
Discord ID: 801170154561994807

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2021-01-21 18:06:30 UTC

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are eastern european

2021-01-21 18:07:41 UTC

Nightcrawler is a Catholic german

2021-01-21 18:08:11 UTC

That's a lot of diversity if you ask me

2021-01-21 20:53:10 UTC

I was told by a mod I could post this in hobbies... I do a show called We Interrupt This Broadcast. The 8th episode premiered last night. This is a clip from it, which I find relevant to the state of the world ... There's even an appearance of Pineapple Pizza!

2021-01-22 03:24:01 UTC

Has anyone read any Harry Turtledove books?

2021-01-22 03:24:22 UTC

Yes. He's awesome.

2021-01-22 03:24:48 UTC

Have you read the Southern Victory series?

2021-01-22 03:25:51 UTC

Yep, though it's been a few years.

2021-01-22 03:26:56 UTC

I recently got two books by him about the Cold war going hot, but haven't had a chance to dive in yet.

2021-01-22 03:27:49 UTC

What are they called?

2021-01-22 03:29:01 UTC

One is Fallout, the other...I'd have to run to the library.

2021-01-22 03:30:42 UTC


2021-01-22 03:30:56 UTC

or BOmbs Away?

2021-01-22 03:31:42 UTC

Bombs Away. Just checked.

2021-01-22 03:33:29 UTC

Some how those slipped past me

2021-01-22 03:33:39 UTC

I am rereading the SOuthern Victory series

2021-01-22 03:34:27 UTC

I'm reading Pratchett and Baxter's Long Earth series.

2021-01-22 05:23:26 UTC

Designated Survivor is interesting but the back half is extremely anti trump. Itโ€™s villian is a billion with Presidential aspirations. It says itโ€™s main character is an independent, in name only, but is a Democrat in every shape and form. The speaker is a Republican in name only. I had strong hopes for the show but it was written by Hollywood whoโ€™s idea of center is a socialist for open borders.

2021-01-22 05:52:11 UTC

I thought it was cancelled

2021-01-22 05:52:29 UTC

I am watching Who Killed Jeffrey Epstein in Hulu.

2021-01-22 05:53:15 UTC

They are so fucking biased. There is a flight log of Clinton on Lolita Air. But Trump was a friend of his in 1992 he is guilty!

2021-01-22 05:53:34 UTC

They can't even hide their bias SMH

2021-01-22 07:39:53 UTC

Have you guys watched the new movie distributed by Daily Wire, Run Hide Fight its called, It was a really good movie tbh one of my favorites. Its not really even politically motivated besides one slight reference to building the wall

2021-01-22 08:11:39 UTC

Well it doesnโ€™t push an agenda so Iโ€™m now triggered for you even mentioning it<:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065>

2021-01-22 08:11:53 UTC


2021-01-22 08:42:09 UTC

WandaVision episode 3 is pretty trippy

2021-01-22 15:23:47 UTC

Oh, dang. I need to watch that.

2021-01-22 15:56:29 UTC

Sad news for people who enjoyed Babylon 5

J. Michael Straczynski (@straczynski) Tweeted:
It is a night of great sadness, for our friend and comrade had gone down the road where we cannot reach her. But as with all things, we will catch up with her in time, and I believe she will have many stories to tell us, and many new roles to share with the universe. https://t.co/HyQlqyC19v https://twitter.com/straczynski/status/1352465912255770624?s=20

2021-01-22 15:57:12 UTC


2021-01-22 22:52:26 UTC

Team Godzilla or Team Kong

2021-01-22 23:44:20 UTC


2021-01-23 00:00:39 UTC


2021-01-23 00:53:48 UTC

Any of you read/watched Gone With The Wind?

2021-01-23 02:10:28 UTC

I just finished watching Soul. Dang it was a good movie

2021-01-23 02:49:15 UTC


2021-01-23 07:18:38 UTC

I watched it a few years ago

2021-01-23 07:19:23 UTC

I am watching Capricorn One about a conspiracy of a trip to Mars.

2021-01-23 07:19:52 UTC

It has James Brolin and OJ Simpson as the astronauts.

2021-01-23 08:27:31 UTC

My brother made me watch this thing called Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

2021-01-23 08:27:36 UTC

Itโ€™s an anime

2021-01-23 08:27:56 UTC

The only reason I watched it was because if the interesting historical concept

2021-01-23 08:29:26 UTC

Basically Japan at some point in history is ravaged by this plague that turns people into what are basically zombies

2021-01-23 08:31:56 UTC

And the population have been driven to living in โ€œStationsโ€ which are basically Fortress cities connected by rail line

2021-01-23 08:33:58 UTC

And apparently, the Japanese have managed to develop weapons like a turret with a gun like those on warships, that can be mounted either in the armored trains, or the walls of the city, as well as a Karl Gerat mortar lookalike that they use at some point to shell an infested castle

2021-01-23 08:34:22 UTC

And get this: it all takes place during the industrial revolution of the Samurai era

2021-01-23 11:41:37 UTC

Thatโ€™s super interesting! If you like sort of realist zombie-esque movies or survival type anime Iโ€™d recommend Train to Busan and Attack on Titan. Both have similar elements to this anime you described which Iโ€™m def checking out now!

