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2017-06-29 03:35:38 UTC

want to see the banner?

2017-06-29 03:35:38 UTC

No, I live in NY. I'll be on vacation

2017-06-29 03:35:41 UTC


2017-06-29 03:35:50 UTC

Race war at the futbol match

2017-06-29 03:36:01 UTC

Sports hooliganism needs to come to the US

2017-06-29 03:36:08 UTC

yanks take their sports seriously

2017-06-29 03:36:13 UTC

it's literally the perfect avenue

2017-06-29 03:36:16 UTC

Ones like this

2017-06-29 03:36:20 UTC

you literally get free TV time

2017-06-29 03:36:24 UTC

free mass propaganda

2017-06-29 03:36:24 UTC

But yeah, I'd buy cute af totenkopf scarf anytime

2017-06-29 03:36:31 UTC

why hasn't this been done before?

2017-06-29 03:38:36 UTC

Especially Hockey games

2017-06-29 03:38:41 UTC

Hockey games in the US are intense

2017-06-29 03:38:44 UTC

lots of violence

2017-06-29 03:45:08 UTC

Probably the same reason there's no massive nazi music scene (yet) - it takes effort, and it's scary being the first. Also regrettably US organizations usually rise and die quickly. National Alliance was probably the first serious enough ethnonationalist organization to gain foothold for long enough time to affect culture. There always needs to be a safe space for nazis in the political or some subcultural scene where the idea can grow and spread out to other scene and streets. Also people have pretty limited idea of how to affect politics. It's more than voting or even a demo now and then. The culture is everything, everywhere, and needs to be pushed in every area of life strongly, and constantly. National Socialism is an ideology which covers every aspect of life, our culture should as well.

2017-06-29 03:45:30 UTC

Even though I found the vegan nazi cooking show a bit silly, it's gotten thousands of views, so why the hell not. Apparently there's an overlap of people who love eating salad and hate niggers.

2017-06-29 03:47:21 UTC

Here the musical scene functioned as a nazi safe space for decades, and sometimes in movement events like quarter of the people are some BM metalheads. Just any way you can push NS counter culture, is one more space to network and redpill people and create a white space to enjoy their specific interest.

2017-06-29 03:48:58 UTC

Anyway, fun talking to you, i'mma bounce

2017-06-29 03:50:44 UTC

TL;DR The more NS communities you have, the easier building them becomes. Should go without saying but

2017-06-29 03:50:58 UTC

back reading now

2017-06-29 03:51:55 UTC

see ya man!

2017-06-29 10:19:45 UTC

But the issue I see is the potential vulnerability to (((Commies))) and (((Kikes))) as well as (((Cucks))). I say not only should we form NS Communities but also we need strict screening and Ideology Parameters w/in these communities to prevent such filth from entering.

2017-06-29 15:40:50 UTC

Excellent insights, Kombat. That's right on the money.

2017-06-29 16:52:16 UTC

@B1488 Look, I'll put it this way: A majority of people attending NSBM/hool scene, basically anything not strictly, directly political NS scene will still be nazis. And the rest, even if they're there not yet, they gotta be based enough to be down with Nazism even if they aren't ones yet, and the scene proves best possible enviroment to give them the final push to our side. Basically, the "not yet nazi but pro-nazi" are just the people we want. I'm the foremost purity spiraler here, but you don't need purity test in the scene, because to enter you gotta love punching commies and at least not mind Hitler, and if you like those things, you already pretty solid. The most promising ones can then be recruited to party activity, and there might be some actual screening then.

2017-06-29 17:00:18 UTC

"Yeah man I don't really know Hitler I guess he ok, I just love Satanic Warmaster *salutes to the chorus'" is a month or two away from full blown 14/88 if he's got a chill community of genuine nazis to hang around with.

2017-06-29 17:03:51 UTC

Agreed. Most people into BM are Nazis deep down--they just need to be told that it's "ok" to be one. I've converted numerous people just by talking to them for a short time.

2017-06-29 17:04:16 UTC

Not converted--but "revealed the inner Nazi".

