24 06:18:50 UTC

So in the coming week we'll have to do another spray down of the house as much as possible.

2018-09-24 06:19:30 UTC

vacuum is the best for eggs; they just fall off of pets and lay on top of the floor

2018-09-24 06:20:42 UTC

Good to know. Always more of that to do.

2018-09-24 06:21:06 UTC

good luck, bug infestations are the worst

2018-09-24 06:21:21 UTC

You're damn right.

2018-09-24 06:22:45 UTC

had a pantry pest problem a couple moves ago; it was about a year before I bought flour again

2018-09-24 06:26:41 UTC

Never had to deal with any of that. Worst was moths back when we had a dog. We opened a box of milk bones and they came flying out by the dozens. I think we were still finding and kill them weeks later.

2018-09-24 06:27:42 UTC


2018-09-24 06:29:26 UTC

these were tiny flightless beetles, found my stash of cocoa in the summer and had a grand time

2018-09-24 06:30:07 UTC

didn't notice until we got home from a trip and had left the ac turned down

2018-09-24 06:30:29 UTC

bugs hate cold, btw, that helps slow 'em down

2018-09-24 06:37:03 UTC

Too bad it's just getting to be fall here. If it was winter maybe we could leave the windows open for a few hours, turn off the heat, and freeze'em.

2018-09-24 06:37:17 UTC

But I'm out for the night. Take it easy and thanks for the tips.

2018-09-24 06:46:40 UTC

night, and np, hope it helps

2018-09-24 06:47:08 UTC
2018-09-24 06:51:02 UTC

@Risotto as a 30 year old (temporary) NEET i take offense to that

2018-09-24 06:51:24 UTC


2018-09-24 06:51:25 UTC

i was working but all depressed and emo looking when i was 20, i haven't gained any weight and know far more about taking care of myself

2018-09-24 06:51:31 UTC

no idc lol

2018-09-24 06:51:42 UTC

It was too generalizing

2018-09-24 06:51:49 UTC

I'mma NEET too

2018-09-24 06:51:55 UTC

So I'm not judging

2018-09-24 06:53:56 UTC

I'm judging

2018-09-24 06:54:05 UTC

Get a job ya lazy fucks

2018-09-24 06:54:33 UTC

easy to say if you haven't been through major depression

2018-09-24 06:54:53 UTC

I'm joking, don't take it too seriously.

2018-09-24 06:55:09 UTC

i am not ๐Ÿ‘Œ

2018-09-24 06:55:37 UTC

embodying stuff like get a job hippy honestly gets me out doing things, just hard to hold enough together to always embody that

2018-09-24 06:55:53 UTC

weeee rollercoaster

2018-09-24 06:56:16 UTC

@Ottobon Why does yo avater have a hat?

2018-09-24 06:56:54 UTC

because hes in the wastes

2018-09-24 06:57:08 UTC


2018-09-24 06:57:50 UTC

I need to do some fallout NV hardcore some day.

2018-09-24 06:58:13 UTC

me too actually haven't played through enough of it, but the lore gets me

2018-09-24 06:58:30 UTC

I should find something to do with my time that makes money but isn't a job, like my dad brewing beer

2018-09-24 06:59:02 UTC

I'll sell his beer for cryptocurrency so neither of us have to report

2018-09-24 07:00:16 UTC

thats the thing that bugs me, i don't have a 401k so ill probably need to work till im ancient, so gotta find something reasonably decent, atleast not totally soul crushing lol

2018-09-24 07:00:39 UTC

I'm doing a internship for a content writing job. It's pretty fun

2018-09-24 07:02:20 UTC

One thing that seems smart is listening to books while doing menial jobs

2018-09-24 07:02:57 UTC

I listen to this guy on youtube while doing menial stuff like cleaning, Tim Pool he has some good stuff.

2018-09-24 07:11:49 UTC

A quick word of advice, concerning bomb threats and evacuation. You don't evacuate people. You evacuate buildings. If the people evacuate, you may have to call hazmat in addition.

2018-09-24 07:12:08 UTC

(read one of Tim's tweets)

2018-09-24 07:12:42 UTC

this community and other similar ones are good entertainment, but i think it would be helpful to just read more academic written books and getting a better grasp on things

2018-09-24 07:13:42 UTC

I do that too, I was just kissing arse.

2018-09-24 07:15:14 UTC

Well..depending on the severity of the threat, the people evacuate..then the building gets evacuated.

2018-09-24 07:15:56 UTC

yo speaking of books

2018-09-24 07:16:23 UTC

anybody read anything that helps with the art of storytelling

2018-09-24 07:18:53 UTC

2018-09-24 07:19:31 UTC

Yeah I knew about that tweet, and it is a good joke.

2018-09-24 07:20:02 UTC

took me a moment to add two and two with it, but I snickered.

2018-09-24 07:20:46 UTC

It's an archaic use of the word, but...

2018-09-24 07:21:12 UTC

but it is a poop joke, and you can't go wrong with a good poop joke

2018-09-24 07:23:07 UTC

Subtle poop jokes are best.

2018-09-24 07:24:04 UTC

Note though that I highlighted the tweet in brown.

2018-09-24 07:25:15 UTC

Not surprised. He's getting the full Roy Moore treatment.

2018-09-24 07:25:40 UTC

Since anyone can demand FBI investigations, I'd like to demand that the FBI investigate a pair of stolen RayBans that I really want back. The lens were prescription. Very costly.

2018-09-24 07:25:53 UTC

Not surprised at uhh whatever happened to Roy Moore and those accusations?

2018-09-24 07:26:30 UTC

The accusations weren't a legal matter.

2018-09-24 07:26:38 UTC

They served their purposes.

2018-09-24 07:27:00 UTC

huh, funny how that worked. I wonder if they are trying that playbook again since it worked the first time.

2018-09-24 07:27:46 UTC

(of course..I am partly convinced that President Trump doesn't really care if Kavanaugh gets through, he just threw someone out into the meat grinder because the Democrats are crazy and would cause a scene no matter who he put up)

2018-09-24 07:28:28 UTC

I like this new standard of proof: Demand that the FBI do something that the FBI doesn't do and when they do not, insist that it's a conspiracy.

2018-09-24 07:28:46 UTC

It's a good tactic.

2018-09-24 07:30:13 UTC

yeah, because the MSM will never say that the FBI doesn't do that. Instead they'll give air time to politicians who will insist that the FBI not doing it proves what the FBI would find if Trump didn't stop them.

2018-09-24 07:30:17 UTC

It's particularly funny how they waited the way they did.

2018-09-24 07:32:34 UTC

Oh it is a wonderful strategy, If the M5M and the Democrats weren't freaking crazy the past 2 would work wonderfully

2018-09-24 07:35:31 UTC


2018-09-24 07:42:37 UTC

The world keeps getting more insane.

2018-09-24 07:43:22 UTC

maybe reasonable question

2018-09-24 07:43:33 UTC

what was the last point in history its been like this, if there ever was one?

2018-09-24 07:43:39 UTC

like late 60s maybe?

2018-09-24 07:43:51 UTC

just very different groups fighting for different things in different ways

2018-09-24 07:45:21 UTC

Is this meant to be an epic burn or something? There's no way he can be serious

2018-09-24 07:48:07 UTC

Well in 1972 we had over 1900 domestic bombings in the US, mostly by far left terrorist groups, but maybe they only did that because they didn't have twitter.

2018-09-24 07:57:00 UTC

Though the Oklahoma City Bomber really stepped up the game for right-wing bombings...

2018-09-24 07:59:34 UTC

spooks me that radicals got normalized in colleges

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