
Discord ID: 746259387072643083

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2020-09-09 11:22:21 UTC

How's that thot Maxwell doing?

2020-09-09 11:22:29 UTC

Damaged goods

2020-09-09 11:23:34 UTC

The same guy in cali who decriminalized intentional HIV infections also lowered penalties for "consensual hookups with a minor if the offender is within 10 years of age with the victim"

2020-09-09 11:23:57 UTC

Can we just split cali? I'd love to live in Jefferson

2020-09-09 11:26:33 UTC

yes I'm familiar with the Weiner as I'm from Cali. That bill is tough to understand though if you're not from Cali.

2020-09-09 11:26:46 UTC


2020-09-09 11:27:14 UTC

Basically the bill still protects if you're under 14. So, the adult would be 24.

2020-09-09 11:27:44 UTC

I can't stand Weiner tho... He always does the weirdest bills in the name of discrimination.

2020-09-09 11:27:57 UTC

How is it tough to understand

2020-09-09 11:28:07 UTC

18 year olds are being given consent to molest 8 year olds

2020-09-09 11:28:25 UTC

Because in California, if you're accused of a sex crime and are found innocent, you're still on the sex offender registry.

2020-09-09 11:28:31 UTC

It's done automatically.

2020-09-09 11:28:32 UTC

Heck even 13 year olds will already be thinking of that, specially with the internet influences

2020-09-09 11:28:50 UTC

That sex offender registry is how women ruin lives

2020-09-09 11:28:53 UTC

But even if you weren't, everyone would still consider you guilty

2020-09-09 11:28:56 UTC

they just chant oh i was raped

2020-09-09 11:29:01 UTC


2020-09-09 11:29:14 UTC

Does that ring a bell to you?

2020-09-09 11:29:16 UTC

You'd still have the stigma of the accusation even if it wasn't legally

2020-09-09 11:29:17 UTC


2020-09-09 11:29:27 UTC

They were trying to make that Federal

2020-09-09 11:29:31 UTC


2020-09-09 11:29:39 UTC

Heck, I know more of US events than my own country

2020-09-09 11:29:50 UTC

Still a funny hearing

2020-09-09 11:29:52 UTC

yup he was acquitted

2020-09-09 11:29:57 UTC

it was a terrible hearing

2020-09-09 11:30:01 UTC

They bet on the wrong horse

2020-09-09 11:30:05 UTC

Where is that? I can't read

2020-09-09 11:30:08 UTC

and that shit happens in California alllll the time

2020-09-09 11:30:20 UTC

it happens to almost every man i know. lol

2020-09-09 11:30:29 UTC

well not all of them

2020-09-09 11:30:36 UTC

but some men meet some bitches

2020-09-09 11:30:45 UTC

and then they divorce and get all this money

2020-09-09 11:30:56 UTC

and keep men in the system to milk that child support.

2020-09-09 11:30:57 UTC

Just be like Keanu

2020-09-09 11:31:00 UTC

Hoover them

2020-09-09 11:31:40 UTC

they consent to sex, then they didn't get what they hoped for out of it, then claimed rape

2020-09-09 11:32:25 UTC

sorry, not every guy u have sex with on the planet is a porn stud

2020-09-09 11:32:28 UTC

Even worse, they claim rape and then the video tapes come out and they're like... "oh maybe i instigated it... a littttle bit"

2020-09-09 11:32:35 UTC

and then they're set fre

2020-09-09 11:32:36 UTC


2020-09-09 11:32:41 UTC

and guy's life is still fucked

2020-09-09 11:33:23 UTC

accusations alone put ppl on sex offender lists...imho, it should be only after they're proven guilty..not before

2020-09-09 11:33:38 UTC

well that's what the change in California is

2020-09-09 11:34:44 UTC

It also allows pedos some freedom

2020-09-09 11:35:15 UTC

Well it still doesn't change statutory laws, but I get what you mean. That's where it gets odd...

2020-09-09 11:36:57 UTC

Too odd

2020-09-09 11:37:09 UTC

Two strikes Galvin, two strikes

2020-09-09 11:37:28 UTC

I'm glad the motions to recall him are strong

2020-09-09 11:37:35 UTC

he'll most likely be gone by March

2020-09-09 11:37:46 UTC

unless his bitch ass aunt gets away with fraud

2020-09-09 11:39:17 UTC

well transitions from admiralty laws to constitutional laws take time..they sit on waiting list as statutes(active but not yet constitutional) laws for up to 10yrs til approved or denied ...once denied by the population, they are stripped from the legal system

2020-09-09 11:40:10 UTC

the problem is we don't know when this started, it coulda started 10yrs ago, or 1 month ago

2020-09-09 11:40:29 UTC

What are you referring to?