2017-06-29 17:54:16 UTC

Discord for Illinois Black Sun Celebation. Good for 6 hours

2017-06-30 00:32:36 UTC

Don't let your kids play videogames

2017-06-30 00:32:43 UTC

It's child abuse

2017-06-30 00:33:25 UTC

Indeed it is.

2017-06-30 00:33:33 UTC

Send their asses outside

2017-06-30 00:33:48 UTC

Unless you live around urban hell holes

2017-06-30 00:34:20 UTC

Not even Angry Goy?

2017-06-30 00:35:16 UTC

Make them fucking do sports

2017-06-30 00:35:53 UTC

If your kids are fat, you're a terrible parent also

2017-06-30 00:36:14 UTC

Sports are fine if the family also indulges in our culture. Otherwise Sports becomes their culture.

2017-06-30 00:38:15 UTC

Fat, inactive kids are indeed a sign of bad parenting. All my kid does is read and shoot arrows out into the woods. If you don't expose your kid to some mainstream culture, though, they will do it behind your back. Then you lose the opportunity to teach them about things. The Jewish influence, especially.

2017-06-30 00:48:48 UTC


2017-06-30 00:49:10 UTC

Which is why I always either wanted to live on the outskirts of Vegas.

2017-06-30 00:49:29 UTC

Or even in the rural Nevada region.

2017-06-30 00:50:12 UTC

Open, kind of desertous and certainly isnt poisoned by (((them))). Unlike (((Vegas))) and (((Reno))).

2017-06-30 01:00:02 UTC

I lived in such a rural bumfuck it didn't even break 20k, was always bored to tears so we ended up doing dumb shit. Almost literally BTFO'd my little brother and a friend with home made explosives on two separate occasions.

2017-06-30 01:00:34 UTC

My dad was precisely the sort of "fucking kids and their damn video games" sort of guy, as long as I was out of the house it was cool.

2017-06-30 01:04:12 UTC

Hiking, biking, fishing, fighting, fucking... All need to be part of a teens life. I loved growing up outdoors pretty much.

But not all can do that depending on their area

2017-06-30 01:04:42 UTC

Disregard some of that. Apologies lol

2017-06-30 01:05:59 UTC

I grew up around a tough crowd but never engaged in much degeneracy. Always the sober guy. So.. Its possible to grow up rough around the edges without becoming a fuckup.

2017-06-30 01:09:39 UTC

I think being a juvenile delinquent is respectable, to a degree. But kids nowadays to stuff that I couldn't have even dreamed up.

2017-06-30 01:11:37 UTC

Making bombs with foil and toilet cleaner or tastefully done graffiti is a far cry from kids today--making porn videos and, say, joining Antifa.

2017-06-30 01:12:00 UTC

I can't believe what this world has become.

2017-06-30 01:14:50 UTC

We started brewing our own sugar wine when we were like 12-13. Home made napalm of tar and petrol, draino bombs, putting fireworks apart and using the gunpowder to build bigger bombs, molotov cocktails of course. Had this sand slope in a forest nearby, perfect testing ground.

2017-06-30 01:15:36 UTC

During week kids would go to school and during weekend get drunk on the school grounds.

2017-06-30 01:16:24 UTC

People either tried to bum booze off older kids or make their own like my friends and I.

2017-06-30 01:17:00 UTC

It was pretty much pruno without ketchup and milk.

2017-06-30 01:18:04 UTC

I kept my copy of the "Anarchist Cookbook" from my teenage years to give my daughter. Kids are supposed to rebel, to an extent, before they're old enough to get into real trouble.

2017-06-30 01:19:00 UTC

@dzi Welcome Dzi, said he's TWP

2017-06-30 01:20:20 UTC

Thank you @Kombat-Unit

2017-06-30 01:20:55 UTC

What state if you don't mind, we got subchats for different states

2017-06-30 01:21:04 UTC


2017-06-30 01:21:04 UTC

Although they're open to all anyway, lol

2017-06-30 01:23:39 UTC

But yeah, as far as kid raising tips go, I got nothing lol. Was shit in school too.

2017-06-30 01:24:45 UTC

I was given some intelligent advice recently: It's never to early to talk to your kids about the JQ.

2017-06-30 01:30:36 UTC

@ddโœณ555- Just show them the JEWISH rapper Necro, That will help them realize how sick JEWS really are. He's an "Artist" That only raps about the sickest of brutalist ways to kill and rape. JEWS and NIGGERS man, Two peas in a pod.

