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2017-11-04 01:14:26 UTC

Or when there are a limited number of companies and they all do it

2017-11-04 01:14:39 UTC

Why can pharmacy companies charge $500 for one pill? Because government made it illegal for anyone else to make it

2017-11-04 01:14:47 UTC

There are tons of duopolies that do the same thing right here in america

2017-11-04 01:15:07 UTC

Because government stops competition from coming on the scene

2017-11-04 01:15:34 UTC

Government didn't create Standard Oil

2017-11-04 01:15:37 UTC

On a long enough timeline pure capitalism creates a monarchical type system

2017-11-04 01:15:47 UTC

The thing about capitalism is that the rich get richer, no matter what

2017-11-04 01:15:55 UTC

Government broke it up

2017-11-04 01:16:07 UTC

Unless they're doing something dumb, the rich get richer without government involvement

2017-11-04 01:16:14 UTC

Usually when wealth is inherited, it's squandered

2017-11-04 01:16:31 UTC

I'm not familiar with the history of standard oil

2017-11-04 01:16:32 UTC

It doesn't have to be passed strictly be inheritance

2017-11-04 01:16:49 UTC

Holy fuck I just say IE cucking hard on Shelbyville

2017-11-04 01:16:58 UTC

They're saying they're the future of the right l m a o

2017-11-04 01:17:28 UTC

Standard oil was the company owned by John D rockefeller. He'd pioneered a new method of the production of Oil where instead of paying say for instance a moving company to move the product, or a limber company for limber, he bought all the companies involved or at least the means to produce the product

2017-11-04 01:18:15 UTC

It took the presidency of Teddy Rossevelt to end his stranglehold on American Oil. Even after that the Rockefellers are massively wealthy family to this day

2017-11-04 01:18:58 UTC

They screwed over an entire industry, got rewarded for it, and they're still living like kings

2017-11-04 01:19:06 UTC

Capitalism is kiked

2017-11-04 01:19:32 UTC

It sounds like he found a way to produce oil more efficiently

2017-11-04 01:19:39 UTC

So efficiently he cornered the market

2017-11-04 01:19:44 UTC

Without any involvement from the government

2017-11-04 01:19:51 UTC

Why shouldn't the most efficient corner the market?

2017-11-04 01:19:58 UTC

That's not a monopoly

2017-11-04 01:20:19 UTC

The competition wasn't efficient

2017-11-04 01:20:19 UTC

But it was a monopoly. He was the only one who could offer the product for the price he could

2017-11-04 01:20:29 UTC

And as a result the competition ceases to exist

2017-11-04 01:20:46 UTC

The word monopoly was coined around this time because of companies like standard oil my man

2017-11-04 01:20:48 UTC

Why is it the consumers fault for buying the best price available?

2017-11-04 01:21:07 UTC

Nobody is blaming the consumer

2017-11-04 01:21:15 UTC

We're blaming government for not stepping in

2017-11-04 01:21:16 UTC

The consumer often has no choice but to buy the cheapest product. They have no guilty in this

2017-11-04 01:21:29 UTC

A monopoly only exists if it prevents competition from entering the market. Monopolies only exist because of the government

2017-11-04 01:21:42 UTC

Standard Oil prevented other companies from entering the makret

2017-11-04 01:21:46 UTC

That's simply not true

2017-11-04 01:21:51 UTC

This argument is getting really circular

2017-11-04 01:21:57 UTC

Lots of people pay more for "made in America" products. If I lived in a white ethnostate I would buy products made locally

2017-11-04 01:22:05 UTC

If you could afford to

2017-11-04 01:22:35 UTC

If you discover a way to make a product 100x cheaper than the next competitor, and you keep that production method to yourself, you're monopolizing the industry

2017-11-04 01:22:42 UTC

Yeah I feel like we're seeing diminishing returns in this conversation

2017-11-04 01:23:11 UTC

If I lived in the 1900s and had the resources to buy land & dig for oil, how would the Rockefeller prevent that?

2017-11-04 01:23:28 UTC

You wouldn't be able to sell the oil for enough to make it worth your while

2017-11-04 01:23:34 UTC

Offering you a ridiculous sum of money to not do it and give you the oil

2017-11-04 01:23:45 UTC

And what Fevs says. Your prices could not compete with his in the first place

2017-11-04 01:23:54 UTC

You would not own the timer companies, the truck companies. etc

2017-11-04 01:24:07 UTC

If it can't compete then he deserves to have a 90% market share. It's what the consumer wants

2017-11-04 01:24:20 UTC

And from there he can exploit the consumer

2017-11-04 01:24:25 UTC


2017-11-04 01:24:28 UTC

Without any recourse from the consumer

2017-11-04 01:24:32 UTC

Government is the only recourse

2017-11-04 01:24:43 UTC

He holds that 90% market share until everybody else is driven out of business

2017-11-04 01:24:49 UTC

Between Apple and Samsung, they probably have 90% market share on smartphones . There are alternatives but they have this massive market share because it's what people want

2017-11-04 01:24:49 UTC

Then skyrockets the price

2017-11-04 01:25:12 UTC

Then it becomes profitable to compete again

2017-11-04 01:25:28 UTC

But the barrier to entry isn't something easily achievable

2017-11-04 01:26:06 UTC

He owns every step along the process, if you try to open up just ONE step of it, you'd have to use his company right?

