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2018-08-31 02:05:32 UTC

"not all harassment is equal. Heck, not all โ€œharassmentโ€ is harassment. Itโ€™s not harassment if youโ€™re getting yelled at because youโ€™re a racist or transphobe or because you are supporting them."

2018-08-31 02:05:52 UTC

This image had a warning on simply because there is a confederate flag in the background WOW

2018-08-31 02:06:37 UTC

also translation: "harassments ok when its our side doing it"

2018-08-31 02:06:40 UTC

also we now know what instance that the whole thing that got will wheaton banned from took place

2018-08-31 02:07:08 UTC

"I said, it's hard for me to piece together what really happened, but the BofA admin has articulated a relatively clear and just definition of harassment. Sometimes what people call harassment is good and righteous. Tolerance and civility are cowardsโ€™ virtues."

2018-08-31 02:07:12 UTC

the place is called

2018-08-31 02:07:39 UTC

"Tolerance and civility are cowardsโ€™ virtues." jesus

2018-08-31 02:07:46 UTC

these people are nuts

2018-08-31 02:08:04 UTC

>Jesus argument
>Talking to commies

2018-08-31 02:08:11 UTC


2018-08-31 02:08:35 UTC

Tolerance and civility are cowards virtues? really? Tell most Martial Artist they are cowards, i'm sure that will go over well.

2018-08-31 02:08:50 UTC

It does

2018-08-31 02:08:58 UTC

"Be very careful about who you're comparing to who. If you're claiming that harassing a trans woman on my mod team who disagrees with you is as justified as punching a literal nazi, you may wanna pack up your things from this instance and get the fuck out."

2018-08-31 02:09:09 UTC

Because they have the self control to not ree and kill you

2018-08-31 02:09:15 UTC

"for all I know the BofA admin is not acting in good faith. I'm just trying to make a point against pearl-clutching, that it's only good for bad actors."

2018-08-31 02:09:31 UTC

and these people see themselves as good? this is hilarious

2018-08-31 02:09:46 UTC

b a d a c t o r s

2018-08-31 02:09:57 UTC

its not

2018-08-31 02:10:04 UTC

i mean its not all good

2018-08-31 02:10:19 UTC

ive said this in the past but the fediverse im part of is on the blocklist

2018-08-31 02:10:34 UTC

and we are very kind and welcoming

2018-08-31 02:10:38 UTC

>opinion right of commie
>literally nazis
"You have to have a very high IQ to be a leftist"

2018-08-31 02:10:40 UTC

we dont get hostile at all

2018-08-31 02:10:40 UTC

We live in a society

2018-08-31 02:11:03 UTC

Jimmy Kimmel is AIDS
Unless I'm thinking of Fallon ๐Ÿค”

2018-08-31 02:11:04 UTC

Society really do be like how it be sometimes

2018-08-31 02:11:12 UTC

Which is the SJW that did blackface?

2018-08-31 02:11:20 UTC

both Jimmy's are pretty shit tbh

2018-08-31 02:11:22 UTC

Sarah silverman

2018-08-31 02:11:37 UTC

Most late night hosts are trash

2018-08-31 02:11:38 UTC

Hey guys

2018-08-31 02:11:41 UTC


2018-08-31 02:11:46 UTC

Also the retard that thought the millitary will help with a coup

2018-08-31 02:11:49 UTC


2018-08-31 02:11:51 UTC


2018-08-31 02:11:56 UTC


2018-08-31 02:12:20 UTC

"Look, mastodon.socialโ€”heck just about every instanceโ€”needs a better harassment policy, something in the direction of what the #bofa admin tweeted earlier (see link in a previous post). โ€œPlay niceโ€ and โ€œbe civilโ€ are the inches that white supremacists and other bad elements turn into miles. Eugen needs to get on it."

2018-08-31 02:12:37 UTC


2018-08-31 02:12:42 UTC

all this guy

2018-08-31 02:13:05 UTC

Literal Totalitarians

2018-08-31 02:13:26 UTC

Literal commies

2018-08-31 02:13:31 UTC

They are only anti authoritarian when they are not in power

2018-08-31 02:13:34 UTC

Just like the alt right

2018-08-31 02:13:53 UTC

i can almost forget this isn't twitter

2018-08-31 02:13:57 UTC

its the same people

2018-08-31 02:14:01 UTC

Kekistan Nationalism > White Nationalism

2018-08-31 02:14:16 UTC

that guy is the one that pushed will wheaton off the platform?

