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2018-02-18 03:32:41 UTC

8 tons of food from an acre including 1000lbs of oil

2018-02-18 03:32:55 UTC

2018-02-18 03:33:01 UTC

It is a little confusing how there's not much room for religious talk though, when this entire thing is a religious war...

2018-02-18 03:33:08 UTC

Plants get manipulated all the time, and the cannabis of 2017 is to homegrown 1975 as a Wolf is to a Chihuahua

2018-02-18 03:33:37 UTC

I saw 0 restrictions on topics here.

2018-02-18 03:33:39 UTC

You are talking about Mary Jane, not about Hemp, though. They are both Cannabis

2018-02-18 03:33:46 UTC

Yeah the new pot is over twice as potent now

2018-02-18 03:33:57 UTC

I just don't understand why we think aliens are they way we think they are or have the tech like we think they should have. What if they are other, beyond what we think? I just don't like to look at it from our perspective.

2018-02-18 03:33:58 UTC

hansolo, it's because yes, it's a religious war, but so little biblical knowleged it gets tedious.

2018-02-18 03:34:00 UTC

I hear ya, hansolo. And good for you!!! I would never intentionally promote self love over God-Love. VERY important distinction

2018-02-18 03:34:02 UTC

To me it boils down to morality and the truth, but i understand your point @hansolo_711

2018-02-18 03:34:05 UTC

twice as potent is good, that means half as much smoke to get the medicine

2018-02-18 03:34:36 UTC

oh, yes, that's what people who are stoned do... regulate. hahahaha

2018-02-18 03:34:40 UTC

You don't have to be biblical scholar to understand good and evil.

2018-02-18 03:34:59 UTC

I lived in the Netherlands for 20 years, it's no big deal over there

2018-02-18 03:35:05 UTC

true. but debating the Nephilim is LAME

2018-02-18 03:35:15 UTC

Odd77 I agree

2018-02-18 03:35:19 UTC

True, there's just a lot of helpful crumbs in the prophetic narrative. Future proves past.

2018-02-18 03:35:23 UTC

People tip toe around religious talk, maybe out of fear out of offending someone, maybe they're not sure what to believe because of all the hypocrisy. All I have to say about this, just take in what the actual book says (Bible) and then see who is really following what it actually says and not man made or pagan doctrine.

2018-02-18 03:36:29 UTC

Well said Mr X. I for one do not like political correctness and I am certainly not looking for a "relgion" that suits me...for a lack of a better term.

2018-02-18 03:36:30 UTC

Because it has been man who has been twisting the meaning for their own benefit, instead of just obeying and finding out that the contents are there for our benefit

2018-02-18 03:36:41 UTC

Just saying if we can talk weed openly why not spiritual matters?

2018-02-18 03:37:05 UTC

Sure, why not?

2018-02-18 03:37:25 UTC

Does anyone here know if there is any live steaming for DC police radio? I can't seem to find anything but transit and fire. I'm wondering if they have some sort of secure system which can't be monitored publicly.

2018-02-18 03:37:28 UTC

We can, @LemonyFresh

2018-02-18 03:37:37 UTC

I think everyone agrees. It was my comment of doubt when someone said self love, that I was worried if they were including God. This really isn't out of hand haha

2018-02-18 03:38:23 UTC

I'll put myself out on a limb here. I truly believe the earth is flat. *awaits incoming insult missiles*

2018-02-18 03:38:31 UTC

We are here bc of Q and they say to pray all the time.

2018-02-18 03:38:41 UTC

It looks flat from where I'm standing

2018-02-18 03:38:45 UTC

the only place flat is wherever no thought exists

2018-02-18 03:38:56 UTC

inside the DNC for starters

2018-02-18 03:39:01 UTC

What if they were all just men? I mean God, and all the rest? Perhaps They traveled here with amazingly superior tech, generated this solar system.

2018-02-18 03:39:01 UTC

In your favor, flat earth, in correlation to your size, you can never experience more than a flat section of the earth

2018-02-18 03:39:24 UTC

I believed the earth was a ball up until about a year ago.

2018-02-18 03:39:25 UTC

Unless you go beyond basic perception

2018-02-18 03:39:34 UTC

So 28 years

2018-02-18 03:39:40 UTC

spadeiswmd ....there is a reason......but its not what or why you think that. ...

2018-02-18 03:39:49 UTC

With all this being said, as long as those that are in power, doing evil things beyond imagination are brought to justice, all other things are worthy of discussion.

2018-02-18 03:39:55 UTC

What u mean odd77

2018-02-18 03:39:57 UTC

Lemonyfresh Well stated!

2018-02-18 03:39:59 UTC

there is a deception at hand yes. but not what you think it is.

2018-02-18 03:40:19 UTC

Yes, I am here because of Q

2018-02-18 03:40:20 UTC

I sill definitely understand the earth not to be flat, unless space is curved in a mind fuck type of way

2018-02-18 03:40:30 UTC

what would the purpose of tricking us into thinking the earth is round. What's the end game?

2018-02-18 03:40:38 UTC

Stephan moleneux had a flat earth guy on. Made him look silly.

