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2017-05-19 13:10:48 UTC

Maybe a few ppl posing as antifa that make CRAZY statements to press?

2017-05-19 13:12:44 UTC

Siege type stuff is the way to go

2017-05-19 13:12:54 UTC

Or at least for some people

2017-05-19 13:14:47 UTC

Deploy tactics that will drain resources & momentum, make it unappealing to attend these events, we must look at this for what it is, it's an attempt on their part to regain traction, publicity & recruitment, how can we sabotage that effort?

2017-05-19 13:17:54 UTC

Maybe our best bet is to not try & meet them head on, maybe it is- I'm not making that call, all I'm saying is: gauge our available resources & deploy them in the most effective way possible to service our long term goals. Let's leave the low level street fighting to the cucks on the right. What would be a tragic failure is if we lose 1 good man counter protesting a dying movement. Again just my opinion & I 188% defer final judgement to our men on the ground.

2017-05-19 13:26:43 UTC

Yeah, if people were there advertising muh freedom etc the cucks like that

2017-05-19 13:30:14 UTC

It could be that is the way to do this, organize the counter protest under the guise of the cuck patriots, then even if there is a street fight in which we lose we still win, bc it further moves public sentiment in our direction, again just an idea. If we are going to show up under our own banners then we MUST not give 1 inch. & try to control the narrative & we still might not win over any hearts & minds depending on the coverage this recieves

2017-05-19 13:30:48 UTC

Houston is DARK

2017-05-19 13:30:58 UTC

This is my largest concern.

2017-05-19 13:31:50 UTC

Niggers need no excuse to nig nog, they very well will nig nog on these antifa scum even.

2017-05-19 13:32:51 UTC

I never been there, lol they will indeed

2017-05-19 14:02:43 UTC

In about a year I hope to be living in some sort of area where there are a high concentration of Nazis

2017-05-19 14:03:26 UTC

I hope to be closer to more of these events

2017-05-19 14:04:01 UTC

Yeah, hard part about the us though, shit happens everywhere and it's so spread out

2017-05-19 15:51:23 UTC

Love Retrostein's stuff.

2017-05-19 15:52:01 UTC

Great footage

2017-05-19 15:53:19 UTC

Listened to DJ Himmler years ago, so glad NS electronics have broken into mainstream. Somewhat.

2017-05-19 15:53:45 UTC

Don't wanna choke up the chat with embedded vids, so here's a link, dumped a lot of good stuff to OP:

2017-05-19 15:58:56 UTC


2017-05-19 16:03:19 UTC

Weights+Roman Salute= Fashy Goodness

2017-05-19 16:04:06 UTC

Oh, by the way MStaff, totally forgot, you checked that Vedic stuff I posted earlier?

2017-05-19 16:05:11 UTC

Just started reading "the rising tide of color" by T. Lothrop Stoddard.
It puts things in a different perspective. Especially reading it right on the heels of Spengler.
That you posted awhile ago? Or did I miss this yesterday?

2017-05-19 16:05:50 UTC

The one with Vedic perspective on Abrahamism and that, found it fascinating.

2017-05-19 16:06:01 UTC

guru interviews

2017-05-19 16:07:12 UTC

I'll have to go back. It's not ringing a bell. I've watched some of the videos discussing ancient Aryan history as told from the Indian perspective, those have been interesting to me.

2017-05-19 16:07:28 UTC

Oh, just a second, I'll just repost them

2017-05-19 16:07:34 UTC

tagged you but there was a ton of text so

2017-05-19 16:07:51 UTC

I just know this stuff will be right up your alley

2017-05-19 16:07:59 UTC

Thanks, yeah I'm not always great at catching stuff

2017-05-19 16:09:17 UTC

You haven't by any chance read Arya Dharma? Trying to find an ebook or something

2017-05-19 16:10:10 UTC

Thanks, subscribed to some of those channels already, I've got them all on my list now, no I have not read Arya Dharma

2017-05-19 16:12:46 UTC

At the off chance you miss some of these, here's every major EH book, pretty much.

2017-05-19 16:14:23 UTC

Perfect, thank you. I feel inherently lazy that I have not taken the trouble to join IM. The extra steps just threw me off, as the digital realm is not my Forte to begin with.

