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2018-02-24 05:12:01 UTC

2018-02-24 05:12:02 UTC

We're already basically confirmed that's going to work

2018-02-24 05:12:16 UTC

Follow the money, right? Look at all the money raised after Las Vegas.

2018-02-24 05:13:34 UTC

False flags are the new Clinton and Obama foundations.

2018-02-24 05:14:05 UTC

@sharoline424 exactly!

2018-02-24 05:14:21 UTC

I used to have a PC I used for flash drives and other things. Did not care what it did to the PC as I could easily reload windows. So if you have that you might be curious and see what was on the drive. Also if it was an expensive one you found it might be worth the risk if you had some means to restore your system. Otherwise you are just not using your brain if you insert a USB drive into your system.

2018-02-24 05:15:07 UTC

@Steve Angell most people dont think security

2018-02-24 05:15:22 UTC

If help is needed translating things from Arabic to English, I definitely can help....both audio and written...not that I'm an expert in all things.

2018-02-24 05:15:24 UTC

Mostly why I wrote this.

2018-02-24 05:16:26 UTC

im expecting huge awakening in my area using this method. and graffity qr codes

2018-02-24 05:16:31 UTC

People if you insert a USB drive into your system it can destroy it. Erase your hard drive even.

2018-02-24 05:17:30 UTC

I have had ones where I needed to unplug the computer. It was attacking the CPU to melt it down.

2018-02-24 05:18:15 UTC

yup. straight up blackhat business. be careful

2018-02-24 05:19:18 UTC

At the risk of sounding like an idiot, you are talking about the USB devices that replaced CDs and floppy discs, right? They wreck PCs?

2018-02-24 05:19:37 UTC

they could be malicious yes.

2018-02-24 05:19:58 UTC

Well, crap.

2018-02-24 05:20:11 UTC

Yes though the CD's DVD's and such can still do it if they are designed to. Definitely if black hat has gotten to them

2018-02-24 05:20:21 UTC

I had these same concerns re: security about leaving them places but it could work for some @Dustin Nemos thoughts on a grass roots session and hand them out? Iโ€™m thinking of reaching out to ppl in my home town. After a convo I bet ppl would take it and share it. Just my two cents

2018-02-24 05:21:46 UTC

Kind of makes me wonder if that's what happened to my last two PCs...

2018-02-24 05:21:47 UTC

I used an old notebook that I could restore. I did not plug it into the internet. If you do test USB drives at least unplug the internet. Or log out if on WiFi.

2018-02-24 05:21:51 UTC

yes handing usbs is better if you gain trust beforehand

2018-02-24 05:23:03 UTC

Windows 10 is a bit better. Mostly it will protect from CD's and DVD's unless you deactivate the protection. Difficult to do.

2018-02-24 05:23:39 UTC

Windows 10 is NSA. learn linux. there's a 7 hour long course on youtube. free.

2018-02-24 05:23:47 UTC

use ubuntu

2018-02-24 05:23:50 UTC

not windows

2018-02-24 05:24:01 UTC

I know. I figure they are going to do what they will regardless. I just let them.

2018-02-24 05:24:24 UTC

I probably should learn Linux.

2018-02-24 05:24:33 UTC

do it! its free

2018-02-24 05:24:35 UTC

Doubt it would stop NSA.

2018-02-24 05:24:59 UTC

use TOR, use VPNs to stay anon

2018-02-24 05:25:01 UTC

@Steve Angell Thank you for the info.

2018-02-24 05:25:18 UTC

what are good vpns to use?

2018-02-24 05:25:19 UTC

I am very careful and save nothing to speak of. They do not like you saving things.

2018-02-24 05:25:30 UTC

Casandra I don't think new USB s wreck your computers. Just used ones that someone has put a virus or something on.

2018-02-24 05:25:31 UTC

Links are OK but not files.

2018-02-24 05:25:49 UTC

@hitchhiker Oh, okay.

2018-02-24 05:25:58 UTC

PureVPN. not free. there are some free vpns out there but they keep your digital footprint

2018-02-24 05:26:07 UTC

paid ones dont keep records

2018-02-24 05:26:17 UTC

Yes new ones should be safe. Only found ones are we referring to.

2018-02-24 05:26:24 UTC


2018-02-24 05:26:43 UTC

Sorry - I know it's blatantly obvious that technology is not my area.

2018-02-24 05:27:08 UTC

how worried should we be about them storing information we are looking up/searching?

2018-02-24 05:27:10 UTC

Paid ones run by the NSA no doubt. But they try to keep the illusion going. So they are unlikely to use information they have.

2018-02-24 05:27:15 UTC

its good that you ask questions. very important to know the battlefield

2018-02-24 05:27:30 UTC


2018-02-24 05:27:40 UTC

You, Dustin

2018-02-24 05:27:45 UTC

@bint-min-cali Do you use duckduckgo?

2018-02-24 05:27:57 UTC

Is google chrome safe? Safari? or are there other browsers should we be using?

2018-02-24 05:28:16 UTC

@bint-min-cali depends on the kind of activity you practice

2018-02-24 05:28:46 UTC

@Casandra sometimes

2018-02-24 05:28:58 UTC

@bint-min-cali That's a pretty good one.