2021-01-23 17:11:51 UTC

Actually, the show Iโ€™m talking about was actually made by the same people who made attack on titan

2021-01-24 01:58:41 UTC

He has the ax!!!


2021-01-24 02:26:29 UTC

I just watched The Italian Job with my family. My brother said it had a โ€œslow startโ€ <:LowDefKEK:798357348514791444>

2021-01-24 07:39:27 UTC

Did anyone watch Smallville?

2021-01-24 09:53:17 UTC

Sure, but never completed it

2021-01-24 14:34:45 UTC

I think this makes the scene better.

2021-01-24 17:27:32 UTC


2021-01-24 18:57:16 UTC

On to the 5th time watching the trailer

2021-01-24 19:33:59 UTC


2021-01-24 19:34:47 UTC


2021-01-24 19:38:30 UTC

Lizzerd vs Monke

2021-01-24 19:57:38 UTC


2021-01-24 20:33:26 UTC


2021-01-24 21:15:24 UTC


2021-01-25 01:24:52 UTC

I watched it 3 times LOL

2021-01-25 01:44:16 UTC

I've watched it like 20 times now

2021-01-25 02:29:26 UTC

I just watched News of the World. Pretty decent movie. Little profanity, no sex or nudity, no excessive gore.

2021-01-25 04:13:17 UTC

Just wait until you see the Super Mario Odyssey synced up to that song

2021-01-25 16:24:35 UTC

I just watched super bad

2021-01-25 20:54:18 UTC

Yeah i watched soul and it wad kinda wack

2021-01-25 21:02:25 UTC

I liked it

2021-01-25 21:03:10 UTC

The message is something I can relate to a lot because I'm still in high school

2021-01-25 23:48:19 UTC

Anybody watch The Elementary?

2021-01-25 23:48:29 UTC

It's a sherlock Holmes show

2021-01-25 23:49:10 UTC

Amazing movie

2021-01-25 23:52:02 UTC

Everyone watch Head of State with Chris Rock. Its literally donald trumps presidential story

2021-01-26 00:42:10 UTC

I never liked i because I felt like Sherlock was Sheldon Cooper as a detective.

2021-01-26 01:00:02 UTC


2021-01-26 01:57:03 UTC

Still looks like a hell of a movie

2021-01-26 03:58:43 UTC

I want Kong to do like a real gorilla when it is mad. Throw his poop at Godzilla.

2021-01-26 06:10:23 UTC

thats monkeys and chimpanzees

2021-01-26 06:12:41 UTC

That do be looking like a decent movie

2021-01-26 06:14:50 UTC

i plan on pirating the shit out of it

2021-01-26 06:15:09 UTC

for personal use of course. R

2021-01-26 07:08:46 UTC

I liked Kong. I still need to see the Godzillas

2021-01-26 17:18:46 UTC

saw this in one of the meme channels, but this crazy guy's last tweet reminded me too much of George Orwell's 1984, where the Party uses phrases that are perceptible opposites to control the masses such as "freedom is slavery"


2021-01-26 19:15:50 UTC

Having never seen Hunchback of Notre Dame, I watched "Hellfire" for the first time last night and would like to just appreciate the fact that Disney, at one point, was brave enough to have a villain motivation be lust

2021-01-26 21:52:09 UTC

I watched Abduction the night before last. It was pretty good. It had Taylor Launtner it it but it was a good action movie.

2021-01-27 01:22:16 UTC


2021-01-27 01:22:30 UTC

I read the republic plenty of times. I just wanted to buy the book right now. Overall, the price was 25 dollars altogether.

2021-01-27 02:21:50 UTC

Anyone else watching wandavision? How is it so far?

2021-01-27 03:16:53 UTC

@lenajquinn Episode 1 and 2 are good if you're a fan of classic sitcoms. I personally enjoy them. Episode 3 is where the actual narrative of the story comes into play.

2021-01-27 04:04:50 UTC

It's really good.

2021-01-27 05:27:53 UTC

I liked the first two episodes better because I unironically enjoyed the sitcom part. Episode 3 is disappointing but I knew it was coming; it can't stay like a 50s/60s sitcom forever

2021-01-27 05:28:01 UTC

also, this made me smile

2021-01-27 05:28:13 UTC

I know nothing about Lupin but I can tell that these people tried

2021-01-27 05:28:23 UTC

and I love a good jazz theme

2021-01-27 05:36:01 UTC

also, style

2021-01-27 05:49:00 UTC

Best version of the Transformers theme

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