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2018-09-10 05:04:49 UTC

check out dating sites. There's tiny ass asian girls wanting dudes who are like 6"5 and shit

2018-09-10 05:05:18 UTC

people looking for dudes a foot taller than them and such

2018-09-10 05:05:43 UTC

Wow, that's strange.

2018-09-10 05:05:47 UTC

I think a lot of people also don't really know what normal heights are. Like men almost always add 2-3 inches to their height so some women seem to think that 5'9 is a midget

2018-09-10 05:06:05 UTC

Well then, maybe men should hold the same standards. If she's not 6' 11" to 7' 6", no dice.

2018-09-10 05:06:10 UTC

almost every dating site profile asks for an above average height

2018-09-10 05:06:44 UTC

like Canada average is like 5'10" or something. Lots of profiles asking for 5'11" absolute minimum. Lots asking for 6+

2018-09-10 05:07:09 UTC

even if they're 5'0", 5'1"

2018-09-10 05:08:00 UTC

It's also very common to hear girls say that their boyfriend can't be the same height because they need to still be taller when she's wearing heels. Which is why I joked earlier about wanting a girl with hair that matches my favorite shirt.

2018-09-10 05:08:19 UTC

yeah I commented on that earlier too

2018-09-10 05:08:24 UTC

re: that 20vs1 vid

2018-09-10 05:08:34 UTC

height is always a huge pool thinner

2018-09-10 05:09:06 UTC

As I understand it that's more of a recent thing like in the last 30 years or so

2018-09-10 05:09:15 UTC

But damn if it isn't wide spread

2018-09-10 05:09:18 UTC

honestly the one that eliminates most people for me is "wants to have kids, wont only date a Christian"

2018-09-10 05:09:35 UTC

which I dont think is a huge ask. It's also not one I can compromise on much

2018-09-10 05:09:58 UTC

since I'm not gonna fake it for Jesus for the rest of my life

2018-09-10 05:10:07 UTC

Agreed, Kids is the one thing nobody should compromize

2018-09-10 05:10:45 UTC

thats like 90% of the pool gone though

2018-09-10 05:10:54 UTC

it's nuts

2018-09-10 05:11:13 UTC

especially once you factor in the age/height requirements

2018-09-10 05:11:19 UTC

Problem is the Indoctrination with her friends and other shit.

2018-09-10 05:11:28 UTC

i need kids so my overbearing asian parents would stop nagging me for grandkids

2018-09-10 05:11:34 UTC

They don't tell her to get married, have kids, they probably tell her to fuck around.

2018-09-10 05:11:50 UTC

I need a wholesome christian gal who thinks theres multiple paths to God or some shit

2018-09-10 05:12:05 UTC

You mean something like "follow your dreams"?

2018-09-10 05:12:07 UTC

because all the Atheist gals I run into are antinatalist

2018-09-10 05:12:22 UTC

There is a reason why some German Mans import their wives from East Europe....

2018-09-10 05:12:24 UTC

some Christians are like "as long as you're a good person it's k"

2018-09-10 05:13:19 UTC

Honestly I get better results running into random wahmen online than from dating sites, it just doesnt really go anywhere because distance

2018-09-10 05:13:44 UTC

Because Woman from dating sites already failed in RL

2018-09-10 05:13:48 UTC

People tend to be much more lax with their rules when they meet people face to face not expecting to be a couple from the start since they get close and realize people have other positive qualities that aren't going to be obvious for their list

2018-09-10 05:14:13 UTC

liberalism is a dead end, get outbreed by conservative religious groups

2018-09-10 05:14:16 UTC

Long-distance relationships don't work, so I'm told. So you should try and size'em up fast and import if they're worth it.

2018-09-10 05:14:26 UTC

so it's not one of those "maybe I just have a fucked up shitty personality", I have a perfectly manageable shitty personality. I just need to get past that initial barrier

2018-09-10 05:14:44 UTC

Long distance shit isnt for a long term relationship no

2018-09-10 05:14:58 UTC

one of y'all has to move to make it a real thing

2018-09-10 05:15:14 UTC

We're all gonna make it kings. Hang in there. One day we'll each have our own girlfriend(boy).

2018-09-10 05:15:39 UTC

Sex robots for all!

2018-09-10 05:15:59 UTC

i imported my gf after a couple years of LDR

2018-09-10 05:16:35 UTC

it went ok

2018-09-10 05:17:52 UTC

but yeah, I'm not too worried about it on my end, I just see a lot of angry people in the future

2018-09-10 05:17:55 UTC

men and wahmen

2018-09-10 05:18:26 UTC

Good. Then maybe Burger King will bring back that Angry Onion Whopper.

2018-09-10 05:19:34 UTC

I don't have a buirger king

2018-09-10 05:19:37 UTC


2018-09-10 05:19:41 UTC

the next one is like 90km away.