2020-09-09 11:41:21 UTC

most of the anti pedo laws on the books for most if not all states in the usa is admiralty laws, only when sex trafficking over state lines and some other aspects does it become federal and therefore constitutional law system

2020-09-09 12:03:21 UTC

I dunno about being a governor but I find it easier to write a law stating "people accused of a sex offense are not to be registered if found innocent"

2020-09-09 12:03:41 UTC

instead of literally "you can now molest children with lower penalties"

2020-09-09 12:05:47 UTC

I think the issue is that once it's on your record that shit prances around the internet faster than sonicboom.

2020-09-09 12:06:15 UTC

Not saying I disagree with you tho. I'm just really trying to understand the reasoning without going on a rampage.

2020-09-09 12:10:41 UTC

I get the law if it was the case like a 17 year old dating a 16 year old and now he has to notify every neighbor when he moves

2020-09-09 12:10:50 UTC

But 10 years is just opening gates

2020-09-09 12:10:52 UTC


2020-09-09 12:10:56 UTC

the movie

2020-09-09 15:05:27 UTC

Im too lazy to read. @Rui Do you want people to be registered even if they are found innocent?

2020-09-09 20:09:54 UTC

@itsa.dee No, I said it would be much easier to pass a law (it's stupid that it's even required) saying those found innocent are scrubbed clean. I just disagree with the 10 year gap allowing pedos to have their way. A 20 year old can now seduce a 10 year old child into "consent" (in their mind at least) and get away with it. I can see it being useful for situations where a 17 year old is dating a 16 year old and he's now a registered sex offender, but I disagree with a gap that big.

2020-09-09 20:10:37 UTC

@itsa.dee I'd have to be a liberal to believe guilty until innocent instead of the other way around.

2020-09-09 20:30:59 UTC

@Rui Understandable

2020-09-09 20:31:18 UTC

My state has age of consent at 16

2020-09-09 20:31:22 UTC

I think thats fair

2020-09-09 20:32:09 UTC

Liberals who want to follow that #believewomen bullshit kinda annoy me

2020-09-09 20:43:12 UTC

just thinking, since calif passed this constitutionally(or at least we assumed it was)...this means the state registry system was admiralty law based and if calif is now on constitutional law system...shits getting real there

2020-09-09 20:44:08 UTC

this also means all past registry entries are up for review if they're criminally viable or not to be on the list

2020-09-09 20:45:49 UTC

Instagrams terms of service literally talks about these accounts not being allowed

2020-09-09 20:45:54 UTC

Yet itโ€™s still up

2020-09-09 20:46:00 UTC

I think and expect

2020-09-09 20:46:10 UTC

Havenโ€™t checked tho

2020-09-09 20:48:37 UTC


2020-09-09 20:48:43 UTC

Thatโ€™s in the TOS

2020-09-09 20:49:01 UTC

And they allow pedo wank banks on insta itโ€™s disgusting

2020-09-09 20:51:10 UTC

well it's up to the users to find them and report them to doj to collect evidence to arrest those predators

2020-09-09 20:54:38 UTC

most of the 'masseuse' were under age girls

2020-09-09 20:56:09 UTC


2020-09-09 20:57:16 UTC

-air quotes

2020-09-10 18:01:27 UTC

https://youtu.be/UG0B8XcjnRQ A good watch for anyone who's interested Subliminal Messages/Vaccine/ Marina/ Hollywood / Adrenochrome

2020-09-10 18:10:21 UTC

In case some here have not checked this out. This is where the white van meme comes from, fun fact if you read the whole thing. You'll find a map and report on archeological findings that suggest the satanic panic ritual sexual abuse of children was not just panic.

2020-09-11 01:03:25 UTC

This sums up all of pizzagate and satan stuff in a 3 hour doc ..... Definitely worth the watch, some of it is a bit kookie and out there but the research is there

"it was just a promotional image everyone, stop freaking out"

so Cuties is worse than we imagined

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