2018-02-24 05:29:02 UTC

@bint-min-cali anything related to google, even remotely like whatsapp, instagram is under surveilance

2018-02-24 05:29:11 UTC

W e are safer now because so many now understand reality. I advise doing too much to try to protect yourself. More likely it will draw attention to you.

2018-02-24 05:29:13 UTC

facebook.. whatever

2018-02-24 05:29:16 UTC

@SoftIce Some of the things I search are sensitive for Middle East....

2018-02-24 05:30:04 UTC

@bint-min-cali whatever you watch, on your own personal device is under surveilance 247

2018-02-24 05:30:17 UTC

@SoftIce Deleted facebook, whatsapp and instagram ages ago. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-02-24 05:30:20 UTC

if you do not take security measures

2018-02-24 05:30:48 UTC

What are the odds the virus protection programs are actually just more data-mining tools?

2018-02-24 05:30:56 UTC

like hiding your location, blocking your camera and mic, using vpns, proxies..

2018-02-24 05:31:17 UTC

@Casandra 100% proven

2018-02-24 05:31:25 UTC

Someone bought two phones. One in airport mode. Both sent all kinds of data as soon as they had internet access.

2018-02-24 05:31:30 UTC

@SoftIce I hate being right.

2018-02-24 05:31:32 UTC

its another money machine

2018-02-24 05:31:48 UTC

@Casandra I'm just learning too. I have learned some things by utube and looking up on internet. Many of these guys on here don't even get how basic some of our questions really are because it's all second nature for them ๐Ÿ˜. But you'll get it

2018-02-24 05:31:49 UTC

The airport mode one sent more than the one not in airport mode.

2018-02-24 05:32:17 UTC

@hitchhiker Thanks. We can be newbies together. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-02-24 05:32:21 UTC

The more you do to protect yourself. The more they do to spy on you. Why I use Windows 10.

2018-02-24 05:32:43 UTC

Mostly I keep my phone away from me.

2018-02-24 05:33:18 UTC

So when you delete all Google and they say that it could mess up your phone's programming that's a lie?

2018-02-24 05:33:20 UTC

yes that is if they have a reason to spy on you. some of the things you do dont matter to anyone.. lets not forget that like you there are millions more researching the same stuff

2018-02-24 05:33:22 UTC

I honestly think we should have more information about internet security....and what are good tools for privacy.

2018-02-24 05:33:34 UTC

it matters more what you DO with that info

2018-02-24 05:33:44 UTC

Reminds me why never to trade in a phone, better to either keep it as a backup or destroy it completely

2018-02-24 05:33:56 UTC

Factory reset the phone is the best procedure. But yes it is a lie.

2018-02-24 05:34:22 UTC


2018-02-24 05:34:23 UTC

Will that delete contact info?

2018-02-24 05:34:25 UTC

@Saintlady9 sounds like nonsense to me

2018-02-24 05:34:27 UTC

I keep my old phones, for a back up, eventually just toss

2018-02-24 05:34:30 UTC

Factory reset is NOT enough

2018-02-24 05:34:45 UTC

@Casandra ๐Ÿ‘

2018-02-24 05:34:56 UTC

Ikr, I went and to delete this big box popped up and said caution is may stop other programs from running or harm your phone

2018-02-24 05:35:12 UTC

Doubt keeping the phone does any good or harm. I mean they have the phone backed up unless you never use it and somehow break the access it has to phone networks.

2018-02-24 05:35:25 UTC

factory reset ia not enough. not even formatting your pc. to completely erase the data without leaving trace, do a secure erase / erasure

2018-02-24 05:35:43 UTC

Do they record voice conversations?

2018-02-24 05:35:50 UTC

encrypting your phone completely and then doing a factory reset does the job.

2018-02-24 05:35:55 UTC

Like Q says, nothing is ever erased

2018-02-24 05:36:00 UTC

Which is why HRC had to go to such lengths to destroy those emails...

2018-02-24 05:36:04 UTC

@bint-min-cali they can listen

2018-02-24 05:36:09 UTC

Yes bleachbit if you have anything illegal on it. Or some other secure erase.

2018-02-24 05:36:10 UTC

And it still wasn't enough.

2018-02-24 05:36:32 UTC

@Takebackourfreedom yea if you added a human touch people would trust it more

2018-02-24 05:36:46 UTC

They say 7 dwarf computers have it all

2018-02-24 05:36:55 UTC tells you everything that's on your phone you can go in and erase it but it will be there permanently

2018-02-24 05:37:33 UTC

all tinhats should use DBAN as a method of completely erasing data on your pc. formatting is not enough

2018-02-24 05:37:46 UTC

I believe you can rig a supermagnet to destroy a Harddrive. but I'd probably melt it to be on the safe side if I were truly worried. None of the stuff we need to handle to push Q and truth requires any of that though

2018-02-24 05:38:03 UTC

Yes the internet is forever. Everything is backed up. Like Microsoft said. All your data belong to us. Something like that.

2018-02-24 05:38:06 UTC

True. I just hate being tracked.

2018-02-24 05:38:15 UTC


2018-02-24 05:38:30 UTC

get Nordvpn, use the Tor network, and learn about how to really use the tor network, and realize the CIA have compromised tor.

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