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2017-05-19 17:40:01 UTC

Lucky you were put on the right road.

2017-05-19 17:40:07 UTC


2017-05-19 17:40:33 UTC

I just turned 40 when it happened too... coincidence? Or avatar?

2017-05-19 17:40:33 UTC


2017-05-19 17:40:44 UTC

You be the judge

2017-05-19 17:41:24 UTC
2017-05-19 17:41:24 UTC

When I went to Sweden in December, cabin number 0880

2017-05-19 17:41:28 UTC


2017-05-19 17:41:45 UTC

Yeah this is all gravy for me, I should be dead. I'm not. So let's go fight like we already are.

2017-05-19 17:42:53 UTC

I'm just thankful I've been given the opportunity to fight on the correct side

2017-05-19 17:43:13 UTC

Got schedule full of demos ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

2017-05-19 17:43:38 UTC


2017-05-19 17:47:30 UTC

I don't think a person who completely fits into society and has nothing troubling in their past would be drawn to NS. I mean, not without significant momentum in the movement (i.e. 1930's Germany)

2017-05-19 17:49:23 UTC

Agreed. It helps to have had the proverbial rock in your shoe. I think it just makes the transition easier, ppl that have faced struggle, they have pressed themselves up against life's sharp edges

2017-05-19 17:50:01 UTC

Even though I've read my bit, for me the realization was something visceral, not some high falutin intellectual journey.

2017-05-19 17:50:49 UTC

For being so tied into natural order, it's amazing that more ppl don't just "get it".
Also agree with that, this was not ultimately found in a book but at the end of a long hard journey

2017-05-19 17:50:50 UTC


2017-05-19 17:51:37 UTC

I envy you guys/gals that have caught on so much earlier

2017-05-19 17:51:45 UTC

Like I said, I'm a retard

2017-05-19 17:51:58 UTC

Same here. No one told me what to believe. The books just validate what I already know to be true.

2017-05-19 17:52:24 UTC

Yes. It's a deep inner truth being re-revealed to you

2017-05-19 17:52:39 UTC

Always gets me when leftists say we have been brainwashed into race hate. IF only there had been someone to brainwash into nazism.

2017-05-19 17:53:03 UTC

It took me a long time to over come the societal brainwash

2017-05-19 17:54:02 UTC

We walk in the light of cosmic order, there is no coming "back" from that, nor would one wish to

2017-05-19 17:55:24 UTC

I think the "brain wash" is clearing out the leftist, degenerate filth. Like, the stuff I watched on MTV in the 90's, haha. And my parents' communist beliefs. I had to unlearn all of that, but once it hit me, it was easy.

2017-05-19 17:56:09 UTC

Very true. I guess the more programmed you've been by all that the harder it is to over come.

2017-05-19 17:56:12 UTC

There's so much programming just from going to public school xD

2017-05-19 17:56:22 UTC

Then the media

2017-05-19 17:56:31 UTC

And everything else XD

2017-05-19 17:56:32 UTC

(((Hollywood))) did a number on me

2017-05-19 17:57:23 UTC


2017-05-19 17:57:23 UTC

Probably their most effective tool next to finance

2017-05-19 17:57:33 UTC

Fucking Coen Brothers

2017-05-19 17:57:37 UTC


2017-05-19 17:58:20 UTC


2017-05-19 17:58:24 UTC

You're a little younger than me I think. Old (((sumner redstone))) of MTV fucked me good.

2017-05-19 17:59:00 UTC

Old MTV was really bad.

2017-05-19 17:59:02 UTC

Hahaha xD My generation treated MTV like it was for old people.

2017-05-19 17:59:29 UTC

Yeah, I was the old person it chewed up & spit out

2017-05-19 17:59:56 UTC

I can't watch hardly any Hollywood shit anymore, most media is off limits. I wish there were some movies made by white people without somethingโ€‹ sexual or deviant

2017-05-19 18:00:05 UTC

The Real World first few seasons. Getting six liberals and one conservative to live together. Then bully the conservative for twelve weeks on camera.

2017-05-19 18:00:36 UTC

With every form of degeneracy imaginable made to look like the norm

2017-05-19 18:00:47 UTC


2017-05-19 18:01:12 UTC

Looking back it's no surprise I turned out the way I did, still makes me mad though.

2017-05-19 18:02:26 UTC

I had a hard time as a young person. My family set a bad example, so what the media portrayed is what I thought was normal/should aspire to. Wrong.

2017-05-19 18:03:05 UTC

I've gone from pity to hate with those not awake yet, I'm trying to get a little more forgiving & remember how I was... but the fact remains we found our way out of the maze... why the fuck can't they?

2017-05-19 18:03:36 UTC

That's where I think it helps to have life crush you

2017-05-19 18:03:47 UTC

I'm pretty good with empathy on that. Took me about two years to completely wake up.

2017-05-19 18:03:58 UTC

If things are too easy, why change?

2017-05-19 18:05:05 UTC

I just think- I was loaded & still found my way out, you fucks are dead sober & can't see anything wrong with all this?!!!

