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2018-09-15 13:32:47 UTC

Nah Buzzfeed is commenting on hoaxes

2018-09-15 13:32:58 UTC

It's hilarious because that means people are sub-Buzzfeed SJW

2018-09-15 13:33:04 UTC

Which is like, something I never considered

2018-09-15 13:33:08 UTC


2018-09-15 13:33:20 UTC

scotch korean

2018-09-15 13:33:46 UTC


2018-09-15 13:33:49 UTC

It's F?

2018-09-15 13:33:53 UTC

It all makes sense now

2018-09-15 13:33:57 UTC

It *is* a racist symbol

2018-09-15 13:34:00 UTC

F stands for Fascist

2018-09-15 13:34:11 UTC

Alright everyone show's over, go home

2018-09-15 13:34:14 UTC

We lost

2018-09-15 13:34:24 UTC

Press F for the sanity of the left.

2018-09-15 13:35:12 UTC

You can clearly see this is meant to simulate anal penetration

2018-09-15 13:35:14 UTC

LOL dev

2018-09-15 13:35:15 UTC

That's because OP's a fag

2018-09-15 13:35:22 UTC

a b c d e f lol

2018-09-15 13:35:40 UTC

the levels of insanity are high

2018-09-15 13:35:46 UTC

but you make a good point

2018-09-15 13:35:55 UTC

so everytime someone does sign language

2018-09-15 13:36:01 UTC

are they making a whistle too?

2018-09-15 13:36:04 UTC

It's everywhere!

2018-09-15 13:36:09 UTC


2018-09-15 13:36:13 UTC


2018-09-15 13:36:14 UTC


2018-09-15 13:36:17 UTC

Does this mean Black Power is S for Socialism?

2018-09-15 13:36:17 UTC


2018-09-15 13:36:24 UTC

OOO Cipher

2018-09-15 13:36:28 UTC

tough questions

2018-09-15 13:36:39 UTC

ANTIFA are a mostly-white black organisation after all

2018-09-15 13:36:44 UTC


2018-09-15 13:36:54 UTC

that distinction always makes me laugh

2018-09-15 13:37:03 UTC

like the old black white supremecist from chapelle show

2018-09-15 13:37:52 UTC

the world is def broken when you make chapelle hang up his mic and say, screw this im out, i tried but im out

2018-09-15 13:38:51 UTC

i probably could have dealt with all the crap in the world if they didnt start comming for commedy

2018-09-15 13:39:17 UTC

Like, the dumb thing is they're taking away the ways people would vent

2018-09-15 13:39:21 UTC

Which makes them angrier

2018-09-15 13:39:35 UTC

yep, no arguements there

2018-09-15 13:39:51 UTC

sjw destoryed every hobbie i loved in the last 4 years or so

2018-09-15 13:40:05 UTC

just took a big ol dump on all of it

2018-09-15 13:40:24 UTC

I'm already convinced that the left's deplatforming tactic will eventually cause violence.

2018-09-15 13:40:50 UTC

i dunno, i am sort of hoping they will eat enough of their own to finally stop and be like... what are we doing

2018-09-15 13:41:03 UTC

a similar thing happened with the censorship stuff in the 90s if you ask me

2018-09-15 13:41:36 UTC

the group think is pretty hard to overcome when you have thousands of people screaming in your face to follow the herd

2018-09-15 13:42:14 UTC

or calling you racist or some other cist to scare you into snapping in line

2018-09-15 13:42:16 UTC

Deplatforming will definitely lead to violence

2018-09-15 13:42:33 UTC

i think it will depend on how bad it gets before it calms down

2018-09-15 13:42:44 UTC

Intersectionality is destroying the left gradually though, tons of white female SJWs I know are starting to revolt slightly

2018-09-15 13:42:51 UTC

while i dont agree with what happened to Jones

2018-09-15 13:43:00 UTC

i dont reeally want to go punch anyone over it

2018-09-15 13:43:07 UTC

they've already destroyed many comedians or otherwise forced them into hiding.

2018-09-15 13:43:27 UTC

some comedians were smart enough to see what was coming and just stopped working.

2018-09-15 13:43:37 UTC

so tell me this, which person being deplatformed would push you into the breach locked and loaded

2018-09-15 13:43:58 UTC

i am not so sure i have anyone i give that much of a shit about to be honest lol

2018-09-15 13:44:33 UTC


2018-09-15 13:44:41 UTC

I gave up on musicians speaking out about issues

2018-09-15 13:44:45 UTC

The left seems to be following the science of cult influence/compliance to a T.