2018-09-10 05:19:43 UTC

burger king is kinda shit tbh

2018-09-10 05:19:51 UTC

and when I'm there, I rather go asian than there

2018-09-10 05:19:55 UTC

it's fairly rare here, and it's not good enough to seek out

2018-09-10 05:20:11 UTC

Wendys is a better option every single time

2018-09-10 05:20:38 UTC

as a robo-sexual, i demand more representation

2018-09-10 05:21:03 UTC

At least where I am Burger King is far better than Wendy's, but it seems like the big burger chains go through a cycle where they all flip from good to bad every 5 years or so

2018-09-10 05:21:31 UTC

WTF, 180-185W in a fucking cutscene, my poor PS4 PRO.....

2018-09-10 05:21:36 UTC

Burger King here is like a dirtier McDonalds that goes heavy on condiments

2018-09-10 05:21:38 UTC

hm, over here wendy's is better, at least in my experience

2018-09-10 05:21:56 UTC

A&W makes every product out of sodium

2018-09-10 05:21:56 UTC

There's your problem. Cutscenes aren't gameplay.

2018-09-10 05:22:13 UTC

then again, the only wendy's i've been to is a brand new building, and the only burger king has homeless camps a few blocks away

2018-09-10 05:22:31 UTC

All the wendy's near me are just flavorless grease bricks. And I haven't been to a McDonald's since elementary school when they had the beanie babies

2018-09-10 05:22:39 UTC

McDonalds is pretty consistent qualitatively, it's just that the quality level is low

2018-09-10 05:22:40 UTC

so it might be those particular locations

2018-09-10 05:22:57 UTC

i haven't touched mcdonalds since i was like 12

2018-09-10 05:23:01 UTC

And if you're vegetarian, McD doesn't have shit for you...

2018-09-10 05:23:03 UTC

Wendys here is like the top tier of the actual fast food places

2018-09-10 05:23:13 UTC

and then you make the step up into "burger place that isnt fast"

2018-09-10 05:23:16 UTC

like Fries, a crappy salad and the worst burger ever...

2018-09-10 05:23:30 UTC

Triple O's also has good burgers

2018-09-10 05:23:48 UTC

The best burger I had was actually with scrambled eggs...

2018-09-10 05:23:55 UTC

interesting combination

2018-09-10 05:24:15 UTC

Yeah, absolutely. Was probably something off the cuff....

2018-09-10 05:24:18 UTC

I've had a pretty good egg burger

2018-09-10 05:24:34 UTC

a la: Oh shit, a vegetarian, lets quickly invent some shit.

2018-09-10 05:24:37 UTC

Hashbrowns and some sausage I think in it

2018-09-10 05:24:41 UTC

i actually love the applebees brunch burger

2018-09-10 05:24:53 UTC

but yeah once you enter the fatburger/white spot/5 guys tier where you're no longer in actual fast food, it just depends purely on the establishment

2018-09-10 05:25:16 UTC

I've had good and bad of each, except 5 guys where there's like 2 of them here anyway, and theyre both good

2018-09-10 05:25:24 UTC

It's a bit odd how rare vegetarians are now. Like people who care about that sort of thing are either you go all the way or you might as well have meat every meal.

2018-09-10 05:25:49 UTC

The thing is: Never in my life have I eaten a crappy Pizza - until I went to Hamburg....

2018-09-10 05:25:52 UTC

I think this has taught us one thing though. Burgers > online dating

2018-09-10 05:26:02 UTC

i found out recently that my niece went vegan

2018-09-10 05:26:04 UTC

I fucking cant stand fresh slice

2018-09-10 05:26:04 UTC

i like a good burg

2018-09-10 05:26:14 UTC

I dont know why they make money

2018-09-10 05:26:29 UTC

i'm a filthy heathen, i make turkey burgers at home

2018-09-10 05:26:39 UTC

turkey burgers are fine

2018-09-10 05:26:39 UTC

I don't think we have fresh slice in the US

2018-09-10 05:26:59 UTC

oh of course, it;s a canadian franchise

2018-09-10 05:27:05 UTC

fuck the earth I'm going to mars

2018-09-10 05:27:09 UTC

actually i have a picture of one of my burgers

2018-09-10 05:27:14 UTC

Buffalo burgers are pretty great

2018-09-10 05:27:31 UTC

at least we have Boston Pizza, which for some reason is Canadian

2018-09-10 05:27:34 UTC

behold mine burger

2018-09-10 05:27:48 UTC

That's not a burger that's a log cabin

2018-09-10 05:27:49 UTC

and they make pierogi pizza, which is surprisingly good

2018-09-10 05:27:54 UTC

why is it a fry pyre?

2018-09-10 05:28:05 UTC

there's a patty underneath my log cabin made of fries

2018-09-10 05:28:10 UTC

which is filled with beans

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