2017-11-04 01:26:24 UTC

He mines, transfers, and refines all his oil

2017-11-04 01:26:28 UTC

Say you just mine it

2017-11-04 01:26:38 UTC

He could charge you out the ass for transportation and refinement

2017-11-04 01:27:14 UTC

White Americans would be mining our own oil if Obama's government didn't prevent the keystone Xl pipeline. Instead we give our money to Muslims, because government forbids otherwise

2017-11-04 01:27:30 UTC

That's a modern example and issue caused because of government, not a lack of it

2017-11-04 01:27:36 UTC

That's not a response

2017-11-04 01:27:36 UTC

America produces over a third of our oil

2017-11-04 01:27:42 UTC

Another third is provided by Canada and Mexico

2017-11-04 01:27:48 UTC

That seemed extremely off topic

2017-11-04 01:28:18 UTC

"Ultimately, the state is a tool. Whether it is good or bad depends on who is using it and for what purpose. The American government isnโ€™t evil because itโ€™s big and bloated. Imagine what this monstrously large institution could do in the hands of good men who care about the future of White people. Practically all of our ills could be cured in record time.

Individualism is a loserโ€™s strategy in lifeโ€™s game of survival of the fittest. Even for a cynical observer, it is indisputable that teamwork (and thus cooperation and empathy) are superior to individual effort: if might makes right, two men with sticks are mightier than one man alone.

The enemies of our people want us weak. With Marxism, they make us weak individually so that it matters not if we unite our forces. Through libertarianism, they insure that the strong among us stay isolated rather than uniting their powers and posing a threat."

2017-11-04 01:28:37 UTC

As you said, we are going in circles about standard oil.
1. If he is selling it less expensive than the competition, then the consumer wins
2. If all competition goes away and he jacks up the price, competition will arise again, and the consumer wins

2017-11-04 01:28:40 UTC

Also I like how you say "Obama's government"

2017-11-04 01:28:40 UTC

We must abandon foolish notions of โ€œobjectivityโ€ if those lead to our destruction. โ€œFreedomโ€ is no different from โ€œtoleranceโ€. We all understand now that tolerance is not a virtue if the thing being tolerated is evil (bad for our people and against the natural order). Likewise, freedom to commit evil cannot be considered desirable. All that matters is freedom to do good. Today, we are not free to do good, because all laws are inverted by our enemies. Wishful thinkers long for freedom, thinking โ€˜well, if we were totally free at least I could do the right thingโ€™. This is a compromise. Instead, we should long for total victory, where the only freedom is freedom to do good (meaning, what is good for our people). Our enemies certainly donโ€™t cheer for the freedom to do what they donโ€™t like, and neither should we.

2017-11-04 01:28:43 UTC

As if he was the one in control

2017-11-04 01:29:24 UTC

Kombat, the state isn't a tool, no more than rape is a tool

2017-11-04 01:29:48 UTC

Let me ask you guys something. Marxism is a 100% tax on your production. What is a 70% tax?

2017-11-04 01:30:10 UTC

They both can be a tool. What do you mean?

2017-11-04 01:30:26 UTC

Rape is immoral

2017-11-04 01:30:43 UTC

I didn't say we should use it. Unlike the state.

2017-11-04 01:30:49 UTC

It's taking without consent

2017-11-04 01:30:54 UTC

The same as the government

2017-11-04 01:30:56 UTC

Are you saying taxation is theft

2017-11-04 01:31:01 UTC

I say let's have so much state until the kikes choke on it.

2017-11-04 01:31:11 UTC

joke: taxation is theft
woke: taxation is rape

2017-11-04 01:31:14 UTC

Demonstrate how taxation isn't theft

2017-11-04 01:31:17 UTC


2017-11-04 01:31:24 UTC

Like Rockwell said, doesn't matter how big a state but how good a state.

2017-11-04 01:31:50 UTC

Theft is some nigger jacking your car, taxation in NS society goes to help your fellow whites. Are you retarded.

2017-11-04 01:31:53 UTC

I feel like coming into the server of a National Socialist Worker Party and railing against National Socialism is not a productive thing to do

2017-11-04 01:32:26 UTC

If nothing changes, Germany is going to become non white in one generation thanks to a massive state. No one should have that kind of power. The power to steal trillions and import your replacement.

2017-11-04 01:32:29 UTC

You don't seem to concede that there's any merit at all to our core philosophy that the whole movement is built on

2017-11-04 01:32:30 UTC

@Klutch I apologize for being rude to a fellow white nationalist, but your economic views are a meme and you need to reeducate yourself

2017-11-04 01:32:42 UTC

"thanks to a massive state"
Literally what

2017-11-04 01:33:01 UTC

Migrants are coming primarily for the welfare state.

2017-11-04 01:33:14 UTC

Yes, of course

2017-11-04 01:33:20 UTC

There's been a welfare state for decades

2017-11-04 01:33:22 UTC

Which is why they cross over countries with smaller social benefits like Poland and turkey and go to Germany, France, Sweden

2017-11-04 01:33:23 UTC

What has changed now?

2017-11-04 01:33:41 UTC

Also no worries Fevs

2017-11-04 01:33:46 UTC

Libertarianism I feel is defeatism, like having capitulated any hope of gaining the supreme power in their own nations, and instead retreat to their own backyard and beg to be left alone while everything else is swallowed by the mudflood.

2017-11-04 01:34:01 UTC

Nazi socialism has no gibs for nigs.

2017-11-04 01:34:08 UTC

Libertarianism is also individualism

2017-11-04 01:34:55 UTC

The mudflood, lol I like that term.

The difference is. A libertarian society would tolerate a socialist commune, but a socialist society would never tolerate a libertarian commune

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