2018-09-15 13:44:55 UTC

Everyone's either a pussy or a radical left idiot themselves

2018-09-15 13:44:58 UTC

well sure, they wrote the book dev

2018-09-15 13:45:05 UTC

so they know whats on every page already

2018-09-15 13:45:38 UTC

Like, when I immediately think of rock bands who speak out about stuff, I think of the Sex Pistols, Flobots and Rage Against The Machine

2018-09-15 13:46:09 UTC

the problem with deplatforming of the right, is no one really gives enough about whats happening over there to really do anything about it. i cant say i really agree with the craziest of stuff, so do i want to go fight over it,... not really... which in the end is already a loss

2018-09-15 13:46:22 UTC

Whelp, it's official, people are getting fired for ok signs.

2018-09-15 13:46:27 UTC

the deplatforming wave is going to presage legislation regulating speech content. that's definitely a red line for me.

2018-09-15 13:46:29 UTC

I'm willing to give up a platform when it crosses a line for me. I think I told Tim in here that I quit Patreon completely after it banned Faith Goldy.

2018-09-15 13:46:43 UTC

Sex Pistols are relics and Johnny Rotten has become tame and out-of-touch, Flobots are relatively chill but have no real audience, and Rage are socialists who helped fund a south american revolutionary group or something

2018-09-15 13:47:34 UTC

the biggest problem with an "internet bill of rights"

2018-09-15 13:47:40 UTC

is that it will be called that

2018-09-15 13:47:47 UTC

but thats not what will likely be in the bill

2018-09-15 13:47:55 UTC

and everyone will just read the title and be like... sure why not

2018-09-15 13:48:03 UTC

Yeah Zach De La Rocha made donations to the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, who are a socialist revolt in the south of Mexico

2018-09-15 13:48:10 UTC

but in there will be the real censorship they have been trying to enact all along

2018-09-15 13:48:15 UTC

and everyone will have just fell for it

2018-09-15 13:48:24 UTC

every potential legislative fix can easily go completely wrong.

2018-09-15 13:48:35 UTC

but the status quo is also pretty fucking awful.

2018-09-15 13:48:47 UTC

As long as we can create alternative platforms with no SJW influence we have an out that'll head off violence.

2018-09-15 13:49:31 UTC

i don't think it's only about having echo chamber nobody cares about :^)

2018-09-15 13:49:32 UTC

man i just got a picture in my heads of the DSA siexing Twitter and claiming they were siezing the means of production in the process lol

2018-09-15 13:49:43 UTC


2018-09-15 13:49:50 UTC

It's about not having an echo chamber at all.

2018-09-15 13:49:54 UTC

maybe the 'blue wave' doesn't happen, the SJWs tucker themselves out, and everything returns to some semblance of normalcy.
but maybe the democrats take congress, impeach drumpf, and go completely balls-to-the-wall on corporate censorship.

2018-09-15 13:50:06 UTC

everything is a gamble.

2018-09-15 13:50:07 UTC

It's ultimately the platform rules that make it an echo chamber or not.

2018-09-15 13:50:31 UTC

to a degree, but the voices on the platform also do the esecho themselv

2018-09-15 13:50:36 UTC

echo themselves

2018-09-15 13:50:36 UTC

well no

2018-09-15 13:50:45 UTC

gab doesn't have rules making it an echo chamber but it is

2018-09-15 13:50:49 UTC

ditto with bitchute

2018-09-15 13:50:55 UTC

and thats my point exactly

2018-09-15 13:50:58 UTC

Well if we're going down, I'm going down kicking. If the UK keep going in the authoritarian direction they're going you'd best believe I'll be outspoken

2018-09-15 13:51:03 UTC

the rules didnt have to make it one

2018-09-15 13:51:07 UTC

the people did that to themselves

2018-09-15 13:51:12 UTC

The best case for the Dems in 2018 is retaking the House and then shutting it down completely, because they won't retake the Senate.

2018-09-15 13:51:14 UTC

these platforms are boring not because of their rules but because the are echo chambers. they are failures because they're not entertaining.

2018-09-15 13:51:19 UTC

its just one of the many natures of us fun people

2018-09-15 13:51:26 UTC

we are gonna want to hear what we wanna hear

2018-09-15 13:51:31 UTC

Social media has become "advertising myself"

2018-09-15 13:51:32 UTC

Ego strokes

2018-09-15 13:51:36 UTC

They're not social

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