2017-05-19 16:14:51 UTC

I have enjoyed the stuff I've read there though

2017-05-19 16:16:10 UTC

I'm really lazy posting these days, but it's got excellent archives, and don't need an account either. Pretty much any book you could want, they got it. Except Arya Dharma. But even like Book of the Resurrection.

2017-05-19 16:20:29 UTC

Yeah, it would do me good to get better at reading stuff in digital format, again I'm from the era of holding the book in my hand, something I need to get over. Just glancing at that list makes me realize how much stuff I have to read! I've been working my way through but damn it, there's so much I want to read & yet only so much time in the day, plus we will not progress the movement on books alone... mad that I didn't take better advantage of all my time "away". No use worrying about what's done.

2017-05-19 16:21:20 UTC

You've absorbed an incredible amount of information for your age brother

2017-05-19 16:21:50 UTC

My hats off to you

2017-05-19 16:22:40 UTC

I feel the same way, but the fact is a lot of our material isn't exactly found in your corner bookstore, so I've had to learn to deal with .pdfs as much as I have to. I also find it a bit hard to put time aside for just reading, so I try to read at breaks, before I got to sleep, when I get the inspiration. Same as school, if you force it you can't internalize it so well.

2017-05-19 16:22:49 UTC

Ty, I got started early.

2017-05-19 16:23:37 UTC

And in the 2000s, you can get Savitri Devi's entire production with two clicks, the wonders of technology.

2017-05-19 16:25:14 UTC

Yeah I have to be in the right mind frame to really track what I'm reading, plus like everyone certain authors just speak directly to you. Yes the digital age is both a curse & a miracle, for the underdogs (us) it seems to be far more of a benefit than a hindrance

2017-05-19 16:25:40 UTC

So true.

2017-05-19 16:25:43 UTC


2017-05-19 16:26:04 UTC

PDFs make my eyes feel like they're going to implode

2017-05-19 16:26:19 UTC

There are apps that will read PDF's out loud. I do a lot of driving and use an app called "Voice Dream" sometimes. I don't like digital books, either.

2017-05-19 16:26:40 UTC

Yeah, I wish I had the book version of siege

2017-05-19 16:27:04 UTC

Something about digital reading. Don't trust the machines.

2017-05-19 16:27:44 UTC

I'll check that app out, if my tech can handle it

2017-05-19 16:28:05 UTC

Ahhh, this is interesting to me, I've tried to listen to a few books that are read in that damn computer voice but I've got to admit that almost bugs me more than PDF, at a certain point I've got to be willing to just do the damn work, we can all find excuses to do other things...

2017-05-19 16:28:34 UTC

That one costs something, but there are also free apps. I found Voice Dream to have the best voice--some are really horrible robot voices.

2017-05-19 16:28:46 UTC

Are there paper copies of this stuff?

2017-05-19 16:29:22 UTC

But there's nothing like finding a good author that speaks directly to you. That is something I've really come to appreciate.

2017-05-19 16:30:11 UTC

Most of the stuff on that IM list is in paper version yes, I buy most my stuff off eBay or amazon

2017-05-19 16:30:32 UTC

I know (((ebay))) & (((amazon)))

2017-05-19 16:30:49 UTC

Cool. Was also on a cardio machine for most of this, missed a good bit of the talk

2017-05-19 16:32:06 UTC

I got a copy from movement event. I heard Atomwaffen guys are planning on reprinting or something so they'd be available cheaper.

2017-05-19 16:33:06 UTC

Its handy having it around, I read bits and pieces from it all the time, it's written in such a way its really easy to grab and read a part, as opposed to some esoteric stuff.

2017-05-19 16:37:04 UTC

Siege is probably one of the most accessible books I've found so far which is a big part of why I push it so hard. I got mine off of Amazon, cost me 150$ but honestly after reading it i'd of paid double that. From the time I opened it I couldn't put it down, I peeled through it, one of those books you don't want to end

2017-05-19 16:38:28 UTC

One of those men that you just want to know more about. From Siege I found myself looking for any interview he'd ever done

2017-05-19 16:38:28 UTC

Same, if you could only read two books, they'd have to be Mein Kamf and Siege. Read them, and you already have a pretty solid idea of national socialism

2017-05-19 16:38:45 UTC

188% agreed

2017-05-19 16:39:19 UTC

MK codified National Socialism, Siege completely destroys the conservative, civic and entryist cuckoldry and sets the correct revolutionary mindset that is absolutely necessary.