2018-08-31 02:14:30 UTC

"@selfagency insistence on civility AS ALWAYS favoring the powerful over the afflicted"

2018-08-31 02:15:41 UTC

these people need to be thrown into countries with actual warlords and dictators.

2018-08-31 02:16:04 UTC

see how much those powerful people insist on civility

2018-08-31 02:16:12 UTC

>unironically call someone Radical Centerist

2018-08-31 02:16:14 UTC

take a staycation to Venezuela

2018-08-31 02:16:53 UTC

hell, should have airdropped them onto ISIS. I mean, ISIS is just a response to racists invading their home country right? and are the most progressive society ever.

2018-08-31 02:17:00 UTC

very welcoming of womens rights.

2018-08-31 02:17:14 UTC

```i can almost forget this isn't twitter
its the same people```
okay that mindset needs to go

2018-08-31 02:17:15 UTC

"Why blocklist?

In short...

You want to keep illegal content (eg. child porn) off your servers.
You want to promote healthy discussion and interactions between people that isn't poisoned by shitty, violent ideologies and dangerous conspiracy theories.
You want your users to enjoy your instance and not have to worry about being harrassed or have shit flinged at them from people who don't know better.
You want to defend the freedom of people to choose their pronouns, what religion they practice, how they want to represent themselves, who they want to have sex with, etc. etc. and to defend the right of these people to speak without fear of inane, hateful speech.
You don't want to allow cults and hate groups to recruit vulnerable people.

2018-08-31 02:17:23 UTC

yes a few people are like that but not all of them

2018-08-31 02:17:46 UTC

Why do commies think they are helping the workers?!? they clearly just want to BECOME the bougies they hate

2018-08-31 02:17:47 UTC

@Grenade123 Look at the github source for that and look up

2018-08-31 02:17:54 UTC

thats the fediverse im on

2018-08-31 02:18:13 UTC

and look at why that server is on that list

2018-08-31 02:18:21 UTC

All ANTIFA I've seen are white yuppies

2018-08-31 02:18:32 UTC

Literally no proletariat

2018-08-31 02:18:47 UTC

then again i see dzuk to be aligned far left

2018-08-31 02:19:06 UTC

server ->

wonder why that one was blocked /s

2018-08-31 02:19:26 UTC

which ones yours?

2018-08-31 02:19:26 UTC

so when my server owner, technowix, seen that his server was on the blocklist, he tried to talk it out and see if there was any way to reserve it, but instead got the entire thread closed

2018-08-31 02:19:45 UTC


2018-08-31 02:19:48 UTC

the names of the servers on this list are gold alone

2018-08-31 02:19:50 UTC

2018-08-31 02:20:07 UTC

im am on 7 other instances too

2018-08-31 02:20:21 UTC

one of them is called

2018-08-31 02:20:21 UTC

How does mastadon work? All I know is that it's decentralized and full of sjws

2018-08-31 02:20:34 UTC

"Unwilling to moderate hate speech and violent speech" [no longer exists]

2018-08-31 02:20:45 UTC


2018-08-31 02:20:47 UTC


2018-08-31 02:20:54 UTC

i used to date someone that was part of anitwitter believe it or not

2018-08-31 02:21:05 UTC

"Other hostile admin conduct"

2018-08-31 02:21:07 UTC


2018-08-31 02:21:09 UTC

What is anitwitter

2018-08-31 02:21:13 UTC

anitwitter lel

2018-08-31 02:21:22 UTC

a really toxic weeb group on twitter

2018-08-31 02:21:34 UTC

it truly is

2018-08-31 02:21:35 UTC

one of my friends got falsely banned from twitter because of them

2018-08-31 02:21:48 UTC

>free speech
>"Y u no moderate mean words"

2018-08-31 02:21:51 UTC

im a lurker in it on my personal account

2018-08-31 02:22:01 UTC

anitwitter that is

2018-08-31 02:22:01 UTC

"Illustrated sexualised depictions of people who appear to be minors"

2018-08-31 02:22:15 UTC

seriously, this list is entertaining for the names alone

2018-08-31 02:22:20 UTC

reminder that SJWs hate anime

2018-08-31 02:22:27 UTC


2018-08-31 02:22:34 UTC


2018-08-31 02:22:37 UTC


2018-08-31 02:22:37 UTC

Pawoo ( (Japanese law enforcement on this differs to western countries)

2018-08-31 02:22:38 UTC


2018-08-31 02:22:40 UTC

Anime bad

2018-08-31 02:22:43 UTC

nah you good

2018-08-31 02:22:53 UTC

you probs just have shit taste

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