2017-05-19 18:05:47 UTC

Well you don't, those two years were an ideological hellscape.

Haha xD The more comfortable they are the less they want to.

2017-05-19 18:05:50 UTC

I definitely agree there. If you find yourself at what you think is the bitter end of things, which I have, you can sort of see a bigger picture. Maybe if you're honestly ready to die at some point you loosen the ties to the demiurge' creation and become something new.

2017-05-19 18:06:21 UTC

Beautifully put

2017-05-19 18:06:44 UTC

Phoenix from the Ash and all that

2017-05-19 18:06:50 UTC


2017-05-19 18:07:14 UTC

Well let's start burning shit down

2017-05-19 18:07:17 UTC


2017-05-19 18:08:33 UTC

I know that feel. You're on some intellectual level aware you used to be as bad, and theoretically there's hope for everyone, but when you look at some drooling junkie, c'mon.

2017-05-19 18:08:45 UTC

I'd rope so many people I know.

2017-05-19 18:09:56 UTC

Yes. The truth of the matter is I would always say in prison that if I was running shit I'd carpet bomb the whole place, ppl would say "but you are here" & I would say "exactly"

2017-05-19 18:10:25 UTC

Feel = so known

2017-05-19 18:10:37 UTC

A part of me roots for the return of the plague every morning.

2017-05-19 18:10:54 UTC

Misanthrope = me

2017-05-19 18:11:15 UTC

But that comes with being a biocentric

2017-05-19 18:11:54 UTC

The big reset button

2017-05-19 18:12:00 UTC


2017-05-19 18:12:44 UTC

In fact I think that's what we need, bioengineers to start working on the real final solution, a germ that attacks non whites

2017-05-19 18:13:17 UTC

Think about of the earths population was reduced to only white ppl, almost all problems would be fixed over night

2017-05-19 18:14:44 UTC

Too harsh? Maybe my patience fads with age... Or maybe Spengler has altered my view

2017-05-19 18:14:49 UTC

Yeah, hopefully they get AIDS right the next time they invent it, hahaha.

2017-05-19 18:15:03 UTC

Right? Haha

2017-05-19 18:15:05 UTC

Super AIDS

2017-05-19 18:15:12 UTC


2017-05-19 18:16:34 UTC

Funny when I started with NS I was very much "each race to their own space, blah, blah"
Now I'm much more "fuck everybody"

2017-05-19 18:17:33 UTC

That's where the creators "what's good for the white race is the ultimate good, what's bad for the white race, the ultimate sin" makes a lot of sense to me

2017-05-19 18:18:07 UTC


2017-05-19 18:18:10 UTC

I right off the bat wanted to kill all the gypsies

2017-05-19 18:18:36 UTC

Can't ship 'em anywhere either

2017-05-19 18:18:48 UTC

Gypsies & jews were not on my list of providing safe passage to haha

2017-05-19 18:19:52 UTC

The whole Africa for the Africans bit sounds good for normies, but it's not realistic, it's only a matter of time before we are back dealing with their special brand of stupid

2017-05-19 18:25:08 UTC

Yeah, I agree. Africans cant be trusted with anything

2017-05-19 18:25:30 UTC

If they have their own Continent, they will figure out a way to nig somehow

2017-05-19 18:26:33 UTC

I'm convinced, if they all magically were there, they wouldn't need much of push to take care of themselves

2017-05-19 18:28:32 UTC

Spengler & this book "rising tide of color" are certainly making me rethink this separation idea... for now we need to separate to survive, but long term? I think it's just natures law, one force will counter another, we can't all just get along in the immortal words of the negro scholar Rodney King

2017-05-19 18:29:19 UTC

You all need to watch Addio Africa. They can't take care of themselves. They just need to be left to self-destruct.

2017-05-19 18:29:58 UTC

They are like a pack of dogs with no alpha. They just run amok.

2017-05-19 18:30:05 UTC


2017-05-19 18:30:28 UTC

2017-05-19 18:30:40 UTC

Pretty much what they did before their kings sold them to anyone

2017-05-19 18:30:46 UTC

Yes, that would be one way of dealing with them. I like clean breaks personally. Plus it would almost be more humane to just "deal with them" as opposed to watching them implode from a distance

2017-05-19 18:30:58 UTC

Whoops was supposed to be a picture

2017-05-19 18:31:10 UTC

Look at Liberia. After all. A country founded by freed slaves. The most dangerous place on earth for many years.

2017-05-19 18:31:31 UTC


2017-05-19 18:31:36 UTC

And look at what they do to the animals & environment

2017-05-19 18:31:46 UTC

I'm unsure how I feel about that

2017-05-19 18:31:59 UTC

Those are my main concerns, fuck them

2017-05-19 18:32:05 UTC

I have this African who works in my office, he is the dumbest piece of shit in the world

2017-05-19 18:33:04 UTC

I have spent more than my fair share around the darker races, this comes from experience, not fear or some other Jewish psychobabble

2017-05-19 18:33:38 UTC

Real world experience leads me to conclude that they are a danger to humanity

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