2017-05-19 16:39:37 UTC

I've been so glad I'm seeing Siege shilled all around these days

2017-05-19 16:41:21 UTC

We siegepilled the Atomwaffen guys hard and it shows, they probably push it harder than anyone these days.

2017-05-19 16:41:42 UTC

What's funny is right before I found Siege, I had found myself Examining The Narrative surrounding charels Manson. So it's almost like I'd gotten a prepper course for what I was about to read. Yes Attomwaffen videos & uni activities (some of which are in my backyard) Have had me considering reaching out to them

2017-05-19 16:42:32 UTC

I just need more IRL activity at this point.

2017-05-19 16:42:52 UTC

I got the head honcho on Discord friend list, knew the guy since before fascism. If you ever get curious, just lemme know.

2017-05-19 16:43:11 UTC

I'm curious.

2017-05-19 16:43:23 UTC

I'd like to help where I can

2017-05-19 16:43:27 UTC

Good guy, ideologically solid, revolutionary NS, their group practice with firearms and raid unis, I'm pretty proud of them.

2017-05-19 16:43:31 UTC


2017-05-19 16:45:17 UTC

I'm in the Pacific northwest for now but that's open ended, really I'm ready to go where I'm needed. I've got rough plans to head to the East coast... but movement takes precedence

2017-05-19 16:45:21 UTC

Actually, you might want to post to Atomwaffen thread on IM. I know its a big effort, but maybe you'll manage.

2017-05-19 16:45:36 UTC

Lemme think, pacific northwest...

2017-05-19 16:46:05 UTC

I'm not good with US states, would it be doxing if you said the exact state? I've got some image of their chapters

2017-05-19 16:46:20 UTC

Seattle Washington

2017-05-19 16:46:29 UTC

City & State

2017-05-19 16:46:32 UTC


2017-05-19 16:46:54 UTC

I can ask him right away tho if they got any activity there, speed things up a little

2017-05-19 16:47:22 UTC

They do. University of has been active

2017-05-19 16:47:31 UTC


2017-05-19 16:47:57 UTC


2017-05-19 16:48:32 UTC

Yeah, I'm not 100% up to date, got a lot of stuff to keep up to. Well, luckily you.

2017-05-19 16:48:55 UTC

Considering you're SIEGEpilled through and through they'll probably welcome you with open arms.

2017-05-19 16:49:15 UTC

They even tried to get in contact with Mason, but sadly he is nowhere to be found.

2017-05-19 16:50:21 UTC

He's like a mysterious guru of National Socialism, who disappears to live in the mountains until the need is most dire.

2017-05-19 16:51:27 UTC

Like I said, would definitely be interested in helping how I can. That's what I heard (about Mason) heard they even reached out to Metzger? & he didn't know... From what I can gather Colorado was his last known whereabouts. It crossed my mind to find this man that had such a large impact on my life, but like Gandhi said to Hitler, I felt to approach you was above my station

2017-05-19 16:53:36 UTC

Mason and Murros would get on like a house on fire.

2017-05-19 16:54:04 UTC

I've been trying to take my time with things as I'm painfully aware of the fanaticism that comes with the recently converted, I don't want to be the new guy showing up all full of piss & vinegar. But it's been a while now since I became fully awake, I'm ready to start transitioning into the next phase. Yes they are men cut from the same cloth.

2017-05-19 16:54:41 UTC

Would love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation

2017-05-19 16:54:56 UTC

When did you discover your National Socialism, lets put it this way

2017-05-19 16:58:36 UTC

I came home half way racially "aware" in 2009. I'd say my BIG conversion didn't happen until about a year & a half ago, by big conversion I mean realizing that I was in fact a NS. I had a lot of personal baggage I was still sorting out. 27 years of drug use/incarceration/running the streets that I had to overcome, as you are well aware that is not an easy task. Finding NS was my final spiritual awakening the missing element. But as SD said "one does not become a NS, one simply becomes aware that they are a NS"

2017-05-19 17:00:00 UTC

I feel you. I had very similar story, except no slammer and learned after half a decade of drug use.

2017-05-19 17:00:25 UTC

Damn, I keep this story over and over, its like deja vu.

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