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2018-09-21 00:34:37 UTC

same depwnds on his subscriber ct tho

2018-09-21 00:34:38 UTC

he also has other places this streams

2018-09-21 00:34:48 UTC

ya like ctv

2018-09-21 00:34:54 UTC

Which stream are you guys talking about?

2018-09-21 00:34:59 UTC

Yeah I was rounding it off

2018-09-21 00:35:24 UTC

it's still going up, pretty rapidly

2018-09-21 00:35:33 UTC

I'm thinking he might peak at 20

2018-09-21 00:35:45 UTC

I dunno how long it lasts

2018-09-21 00:36:04 UTC

i think its like an hour and some change

2018-09-21 00:36:11 UTC

he goea T least an hr iirc

2018-09-21 00:36:13 UTC

1:20 or 30 or something like that

2018-09-21 00:36:34 UTC

Lso sorry foe typos. on a treadmill right now

2018-09-21 00:36:35 UTC

Will sargoy mention Jim

2018-09-21 00:37:10 UTC

im betting it will be about Sargon's recent visit to the EU parliment

2018-09-21 00:37:20 UTC

๐Ÿคžhe will

2018-09-21 00:38:00 UTC

its kind of a big deal that he did that, even if parliment bascially just ignored them

2018-09-21 00:39:21 UTC

If he does it'll just make shit worse

2018-09-21 00:39:31 UTC

lots of ๐Ÿ  ๐ŸŸ ๐Ÿก arond the accusation

2018-09-21 00:39:31 UTC

which is great because I'm loving the dumpster fires

2018-09-21 00:39:45 UTC


2018-09-21 00:41:13 UTC

guam's a lot dustier than I member

2018-09-21 00:41:20 UTC

what IIIiiis mugclub?

2018-09-21 00:42:22 UTC

ugh dat short A

2018-09-21 00:42:43 UTC

newtons cradle

2018-09-21 00:43:17 UTC


2018-09-21 00:43:30 UTC

unless he means "executive toys"

2018-09-21 00:43:39 UTC

oh right that story

2018-09-21 00:44:56 UTC

the ecosphere

2018-09-21 00:45:04 UTC


2018-09-21 00:45:16 UTC


2018-09-21 00:46:31 UTC

so how long until the people on the list start getting the banhammer

2018-09-21 00:46:56 UTC

i think the littler names will be the ones to watch first

2018-09-21 00:47:02 UTC

i imagine itll ramp up when midterms.finish

2018-09-21 00:47:17 UTC

itll bave full news attention then

2018-09-21 00:47:19 UTC

im thinking itll happen in oct

2018-09-21 00:47:26 UTC

before the elections

2018-09-21 00:47:44 UTC

ooo to galavanize the left :0

2018-09-21 00:48:14 UTC

probably will happen when other things happen to try to hide the bans and act like they had more important things to talk about

2018-09-21 00:48:28 UTC

swept under the rug

2018-09-21 00:50:13 UTC


2018-09-21 00:50:21 UTC

Becca Lewis
I research media manipulation and misinformation at Data & Society. I write about media, technology, and politics.

2018-09-21 00:50:49 UTC

people will praise thw bans. its dosgusting. if any od this happend in bushII the left would be REEING their voice out

2018-09-21 00:50:55 UTC

There are too many levels of irony here

2018-09-21 00:51:46 UTC

ya they had some very interesting job titles at that place

2018-09-21 00:51:59 UTC

let me see if i can find it again

2018-09-21 00:52:54 UTC

"Provost for Prosocial Discourse"? xp

2018-09-21 00:52:58 UTC

ya thats right, they have a director of Media Manipulation

2018-09-21 00:53:11 UTC

<:TimThink:482277772497125378> <:TimThink:482277772497125378> <:TimThink:482277772497125378> <:TimThink:482277772497125378>

2018-09-21 00:53:46 UTC

yeah. tim has trouble speaking with leftists too. :(

2018-09-21 00:53:58 UTC

thats not the one i saw yesterday but i am not seeing the one that really made my jaw drop

2018-09-21 00:54:22 UTC

Media Manipulation/Platform Accountability Research Lead

2018-09-21 00:54:24 UTC

ugh. i wish it was an hr talk with Sargon

2018-09-21 00:54:59 UTC

As in they manipulate the media?