2018-02-18 03:41:04 UTC

I am not convinced it is flat, but the moon landing certainly does look fake

2018-02-18 03:41:23 UTC

I like flat things, pancakes and tortillas just to name two

2018-02-18 03:41:29 UTC

Well that's because they shot fake footage trying to make it look better to attract more public tax funding

2018-02-18 03:41:30 UTC

666 is all over the ball earth theory

2018-02-18 03:41:48 UTC

What does emperor nero have to do with it

2018-02-18 03:42:12 UTC

Columbus said the earth was round,
Don't you believe a word of that.
Cause I've been to the edge of the world,
and peaked over where the blue smoke curled.
And I can tell you . . .

2018-02-18 03:42:28 UTC

I think it's round and flat.

2018-02-18 03:42:41 UTC

Like a frisbee

2018-02-18 03:42:41 UTC


2018-02-18 03:42:51 UTC


2018-02-18 03:42:56 UTC

What about Operation High Jump and Admiral that is very interesting!

2018-02-18 03:42:57 UTC

Correlate your physics...

2018-02-18 03:43:19 UTC

The deeper Q takes us the more I see hydra.

2018-02-18 03:43:31 UTC

Antarctica is a land grab future plan, likely for after the pole flip

2018-02-18 03:43:39 UTC

Possible a hollow earth and an opening in the Antartic?

2018-02-18 03:43:45 UTC

Some shady stiff going down in Antarctica

2018-02-18 03:43:53 UTC

the flat earth is actually a psychological test....becuase its an experiment. on how effective can something be spread. think psyop... its' a moot point. it means nothing and it changes nothing. other then they can see who has taken the bait.

2018-02-18 03:43:57 UTC

There are entrances everywhere. Cavernous. Not hollow

2018-02-18 03:44:19 UTC

Odd77 exactly!

2018-02-18 03:44:22 UTC

The Book of Enoch describes an area that has to be Antarctica, but it's in the Northern Hemisphere

2018-02-18 03:44:26 UTC

im more apt to being in a crazy theory like hollow eath and aliens living inside with a smaller sun.. before i'd go for flat earth

2018-02-18 03:44:30 UTC

maybe it will be again some day

2018-02-18 03:44:30 UTC

Yep. Used to be much much more water under the ground.

2018-02-18 03:44:34 UTC

well this whole Q thing, while utterly fascinating, can make one start to feel like lets get on with it already.

2018-02-18 03:44:51 UTC

The flood was not only from rain.

2018-02-18 03:44:57 UTC

The old maps of "Atlantis" look exactly like antarctica

2018-02-18 03:44:59 UTC

Pole Flip...I have seen a lot of talk about that. And that the earth is changing and strange weather will happen

2018-02-18 03:45:02 UTC

Take a look at the UNIVERSITY logo

2018-02-18 03:45:23 UTC

UN not university stupid autocorrect

2018-02-18 03:45:25 UTC

Where does gravity come from in flat model?

2018-02-18 03:45:45 UTC

Where does it come from in the ball model?

2018-02-18 03:45:49 UTC

We've all seen the flat earth arguing points... there's nothing beyond speculation

2018-02-18 03:45:53 UTC

but if it does come out that they earth is flat it really wont change much for us on a day to day basis. we will still have to go to work to pay bills, to keep a roof over our head.. nothing will really change. execpt. well the earth is flat and life will go on as it always has .

2018-02-18 03:45:54 UTC

usually from the bottom. Gravity comes from the bottom

2018-02-18 03:45:58 UTC

Don't see how gravity proves it round...

2018-02-18 03:46:23 UTC

Only Jesus can answer a question with a question.

2018-02-18 03:46:35 UTC

Odd77 is saying it exactly correct

2018-02-18 03:46:35 UTC

gravity pulls everything in towards the center of mass.

2018-02-18 03:46:36 UTC

Where does it come from?

2018-02-18 03:46:37 UTC

Gravity is not a source of power - itโ€™s an EFFECT

2018-02-18 03:46:43 UTC

You answer mine I'll answer yours

2018-02-18 03:46:49 UTC

I know whenever I eat Taco Bell, it seems like gravity has gotten 5x stronger, especially from the equatorial region of ones body.

2018-02-18 03:46:57 UTC


2018-02-18 03:47:03 UTC

I guess it comes from God

2018-02-18 03:47:07 UTC


2018-02-18 03:47:09 UTC

I asked first and you ducked.

2018-02-18 03:47:16 UTC

Think of gravity as the effect of a perpetual state of falling

2018-02-18 03:47:19 UTC

OK now u go

2018-02-18 03:47:25 UTC


2018-02-18 03:47:25 UTC

Jupiter is made of gas, the reason it is a sphere is because that is the shape that gravity forces upon a heavenly body

2018-02-18 03:47:30 UTC

Have any of you heard about Primary Water?

2018-02-18 03:47:32 UTC

You are right

2018-02-18 03:47:53 UTC
2018-02-18 03:48:02 UTC

Not primary but there are fountians of the deep.

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