2017-06-30 01:32:32 UTC

So in other words, average rap.

2017-06-30 01:35:34 UTC

Rate, National Socialist rap by Julian Fritsch.

2017-06-30 01:35:36 UTC

: D

2017-06-30 01:36:31 UTC

@Kombat-Unit- You would think so, But c'mon... His name is Necro. He raps about bangin the dead and rapeing with knives. TRUE JEWISH RAP.

2017-06-30 01:38:29 UTC

It's actually pretty surprising how much nazi rap there is in Europe. I guess the scene can take over pretty much anything.

2017-06-30 01:38:36 UTC

Tons of Russian and French stuff.

2017-06-30 01:40:35 UTC

The french rapper Goldofaf is member of some far right traditionalist christian party IIRC.

2017-06-30 01:42:19 UTC

Weird. Why speak the language of the negro to propagate a white message?

2017-06-30 01:43:42 UTC

@dzi A friend once said to me that EVERYONE has a reason to hate the jews. You just gotta find the right reason. From animal rights activist, to nationalist and even computer nerds, jews have fucked everyone.

2017-06-30 01:44:42 UTC

Well, I know it's a bit silly, and the NS rap scene is pretty small here, but I sorta get it. Truth be told, there's a lot of white trash who might hate fags and darkies but still listen to rap and reggae all the time.

2017-06-30 01:44:54 UTC

Probably even more in the States than here.

2017-06-30 01:46:14 UTC

I suppose that's true. I just don't want to admit that to myself just now. ๐Ÿ™‚

2017-06-30 01:46:48 UTC

Some things I don't want to be "woke" to.

2017-06-30 01:47:24 UTC

Can't believe I missed the juvenile delinquent conversation! ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

2017-06-30 01:47:58 UTC

Any parenting tips?

2017-06-30 01:48:17 UTC

The one thing I Excelled at & you guys talk about it without me. Parenting tip: raise nazis

2017-06-30 01:48:19 UTC

@Kombat-Unit- I get that, I use to really like rap music (I still listen every now and then if he's a good white rapper) Like slaine from Boston, But I started listening to Rock alot when I started lifting weights recently.

2017-06-30 01:48:23 UTC

Yeah. @My Name Is Hate we could have used a subject matter expert.

2017-06-30 01:49:27 UTC

Be The dog whisperer, meaning the alpha. Or else society & The jew will be

2017-06-30 01:50:01 UTC

Every delinquent I knew lacked a strong Authority in their life

2017-06-30 01:50:04 UTC

Played this back in vocational school, got my classmates to salute to the chorus and they were the most normie bunch I ever hung out with. Ugric nazi rap is about as UG as it gets

2017-06-30 01:51:21 UTC

Mindboggling stuff, but Russian NS rap like Stolniygrad have like 300k views. Someone's listening to it.

2017-06-30 01:51:29 UTC

I always found it too tryhard myself.

2017-06-30 01:52:12 UTC

I would recommend NS rap if someone has already been infected by that negro bongo drum, otherwise I would steer them away bc I think it's easy for them to slip into that genre

2017-06-30 01:52:54 UTC

Yeah I was never into rap myself. Except Lavis.

2017-06-30 01:53:01 UTC

I can see Russians being into NS rap. There aren't many negroes Russia. They may not see rap the way, say, someone who lives in Atlanta might.

2017-06-30 01:53:14 UTC

*the two audiophiles type away*

2017-06-30 01:53:51 UTC

But I wouldn't want my kid picking up negro rap no matter where they lived.

2017-06-30 01:54:00 UTC

It really is mental garbage

2017-06-30 01:54:18 UTC

Jew poison

2017-06-30 01:54:34 UTC

Music is a discipline, in my opinion. Rap is something other.

2017-06-30 01:54:49 UTC

Yea, Even in America White rappers have developed a stigma because the likes of Eminem and MGk coudn't drop the Nigger Bullshit.

2017-06-30 01:55:16 UTC

Derivative. Repetitive. A key sign of the collapse

2017-06-30 01:55:31 UTC

According to Spengler

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