2018-09-21 00:55:01 UTC

first the took out sen computer ...then not gay jared ....

2018-09-21 00:55:02 UTC

decent length l. but yeah those are creepy job titles

2018-09-21 00:55:23 UTC

@โ™“โ™โ™‹ depends on your pol. alignment

2018-09-21 00:55:23 UTC

As in, they spread misinformation?

2018-09-21 00:56:14 UTC

thats what i would think of if i had someone tell me they were in the business of media manipulation

2018-09-21 00:56:17 UTC

oh fuck glenn pecker head

2018-09-21 00:56:34 UTC

He turned into Guy Fieri

2018-09-21 00:56:39 UTC


2018-09-21 00:57:01 UTC

i think he is hoping it will make him look like a "wise old man"

2018-09-21 00:57:05 UTC

ikr @yvaN_ehT_nioJ i hope he doesnt take us to flavor town

2018-09-21 00:57:39 UTC

makes him look 2000s af

2018-09-21 00:57:39 UTC

If you are anti antifa...

2018-09-21 00:57:48 UTC

Are you just fa? ๐Ÿค”

2018-09-21 00:58:03 UTC

party like its 1999

2018-09-21 00:58:10 UTC

"If you have to ask..." /s

2018-09-21 00:58:28 UTC

false. the left would

2018-09-21 00:58:32 UTC

who's read benito mussolini's 1932 "the doctrine of fascism"?

2018-09-21 00:58:42 UTC

Give me the tldr

2018-09-21 00:58:45 UTC

who reads?

2018-09-21 00:59:07 UTC

its a lot like the european court of human rights articles

2018-09-21 00:59:09 UTC

is there a videogame about it?

2018-09-21 00:59:10 UTC

reading ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-09-21 00:59:25 UTC

na fam ๐ŸŒ  ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘Œ

2018-09-21 00:59:49 UTC

its like "hey you can do anything you want! but we will arrest you if you do it..."

2018-09-21 00:59:50 UTC

jk but seriously. all my reading is mainly MS material

2018-09-21 00:59:51 UTC

sims might be the videogame version of that book

2018-09-21 01:00:06 UTC

oh so wait, its like gta5

2018-09-21 01:00:12 UTC

MS material?

2018-09-21 01:00:21 UTC

ah, sorry. master's.

2018-09-21 01:00:34 UTC

they say youre done with scyool after undergrad. Nope!

2018-09-21 01:00:44 UTC

At least it's not slave's material.

2018-09-21 01:00:51 UTC

read the UNuniversal human rights articles.... then read the doctrine of fascism ... then read the european court of human rights... and tell me they didnt just rip everything from mussoini

2018-09-21 01:01:01 UTC


2018-09-21 01:01:40 UTC

ill add those to my list. <:TimThink:482277772497125378> materials always good.

2018-09-21 01:01:59 UTC

Mussoloni wanted to restore the old Roman empire so it doesn't surprise me.

2018-09-21 01:03:46 UTC

so a quote from mussolini (from memory) ... "fascism accepts the individual" ... that would be where the UNs HR ends... it continues... "only in so far as his interests coincide with the states"

2018-09-21 01:04:07 UTC

also. if they were.blind stinking drunk how couls they manage to pin her down??

2018-09-21 01:04:31 UTC

now lemme copy the ECHR article on freedom...

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right
shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart
information and ideas without interference by public authority
and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not prevent States
from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema
2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it
duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities,
conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and
are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national
security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention
of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for
the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing
the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for
maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.

2018-09-21 01:05:17 UTC

tldr "we accept your freedom; only in so far as your interests coincide with the states"

2018-09-21 01:06:41 UTC

btw... UNs version..
Article 19.

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

2018-09-21 01:06:52 UTC

see how it just ends at "you have freedom" ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-09-21 01:06:54 UTC

It seems like the governments of Europe were all in agreement that authoritarianism works. The only question for the past 100 years was who was going to be in charge.

2018-09-21 01:07:38 UTC

wait. the un version is the short one??

2018-09-21 01:07:45 UTC


2018-09-21 01:08:31 UTC

UN = freedom of the individual
ECHR = state comes before individual

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